3456.C 我国与东盟贸易互补与贸易竞争分析 论文2.doc

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2、有产业内互补关系的产品中,机械及运输设备类产品(SITC7 )占有很大比重。例如,中国与马来西亚在动力机械及设备(SITC71)、特种工业专用机械(SITC72 )、金工机械(SITC73 )、通用机械设备及零件(SITC74 )、办公用机械及自动数据处理设备(SITC75)和电信及声音的录制及重放设备(SITC76)等6种机械及运输设备类产品上处于产业内互补状态,其进出口额合计为49.65亿美元,占中国与马来西亚具有产业内互补关系的双边贸易额的比重为75.38%。中国与泰国在动力机械及设备、金工机械、通用机械设备及零件、办公用机械及自动数据处理设备和电信及声音的录制及重放设备等5种机械及运输

3、设备类产品上处于产业内互补状态,其进出口额合计为39.45亿美元,占中国与泰国具有产业内互补关系的双边贸易额的比重为65.64%。中国与菲律宾在动力机械及设备、特种工业专用机械、金工机械和电信及声音的录制及重放设备等4种机械及运输设备类产品上处于产业内互补状态,其进出口额合计为5.05亿美元,占中国与菲律宾具有产业内互补关系的双边贸易额的比重为 64.83%。中国与印度尼西亚则在电力机械、器具及电气零件(SITC77)这1种机械及运输设备类产品上处于产业内互补状态,其进出口额合计为5.79亿美元,占中国与印度尼西亚具有产业内互补关系的双边贸易额的比重为15.62%。(3)中国在劳动密集型产品竞

4、争力较强,资本和技术密集型产品竞争力较弱中国在劳动密集型的杂项制品(SITC8 )方面具有很强的竞争力,同时在资本和技术含量较高的电力机械、器具及电气零件(SITC77)方面竞争力较弱。例如,在与东盟4国的双边贸易中,中国均在家具及其零件(SITC82 ),旅行用品、手提包及类似品(SITC83 )、服装及衣着附件(SITC84)和鞋靴(SITC85 )等杂项制品方面具有很强的竞争优势。而在电力机械、器具及电气零件方面,中国与马来西亚、泰国和菲律宾双边贸易的TSC值分别为0.79、0.58和一0.74,处于明显的竞争劣势地位。该产品的双边贸易额分别高达73.55, 20.13和46.95亿美元

5、,占中国与马来西亚、泰国和菲律宾双边贸易额的比重分别为36.54%,15.91%和49.95%。(4)农产品以及自然资源密集型初级产品方面具有较强的产业间互补关系中国与东盟4国在农产品以及自然资源密集型初级产品方面具有较强的产业间互补关系。例如,中国在食品及主要供食用的活动物(SITCO )此类农产品方面对马来西亚具有竞争优势,同时在非食用原料(SITC2 )、矿物燃料、润滑油及有关原料(SITC3 )和动植物油、脂及蜡(SITC4)等初级产品方面具有竞争劣势。中国在食品及主要供食用的活动物、非食用原料以及矿物燃料、润滑油及有关原料等初级产品方面均对泰国具有竞争劣势。中国在食品及主要供食用的活

6、动物和非食用原料方面对菲律宾具有竞争优势,同时在动植物油、脂及蜡方面具有竞争劣势。中国在食品及主要供食用的活动物此类农产品方面对印度尼西亚具有一定的竞争优势,同时在非食用原料、矿物燃料、润滑油及有关原料以及动植物油、脂及蜡等初级产品方面具有明显的竞争劣势。(5)食品和劳动密集型工业制成品方面具有较强的产业内互补关系。中国与东盟在一些食品和劳动密集型工业制成品方面具有较强的产业内互补关系。例如,中国与马来西亚在杂项食品(SITC09 )、皮革、皮革制品及蹂毛皮(SITC61)和纸、纸浆、纸板及其制品(SITC64 )方面具有产业内互补关系。中国与泰国在鱼、甲壳及软体类动物及其制品(SITC03

7、)、咖啡、茶、可可、调味料及其制品(SITC07 )、杂项食品和纺纱、织物及有关产品(SITC65 )方面具有产业内互补关系。中国与菲律宾在蔬菜及水果(SITC05)及纸、纸浆、纸板及其制品方面具有产业内互补关系。中国与印度尼西亚则在鱼、甲壳及软体类动物及其制品、咖啡、茶、可可、调味料及其制品、杂项食品、皮革、皮革制品及蹂毛皮和纺纱、织物及有关产品方面具有产业内互补关系。2.中国与东盟主要国家双边贸易互补的原因对于中国与东盟在自然资源密集型初级产品方面的产业间互补这一点,比较容易理解。其主要原因在于中国与东盟的资源察赋差异。众所周知,中国在许多重要的自然资源(例如石油、铁矿)方面的人均拥有量远






13、为主的发展战略,都以欧美和日本为主要出口市场,从而使双方经济结构与产业发展大致相似、出口产品也大致雷同。因此,双方在彼此的市场上存在着较大的竞争。同时,自贸区内各国在发展经济,吸引投资方面也存在着激烈竞争的情况,这些竞争关系如果在自贸区内得不到很好的理顺,就容易诱发双方在经贸交往中竞争无序甚至恶性竞争。3.3双方之间的激烈的竞争实际上是一种低技术含量产品的价格竞争,是一种低水平的竞争。这种低水平竞争非但不能提高效率,反而会对效率产生负面影响 。价格竞争首先导致出口产品价格下降,进而使得贸易条件恶化。这又使得国内 企业 的效益下降,可用于科研、技术改造、产品创新的资金减少。从而产品技术含量得不到

14、提高,缺乏特色的问题 也无法解决,最后为了扩大出口,不得不仍旧采用价格竞争的方式。从而二者在国外市场的低水平竞争更加激烈,双方贸易条件都发生恶化。不仅如此,如果一味采用价格竞争的手段,还会面临国外反倾销制裁的危险。同时,在发达国家越来越高的“绿色壁垒”面前,如果不提高产品技术含量,即使不被反倾销制裁,也很难打入国外市场。低水平的竞争只会使双方都遭受很大的损失,而不会对本国福利和竞争力产生促进作用。竞争的越激烈,对双方的损害也就越大。1) China and ASEAN form complementary relationships within the industry In 2003, C

15、hina and Malaysia have a complementary relationship within the industry bilateral trade amounted to 6.587 billion U.S. dollars, accounting for 32.73% of total bilateral trade between the two countries. Within the industry between China and Thailand complementary relationship with bilateral trade amo

16、unted to 6.01 billion U.S. dollars, accounting for 47.49% of total bilateral trade between the two countries. China and the Philippines have a complementary relationship within the industry bilateral trade amounted to 779 million U.S. dollars, accounting for 8.28% of total bilateral trade between Ch

17、ina and Indonesia 0 complementary relationship with bilateral trade within the industry amounted to 3.707 billion U.S. dollars, accounting for the total bilateral trade between the two countries of 36.24%). Complementarity within the industry has been the bilateral trade between China and ASEAN play

18、s an important role in, especially China and Thailand have been close to industry, mainly within the complement. (2) machinery and transport equipment products in a complementary relationship within the industry occupies a large proportion of products In a complementary relationship within the indus

19、try products, machinery and transport equipment products (SITC7) occupies a large proportion. For example, China and Malaysia in the power machinery and equipment (SITC71), Special Industry Machinery (SITC72), metalworking machinery (SITC73), general machinery equipment and spare parts (SITC74), off

20、ice machines and automatic data processing equipment (SITC75) and telecommunications and sound recording and playback devices (SITC76) and other six kinds of machinery and transport equipment category within the complementary products in the industry, the state, its total import and export volume wa

21、s 4.965 billion U.S. dollars, accounting for China and Malaysia have a complementary relationship within the industrys trade volume accounted for 75.38%. China and Thailand in the power machinery and equipment, metalworking machinery, general machinery equipment and spare parts, office machines and

22、automatic data processing equipment and telecommunications and sound recording and playback devices such as five kinds of machinery and transport equipment category within the complementary products in the industry state, its total import and export volume was 3.945 billion U.S. dollars, accounting

23、for China and Thailand have a complementary relationship within the industry of the bilateral trade volume accounted for 65.64%. China and the Philippines in the power machinery and equipment, special industry-specific machinery, metalworking machinery, and telecommunications and sound recording and

24、 playback devices such as four kinds of machinery and transport equipment category within the complementary products in the industry, the state, its total import and export volume was 505 million U.S. dollars, accounting for within the industry between China and the Philippines, a complementary rela

25、tionship with bilateral trade volume accounted for 64.83%. China and Indonesia in the electrical machinery, appliances and electrical parts thereof (SITC77) This one kind of machinery and transport equipment category within the complementary products in the industry, the state, its total import and

26、export volume was 579 million U.S. dollars, accounting for China and Indonesia have a complementary relationship within the industry The bilateral trade volume accounted for 15.62%. (3) more competitive in the labor-intensive products, capital and technology intensive products less competitive China

27、s labor-intensive miscellaneous manufactured articles (SITC8) has a strong competitive edge, while higher levels of capital and technology of power machinery, appliances and electrical parts thereof (SITC77) are less competitive terms. For example, in bilateral trade with ASEAN 4 countries, the Chin

28、ese are in the furniture and parts thereof (SITC82), travel goods, handbags and the like (SITC83), clothing and clothing accessories (SITC84) and footwear (SITC85) and other miscellaneous product has strong competitive advantages. In electrical machinery, appliances and electrical parts, China and M

29、alaysia, Thailand and the Philippines bilateral trade TSC values were -0.79, -0.58 and a 0.74, at a distinct competitive disadvantage. The bilateral trade volume of the product were as high as 73.55, 20.13 and 4.695 billion U.S. dollars, accounting for China and Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippine

30、s, the proportion of bilateral trade volume was 36.54%, 15.91% and 49.95%. (4) agricultural and natural resource-intensive primary products industry has a strong complementary relationship between China and ASEAN 4 countries in the agricultural and natural resource intensive commodities among indust

31、ries has a strong complementary relationship. For example, China and major food animals for human consumption (SITCO) of such agricultural products have a competitive advantage for Malaysia, while non-food raw materials (SITC2), mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials (SITC3) and animal and

32、vegetable oils, grease and wax (SITC4) and other primary products have a competitive disadvantage. Chinas main food and live animals for food, non-food raw materials and mineral fuel, lubricants and related materials and other primary products have a competitive disadvantage in Thailand. Chinas main

33、 food and live animals for food and non-food raw materials, the Philippines has a competitive advantage, while animal and vegetable oils, grease and wax has a competitive disadvantage. Chinas main food and live animals for human consumption of such agricultural products in Indonesia has a competitiv

34、e advantage, while non-food raw materials, mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials as well as animal and vegetable oils, grease and wax and other primary products has obvious competitive disadvantage. (5) food and labor-intensive manufactured goods has a strong complementary relationship wit

35、hin the industry. China and ASEAN in a number of food and labor-intensive manufactured goods has a strong complementary relationship within the industry. For example, China and Malaysia in the miscellaneous foods (SITC09), leather, leather products and trample fur (SITC61) and paper, pulp, cardboard

36、 and goods (SITC64) has a complementary relationship within the industry. China and Thailand in the fish, crustaceans and molluscs and their products (SITC03), coffee, tea, cocoa, spices and their products (SITC07), miscellaneous food and yarn, fabrics and related products (SITC65) has within the co

37、mplementary industry relations. China and the Philippines in vegetables and fruits (SITC05) and paper, pulp, cardboard and goods has a complementary relationship within the industry. China and Indonesia in the fish, crustaceans and molluscs and its products, coffee, tea, cocoa, spices and its produc

38、ts, miscellaneous food, leather, fur and leather products and trample yarn, fabrics and related products within the industry with complementary relations. 2. Bilateral trade between China and ASEAN countries complement the main reasons for For China and ASEAN in the natural resource-intensive primar

39、y products between the complementary industries that are relatively easy to understand. The main reason is the resources of China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations police Fu difference. As we all know, China in many important natural resources (such as oil, iron ore) area per capita is

40、much lower than the world average, with the rapid economic development, Chinas growing demand for such natural resources. In contrast, ASEAN has abundant natural resources. Therefore, China and ASEAN in the natural resource-intensive primary products, with the industry on the basis of inter-compleme

41、ntary. (1) consumer demand, the similarities and overlap. According to Lindel (Linder) similar demand theory, with similar consumer preferences and product purchasing power between countries that produce intra-industry trade. Despite the similarity Rindel demand theory is mainly used to explain the

42、high level of purchasing power generated industry trade between developed reasons, but the relatively low purchasing power among developing countries may also have similar needs and product preferences of consumer (just like the lower-level needs and product preferences), resulting in intra-industry

43、 trade and industrial complementarity. China and ASEAN on a typical example of this view, a similar cultural background and spending habits on both sides of industry within the complementarity of trade and industry has an important influence. Similar culture is a special kind of resources, companies

44、 can export out of neighboring countries to take consumer demand products such as clothing and food. (2) the level of China-ASEAN industrial division of labor. Technical and economic theory suggests that the higher level of industrialization, division of labor more closely, the more close economic t

45、ies. As the level of industrialization, coupled with large-scale participation of industrial products, especially machinery and transport equipment products in the international division of labor, between China and ASEAN continue to refine the division of labor industry level, the ability to supply

46、differentiated products rising, so as to promote China and ASEAN in the industrial products, especially machinery and transport equipment industry within the complementarity of trade and industry. As capital and technology between China and ASEAN rapid accumulation of elements, together with the int

47、ernational direct investment to promote the production of direct and indirect elements of cross-border movement of factors of production structure of each of these countries will tend to narrow the differences. Use the same kinds of factors of production based on the international division of labor

48、will be developed and gradually led by the differences in factor structure of bilateral trade, factors of production efficiency led to the bilateral trade transition. China and ASEAN is in the early stages of this transformation. Experienced the Asian financial turmoil, countries are re-adjusting it

49、s industrial structure to achieve high value-added industries to upgrade. The new international division of labor between China and ASEAN trade will bring more opportunities. (3) the transfer of international industries and multinational business strategy of regional integration. As mentioned above, China and the ASEAN region in which the South China Sea is an international industry transfer and concentration of hot spots, while the international industry transfer and concentra


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