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1、图书馆的公共关系活动Library Public Relations,主讲人:宋曼玲美国加州佛利蒙市图书馆前任馆长,公共关系 Public Relations,The business of inducing the public to have understanding for and goodwill toward a person,firm,or institution促进对一个机构的了解与好感,图书馆公关 Library Public Relations,Communications between the library and library customers 图书馆与顾客的沟

2、通 Introduce and promote library services and resources介绍推进图书馆资源与服务 Position Library as communitys educational and cultural center 巩固图书馆为社区文化教育中心的地位,图书馆公关Library Public Relations,Raise awareness of Librarys achievement and contribution to the community民众知晓图书馆的成就与贡献Generate funding and political suppo

3、rt in the community增加民众在政治和经费上支持图书馆Collect information for service evaluation and budget allocation收集服务审讨及经费运用资料Forestall bad news预防负面公关情况,图书馆形象Library Image and PR,图书馆网站 Librarys web page员工服务态度 Staff interaction with customers建筑 Building馆藏 Collection政策规条 Policies and regulations活动节目 Programming特殊的公

4、关活动 Specific PR activities,图书馆网站 Librarys web page,第一印象 First impression友好 Welcoming,User friendly容易使用 Easy to navigate合时正确 Up-to-date,图书馆员工 Staff,每位员工都代表图书馆 Represents the library面对面,在电话,网路上交往都以顾客为中心 Customer-centered in person,on the telephone,on the web胜任负责 Competent了解文化差异 Culturally sensitive,图书

5、馆建筑 Building,美观实用 Functional,aesthetic 设计合理 Design and layout标志明显 Signage看书作功课的地方 Study area青少年中心 Teen center儿童部门 Childrens room电脑中心 Computer center会议厅 Meeting room展览场地 Display area家俱 Furnishing,馆藏 Collections,畅销品或古典名着 Popular or classics电子资源,印刷品,非 印刷品 Balance of digital,print,and non-print material

6、s合适一直流动改变的社会需求 Needs of a changing community外语及不同文化的资源 Language and culture specific collection旧书淘汰与资源管理 Weeding and maintenance,政策与规条 Policies and regulations,定时检查修正 Updated regularly用字深入简出 Easy to understand便利员工处理困难情况时使用 Easy to use when dealing with emergency and problem patrons,活动节目 Programming,

7、促进提倡读书乐 Promote the joy of reading and literacy for all ages介绍推进图书馆资源与服务 Introduce library resources and services吸引新顾客 Attract new customers利用艺术,音乐,保健,理财,教育 活动节目来团结社区 Build community with art,music,health,business,educational forums 建立伙伴的良机 Best opportunity for partnership building,特殊公关活动Specific PR

8、 activities,宣传资料 PR materials(brochures,banners,bookmarks,media package,etc.)儿童故事时间,培训班 Story time/Workshops/Training 音乐会,电影欣赏会 Concerts,movies读书会和节庆 Book clubs and festivals筹款大会 Fundraising event社区庆典活动,游行 Community events,parades图书馆立法日 Library Legislative Day,特殊公关活动 游行PR Activities book truck drill

9、,筹划 Planning,上级支持 Administrative commitment经费充足 Sufficient budget沟通管道明显 Transparent communication channel员工合作 Staff buy-in and commitment内部评估 Internal Assessment收集资料 Collect qualitative and quantitative data,筹划 Planning,有效策略 Effective strategies顾客为主 Customer centered活动节目满足顾客需要 Develop messages and p

10、rograms based on needs assessment应用新技术 Use new technology;Web,Facebook推销计划 Marketing Plan与社区民间机构团体合作 Partnerships with groups,agencies,schools,行动计划 Action Plan,计划步骤 Structure a process选择目标 Identify a unique need成立小组 Form a committee订立实际目标 Set clear reachable goals and measurable objectives建立明确信息 Con

11、struct key messages鼓励全体员工参与 Involve all staff to increase ownership and learning不断支持与检讨 Ongoing commitment and evaluation,公共关系活动负责人 Who will do it,馆长及行政主管 Director and administrators公关部主任发言人 Director of public relations and designated spokesperson指定的职员 Assigned staff(Childrens,YA,ADA,Senior,Minority

12、 Services)图书馆委员会委员,执事,图书馆之友Commissioners,Trustees,Friends志愿者义工 Volunteers人人有份 Everybody,团队 Team Approach,成立小组 Form a PR Committee分工合作 Division of labor指定职员与固定社区团体保持联系 Assign staff liaison to specific groups for networking建立正式和定时沟通管道 Establish formal,regular communication with groups,organizations与社区

13、团体在馆藏资源发展,职员培训,行动节目,和网路出版方面合作 Cooperate with organizations in collection development,staff training,programming,and publishing,统计资料 Data,人口调查资料 Demographics校区学生资料报告 School district reports,大学课程表 College course work,图书馆资源借出统计 Circulation Statistics 民调 Surveys图书馆资源使用调查 User Patterns,资源 Resources,财力 Fu

14、nding for personnel,programs,supplies人材 Expertise and ability of staff and volunteers馆内馆外良好合作关系 Partnerships,Cooperation and Support from both inside and outside of library,伙伴 Allies and Partners,政府机构民间团体领袖 Leaders of government,community groups图书馆委员会及基金会委员 Library Board and Foundation members图书馆之友

15、Friends of Library图书馆 义工 Library volunteers社区非营利公益团体 Community non-profit organizations,伙伴 Allies and Partners,各种族裔组成的民间团体 Ethnic groups大中小及成人学校 Schools商会 Chamber of Commerce医院及卫生组织 Hospitals and Health Organizations文化艺术团体 Arts and cultural groups 宗教团体 Religious groups,伙伴的益处Benefits of partnership,人

16、力 Manpower财力 Financial support特长 Expertise融入社会团体 Community participation and engagement增加新发展机会 Opening a new window of opportunity 良好的摄影机会 Photo ops,主要價值当品牌Core values as branding,Alameda County Library Core Values-Accessibility,Community involvement,Customer service,Diversity,Excellent library coll

17、ections,Friendly,comfortable libraries,Intellectual freedom,Library staff and volunteers 主要價值 方便溶入社區顧客服務多元性最好的館藏友善舒適求知自由員工和義工。,佛利蒙青少年 教耆英電腦 Intergenerational Program,本報記者周佛利蒙報導】身處資訊時代,許多耆英都希望學習一些基本的電腦使用技能,但是子女又往往沒有時間教他們。佛利蒙圖書館在今年暑期推出青少年與耆英互動項目,由高中學生幫助耆英學習使用電腦。主辦單位表示,透過這一項目,既可使得耆英掌握基本的電腦使用技能,又可使青少年獲得

18、社會服務經驗,還可增強他們的人際交流能力。佛利蒙圖書館館長宋曼玲(Angela Yang)14日表示,這一由阿拉米達縣圖書館主導的青少年與耆英互動項目,已經被美國圖書館協會評選為五個獲獎項目之一,將在2008年於南加州舉行的美國圖書館協會大會上接受頒獎。,(,鼓勵更多長者做義工,(文/記者鄭琳嘯)由菲蒙市人文部門和三連市耆英聯盟合作在今年二月舉辦了一場研討會,請來本地社區、縣政府和醫療機構的代表,共商如何鼓勵更多50歲以上的人士參與成為義工,全天的探討活動還特別關注了不同族裔對於義工工作的參與。來自菲蒙圖書館的館長宋曼玲從組織華裔義工的角度也談了她的經驗,該圖書館在不同的活動中獲得了不少義工的

19、投入。,(,立法机构拜访日Legislative Day,拜会 Visit and Networking报告并希望影响立法 Provide input to influence policy making宣传 Public Relations争取支援 Advocate for support,加州图书馆学会州议会拜访日California Library Legislative Day,参加者CLA Legislative Day,社区领袖 Community leaders图书馆委员会委员 Library Commissioners图书馆图书馆之友 Friends of Library 关心

20、图书馆的居民 Concerned citizens of all ages图书馆员工 Staff,准备 CLA Legislative Day,有组织 Coordinated Visit有目的 Key Messages有准备 Well rehearsed presentation资料健全 PR package有好故事 Good stories,加州图书馆学会州议会拜访日CLA Legislative Day,Recent Accomplishments 最近的成就In the last three State Budget cycles(2010,2009,and 2008),CLA prev

21、ented reductions in both PLF and TBR 防止 PLF(公共图书馆基金)和 TBR(馆际互借补 助)经费受裁减In 2008,CLA defeated a proposal to eliminate all literacy funding from the state program 击败一项要终止扫除文盲活动经费的建案,未来面临的挑战Future Challenges,科技发展飞速 Keeping up with rapid technology development社区变化与用户变化速度太快 Rapid change of community and user demand资金缺乏 Lack of funding 员工培训 Staff training and continuing education,40,欢迎提问/建议 谢谢,


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