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1、CCFJ系列船用柴油发电机组安装使用及维护说明书CCFJ series Marine Diesel Engine Generator UnitsInstallation Usage and Maintenance Manual 南昌凯马柴油机有限公司NanChang Kama Diesel Engine Co., Ltd.安全告示 Safety Warning使用及安装CCFJ系列柴油发电机组前,请详细阅读本说明书、以及柴油机、发电机、附件的说明书(或手册),以了解机组、发电机、柴油机和有关设备的情况。Before operating and installing CCFJ series Di

2、esel Engine Generator Units, Please carefully read the Notebook, and Diesel Engine, Generator, Accessoriess notebook (or manual) to know the condition of Engine, Generator, Diesel Engine and related equipments.请记住安全第一,当你不甚明白所作的说明或操作程序时,应向专业人员请教后再进行正确操作和保养设备才能达到安全、有效的运行。Pls remember safety first. If

3、you are not sure of the instructions or procedures contained herein, seek qualified help before continuing.确保安装能满足所有适用的安全标准和地方性电气标准。所有安装要有合格的电工和机械工来实施。Ensure installing can meet all available safety standard and local electric standard. All installation should be attempted by qualified electrician a

4、nd machinist. 确保使用能正常、安全,必须具有电气、机械安全知识的合格的操作人员来操作使用。Ensure operation can be in order, safety, it should be attempted by the qualified, electrical, mechanism safety knowledges personnel.勿在机组、燃油箱、蓄电池附近抽烟、点火。Please not Smoking, lighting near the Engine, Fuel Tank and Storage Battery.勿在机组运行时打开散热器、或热交换器的

5、压力盖,要待机组停机并冷却后才可打开压力盖、及放冷却水(液)。Please do not open the Radiator, or heat exchangers pressure lid while engine running, only can open the pressure lid and put cooling water until the engine stops and cools起吊发电机组时,必须使用长度适当和起吊能力适当的钢索或粗绳。在起吊时,机组可能有一定倾斜,必须小心操作,以避免人员受伤或设备损坏。When lifting the generator, need

6、 to apply proper length and suitable lifting ability of tightwire or rope. While lifting, the engine maybe a little slant, must be operating carefully, avoid personal injury or equipment damnification. 机组周围的通道应宽畅,确保机组出现重大事故时,以便操作人员可以迅速安全撤离。The engine around door should be wide, in case of the engine

7、 occurs big accident, the operating personnel can retreat promptly. 勿在机组运行时,开启防护温盖、维修盖、出线盒进行维修、操作。Please do not open defence lid, maintenance lid, repair or operate outlet box while the engine is running.在进行维修前应将柴油机起动回路切断、切断和电网或其它机组闭合回路,在断路开关上置警告牌,以免意外的提示操作(闭合)。Before any maintenance, disconnect all

8、 power sources and lock out all controls to prevent an unexpected notice operation (close). 遵守机组中所有重要、小心、警告和危险牌上的提示。Comply with all engines important, cautious, warning and dangerous notice.由于本产品技术的提高,本说明书的内容在印刷时是正确的。随时间推移本说明书所述内容可能与产品稍有出入,望用户谅解。如有疑问,请与本公司联系。With the constant modification and improv

9、ement, the engine delivered maybe slightly different from content in this manual., please understanding. Any of doubt, please inform of our company. 第一章 机组型号简要说明Chapter 1 Engine Type Brief JCCF不同发电机组装机组变型代码,兰州产相复励电机同“X”;三波产的谐波电机用“S”;兰州产无刷相复励电机用“WX”;无刷谐波电机用“WS”;马拉松电机用“M”;斯坦福电机用“N”表示。不同柴油机组装机组变型代码,一般用

10、柴油机生产厂厂名的联想字符加,若缺省则柴油机为本公司的X105及X110柴油机。机组分类代号:无符号为普通性机组;“Z”为应急发电机组;“K”为带监控仪的机组;“YA”为蒂带转速遥控机组,“S”为前端输出机组。机组的额定功率(KW),用数字表示。电流种类代码,交流用“J”表示船用柴油发电机组代码a. The code sample of the generator, Lanzhou generator of phase compound excitation use X; SanBo harmonic generator use S; Lanzhou generator of brushles

11、s phase compound excitation use WX; Brushless harmonic generator use WS; Marathon generator use M; Standford generator use Nb. The code sample of the diesel engine, this part is the using diesel engines code with the association words of manufacturer and a point. Or it shall be our X105 and X110 die

12、sel engine if omited.c. Engine Function Code: No any symbol is Ordinary generator units; Z is contingency generator units; K is the generator units with monitor; YA is remote control generator units, S is front fan-out generator units.d. Rated Power (kW) showed by number.e. Current type code, J mean

13、s alternating current. f. The code of marine diesel generator units型号示例:(1)CCFJ24YA-X:24KW船用柴油交流发电机组(发电机是兰州产的相复励,柴油机是本公司产的X4105BCF柴油机),带转速遥控装置;(2)CCFJ40-CW:40KW船用柴油交流发电机组,柴油机是东康产的康明斯柴油机,电机是无刷谐波发电机;(3)CCFJ75Z-SM:75KW船用应急柴油交流发电机组,柴油机是上海柴油机股份有限公司生产的,电机是马拉松发电机;(4)CCFJ100K-NWX:100KW带监控仪的柴油交流发电机组,柴油机是我公司生

14、产的NC6110ZLCF柴油机,发电机用兰州无刷相复励发电机;(5)CCFJ150- SN:150KW船用交流发电机组,柴油机用上海柴油机股份有限公司生产的柴油机,发电机用无锡新时代斯坦福发电机。Type Illustration:(1) CCFJ24YA-X:24kW marine diesel alternating current generator unit (generator is Lanzhou generator of phase compound excitation, diesel engine is our own X41105BCF), and equipped rem

15、ote control device;(2) CCFJ40-CW: 40kW marine diesel alternating current generator unit, diesel engine is Cummins diesel engine, generator is Brushless harmonic generator.(3) CCFJ75Z-SM: 75kW contingency marine diesel alternating current generator unit, diesel engine is the product of ShangHai Diese

16、l Engine Joint-Stock Limited Co., generator is Marathon generator.(4) CCFJ100K-NWX: 100kW marine diesel alternating current generator unit with monitor, diesel engine is our own NC6110ZLCF, generator is Lanzhou brushless generator of phase compound excitation.(5) CCFJ150- SN: 150kW marine diesel alt

17、ernating current generator unit, diesel engine is the product of ShangHai Diesel Engine Joint-Stock Limited Co., generator is Wuxi Standford generator. 第二章 机组基本技术规格及主要技术性能的使用工作环境、Chapter 2 Operation conditions, main technical specification, and major performance characteristics2.1 使用工作环境 、环境温度:+5+40

18、;海拔高度:4000; 、空气相对湿度:95(+25时); 、长期横倾:15; 、长期纵倾:730; e、周期横倾(横摇):2230; f、空气中有凝露、盐雾、油雾; g、有正常营所产生的振动和冲击 h、没有导电尘埃、没有破坏金属和绝缘介质的腐蚀性气体以及无爆炸危险的场所。2.1 Operation Conditionsa. Ambient temperature . +5+40b. Relative humidity 95%(at 25 ambient temperature)c. Long-term horizontal incline 15 d. Long-term vertical i

19、ncline730e. Period horizontal incline2230f. Congealed dew, salt fog and oil fog in the airg. Normal libration and impulsione. No conductive dust, corrosive gases or explosive hazards.2.2 基本技术规格 、额定功率 (注) 见铭牌 、额定电压 400/230V 、额定电流 见铭牌 、功率因数 0.8(滞后) 、额定频率 50H 、额定转速 1500 、相数与接法 三相四线(星形) 、调压方式 自动 、起动方式 直

20、流电起动 、冷却方式 水冷闭式循环 、质量 见铭牌2.2 Main technical data and specifications a. Rated Power See brandb. Rated voltage 400/230Vc. Rated currency See brandd. Power factor 0.8 (lag)e. Rated frequency 50HZ f. Rated speed 1500r /min g. Phase and connection 3-phase, four wire system h. Voltage regulation automatic

21、 i. Method of starting electric j. Method of cooling water-cooling, closed type k. N. Weight See nameplate 注:在环境温度318K(45)、绝对大气压力100P、空气相对湿度60,初级冷却水温度32条件下可长期运行的功率,其中允许以110%额定功率运行1小时。超出上述环境条件下输出功率按GB1105规定修正柴油机功率再折算机组输出修正功率值。Note: the set can operate for long-term continuously at power output under

22、the following operating conditions: the specified condition of 318K (45) in ambient temperature,100 P in atmospheric pressure, 60% in relative humidity and 32 of primary cooling water, use of 110% output power for an hour is permitted. Pls refer to GB1105 Standard under the other operating condition

23、s.2.3 主要技术性能Main Technical Performance2.3.1 稳态电压偏差(稳态电压调整率) 不大于2.52.3.1 Steady Voltage Windage (Steady Voltage Regulation Ratio) 2.5% 2.3.2 瞬态电压偏差(瞬态电压调整率) 100突减功率 +20突减功率 -152.3.2 Transient Voltage Windage (Transient Voltage Regulation Ratio) 100% Anticlimactic Power +20% Anticlimactic Power-15% 2.

24、3.3 电压稳定时间 Voltage Stability Time (s) 1.5 s2.3.4 电压波动率 Voltage Fluctuation Ratio 0.5%2.3.5 稳态频率调整率 52.3.5 Steady Frequency Regulation Ratio 5%2.3.6频率波动率 Frequency Fluctuation Ratio 0.5%2.3.7瞬态频率调整率 100突减功率 +10突减功率 -102.3.7 Transient Frequency Regulation Ratio100% Anticlima

25、ctic Power +10%Anticlimactic Power -10%.2.3.8 频率稳定时间 52.3.8 Frequency Stability Time (s) 5 s2.3.9 空载电压整定范围 95105额定电压2.3.9 Unloading Voltage regulation range 95% - 105% Rated Voltage2.3.10 冷热态电压变化 可控励磁装置的机组应不超过2额定电压 不可控励磁装置的机组应不超过5额定电压2.3.10 Cold and Hot Voltage Variety Controllable excitation settin

26、gs engine should be no more than 2% rated voltage.Uncontrollable excitation settings engine should be no more than 5% rated voltage.2.3.11 空载额定电压、额定频率时, 线电压波形畸变率 无刷发电机组5 有刷发电机组102.3.11 Unloading Rated Voltage, Rated Frequency, Voltage Wave Aberration Ratio Brushless Generator Units 5%Brush Generator

27、 Units 10%2.3.12 不对称负载要求:机组带一定的三相对称负载,在其中一相加上25额定相功率的纯阻性负载,当该相的总负载电流不超过额定值时应能正常工作,线电压的最大(或最小)值与三线电压平均值之差应不超过三线电压平均值的5。2.3.12 Dissymmetry Load Requests: The generator has definite 3 phase symmetry load, add the pure resistance load of 25% rated power on any of one phase, it shall work well when total

28、 load electric current of it is no more than rating. Wire voltages maximum (or minimum) minus average of 3 wires voltage should be no more than 5% of 3 wires voltage average. 2.3.13 机组在额定空载电压、频率额定时能直接起动下表规定的空载四极长鼠笼型三相异步电动机。2.3.13 The generator unit can directly drive empty load quadrupole long rat t

29、ype 3 phase asynchronism electromotor as stated of following list under rated empty load voltage and rated frequency. 表1 List 1机组额定功率PH(kW)Rated Power PH (kW)四级三相鼠笼式异步电动机(kW)(国家标准)quadrupole 3 phase rat type asynchronism electromotor (kW) (National Standard)四级三相鼠笼式异步电动机(kW)(可达水平)quadrupole 3 phase r

30、at type asynchronism electromotor (kW) (Available Level)PH40 0.7 PH相近容量 Close Capacity50PH7530相近容量 Close Capacity75PH12055相近容量 Close Capacity150PH250750.8 PH300PH3201102202.3.14 具有并联运行功能的机组,二台同型号、同功率的机组在额定功率因数的20100总额定功率范围内应能稳定地并联运行,且能平稳相互转移负载的有功功率和无功功率,其有功功率和无功功率的分配差度均不大于15。2.3.14 The generator uni

31、ts of parallel connection running function, 2pcs homotype, same power can steadily parallel connection running at 20%-100% total rated power range, also can stable transfer loads power and powerless, and the distributed balance between power and powerless is no more than 15%.第三章 机组结构简介Chapter 3 Gene

32、rator Units Structure Brief机组由柴油机、发电机、控制屏、联轴器和公共底座(机架)等组件构成,柴油机与发电机之间弹性联轴器连接,由柴油机飞轮通过联轴器来驱动发电机。柴油机的飞轮壳与发电机的端盖采用凸缘定位,用螺栓连成一体。这种连接方式既保证了柴油机飞轮与发电机转子有较好的同轴度,又能对柴油机在起动、停机及负载突变时所产生的冲击起到缓冲减震作用。柴油机、发电机与公共底盘之间均装有减震器。Generator Units consists of Diesel Engine, Generator, Connection Shaft and General Mudsill (e

33、ngine frame) etc., the diesel engine and generator are linked by elastic connection, and the connection drive the generator by diesel engine flywheel. The flywheel shell of diesel engine and end lid of generator are adopted flange orientation, linked by bolt. This connection method not only ensure t

34、he good same-spindle for flywheel of diesel engine and rotor of generator, it also can shock absorption while the diesel engine starts, stops and load changes impact. The absorber is equipped on diesel engine, generator and general mudsill.柴油机采用95系列、105系列、135系列、康明斯、斯太尔、曼海姆、道依茨、奔驰、富豪遍达等国内外著名品牌柴油机。发电机

35、采用马拉松、斯坦福、西门子、兰州相复励、谐波励磁等国内外著名品牌发电机。本主系列产品具有体积小,重量轻,结构紧凑,安装使用方便等特点。柴油机带有充电发电机及充电调节器,机组在正常运行时能对蓄电池充电,并能自动保持和调节输出电压在规定范围内。船用柴油机的冷却系统一般采用双闭式循环水冷却。Our diesel engine adopts 95 series, 105 series, 135 series, Cummins, Styer, Mannheim, Deutz, Benz, Volvo-Penta, and many domestic or oversea famous brand die

36、sel engine. Generator units adopts many domestic or oversea famous brand, such as marathon, standford, Siemens, Lanzhou gengerator of phase compound excitation, harmonic excitation generator. This series products has small volume, light weight, compact in structure, convenient in installation and op

37、eration. The diesel engine has electrification generator and electrification adjustor, and it can electricize to accumulator, automatic holding, adjust regulated output voltage when the generator unit is running. The cooling system of marine diesel engine is dual closed circulation water cooling. 31

38、 柴油机与发电机的联接柴油机和发电机采用柴油机罩与发电机机盖止口突缘结合方式使发电机与柴油机组成一个刚性组合体。这种联接方式使发电机与柴油机两者轴线的同心度的要求得到了可靠的保证,装配时不需校调轴中心。3.1 The connecting way of diesel engine and generatorThrough the connecting way of diesel engine cover and generator cover slot flange, make the generator and engine form a rigid combination. This co

39、nnecting way ensures that the axes concentric degree of the generator and the engine can get a nice guarantee, not to adjust when assembly.还有部分机组不采用柴油机与发电机机盖止口突缘结合方式,这种联接方式在组装机组时,必须对发电机与柴油机的轴线中心进行调校。保证两者之间轴线同轴度在0.1范围内,柴油机飞轮端面与结合器盘端面间平行度不大于0.25mm。由制造厂组装出厂的机组,其轴线中心已校调好了。如经拆卸则需对轴线中心重新校调才能投入运行。轴线中心校调方法:

40、The other part generator units are not adopted the above connecting way, and this connecting way must adjust the axes center when assembly. Ensure the axes concentric degree both of them is in the range of 0.1, the parallel degree between the end plane of diesel engine and the end plane of connectin

41、g tray is no more than 0.25 mm. The axes center of generator unit was adjusted fine after leaving the manufacturer, please readjust it if disassembly. The adjustive way of axes center:a. 将专用的校正定心器按图1所示安装a. Install the generator unit by using the special adjustor according to Figure 1.b. 盘动柴油机的飞轮,检查定

42、心器在上端、下端、左端、右端四个位置测得径向间隙、平面间隙。在调试过程中的径向间隙的1/2,不超过0.5 mm,上、下端的平面间隙差的1/2R,左、右端的平面间隙差的1/2R不超过0.25 mmb. Turn the engine flywheel, check the adjustor position of top end, bottom end, left end and right end and measure the radial space, plane space. Make sure the 1/2 of radial space is no more than 0.5 mm

43、, the 1/2R of plane space between top end and bottom end, between left end and right end is no more than 0.25 mm.c.紧固柴油机、发电机与机架的联接螺栓c. Fix the connecting bolt between diesel engine, generator and mudsilld.按b要求重复检查,若不符合b的要求则松动柴油机、发电机与机架的联接螺栓,对发电机底脚垫片及移动位置,直至紧固螺栓后的同轴度、端面平行度达到要求为止。d. Repeat check the generator unit according to b, if not you must loosen the connecting bolt, move the generator bottom gasket until the axes degree meet the above request.径向间隙: The radial clearance 平面间隙: Plane clearance校正定心器: center revising 迥


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