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1、学习目标:1、进一步掌握略读、扫读技巧获取文章大意及事实细节2、了解国内外重要发明对人类发展的重要作用,What is Hi doing?What is the book about?,Read the cartoon and answer the questions,He is reading a book.,Great inventions.,Gunpowder/gnpad(r)/,Papermaking skill/skl,Typography/tapgrfi/,Compass/kmps/,The Four Great Inventions of Ancient China,These

2、inventions have all changed our way of life and made our lives more comfortable.,2,Background information,Modern inventions,/kmftbl/,Word study,a wheel,a carriage,/krd/,a train,At first,we invented the wheel.,And then,we developed the wheel into the carriage.,So without the wheel,we could not have t

3、he train.,/dvelp/,Word study,a telephone,a mobile phone,we developed the telephone into the mobile phone.So people can keep in touch with each other anywhere and anytime.,Word study,a light bulb,3 candles,a lamp,With the light bulb,we can do as many thing in the evening as in the daytime.,What do yo

4、u know about?,train,wheel,light bulb,telephone,computer,paper,computer light bulb mobile phone paper telephone train wheel,7,These inventions help us in many ways in our daily lives.We may use them anytime,anywhere.,They are very practical.,/prktkl/,One sentence for each,Computers help us(to)find in

5、formation easily.,Mobile phones help us.easily.,Mobile phones help us(to)talk to each other over long distances easily.,talk to each other,One sentence for each,Paper helps us,Light bulbs help us.,Paper helps us(to)write something on it.,write something,do many things in the evening.,Light bulbs hel

6、p us(to)do as many things in the evenings as we can in the daytime.,One sentence for each,Wheels help us,Wheels help us(to)create cars and trains to carry passengers.,/kret/,create cars and trains,读句子猜生词,选出一个与划线的词意思相近的选项.,(1)His funny jokes made us laugh._ A.sad B.interesting(2)Human beings are clev

7、erer than computers,because we can create new ideas._ A.produce B.provide(3)An accident happened to a running bus last night.Luckily,all the passengers were safe._ A.drivers B.people on the bus(4)Doctors are working hard to develop a new kind of medicine for disease Ebola._ A.produce,invent B.buy(5)

8、Cell phones are very practical.People all over the world use them every day._ A.careful B.useful,Skimming means to read an article quickly to get its general idea.To skim an article,you should look at its introduction,title,sub-headings,photos or pictures,and the first and last sentences of each par

9、agraph.,What three inventions will the article talk about?Which invention do you think is the greatest?Why?,Reading tasks,Reading task 1:Learning Plan Reading task 2:Learning Plan,You have 10 minutes to go!,Reading,Firstly,skim the title and the introduction and try to answer the following questions

10、.1.What is the article about?A.Great People B.the World C.Great changes D.Great inventions 2.How many great inventions will be mentioned in the article?A.Two B.Three C.Four D.Five,D,B,Reading,Secondly,skim the sub-headings,photos or pictures and answer the following questions.3.Which three invention

11、s will be mentioned in the article?A.The wheel,the car and the telephone B.The wheel,the telephone and the light C The wheel,the telephone and the light bulb D.the wheel and the light bulb,C,Reading,Thirdly,skim the first and the last sentences of each paragraph and answer the following questions:4.

12、_ may be the greatest invention in history.A.The wheel B.The telephone C.The light bulb D.We dont know 5.We would not have _ if we had not have the wheel.A.The telephone B.The light bulb C.The train D.The plane 6.When was the first practical telephone invented?A.In 1867 B.In 1786 C.In 1876 D.In 1678

13、 7.Who invented developed the first practical light bulb in 1879?A.Alexander Graham B.Thomas Erikson C.Thomas Edison D.Nobody,A,C,C,C,wheel,history,faster,more comfortable,century,popular,practical,millions of,developed,candles,1.Which of the following is Not the name of a company?A.WobbleWorks B.Di

14、lworth C.Anki D.Nest2.According to the article,what can we learn about Anki A.It is a company from the UK.B.It is a factory that makes toys for children.C.The sensors of its toy cars can connect with iphones.D.The Anki Car can change the movement of other cars in the race.3.Who would probably be mos

15、t interested in the 3D printing pen?A.An artist B.A writer C.A driver D.An athlete.4.What will the smart alarm do when it is almost out of power?A.It will give you a call B.It will change batteries itself C.It will tell you in a human voice D.It will leave a message on your phone.5.What is the article mainly about?A.Some rich companies in the world B.Some amazing photos on Times.C.Some smart designers of Times.D.Some wonderful inventions around the world.,B,C,A,D,D,实战演练,The homework for today:1.抄译课文一次2.评价手册 p55,56.,Can you name some other great inventions?Why do you think they are great?,


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