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1、社会研究方法,第12讲:定性研究的其他方法,Agenda,案例研究实验法内容分析法比较历史分析法,2,案例研究法,3,单个案例法,案例研究包括单案例研究和多案例研究单个案例研究方法适用于:1对一个广为接受的理论进行批驳或检验2.对某一极端案例或独一无二的案例进行分析3.用于研究有代表性、典型的案例4.研究启示性案例5.研究纵向案例,6,多案例法,多个案例推导出的结论往往被认为更具说服力多案例研究相当于多元实验,要遵从复制法则(replication logic),而不是抽样法则。多案例研究中,对每个案例都有经过仔细挑选,挑选出来的案例要么能1)产生相同的结果(逐项复制),要么能产生与之前研究不


3、el Schurman and William Munro.2009.Targeting capital:A cultural economy approach to understanding the efficacy of two anti-genetic engineering movements.American Journal of Sociology Vol 115 No.1,13,Kitschelt,Herbert 1986,“Political Opportunity Structures and Political Protest:Anti Nuclear Movements

4、 in Four Democracies.”British Journal of Political Science 16.,14,Research questions:how do the characteristics of domestic political opportunity structures influence the mobilization strategies and impacts of anti-nuclear movement in four countries?POS set the range of likely protest activities.POS

5、 facilitate or impede movement impact(procedure,substantive and structral),Input:1)政党的数量,2)立法机构能独立于行政机构制定和控制政体的能力,3)利益集团与行政部门的互动模式 4)利益集团的意见能渗透到政策制定的过程中,Output:1)政府机构的集中程度2)政府能控制市场的程度,3)司法机构的独立性,Kitschelt,Herbert 1986,“Political Opportunity Structures and Political Protest:Anti Nuclear Movements in

6、Four Democracies.”British Journal of Political Science 16.,15,实验法,16,实验法的三个组成部分,实验法是一种经过精心设计的,并在高度控制的条件下,通过操纵某些因素,来研究变量之间的因果关系的方法。实验法的三个基本要素:自变量和因变量自变量:实验刺激因变量是结果变量实验者就是要比较出刺激和不出现刺激所导致的结果的差异。前测和后测在给予实验刺激之前,先对因变量进行测量,即前侧然后在接受实验刺激之后,再对因变量测量,即后测研究者通过比较前测和后测的结果,来衡量因变量在被给予实验刺激前后所发生的变化,反应实验刺激(自变量)对因变量所产生的

7、影响。实验组和控制组,17,实验法的三个组成部分,实验法的三个基本要素:自变量和因变量前测和后测实验组和控制组 实验组是接受实验刺激的那一组对象;控制组是并不给予实验刺激的那一组对象。为什么要引入控制组?要证明两个事物之间的因果关系,我们需要排除其他相关事物造成因变量变化的可能性。在实验中,最有可能的影响因素是前测的影响。为了排除这个因素,我们需要有一个控制组。,18,实验对象的挑选,实验法中必须有两组各方面都一样的对象,保证实验组和控制组的可比性。匹配法:根据各种标准或特征,找出两个完全 或几乎完全相同的实验对象进行配对,并将其中一个对象分到实验组,另一个对象分到控制组。随机指派:在所有受试


9、d experiment),实地实验(field experiment)vs 实验室实验(laboratory experiment)实地实验是指在现实社会生活中进行的实验。好处:能在自然的状态下观察人们的行为,而不是封闭的实验环境;有些研究内容是无法在实验室中人工制造出来的(如voter turnout)。不足:容易受到外界条件的干扰,实验条件相对于实验室来说较难控制。应用:Economists have used field experiments to analyze discrimination,healthcare programs,charitable fundraising,ed

10、ucation,and microfinance programs.Development economists have used field experiments to evaluate the effectiveness of poverty and health programs in developing countries.The aim of field experiments used in development research is to find causal relationships between policy interventions and develop

11、ment outcomes.,21,Designed a field experiment to test theories of fund raisingEffect of seed moneyEffect of a refund policyExperimentally manipulated a solicitation of 3000 households for a university capital campaignSolicited contributions from 3000 central Florida residents,randomly assigned to 6

12、different groups of 500,with each group asked to fund a separate computer for use at the University of Central Floridas Center for Environmental Policy Analysis.Use 3 different levels of seed money:10%,33%,67%Also experiment with the use of a refund,which guarantees the money back if the group does

13、not reach the goalSix experiment group:10,10R,33,33R,67,67R,22,Letter of solicitation,23,Results,24,Results,Effects of seed moneyAs the seed money go from 10%to 67%,the number of received donations doubles,from 3.7%to 8.2%of the solicited individual.The difference in participation rates are statisti

14、cally significant.As the level of seed money increases,the sizes of the gifts become larger.Effects of refund policyThe refund treatment does not affect donors participation rate.But it does have a positive,statistically significant effect on the mean gift size.,25,Conclusion,The research confirm tw

15、o theories We also present other empirical results that are at odds with theory,suggesting directions for enhancement of theoretical models in this literature.field experiments are a promising methodology for other aspects of charitable giving,such as matching grant policies and rebate policies for

16、excess contributions.Such experiments can provide valuable insights into the relevance of theoretical models to the actual field situations they purport to explain.,26,内容分析研究,27,内容分析法,内容分析法是对被记载下来的传播媒介的研究,包括书籍,杂志,网页,报纸,信件等。Content analysis works best when the purpose is to gain insight into a precis

17、e and focused research problem or topic.It can help you to recognize patterns that you might miss using other methods.,28,内容分析法,Suggested uses of content analysisGaining insight into a precise and focused research problem or topicExamining trends,patterns,and consistency within educational contentUs

18、e for economic reasons such as to save time,effort,or moneyProviding a preliminary study for an interview,survey,or observation.Interview questions,survey questions,or an observation checklist can be informed by content analysisUse for inaccessible subjects or when you want to avoid interactionCan p

19、ermit longitudinal analysisIdentify the communication trends of target populationLimitations of content analysisContent may be incomplete or missingTranscription of oral communication may be time consumingData is restricted to what already existsCannot determine causal effects.,29,Suicide terrorism

20、is rising around the world,but the most common explanations do not help us understand why.This study shows that instead of religious fanaticism,suicide terrorism follows a strategic logic,one specifically designed to coerce m modern liberal democracies to make significant territorial concessions.Mor

21、eover,over the past two decades,suicide terrorism has been rising largely because terrorists have learned that it pays.This study identified every suicide terrorist attack from 1980 to 2001 that could be found in Lexis Nexiss on-line database of world news media.(188 in all)TimingNationalist goalTar

22、get selection,30,31,32,历史分析法,33,34,Historical-Comparative(H-C)Research,To explain major societal processes(解釋主要的社會變遷過程)Founders of Sociology used H-C approach,including Durkheim,Marx,Weber.Combines a sensitivity to specific historical or cultural contexts with theoretical generalization(結合理論概化與對特殊歷史

23、與文化脈絡的敏感)May use quantitative data to supplement qualitative data and analysis,35,Research Questions Appropriate for H-C Research,Powerful method in addressing big questions(適合回答大問題)Examine the combinations of social factors producing a specific outcome(檢視一些社會因素如何造成特殊的結果)Compare social systems acros

24、s societies(比較不同社會體系)Study long-tem societal changes(研究長期的社會變遷)Strengthen conceptualization and theory building(加強概念化及理論建構),36,Steps in a H-C Research Project,Conceptualizing the object of inquirybecome familiar with the setting or eraLocating evidenceNeed extensive bibliographic workEvaluating qual

25、ity of evidenceRelevance and accuracy&strength of the evidence(相關性及正確性)Organizing evidence(資料與理論的互動)Synthesizing(綜合證據:將特定證據與抽象的因果解釋結合)Refining concepts and moving toward a general explanatory model,organizing and giving new meaning to evidenceWriting a report(報告撰寫是重要關鍵),37,Data and Evidence in Histo

26、rical Context(歷史脈絡中的資料與證據),Types of historical evidencePrimary sources(原始、初級資料):letters,diaries,newspapers,etc of those who lived in the pastSecondary sources(次級、二手資料):the writings of specialist historiansRunning records(持續進行的記錄):files of existing statistical documents maintained by organizationsRec

27、ollections:statements or writings of individuals about their past lives or experiences based on memory(過去生活經驗記憶的記錄,例如:口述歷史),38,(斯考切波,2007,国家与社会革命对法国,俄国和中国的比较分析,上海:上海人民出版社),赵鼎新 东周战争与儒法国家的诞生,研究问题:中华文明在长达两千年的帝制时代具有以下七个政治特征,为什么中华文明的历史和其他文明,特别是西方文明有诸多的不同?这七个特征为:帝国政体延续两千年,从公元前221年秦国建立到1911年辛亥革命爆发科层制政府的形成远

28、早于欧洲强国家传统军队由文官控制,武将一般没有干涉政事的能力帝制中国的开疆拓土特别是北方的扩张,是北方游牧民族入主中土后自身汉化的结果 超验宗教未曾对政治发生重大影响商人阶级在帝制中国的政治舞台上不具有重要的政治地位,39,赵鼎新 东周战争与儒法国家的诞生,40,春秋时期,41,战国时期(475 BC-221 BC),42,赵鼎新东周战争与儒法国家的诞生2006,43,春秋战国时代刚开始时,各个诸侯国的国力一般都比较小,所以早期的战争大多只是在邻国间进行的短距离战争。从公元前661年以前的战争行军举例比较短,前一直处于上升势头。数据来源:取自左传和史记,等书。共搜集了776次战争的数据。关于每



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