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1、Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.Section A,New words:,1.licence,/license.n.证件,证.,2.safety,n.安全;安全性.,safe,adj,安全的.,safely,adv.安全地.,The _ of the boy is very important.It is _ to go across the street when the traffic lights are green.The plane landed(着陆)_.,safety,safe,safe

2、ly,3.smoke,v,吸烟./n.烟.,It is bad for us _.There is a lot of black _ in the room.,to smoke,smoke,part-time.兼职的.pierce,v.扎,刺破.earring,n.耳环,耳饰.,7.flash,n.闪光灯,闪光.tiny,adj.极小的;微小的.cry,v.哭./n.哭10.field,n.田野:in the field.在田里.11.hug,拥抱.V./n.,12.lift,v.举起;抬高.,It is very hard for me to lift the stone.,对我来说,举起这

3、块石头很难.,lift,n.电梯.,乘电梯到二楼.,Take the lift to the second floor.,badly,adv.严重地;差;非常.bad,adj.坏的,严重的.,比较级;worse,worst.,14.talk back.回嘴,顶嘴.,15.awful,adj.很坏的;讨厌的.,16.teen,n.青少年.teenager,n.,regret,v.感到遗憾;懊悔.poem,n.诗.,by many students.,主动语态变被动语态的方法,1.Many students study English.,English,is studied,2.They make

4、 shoes in that factory.,Shoes,are made,by them,in that factory.,1.They bought ten computers last term,by them last term.,2.一般过去时的被动语态结构:,was/were+过去分词,last year.,2.We planted many trees last year.,Many trees,were planted,Ten computers,were bought,3.含有情态动词的被动语态结构:,情态动词(can/may/should)+be+过去分词,1.Amy c

5、an take good care of Gina,by Amy.,Gina,can be taken good care of,2.You should drink more water.,More water,should be drunk,by you.,1.He can take care of the baby.2.Lucy may draw the pictures.3.You must turn off the lights.4.They should learn English well.,The baby can be taken care of by him.,The pi

6、ctures may be drawn by Lucy.,The lights must be turned off by you.,English should be learned well by them.,Who can the baby be taken care of by?,Who may the picture be drawn by?,Who must the lights be turned off by?,Who should English be learned well by?,Teenagers should not be allowed to smoke.,smo

7、ke v.吸烟;冒烟 n.烟,Sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive.,drivers license,safety,Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.,Teenagers should not be allowed to have part-time jobs.,part-time adj.&adv.兼职(的),I dont think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to get their ears pierced.,ge

8、t her ears pierced,earring,1.allow的用法:,1.Teachers allow us to eat in the dinning hall.2.Teachers dont allow us to eat in the classroom.,1.allow sb to do sth.,2.allow doing sth.,We dont allow smoking here.,We are allowed to eat in the dinning hall.,3.be allowed to do sth.,被允许干某事.,允许干某事,允许某人干某事,Read a

9、nd circle“A”(for agree)or“D”(for disagree).,Pre-listening:What is the relationship of the two speakers?While-listening:Who is John?What do you know about John?What does the women think about Johns drivers license(驾照)?Why does she think so?What does Anna want to watch?How is Anna going there?What els

10、e is Anna going to do?Why does the women want to go with Anna?What does Anna think about it?Finish 1b.After-listening:Read and imitate(模仿)the listening content.,1b Listening,1b Listen and circle“T”(for true)or“F”(for false),1.Anna can go to the shopping center by bus.T F,2.Anna wants to get her ears

11、 pierced.T F,3.Anna wants to choose her own clothes.T F,5.enough的用法:,1.I have enough money to buy the computer.,2.They dont have people enough to pick apples.,3.He ran fast enough to catch up with the others.,4.His sister is old enough to go to school.,enough 修饰名词,位置可前可后,修饰形容词副词只能放在后面.,2a What does

12、Molly think of Kathys statements?Listen and circle A for Agree,D for Disagree or DK for Doesnt Know.,4.need的用法:,1.当情态动词讲,需要.,1.He neednt go there.,2.Need she go to the party?,Yes,she must./No,she neednt.,后跟动词原形.用于否定句和疑问句中.,2.当实义动词讲:,1).1.I need your help.,2.We need lots of time to do our homework.,S

13、th.,2).Tom needs to see a doctor.,to do sth.,Tom doesnt need to see a doctor.,Does Tom need to see a doctor?,3).My hair needs cutting.,My hair needs to be cut.,Sth needs doing.to be done.,用于肯定句,否定句和疑问句中.,It looks cool.Young people need to sleep.He needs to spend time with friends.He needs time to do

14、 homework.It doesnt look clean.,2b Listen again.What are Kathys and Mollys reasons?Number their reasons in the correct order.,4,1,5,2,3,2d Role-play the conversation.,Picasso and paintings,school trip,take photos,Read 2d again and answer the questions:,1.How does Sandy feel about seeing the famous p

15、aintings by Picasso?she is/feels really excited.2.Who chose the art museum for their school trip?Mr.Smith.3.Why is Sandy going to bring his new camera?To take lots of photos.4.How does Wu Lan think they may be allowed to take photos if they dont use a flash?She thinks it may be OK./It may be OK.,Use

16、ful points:1.be excited about doing sth./sth.对做某事或某事感到兴奋.,2.Me,too.我也是.,3.choose-chose-chosen.,n.choice.,4.be going to do sth.将要做某事.,5.take photos.拍照.,6.use a flash.使用闪光灯.,7.want to do sth.想做某事.,8.protect the paintings.保护油画.,3a Read the poem aloud and discuss what the title means with your partner.,

17、Mom Knows Best,3b Read the poem again and answer the questions.,1.What did the mom do when the writer was a baby and a small child?2.Why do you think the writer talked back to his mom when he was seven and nine years old?,She sang to him and stayed by his side when he cried;,She gave him food and wa

18、rm arms to sleep in when he was tired and hungry.,She kept him safe when he was running through the field.,She hugged him and lifted him up when he fell.,He felt that he was growing up and he did not want to be treated like a little child anymore./He felt he was not a baby anymore.,3.How did the wri

19、ter feel when he was a teenager and his mom said“Please be back by ten”?4.After reading the whole poem,how do you think the writer feels about his mom?,He was upset because he felt that he was old enough to be independent and should not be told what to do./Upset/Angry.,He loves his mom and is thankf

20、ul for what she has done for him./He thinks his mom knows best.,Important points:,1.all night.整晚,整夜.,2.sing-sang-sung.,3.make sure,确保.,4.keep sb from sth/doing sth.让某人避免./做某事.,5.fall-fell-fallen.,6.give sb a hug.给某人一个拥抱.,7.lift sb up.把某人高高举起.,8.give sth to sb.把某东西给某人.,9.be back/come back/get back.回来

21、.,10.I should not be told what to do.,I should not be told how to do it./that.,11.an adult.一个成年人.,12.think back.回想.,13.be late for sth.干.迟到,14.regret doing sth./regret not doing sth.后悔做某事/后悔没做某事.,15.listen to sb.听某人说.,Grammar Focus,No,I dont agree with this.Teenagers are too young to make their own

22、decisions.,I disagree.They can learn a lot from working.,If you dont use a flash,then it may be OK.,Do you think we may be allowed to take photos if we dont use a flash?,You must clean your bedroom every day.Your bedroom must be cleaned every day.2.Parents should encourage teenagers to do social wor

23、k for their community.Teenagers_ _.3.Can Lucy do her homework tomorrow instead?Can_,should be encouraged,her homework be done tomorrow instead?,4a Rewrite the sentences according to the example.,to do social work for their community.,4.Do you think we must keep teenagers away from the Internet?Do yo

24、u think teenagers_ _?5.Parents should give teenagers chances to make their own decisions.Teenagers_ _.,must be kept away from,should be given chances to make their own,decisions,the Internet,4b Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in brackets.,Should teenagers _(ask)to move out whe

25、n they start working?In many Western countries,teenagers _(allow)to move out at eighteen.Their parents believe that they should _(educate)to take care of themselves from a young age.This way,when they _(start)working they can manage their own lives.However,in most Asian societies,it is not common fo

26、r teenagers to,be asked,are allowed,be educated,start,_(move)out.Chinese parents believe that it is better for children to live with parents who can _(take)care of them.But the young should then look after their parents as they get older.That is why many Chinese adults _(continue)to live with their

27、parents.,move,take,continue,agree with sb/sth.同意某人或某事.too.to.太.而不能learn sth from sth/sb.向某人或某事学习某事.encourage sb to do sth.鼓励某人做某事.keep sb away from sth.让某人远离某事.move out.搬出去.at ten.take care of sb.照顾某人.look after sb.get older.长大.continue to do sth.继续做某事.,12.get to class late.上课迟到.13.fail a test.考试失败.

28、14.be strict with sb.对某人严格.be strict in sth.对某事严格.,Reading,Important points:,2.Liu Yu,a fifteen-year-old boy from Shandong,is a running star.,1.get in the way of,Watching TV too much can get in the way of your study./doing homework.,sth,doing sth.,同位语.,a running star.,一位跑步明星,3.a professional runner.

29、,4.allow sb to do sth.,允许某人在某事.,allow doing sth.,允许做某事.,5.train,n.火车.,v.训练,6.see sb do sth.,看见某人做某事.,7.every 与each 的区别:,1.every/each.当形容词讲:1).every day/each day.2).every boy/each boy.,2.every,三者或三者以上中的每一个;而each 是指两者或两者以上中的每一个.,We can see many trees on _ side of the street.,each,on _side of the stree

30、t.,either,on _sides of the street.,both,3.两者可做代词.,1.Every one of the students likes English.,2.Each of the students likes English.,every one of us/each of us,8.have nothing against sth./doing sth.,没有理由反对,be against sb/sth/doing sth.,We are all against him./his idea./working in groups.,be for sb./sth

31、/doing sth.支持.,9.run-runner.,running,run-ran-run.,10.work hard at school.好好学习.,11.enter university.上大学.,12.teach sb to do sth.,teach sb not to do sth.,teach+双宾语.,13.be serious about sth./doing sth.,对 很认真.对很渴望.,14.practice doing sth.,The children in the mountains are serious about going to school.,8.

32、care about.担心,关心,在乎.,1).在乎.I dont care about what he said.,2).担心.worry about.,9.1.succeed.V.,1.Im not sure if youll succeed this time.,2.n.success.成功.,His parents worry about his success.,2.But if you study hard,you must succeed in the future.,We all know failure is the mother of success.,3.successf

33、ul.adj.成功的.,She is a very successful businesswoman.,Beijing,the capital of China,held the Olympic Games in 2008 successfully.,4.successfully.adv.成功地.,19.Only then will I have a chance to achieve my dream.,a chance to do sth.做某事的机会.,I will have a chance to achieve my dream only then.,Only 引导的短语做状语,且要

34、放在句首时,主句应用部分倒装,即只要把助动词提前。,1.You can improve your English only in the way.,Only in the way can you improve your English.,2.I realized that I was wrong only then.,Only then did I realize that I was wrong.,Self check:take photos.do part-time work.get ears pierced.achieve my dream.make a choice.go shopp

35、ing.difficult,adj.困难的.difficulty,n.困难.difficulties.困难.,10.in the end./at last.最后,最终.11.keep off.关掉.12.teenagers under eighteen.十八岁以下的青少年.,四、按要求完成句子,每空一词。1Teachers should allow the students to have outdoor activities at school.(改为被动语态)The students _ _ _ _ have outdoor activities at school.2We must no

36、t take photos in the museum.(改为被动语态)Photos_ _ _in the museum.3I will ask somebody to check over my kitchen fan.(改为同义句)I will_ my kitchen fan_ over.,should be allowed to,mustnt be taken,have,checked,把下列句子变成被动语态的句子;1、They planted these trees on weekend.These trees on weekend.2、The workers built the br

37、idge in 1968 The bridge _ _by the workers in 1968.3、People invited Yao Ming to play basketball in The USA.Yao Ming to basketball in the USA.4、IBM produced this new type of computer.This new type of computer_ _ by IBM.,were planted,was built,was invited,play,was produced,The trees should be planted a

38、round the lake.,The computer must be repaired now.,Their mistakes should be corrected.,The trees must be watered well.,用所给词的正确形式填空:1.Teenagers should be _(allow)to choose their clothes.2.Sixteen-year-olds _(be)not allowed to drive.3.He should stop _(wear)those silly earrings.4.Young people need _(sleep)about 8 hours at least.,allowed,are,wearing,to sleep,Practice,5.We should pass the test instead of _(fail)the test.6.We have a lot of _(rule)at school.7.I think your father _(be)strict with you!8.You have to _(be)18 before you are allowed to drive.,failing,rules,is,be,


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