1、编辑ppt,1,唐模景区导游解说词,编辑ppt,2,编辑ppt,3,女士们、先生们:欢迎大家来到“中国历史文化名村”,国家AAAA级旅游景区黄山市唐模景区。,编辑ppt,4,Ladies and Gentlemen:welcome to Tangmo tourist attraction of Huangshan City!Its a National Tourist Attraction of Grade AAAA and also one of the“China Famous Historical and Cultural Villages and Towns”.,编辑ppt,5,唐模景
2、区位于黄山市徽州区潜口镇境内,距世界自然与文化遗产黄山风景区20公里,距中国历史文化名城歙县9公里,距国家重点文物保护单位潜口民宅3公里,棠樾牌坊群3公里,,编辑ppt,6,编辑ppt,7,Tangmo is located in Qiankou Town of Huizhou District in Huangshan City,where only 20 miles away from Huangshan Mountainone of the World Cultrual and Natrual Heritage,9 miles away from Shexian Countya famo
3、us cultrual town of China,and 3 miles away from Qiankou Dwellings and the memorial arches of Tangyue.,编辑ppt,8,处于徽杭与合铜黄高速公路的交汇点上,地理位置优越,交通十分便捷。,编辑ppt,9,As result of advantageous location at the crossing of the Hui-Hang and the He-Tong-Huang Express Way,the communication in Tangmo is very convenient.,
4、编辑ppt,10,唐模是黄山市十大景区之一,被誉为“中国水口园林第一村”,是一个以水口、徽派园林和水乡景致为主要特色的古村落风景区。,编辑ppt,11,Tangmo is one of the ten major tourist attractions in Huangshan city,known as“the Greatest Village of Water Gap Botanical Garden in China”.It features an ancient village style with water gap,Huizhou-style garden architecture
5、 and the inherent beautiful views in this water and lake region.,编辑ppt,12,1999年被评为“安徽省文明旅游示范景区”,2005年11月被中央文明委授予“全国文明村”,2006年12月被全国旅游质量评定委员会评为国家AAAA级旅游景区,2007年6月被建设部、文化部和国家文物总局评为“中国历史文化名村”。,编辑ppt,13,Tangmo was awarded as“Demonstrative Civilized Tourist Attraction of Anhui Province”in 1999,“Civilized
6、 Village of China”in November 2005 by Central Civilization Commission,“National Tourist Attraction of Grade AAAA”in December 2006 by Tour Quality Evaluation Commission of China,and“China Famous Historical and Cultural Village and Towns”by the Ministry of Culture and the State Administration of Cultu
7、ral Heritage.,编辑ppt,14,唐模素有“风雅山水田园、徽派古建长廊”之美誉,深受各媒体和世界旅游组织的重视和认可。,编辑ppt,15,Tangmo has an excellent reputation for“A Garden graced with elegant mountains and water,the gallery of ancient Huizhou-style architecture”,and its highly recognized and widely accepted by media and tourism organizations all o
8、ver the world.,编辑ppt,16,景区自然环境优美、人文景观丰富,至今保存着较为完整的古村落空间格局和历史风貌。,编辑ppt,17,There are beautiful natural environment and abundant human landscape in Tangmo,and the arrangement of ancient village architecture and its inherent historical folk style is reserved considerably well.,编辑ppt,18,恬静的田园风光和古朴的人文景观相得
9、益彰,青山绿水,粉墙黛瓦,是个具有浓郁徽派气息的皖南古村落。,编辑ppt,19,As an ancient village in the south of Anhui province embodied with strong Huizhou-style,it has idyllic garden views and unsophisticated cultural sights:verdant hills,limpid river,ancient and stately buildings with Huizhou style.,编辑ppt,20,特别是唐模人在选择、营造、完善生存空间,村落
10、整体规划布局等方面的创举,堪称皖南古村落之典范。唐模的水口园林更是皖南古村落水口园林的杰出代表。,编辑ppt,21,The innovative arrangement and planning of the whole village of Tangmo represents a typical example of ancient villages in the south of Anhui,particularly the Water Gap Gardens which are regarded as excellent examples among its kind.,编辑ppt,22
11、,唐模的水系巧夺天工,檀干溪上筑坝垒堤,抬高水位,引水入村,供村人生活之用。同时,村内水圳密布,不仅生活、生产用水方便,还有防火、排污等功能。,编辑ppt,23,Water system in the village was crafted in a very ingenious design.Dams and embankments were built on the river to raise the water level,conducting water flow into the village for daily consumption and fire fighting pur
12、pose.,编辑ppt,24,下游檀干园的自动蓄水、排水功能,不仅美化村落整体环境,更有防洪、防旱、灌溉等作用。,编辑ppt,25,At the downstream of the river,Tangan garden serves as a water reservoir for irrigation,flood control and drought backup.,编辑ppt,26,水口、水系、水街共同构成了这里人性化的人居条件,体现了以人为本、天人合一的生存理念,向世人展示了“千年生态村”的历史风貌。,编辑ppt,27,Water ports,channels and streets
13、 together constitute the residence condition here in Tangmo,representing the harmonious life style of the inhabitants,and the historical form of the millenary ecology village.,编辑ppt,28,唐模建于唐朝,为唐越国公汪华曾祖叔所建。,编辑ppt,29,Tangmo was first built in Tang dynasty by the grandfather of Wang Hua,the Grand Duke
14、Yueguo of the Tang dynasty.,编辑ppt,30,公元六百多年,汪华的后裔汪思立受父之命,娶此地程氏为妻,遂迁居该村,并利用风水原理栽植银杏树选址建设家园。,编辑ppt,31,Around 600 A.D.,Wang Sili,one of the descendants of Wang Hua,married a female of the Cheng Clan under the arrangement of his father,and moved to Tangmo.Wang Sili built his home site and planted maiden
15、hair/ginkgo trees according to Fengshui principles.,编辑ppt,32,同时,为表先主(唐朝皇上)对其祖先汪华及其后代的恩泽,取忠君、忠主之意,决定效仿“唐朝”标准和规矩营建村庄,便改名村名为“唐模”。,编辑ppt,33,Meanwhile,to express their appreciation to the benefits given by former Emperor(of Tang dynasty),the village was built in accordance with the style of Tang dynasty
16、to show their loyalty,and the village was thus renamed“Tangmo”.,编辑ppt,34,汪思立便是汪姓迁歙(辖区相当于现在的黄山市)的始祖。南宋时,许姓由歙北许村迁入,与原居的程、汪、吴三姓混居,遂成为该村大姓。,编辑ppt,35,Wang Sili is the originator that the Clan Wang migrated to She(a city now known as Huangshan).In Nan Song dynasty,the Clan Xu migrated into the village fro
17、m the north of She,blending into the original clans living in the village:Cheng,Wang,Wu,and later became a major clan.,编辑ppt,36,唐模古村经宋、元发展,到明、清时期逐渐强盛。,The village of Tangmo grew as time passed from Song and Yuan dynasty,and developed in Ming and Qing dynasty.,编辑ppt,37,特别是清初最为鼎盛,这与历史上徽商的发展时间基本上吻合。,In
18、 the initial period of Qing dynasty the village had culminated,chiming with the development history of Huizhou merchants recorded in historical documents.,编辑ppt,38,由此可见,古徽州发达村落的营建和发展与徽商的发展和强大的经济实力是分不开的。,Therefore,we can conclude that the construction and development of ancient developed villages was
19、 based on merchants development and powerful economy in ancient Huizhou.,编辑ppt,39,唐模村历史上,特别是明清时期经济发达。,In its long history,particularly in Ming and Qing dynasty the village had relatively developed economy.,编辑ppt,40,徽州地区有“八山半水半分田,一分道路和庄园”之说,意思是说徽州地区山多田少。,It is said that“in Huizhou district,only 5%of
20、the land are arable land,while another 10%as road and residences with the rest as mountainous area”.,编辑ppt,41,在以前,以农业为完全产业的社会中,这是一个地区经济的致命要素,In ancient China when agriculture is the biggest industry of the society,lacking of arable land was a fatal weakness for the economy development of the distric
21、t.,编辑ppt,42,于是便有了“前世不修,生在徽州,十三四岁,往外一丢”之谚语。意思是说命不好,生在徽州,养到十三四岁,便要到外面去做学徒做帮工来谋生。,People living in ancient Huizhou district had the common recognition that“they were unlucky enough to be born here,and teenagers had to go outside to other regions to work as apprentices for their livings”,编辑ppt,43,经过几代徽州
22、人的努力,这些人中便有了富甲一方的商人。加上徽州土特产资源丰富,又成了徽商发展和壮大的重要元素。,Through generations of hardworking,some of them became famous merchants with great wealth,adding that the Huizhou district is rich in local special products,these merchants expanded their business further.,编辑ppt,44,从晋代开始,便有了徽州人外出谋生,到了明清时期,徽商达到鼎盛。,It w
23、as recorded in the historical files that by Jin dynasty,Huizhou people started to go outside for work,and during Ming dynasty and Qing dynasty,the Huizhou merchants reached the top.,编辑ppt,45,据说那时期徽商掌握了中国近三分之一的财产,到了富可敌国的程度,当时的唐模村就出了很多这样的徽商。,It is said that at that time the Huizhou merchants held abou
24、t 1/3 of the total wealth of China.Many of these merchants were from Tangmo.,编辑ppt,46,穷苦出身的徽州人发达后,更加注重对教育的投入和家园的建设,这便形成了徽州人才辈出、亦商亦儒和徽州一系列的古村落建筑群。唐模正是在这种背景下发展起来的。,The Huizhou people never forgot to invest in education and homeland development after they made their fortune.Consequently talents and int
25、elligence came forth in large numbers in Huizhou district,and the villages were well developed in cultural and material aspects,Tangmo is just among such villages.,编辑ppt,47,唐模因其古朴的人文景观和恬静的田园风光,倍受海内外游客的青睐和徽学研究者的推崇。,Tangmo is well known among academicians of Huizhou Study and foreign tourists for its
26、unsophisticated cultural views and idyllic sights.,编辑ppt,48,槐荫树Huaiyin Tree 槐荫树其实为香樟树,为什么在此称之为槐荫树呢?1992年国家一级演员、安徽省著名黄梅戏表演艺术家韩再芬来此拍摄黄梅戏经典之作天仙配而得名。当时,导演在选择外景地的时候,被眼前这棵有400多年树龄的老树独特的造型所吸引。,编辑ppt,49,It is in fact a camphor tree.In 1992 Hai Zaifeng,a famous Huangmei Opera performer took a classic Huangme
27、i Opera“Tianxian Pei”here.The director was attracted by the unique shape of the camphor tree which was already over 400 years old.,编辑ppt,50,树的根部有一个很大的口子,就象人的嘴巴在自然张口说话一般,导演便突发奇想,采用特技使老树开口说话,在此为善良的董永和美丽的七仙女喜结良缘。于是,这棵有400多年历史的老樟树便有了“天下第一媒树”(做媒的媒)的美誉。在古徽州地区,人们普遍认为樟树有祛病避邪的作用。唐模水口许多这样的老樟树,大都是起到这个作用。老一辈人喜欢
28、用红绳子系上一段樟树皮或树枝挂在小孩子身上,用以祛病强身,以保小孩健康长大。,编辑ppt,51,He pictured the tree as a man talking with the large gap at the tree root,and thus matched the male and the female in the Opera scene.The tree was then named as“the first matchmaker tree in the world”.In Huizhou district,it is believed that camphor tre
29、e leaves and limbs can protect people from diseases and misfortunes.Camphor tree bark and branch tied with red thread can often be seen on children for avoiding evil influence in this district.,编辑ppt,52,唐模有“十桥九貌”之说,老槐树旁就是第一座,呈“S”型,似一条蜈蚣一般。据村中老人说,在建村口这座桥时,桥墩底下埋了一条铁制的蜈蚣,蜈蚣是百毒之首,用它盘踞在水口,以起到以毒攻毒、镇风水的作用。
30、,编辑ppt,53,It is said that in Tangmo,nearly every bridge has its unique design,for example,one near Huaiyin tree is in a scorpion-like S shape.According to the memories of old folks in the village,an iron scorpion was buried under the pier of the bridge for suppressing as in Fengshui principles.,编辑pp
31、t,54,沙堤亭Shadi Pavilion这座亭子无论从哪个角度看上去都是八个角,故又名八角亭。此亭建于清康熙年间,现属于省级重点文物保护单位。上下三层,中空,有回廊。因为它是一种镇风水的标志性建筑,不是用来登高游玩的,所以没有上楼的楼梯。,编辑ppt,55,This pavilion has eight edges,so it is also known as“Octagonal pavilion”.It was built during the period of Kangxi Emperor of Qing dynasty,and is now a provincial cultura
32、l heritage.The structure has three floors,and is hollow with corridors.No ladders were built in the pavilion for it is a symbolic structure other than touring purposes.,编辑ppt,56,站在东面进村的路上,可以看见“沙堤”二字,出村时在亭子西面可以看见“云路”二字,这都分别蕴涵深意。古时候唐模有许多人在外经商、为官,逢年过节衣锦还乡、荣归故里之时,村人往往在亭前路上铺上一层黄沙(相当于现在隆重场合的红地毯),以表示欢迎。,编辑
33、ppt,57,Looking at the pavilion at the east of pavilion,the village entrance,we can see two characters of“Sha Di”,while at the west,two characters of“Yun Lu”can be seen,both of which implicate further meaning.In ancient time,many people of Tangmo did business or worked as official away from hometown.
34、When they went back gloriously and honorably,the villagers usually paved some yellow sand on the road in front of the pavilion(just like the red carpet in important ceremony now)for welcoming their return.,编辑ppt,58,这条路筑在檀干溪旁,又名“沙堤”。离开村庄时,踏着脚下的石板道,抬头望亭,便见“云路”二字,寄托从此将平步青云、步步高升的美好愿望。沙堤亭独特的造型可谓举世无双,全国原样
35、仅此一座。1991年,安徽省发生特大洪水,为感谢全国人民的无私捐助,特复制了此亭于北京陶然亭公园,取名“风雨同舟亭”,弘扬“一方有难,八方支援”的民族团结精神。,编辑ppt,59,This road was built near the Tangan river,so another called as“Shadi”.When they left the village,walking on the stone road and looking up from the pavilion,two Chinese characters“Yun Lu”can be seen,which means
36、best wishes for rapid progress and achieving honors.The style of Shadi pavilion is unique all over China.In 1991,a catastrophic flood hit Anhui province.For appreciating the donation of all nations,a same style of pavilion was built in Taoranting Park in Beijing and named“Fengyutongzhou Pavilion”,wh
37、ich indicates the togetherness of all nations of“When disaster struck,help came from all sides”.,编辑ppt,60,步出沙堤亭,有一条青石板道,它是一种采自浙江的上乘石料茶源石铺筑而成的。从村东一直到村西的主街,都是用这种石料铺筑的,共有三千多块,寓意着唐模学子经十年寒窗苦读,一朝中榜,走出村去,从此平步青云。如此精细严谨的建筑构思和建筑体系,可以反映出当时唐模经济的繁荣、财力的富足和建造的艰辛。,编辑ppt,61,Walking out of Shadi Pavilion,a stone road
38、 lay ahead.The pavestone of the road are all made of Chayuan Stone,a high quality stone material extracted from Zhejiang province.The main street,which stretches from east to west of the village,is built with the stone.There are totally more than three thousand pavestone blocks,implying the days of
39、the over ten years of study of the students in Tangmo before they went out for the imperial examination.From such a precise and thoughtful design and architecture,we can see the prosperous economy,powerful finance and hard work in construction in Tangmo at that time.,编辑ppt,62,水口 Water gaps古时候,徽州人崇尚风
40、水,在建村、建宅等事宜上特别注重风水理论学说。风水理论认为:水是财富的象征,“水口乃地之门户”,是“一方众水总的出处”。徽州多山,村落四面皆山,形成封闭完整的空间。,编辑ppt,63,In ancient time,Fengshui principles were very popular especially in construction practices in Huizhou district.In Fengshui principles,it is believed that water stands for wealth,and the“water gap is the porta
41、l of the earth”,the“general gate of all water of the region”.Huizhou district is a mountainous region.The villages are enclosed by mountains.,编辑ppt,64,水口就自然而然成了村落的咽喉,被看成是村庄人丁兴旺、财富聚集的象征。为了留住财气,除了选择好水口位置外,还必须建筑亭、台、桥、榭等物来镇锁。,编辑ppt,65,Water gap eventually became a vital drag of the village,and was regar
42、ded as the prosperous symbol of the village.Besides water gaps,they also built pavilions,bridges to retain their fortune.,编辑ppt,66,在水口,往往种植有许多高大的树木,这也是基于风水理论上“障空补缺”的原理。另一方面,通过风水在水口上的处理,也改善了村落的环境,而且水口还具备防卫、界定、象征、导向、聚会、休息等功能,唐模村的水口便是古人在风水理论指导下经过千百年来不断建造和完善的。,编辑ppt,67,Large trees can be found at most w
43、ater gaps,which conform to the Fengshui principle of“vacancy supplement”,while on the other side,these trees serve as environmental elements.Water gaps can be used for defense,bounding,symbol,guide,party,and rest purposes.The water gap here in Tangmo has been undergone continuous construction and co
44、mplement over thousands of years.,编辑ppt,68,唐模村整个水口的建筑构思十分独特:古树小桥呼应,亭阁牌坊矗立,檀干溪贯穿全村。溪上筑坝数座,抬高水位,调节了水的流动以更大程度的利用水资源,协调了人与自然界的关系。,编辑ppt,69,The water gap in Tangmo has a unique design,where trees show up with bridges,pavilions and memorial arches stand uprightly.The Tanggan river runs through the village
45、.Dams were built on the river to raise the water level,so to make a better use of the water and be harmonious between man and nature as well.,编辑ppt,70,檀干溪上建有十座石桥,匠心独运,且建筑形式各不相同,可以说是“十桥九貌”。这么严谨而精细的水口建筑是徽州地区公认的水口建筑代表,也是目前皖南地区保存最完好的水口建筑群之一。,编辑ppt,71,There stand ten stone bridges over the Tanggan river,
46、nearly each of which has a unique design.The water gap in Tangmo is recognized as representative one,and is the best preserved architecture complex in South Anhui.,编辑ppt,72,同胞翰林坊 Brotherhood Hanlin Academicians Archway被誉为“古建三绝”之一的徽州古牌坊,它与徽州的古民居、古祠堂一起,为徽州的历史和地域文化写下了瑰丽多采的乐章。徽州地区流传有这样一种说法:“天下牌坊数徽州,徽州牌坊
48、坊上的雕刻,整座牌坊几乎布满了精美的石雕。石柱之间刻有梅花,取“梅花香自苦寒来”的意思,表示同胞兄弟二人十年寒窗苦读考中进士的艰辛;四根石柱上刻有仙鹤祥云,意味着鹤啸九天、壮志凌云;下面横梁上分别刻有表示麒麟送子、鲤鱼跳龙门、喜鹊报喜的图案。两只狮子,其中雄狮戏珠,雌狮与小狮嬉戏,极为传神,戏舞之状栩栩如生。,编辑ppt,73,The memorial arches,ancient dwellings and ancestral temples in Huizhou district are known as the“Three Ancient Architecture Wonders”in
49、the historical culture of Huizhou district.It is said that“Huizhou district has the most famous memorial arches in China,the most famous memorial arch in Huizhou district is the one and the half”.The one refers to the Xuguo Memorial Arch in She County,and the one in front of us is the other half,cal
50、led“Brotherhood Hanlin Academicians Archway”.It was built in Qing dynasty during the Emperor Kangxi period for rewarding Xu Chengxuan and Xu Chengjia brothers who won three degree candidate in the imperial examination respectively in the 15th and the 24th year of Kangxi period,and were all chosen Ha