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1、外研版,高一年级,(,必修,2),Module 6,Film Review:,Crouching Tiger,Hidden Dragon,Introduction,Zhang Yimou,Ang Lee,Chen Kaige,Feng Xiaogang,Directed by:C:Chris Columbus,Cast:Daniel Radcliffe:Harry Potter,Emma Watson:Hermione Granger,Rupert Grint:Ron Weasley,Warner Bros.Entertainment Inc.2001,Look at the film pos

2、ter and answer the questions.,1.Whats the film called?,2.Who directs it?,3.Who stars in it?,4.When did it come out?,T:Have you seen the movie Harry Potter and the Sorcerers,Stone.,Ss:Yes.,T:Who directed it?,Ss:By Chris Columbus.,T:Who stars in it?,Ss:Daniel Radcliffe,Emma Watson and Rupert Grint.,T:

3、When did it come out?,Ss:In 2001.,Work in pairs.,Students A:Think of a film but dont say,its name.,Students B:Ask student A questions,about the film,as in activity1.,Match the types of films in box A with one of the words in box B.,Explain your reasons for matching them.,A:romantic film;thriller;mar

4、tial arts,film;comedy;adventure film,B:gun;amusing;be/fall in love;crime;exciting;fight;sword,1.thrillers:,crime,gun,fight,exciting,Thrillers are always full of fighting,crimes and exciting scenes.,2.martial arts film(,功夫片,):,sword,exciting,fight,Martial films use swords frequently when,they fought.

5、The scene is often exciting.,edy:,amusing,Comedies are always amusing.,4.adventure film:,gun,crime,exciting,fight,sword,They can use swords and guns as,necessary as possible.Adventure films,are often filled with exciting fights.,actress,female character,Yu Jiaolong,female character,Yu Xiulian,actres

6、s,masterpiece,杰作,martial arts film,Chow Yun-Fat,male character,Li Mubai,rooftop,deserts,Fast Reading,Read the film review below.Which is the,best summary of this film?,()1.It takes place on Peking rooftops and,in deserts of western China.,()2.It is a martial arts film that the story,of a stolen swor

7、d,and the fight to get,it back.,()3.It tells the story of two people who,love each other.,While-reading,Decide the following sentences true or,false.,1),Crouching Tiger,Hidden Dragon,is a,masterpiece films.(),2)Now,wuxia,films are well received,only in China.(),T,F,3)Chow Yun-Fat played wonderfully,

8、in the film and the part Li Mubai,interests the audience most.(),4),Crouching Tiger,Hidden Dragon,is,really an excellent film.(),T,F,Parts,Information,The name,of the film,Crouching Tiger,Hidden,Dragon,The type,Wuxia or 1._,The 2.,_,Ang Lee,The,characters,Li Mubai(played by Chow Yun-,Fat),3._(played

9、 by,Michelle Yeoh),Yu Jiaolong(played by Zhang,Ziyi),martial arts film,director,Yu Xiulian,The time,4._,The,setting,On Peking 5._ and in,places as far away as 6.,_,The main,plot,Li Mubai and Yu Xiulian are 7.,_ with each other.,Because Xiulians,sword is,stolen,they try to 8._.,The,opinion,Its an ext

10、remely good martial,arts film.Films like this rarely,reach the cinema.,In the early 1800s,rooftops,the deserts of western China,in love,get it back,Read the text carefully again and complete,the blanks.,Crouching Tiger,Hidden Dragon is,proved to be a 1._.,The most exciting scenes of the story,are th

11、e fight ones.Characters 2._,through the air every now and then,with,beautiful,3._ movements,while,audiences shout 4._.Besides,the,actresses 5._ us most.,masterpiece,leap,graceful,in surprise,interest,Xiulian is brave,good and strong.,Jiaolong is not as good as she seems.But,the wonderful Chow Yun-Fa

12、t,who is as,good with a 6._ as he is with a gun,plays very well.What moves us is the,romantic scenes of Mubai and Xiulian,as,their eyes show all the love that they must,not express in 7._.,In a word,this film is worth watching.,It will make your heart leap with 8.,_ at its beauty.,sword,words,excite

13、ment,Analyze each paragraph,1)What is the main idea of the first,paragraph?,Introduction of Ang Lee.,2)What is Ang Lee?,Ang Lee is a director.He directed a number,of excellent films,such as,Broken back,Mountain,(2005)and,Crouching Tiger,Hidden Dragon,(2000),Ride with the Devil,(1999),the Ice Storm,(

14、1997),Sense and,Sensibility,(1995).,Para 2,What is the main idea of this paragraph?,the setting of the film,Where and when does this film take place?,The film tells of nineteenth-century martial,arts masters with unusual abilities in China.,Para 3,What is the main idea of this paragraph?,The plot of

15、 the film.,The action takes place on _ _,and in places as far away as the _ of,western a China.As in the old,wuxia,stories,characters _ through the air,_,with beautiful,_,movements,_ audiences shout _.,Peking,rooftops,deserts,leap,every now and then,graceful,while,in surprise,The story takes place i

16、n the early _ in,China.A man and a woman are _,each other.,1800s,in love with,Read Para3 and fill in the blanks.,1)Unusually,what interest us most?,It is the female characters that interest,us most.,2)Who is the character we care about,most?,Brave,good,and strong,Xiulian is the,character we care abo

17、ut most.,Para 4,3)Translate this sentence into Chinese.,But one cannot forget the wonderful,Chow Yun-Fat,who is as good with a,sword as hes with a gun.,但是谁也不会注意不到周润发,他真,是了不起,他使剑和使枪一样厉害。,4)Why Li Mubais romantic scenes with,Yu Xiulian are very moving?,As their eyes show all the love that,they must no

18、t express in words.,What is the main idea of this,paragraph?,The characters of this film.,What is the main idea of this paragraph?,The writers opinion.,Para 5,Listen to the recording of the text.,Find these words in the text.Match them,with the definitions below.,1.happen _,2.the top part of a build

19、ing that covers,it _,take place,roof,every now and then,fianc,graceful,leap,masterpiece,moving,roof,take place,3.causing strong feelings,especially sad,feeling _,4.moving in a smooth and attractive,way _,5.sometimes _,moving,graceful,every now and then,6.an extraordinarily good film,book,painting,et

20、c._,7.the man you have promised to marry,_,8.jump into the air or a long distance,_,masterpiece,fianc,leap,Complete the sentences with words from,the text.,1,.,I cried at the end of the film because,it was so _.,2.Michelle Yeoh _ the part of a,martial arts master.,moving,played,3.Xiulian is the _ we are,most interested in.,4.He climbed on to the _ of the,house.,5.He tried to _ over the wall but,did not succeed.,character,roof,leap,Homework,Find out some information about,Ang Lee.,


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