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1、 1 目的Objective为了不断提高公司产品的市场占有率和竞争力,采取通过与竞争对手进行比较的方式,制订本公司的业务计划,并对业务计划在公司有效实施和沟通进行控制。Through comparison with competitors, the business plan is formulated to enhance market shares and competitiveness of AICQ products, while to control their effective execution and communication within the company.2 适用

2、范围Applicable Scope涉及公司财务、市场、产品设计和开发、过程设计和开发、质量、生产、人事和环保领域。This is applicable to the finance, markets, products R & D, process R & D, quality, production, human resources and environmental protection.3 职责Responsibility3.1 总经理办公室负责组织相关部门制订各项业务计划并进行汇总,同时监控业务计划的实施。 GM Office is responsible for organizin

3、g relevant departments to formulate various business plans, as well as supervising the implementation of business plans.3.2 各个部门负责编制本部门的业务目标,并实施业务计划。 Every department establish the business objectives of oneself, and implement the business plan .3.3 总经理负责业务计划的批准。The General Manager is responsible fo

4、r the approval of business plans.4 工作程序Work Procedures4.1 制订业务计划的前期策划Preliminary Survey for Formulation of Business Plans4.1.1 市场销售部通过调查本行业市场、质量、生产能力、经济状况等信息,来了解同行的经营状况和顾客的要求及期望,并在每年12月份整理形成市场分析报告后,传递到相关部门。Marketing Department shall find out the operation status of competitors and the demands and ex

5、pectations of clients by investigating the market, quality, production capacity and financial status of other companies in this line. And investigation results shall be formulated in marketing research report and sent to relevant departments in written form.4.1.2 负责业务计划制订的部门除了依据市场开发部提供的信息外,还应通过参加行业活

6、动、展览会、研讨会、专业杂志等了解国内外同行的产品和经营情况,并对本公司的质量趋势、运行能力(生产率、效率、有效性、质量成本)、关键产品/服务质量水平以及供应商状况通过统计技术分析确定目前公司水平,并在每年12月份在此基础上编制各项业务调查分析报告,总经理办公室负责业务调查分析报告的存档工作。Besides the information provided by Marketing Department, the departments responsible for the formulation of business plans shall investigate the product

7、s and operation status of the counterparts at home and abroad through industrial activities, exhibitions, symposiums and professional journals. Furthermore, they shall find out AICQs present standing through statistical analysis of AICQs quality trends, operation capability (productivity, efficiency

8、, effectiveness and quality costs), quality level of key products/services and suppliers status. The business investigation and analysis reports shall be formulated on the basis of above every December. The business investigation and analysis reports will be filed by the GM Office.4.2 业务计划的制订 总经理办公室

9、在收到各个部门的业务调查分析报告后,在每年的1月份之前召集相关部门制订或修订公司的公司中长期发展计划(3年),并根据公司中长期发展计划,公司目前发展状况和行业状况,制订年度业务计划。公司中长期发展计划和年度业务计划经总经理批准后,报董事会讨论。General Manager Office shall summon relevant departments to formulate or revise the company medium- and long-term development plan (3 years) before January every year after colle

10、cting business investigation and analysis reports from every department, and shall work out yearly business plan based on company medium- and long-term development plan. Company medium- and long-term development plan and yearly business plan are to be submitted to the board for discussion after Gene

11、ral Manager approves of them. 4.2.2公司业务计划应该包括以下内容; Corporate business plan should include the following contents:预期销售额;销售利润;生产成本;财务策划;市场占有率以及市场开发计划;顾客满意计划;产品研发计划;关于生产量,生产率;健康、安全方面的计划;公司设施设备规划和调整计划;产品质量目标和关键内、外部质量指标(如CPK、PPM值等);人力资源开发计划等内容;Forecast sales figures; sales profit; production cost; financ

12、ial strategy; market share and market development plan; customer satisfaction plan; product research and development plan; production volume and efficiency; plans concerning health and safety; company facilities and equipment programming and adjustment plan; product quality target and critical inter

13、nal and external quality indices( e.g. CPK、PPM); human resources development plan.4.2.3董事会通过公司的业务计划后,总经理办公室将公司年度业务计划下发到各个部门,并作好分发记录。各个部门根据公司年度业务计划,制订本部门的业务目标和实施计划,业务计划必须说明制订目标依据和来源、总体目标、各阶段完成的目标、具体的措施。并报总经理批准后交总经理办公室存档。As soon as the board approves of the company business plan, General Manager Offic

14、e is responsible for releasing the company yearly business plan to every department, and keeping record about handing out. Based on company yearly business plan, every department shall formulate their own business targets and execution plans. Their business plans must identify the basis and source b

15、y which the business targets are set, overall target, target to be achieved at each stage and the specific execution plans. These business plans must be approved of by General Manager and filed in General Manager Office.4.2.1 市场销售部应制订以下业务计划:The Marketing Department shall formulate the following busi

16、ness plans:a. 预期销售额;Expected sales.b. 市场占有率以及市场开发计划;Market share and market development planc. 顾客满意计划。“To Customers Satisfaction” Plan4.2.3 技术工程部应制订以下业务计划:The Engineering Department shall formulate the following plans:a. 研究与开发方面(如产品发展趋势、产品开发计划、产品改进计划、技术改造计划等);Research and Design (e.g. product develo

17、pment trends, product development plans, product improvement plans, technical renovation plans, etc).b. 参与制订公司设施规划和调整计划。Participating in the formulation of company facility layout and adjustment plan.4.2.4 制造工程部应制订以下业务计划:The Manufacturing Department shall formulate the following business plans:a. 关于

18、生产率、设备/人员/工装模具等的利用率和效率计划等;The plan about productivity, utility and efficiency of equipment/personnel/tools.b. 健康、安全方面业务计划。Business plan in respect to health and safety.c. 公司设施规划和调整计划。Company facility layout and adjustment plan.4.2.5 质量部应制订以下业务计划:The Quality Department shall formulate the following b

19、usiness plans:a. 产品质量目标;Product Quality Objectives.b. 关键内、外部质量指标(如CPK、PPM值等)。The critical external & internal quality indices (e.g. CPK, PPM value, etc).4.2.6 人力资源部制订人力资源开发的业务计划。The Human Resource Department is responsible for formulating the business plans about the development of human resources.4

20、.2.7 财务部应制订质量成本控制业务计划The Financial Department shall formulate the business plans for quality costs control. 4.2.8 采购物流部应制订生产材料成本控制计划和供应商监督整改计划。The Purchase & Logistics Department shall formulate the plans to control production material costs, supervise and improve the suppliers. 所有业务计划均应受控,业务计划和业务调查

21、分析报告为公司机密文件,未经最高管理者许可,不得调阅和分发,总经理办公室应保证员工了解业务计划中的目标要求。待添加的隐藏文字内容1All business plans must be under control. The business plans and business investigation & analysis reports are listed as the confidential documents of the company, and shall not be lent and released without the approval of top managers

22、. The GM Office shall ensure that each staff understands the objectives and requirements as stipulated in the business plans. 4.3 业务计划的实施和监控Execution & Control of Business Plans4.3.1由总经理负责组织各部门实施经批准的业务计划,业务计划的实施必须采用跨部门方式进行和部门之间相互沟通,以利于过程和质量改进。The General Manager is responsible for organizing each de

23、partment to execute the approved business plans. To facilitate the improvement of process and quality, the business plans must be executed across various departments and through mutual communication.4.3.2 总经理办公室组织各部门每月对业务计划实施情况进行一次汇总,记录在业务计划实施跟踪表中,记录各项指标趋势,以测定公司当月经营情况,并与业务计划中所确立目标对比,通过对比了解公司目前状况,总经理

24、办公室负责组织各部门制订改善计划,优先解决与顾客相关问题,以便于在下一个月采取相应措施以确保和超过计划的目标值。The GM Office shall organize each department to make a monthly conclusion of the execution progress of business plans, and be kept on business plan execution follow-up form. Various indices shall be recorded to measure the corporate operation a

25、chievements in that month, while be compared with the objectives as defined in the business plans to reveal the present conditions of the company. The GM Office is responsible for organizing each department to improve the plans and find proper solutions to the client-related problems in priority, wi

26、th a view to taking appropriate actions in next month to realize or exceed the objective in the plan.4.3.3 总经理办公室将业务计划实施情况提交管理评审,并重新审核业务计划可行性和适宜性,必要时,对业务计划进行更新和修订。The General Manager Office shall submit the execution of business plans for management audit and reevaluate their feasibility and suitabi

27、lity. If necessary, the General Manager Office shall renew and revise the business plans.5 相关文件Related Documents5.1 AICQ/QP-1801 培训控制程序AICQ/QP-1801 “Training Control Procedures”5.2 AICQ/QP-0501 文件和资料控制程序AICQ/QP-0501 “Documents & Data Control Procedures”6 质量记录 Quality Records6.1 AICQ/QR-0102-01 市场分析报

28、告AICQ/QR-0102-01 marketing research report 6.2 AICQ/QR-0102-02 业务调查分析报告 AICQ/QR-0102-02 the business investigation and analysis report6.3 AICQ/QR-0102-03 公司中长期发展计划AICQ/QR-0102-03 company medium- and long-term development plan 6.4 AICQ/QR-0102-04 年度业务计划 AICQ/QR-0102-04 yearly business plan6.5 AICQ/QR-0102-05 业务计划实施跟踪表 AICQ/QR-0102-05 Business Plan Execution Follow-up Form


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