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1、,Methodist卫理公会派教徒,The History of MethodismOriginsThe Methodist began in the mid-18th century as theChurch of England.a small group of students,includingJohn Wesley,Charles Wesley and George Whitefield,meton the Oxford University campus.They focused on biblestudy,methodica(系统的)study of scripture(圣经)a

2、ndliving a holy life.They also founded the Holy club at OxfordIn 1735,John and charles Wesley went to America toteach the gospel(传播福音)to the american Indians inthe colony of Georgia.In less than two years,the Holy Clubdisbanded.John Wesley returned to England and met witha group of clergymen he resp

3、ected.After that,theseclergymen(牧师)became popular.,The nickname Methodistsstudents had usedagainst the wesleys was revived The followers becameknown as Methodists.These Methodists frequentlyvisited the sick and the poor,as well as prisonersMethodist preachers(牧师)were notorious(臭名昭著的)for their enthus

4、iastic sermons(FiE)and often accused offanaticism(狂玨热).Because of this,they often be expelledfrom the church.However,many underclass people weredeeply moved by his sermons and began to believe inChristianityAfter American Independence,Methodism breakedaway from Anglican(圣公会).Then it split into theMe

5、thodist Protestant church(美普会)he methodistEpiscopal Church South(监理会),the methodistEpiscopal Church(美以美会)and so on.In1939,thesethree church merged into today s the MethodistChurch(卫理公会,First and Second AwakeningsThe First Great Awakening was a religious movementamong colonials(殖民地)from1730sto1740s.T

6、heEnglish Calvinist(加尔文主义)Methodist preacher GeorgeWhitefield(乔治怀特菲尔德)travelled acr。ss the coloniesand preached in a dramatic and emotional style.Heacceptted everyone as his audience.The new style ofsermons breathed new life into religion in America.Peoplebecame passionately involved in their religi

7、on,rather thanpassively listening to discourse(论述)The Second Great Awakening was a nationwide waveof revivals from 1790 to 1840.In New England,the renewedinterest in religion inspired a wave of social activism(行动主x).Methodism grew rapidly and established severalcolleges,especially Boston University,

8、Thomas Coke卫理公会第一任主教John Wesley约翰卫斯理George Whitefield乔治囗怀特菲尔德,两次分裂和合并1828年有虔诚圣洁的会友多人,主要由于坚持会友代表权的缘故而分离,另行组织美普会。1844年又为蓄奴问题或总议会与会督之权限问题而分裂在美南的称监理会,在美北的称美以美会。1939年5月10日在密苏里州堪萨斯城召开的联合大会中美以美会、坚理会和美普会合并成现今的卫理公会。1968年4月23日,卫理公会和福音联合弟兄会又合并成为联合卫理公会。,Methodist ChurchN,HHEE,The best loved man in EnglandJohn W

9、esleyJohn Wesley(1703-1791was born in EpworthEngland.His father was a graduate of the University ofOxford and a church of england rectorIn June 1720,Wesley entered Christ Church,Oxford.In1724,he graduated as a Bachelor of Arts and decided topursue a Master of Arts degree.He was ordained a deaconon 2

10、5 September 1725.In 1726,Wesley was elected afellow of Lincoln College,OXford.In August 1727,aftertaking his masters degree,Wesley returned to EpworthOrdained a priest on 22 September 1728,Wesley servedas a parish curate for two years.He returned to oxford in1729 at the request of the Rector of Linc

11、oln College and tomaintain his status as junior Fellow,In 1735,Wesley and hisbrother Charles sailed forSavannah at the request ofJames oglethorpe.Ir1737.he returned toEngland From 1739,Wesleybegan his open-airpreaching.Though he waspersecuted by clergy andmagistrates for variousreason,he kept preaching tothe endThe founder ofMethodism-John Wesley,


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