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1、Year 8,Bella,八年级重点语法,一、时态二、比较级和最高级三、动词不定式四、状语从句五、复合不定代词&反身代词六、情态动词,一、时态,(一)一般将来时(上u6,u7)1.表计划和打算 Im going to study CS.(u6)2.表预测和可能 Will people have robots?(u7)3.现在进行时表将来(come,go,leave等瞬间动词)(二)过去进行时(下u5)表示过去某个时刻正在进行的动作What were you doing when the rainstorm came?(三)现在完成时(下u8,u9,u10)1.表最近的事件和经历 Have yo

2、u read Treasure Island yet?(u8)2.表以前的经历 Have you ever been to a museum?(u9)3.表.了多长时间 Ive had this bike for three years.(u10),1.Mr Wang has left for Guangzhou.He _(give)a speech there in two days.2.Susan and Lily _(pick)tomatoes and other vegetables on the farm this time yesterday.3.-I didnt see you

3、at the beginning of the party last night.-I _(work)on my biology report at that time.4.He _(work)in this factory for 20 years.5.I _(leave)my hometown for many years.I miss my friends there.(青岛2014),一、时态练习-中考真题,will give,were picking,was working,has worked,have been away from,二、比较级和最高级,(一)比较级adj.adv.

4、(上u3,u4,下u7)1.(i)er;more/less(than)I m more outgoing than my sister.(u3)(二)最高级adj.adv.(上u3,u4,下u7)1.(i)est/most(of)Whats the best movie theatre?(u4)Whats the highest mountain in the world.(u7)(三)特殊的4个 good/well-better-best,bad/badly-worse worst,much/many-more-most,little less least,二、比较级和最高级,(一)比较级a

5、dj.adv.(上u3,u4,下u7)1.(i)er;more/less(than)(u3)Im more/less outgoing than my sister.An octopus is smarter than a dog.the+比较级+of 两者 Eric is the taller one of the two.2.as(adj./adv.原级)as(u3)Does Tara works as hard as Tina(does)?难点3.拓展,二、比较级和最高级,(二)最高级adj.adv.(上u3,u4,下u7)1.(adj.)the+(i)est;most/leastMer

6、cury is the closest to the sun.Paris is one of the most romantic cities in the world.2.(adv.)(the)(i)est;most/leastBut who can play the piano the best or sing the most beautifully?-p29 副词最高级前可省略the Who runs fastest?Who talks least?,as(adj./adv.原级)as,2.as(adj./adv.原级)as(u3)Does Tara works as hard as

7、Tina(does)?难点1:比较对象主谓宾一致He isnt as/so good at tennis as she(is).I trust you as much as(I trust)her.难点2:(拔高-高中阶段)倍数+as as=倍数+比较级+thanThis room is four times as large as that one.这个房间是那个房间的四倍大。Sound travels four times faster in water than in air.声音在水中的传播速度是在空气中的四倍,比较级和“越”,1.比较级 and比较级,表示“越来越”;China is

8、 becoming stronger and stronger day by day.He talks less and less now than(he did)in the old days.Talent shows are getting more and more popular.Practice more,and you spoken English will get better and better.2.the 比较级,the比较级,表示”越越”The harder you study,the better you will be.The more you learn,the m

9、ore you know.,1.Air pollution has become _(serious)than ever before.We must do something to stop it.2.Mr.Li asks us to remember that _ careful we are,_ mistakes we will make.3.Mo Yan is one of _(famous)writers in the world.4.The relation between the two countries is getting _.A war seems to break ou

10、t soon.A.better and better B.best and best C.worst and worst D.worse and worse5.I play basketball every day because I want to play as _(good)as Yao Ming.,二、比较级最高级-中考真题练习,more serious,the more,the fewer,the most famous,D,well,三、动词不定式,(一)to do 作宾语(上U5)Do you want to watch a game show?(二)to do 作宾语补足语(下

11、U2)You could ask hospitals to let you visit the kids and cheer them up.(三)to do 作状语(下U2)She volunteers there once a week to help kids(to)learn to read.,否定:not to do,四、状语从句,四、状语从句-中考真题,B,C,A,C,B,A,A,五、复合不定代词&反身代词,(一)复合不定代词/不定副词(上U1)1.somebody,anything 肯否规则同some any Did you do anything special last mo

12、nth?2.somebody等作主语,当he对待,谓语动词一定是单数 Everyone was on vacation.3.用来修饰anywhere,somebody等的形容词一定后置 Did you go anywhere interesting?(二)反身代词(下U1)1.表反射or强调,可译为”本人”本身”or”自己”亲自”,加强语气2.myself,ourselves;yourself,yourselves;himself,herself,itself,themselves3.The child can dress himself.Mrs.Black herself is a laye

13、r.Mary hasnt quite been herself recently.,All By Myself,六、情态动词,(一)can、might(上U9,下Unit3)表可能性(can用在邀请语境,重点是怎么回答)Can you come to my party on Saturday?-Sure,Id love to.-Sorry,I must study for a math test.-No,Im not free.I might have to meet a friend.(二)should(上U10,下Unit1,Unit4)1.表询问意见-Should we ask people to bring food?-No,theyll be too lazy to cook.2.表给出建议和指令I think you should lie down and rest.(三)could(下U3)1.表委婉请求Could you please take the dog for a walk?2.表征得同意Could I go out for dinner with my friends?,


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