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1、8A Unit 6(Revision),第一页,共39页。,8A Unit 6 复习主要(zhyo)内容:,课文(kwn)复习,写作(xizu)部分,重点句型,重点词组,语法回顾,范文展示,词汇识记,表达运用,第二页,共39页。,Reading,Timmy is a teenager.He _in Taiwan.He _ the _in 1999.He was_some shopping when it_.At first,he felt a _ _through his body.People in the shopping mall looked at each other _ _.Som

2、e people_because they were very _.,lives,survived,earthquake,doing,started,slight,shaking,in,fear,screamed,frightened,第三页,共39页。,Then the real noise came,like_ under the ground.The _started to _.People ran in all _.I _my best to run to the street too.People were running _as pieces of glass and _were

3、_down.Then the walls began to _down.,bombs,earth,shake,directions,tried,wildly,bricks,falling,come,第四页,共39页。,_,the noise and _ended.Hewas _and _get out.A moment of _went _ his mind.Then he tried to _ _and _ for help.Finally,people _in a _ to _away the bricks and stones and _him.,Finally,shaking,trap


5、reak(过去(guq)式)18.fall(过去(guq)式)19.snow(形容词)20.cloud(形容词)21.sun(形容词)22.rain(形容词),natural,mopped,shaking,trapped,alive,windy,foggy,loudly,dropped,arrival,firemen,frightened,heard,frosty,safe,caller,broke,fell,snowy,cloudy,sunny,rainy,第六页,共39页。,1.自然灾害 2.用拖把拖干净3.成千上万(chng qin shng wn)的人4.一场汽车事故5.撞毁6.把村庄

6、冲走7.引起一场大火8.从树上掉下来9.感到有点颤动10.听到像雷一样的声音,natural disasters,mop up,thousands of people,a car accident,crash into,wash the villages away,start a big fire,fall from the tree,feel a slight shaking,hear a big noise like thunder,第七页,共39页。,11.害怕12.开始晃动13.四处乱跑14.尽某人的努力(n l)做某事 15.疯狂地跑16.掉下17.镇静下来18.被困19.自言自语2

7、0.大声喊救命,in fear,start to shake,run in all directions,try ones best to do sth,run wildly,fall down,calm down,be trapped,say to oneself,scream for help,第八页,共39页。,21.活着22.一包巧克力23.急匆匆做某事24.最后25.移开26.在地震(dzhn)中幸免于难 27.降至零下3度28.计划去唐山旅行29.抛锚30.听到从我上面传来的声音,stay alive,a packet of chocolate,in a great hurry t

8、o do sth.,at last,move away,survive the earthquake,drop to-3,plan a trip to Tangshan,break down,hear some noise above me,第九页,共39页。,31.覆盖整个地面32.感到又冷又害怕33.报警34.给我发电子邮件35.持续很长时间36.着火37.向前跌倒38.第二天早晨(zo chen)39.把雪清除40.给当地的人分发食物和饮用水,cover the whole road,feel cold and frightened,call the police,e-mail me,l

9、ast long,catch fire,fall over,the next morning,remove the snow,give out food and drinking water to the local people,第十页,共39页。,词组(cz)巩固1 填上合适的词组(cz),1.I told myself _ since I was still alive.2.When the tiger appeared,all the little animals _.3.When Timmy heard the noise above him,he _.4.Finally,peopl

10、e hurried _ the stones and saved that poor girl.5.Last night a car _ that tree.,to calm down,ran in all directions,screamed for help,to move away,crashed into,第十一页,共39页。,词组巩固(gngg)2 填上合适的词组,1.While Daniel was making a snowball,he_.2.Their school _because lightning hit it.3.The teachers _when it star

11、ted to rain.4.My dad _in that shopping mall at this time yesterday.5.I _my way out when I suddenly heard some noise above me.,fell over,caught fire,were reading newspapers,was doing some shopping,was trying to find,第十二页,共39页。,词组(cz)巩固3,填上合适的词组(cz),They called the police at 8:00 a.m._.His fathers car

12、 _because of the terrible weather.Hobo and Eddie _on the floor when we came.I looked out of the window and saw many people _at that bus stop.They _if you dont cheer for them.,using the mobile phone,broke down,were mopping up the water,waiting for a bus,will lose the game,第十三页,共39页。,重点(zhngdin)句型,1.I

13、 _ _(睡觉)when it _ _ _(开始下雨).2.The Taiwan earthquake killed _ _ _(成千上万(chng qin shng wn)人)3.They looked at _ _(对方)_ _(惊恐).4.People were _ _(疯狂地跑)while brickswere _ _(掉下)5.The snow was _ _.(的确很大),第十四页,共39页。,Bad weather sometimes _ _(导致自然灾害)Millie asked me to go to her house because I _ _(忘了带)my keys.I

14、 _ _(告诫(goji)自己)I must _ _(活下去)When the noise _ _(结束),we _ _(被困)in a dark place.10.The temperature _ _(降至)-5 yesterday.,第十五页,共39页。,16.The school _ _(着火)because lightning _(击中)it.17.A moment of _(恐惧)_ _ _ _.(袭入我的心头)18.I saw many people _ _(辛勤忙碌(mngl)_ _(除去)the snow at 9:00 a.m.yesterday.19.They _ _ _

15、(尽力)_ _ _(跑向)that station just now.20.They _ _ _(分发)food to the local people when we _(到达).21.All of us _ _ _ _ _(告诫自己保持镇静)when the earth _ _ _(开始晃动),第十六页,共39页。,1.人们(rn men)急匆匆地把石头移开。People _the stones.People _ the stones.People moved away the stones _.People moved away the stones _.2.三人在那场交通事故中丧生。T

16、hree people _.Three people _.That _ three people.,were in a great hurry to move away,hurried to move away,in a hurry,hurriedly,died in that traffic accident,lost their lives in that traffic accident,traffic accident killed,第十七页,共39页。,3.昨天(zutin)雪下得很大。The snow _ yesterday.It _ yesterday.It _ yesterda

17、y.It _ yesterday.4.昨天(zutin)天气如何?_ yesterday?_ yesterday?5.1999年台湾发生了一场地震。_ in Taiwan in 1999._ in Taiwan in 1999.,was heavy,snowed heavily,What was the weather like,How was the weather,An earthquake happened,There was an earthquake,snowed hard,was very rainy,第十八页,共39页。,6.他们(t men)不知道该往哪儿走。They didn

18、t know _.They didnt know _.7.整个马路现在被雪覆盖。Now the whole road _ snow.Now the snow _ the whole road.8.他们(t men)站在树下谈论得很开心。They _ under the tree and _ happily.They _ under the tree,_ happily.9.最终他在那场洪水中幸免于难。_,he _ that flood._ _,he _ _ in that flood.,where to go,where they should go,is covered with,cover

19、s,第十九页,共39页。,表达与应用(yngyng)1.用shake/shaking填空 1._ the bottle before you take the medicine.2.He felt a slight _ through his body because of fear.3.He _ his head and said No.,Shake,shaking,shook,shake(v.)摇动,晃动 过去(guq)式:shookshaking(n.)摇动,震动,第二十页,共39页。,2.alive/live/living/life 1.All of them _ a happy _.

20、2.These plants cant stay _ in this weather.3.Shes one of the greatest _ writers in the world.,live,life,alive,living,alive(adj.)在世的,活着的,只能作表语 living(adj.)在世的,活着的,可作定语修饰名词,如living things live(v.)活着,居住 life(n.)复数(fsh)lives 一生,第二十一页,共39页。,介词(jic)with 和 without 的用法:,根据提示完成下列句子:1.它是一幢带有花园的漂亮建筑物。It is _ 2

21、.鱼睁着眼睛睡觉。Fish _.3.没有(mi yu)闪电就没有(mi yu)植物的生命。There is _4.下了一场大暴雨并伴随着电闪雷鸣。There was a heavy storm _.,总结:1.with 有“带有”“用”2.without“没有”“不”3.with 和 without 后面(hu mian)可接名词或动名词。,a beautiful building with a garden.,sleep with their eyes open,no plant life without lightning.,with thunder and lightning.,第二十二

22、页,共39页。,Nouns Adjectives,sun wind rain snow,Nouns Adjectives,cloudfogfroststorm,表 天气的名词+y(双写+y)形容词,cloudy,stormy,frosty,foggy,Noun+y Adjective,sunny,windy,rainy,snowy,第二十三页,共39页。,(1)It is _ outside.I should bring my umbrella!(2)Look!How _ it is!It will blow my hat off.(3)Its quite _.I can not see th

23、ings clearly.(4)Dont forget your sunglasses.It is very _ today.(5)There are many_ in the sky,its very_.Its going to _.,Complete the sentences with the right words according to the pictures,rainy,windy,foggy,sunny,clouds,cloudy,rain,第二十四页,共39页。,Look at the weather forecast and fill in the blanks,The

24、weather today is _ but itll be _ tomorrow.The temperature will be around 7 C.It will be _ on Saturday.The temperature is going to drop a little.It will be _ on Sunday.The temperature will be lower.It will be only 0 C.The temperature will become worse next Monday.Itll be _ and the temperature will dr

25、op to-5.,sunny,cloudy,windy,frosty,snowy,five degrees below zero,第二十五页,共39页。,用所给动词的适当形式(xngsh)填空1.Well get there on time if it _(not rain)tomorrow.2.Theres plenty(大量的)of _(rain)in the south.3.Its better to stay at home on _(rain)days.4.Its _(rain)heavily.Youd better take a raincoat.,同义(tn y)句改写 1.Wh

26、ats the weather like today?_ the weather today?2.The temperature will be 2-9.The _ temperature will be 2,and the _ temperature will be 9.,doesnt rain,rain,rainy,raining,Hows,low,high,第二十六页,共39页。,过去(guq)进行时主要表示:在过去(guq)某一时刻正在进行的动作(a)They were eating breakfast at 7:00 am yesterday.(b)I was writing a l

27、etter at this time yesterday.在过去(guq)某一阶段一直在进行的动作(a)From 1983 to 1998,he was teaching at Yale.(b)They were building a dam last winter.,过去进行时的用法(yn f)和结构:,第二十七页,共39页。,过去进行时的句式(1)基本结构(jigu):was/were+verb-ing(2)否定式:was/were not+verb-ing was not=wasnt were not=werent(3)疑问句:将 was/were 调到主语前(4)I/he/she/it

28、 was+verb-ing you/we/they were+verb-ing,第二十八页,共39页。,时间(shjin)状语at this time yesterday,at that time,at nine yesterday morning,the whole afternoon,from 6:00 to 8:00 yesterday morning,巩固(gngg)练习1.What _ your brother _(do)at nine oclock last night?2.They _(listen)to music at that time.3.When I saw him,h

29、e _(search)the Internet.4.They _(discuss)a problem in the meeting room at this time yesterday.5._ Amy _(visit)the Science Museum from 9:00 a.m.to 11:00 a.m.yesterday?,was,doing,were listening,was searching,were discussing,Was,visiting,第二十九页,共39页。,连词 while 与过去进行时 当两个(lin)延续性动词同时进行时,我们可以在两个(lin)句子中都用过

30、去进行时,并用 while 连接。1.People were running wildly while pieces of glass and bricks were falling down.2.Suzy was making a snowman while Kitty was standing beside her.,第三十页,共39页。,当延续性动作进行的同时也有别的动作发生,用when或while 连接两动作,延续性动作用过去(guq)进行时而短暂性动作用过去(guq)时.1.The earthquake started while I was doing some shopping.

31、2.I was trying to find my way out when I suddenly heard some noise above me.,第三十一页,共39页。,when和while作并列连词(linc)时,when 意为“就在这时;突然”,相当于and then.While 则表示“而;却”,相当于but,yet.1.I was walking when someone called me from behind.2.She was doing her homework while her mother was cooking.3.I like apples while my

32、 sister likes oranges.,第三十二页,共39页。,1.My wallet dropped on the ground _ I was running.2._ I fell asleep,there was a loud knock on the door.3._ he was reading,an earthquake started.4.Were the students listening carefully _ the teacher was giving a lesson?5._ the telephone rang,I became nervous.,while,

33、When,While,while,When,6.Was she clearing up the desk _ the bell rang?7.The days get longer _ spring comes.8.Lucy was listening to the radio _ Lily was watching TV.9.They have their PE lesson indoors _ it rains.,when,when,while,when,第三十三页,共39页。,1.Simon _(have)breakfast when the snow _(come).2.Sandy _

34、(wait)for a taxi on the road when Millie _(see)her.3.Some students _(play)basketball while others _(play)badminton.4.When I arrived home yesterday,my mother _(do)the cooking.5._ it still _(rain)when you got to school yesterday morning?,was having,came,was waiting,saw,were playing,were playing,was do

35、ing,Was raining,第三十四页,共39页。,1.-Where did you put the keys?-Oh,I_ I put them on the chair because the phone rang while I _in.remembered;come B.remembered;was coming C.remember;come D.remember;was coming,2.-What do you think of the colour of my new dress?-Sorry,but what did you say?I _ about something

36、 else.think B.thought C.am thinking D.was thinking3.-I came to your home yesterday afternoon,but nobody was in.-Oh,we some shopping in the supermarket.have done B.did C.were doing D.are doing,第三十五页,共39页。,4.-I called you at half past nine this morning,but there was no answer.-Oh,sorry.I with my cousi

37、n in the supermarket.A.shop B.was shopping C.shopped D.will shop5.His parents wanted to know what he _ at that time.A.is doing B.was doing C.has done D.will do,6.-Dick gave me a note while I _ in the library.-I guess he made it to say sorry to you.A.am reading B.was reading C.reads D.will read,7.Whe

38、n I went to say goodbye to Anna,she the piano.is playing B.plays C.was playing D.played,第三十六页,共39页。,反馈(fnku)矫正,Last May I stayed in Santo Lusa for a week.That was my f 1 trip there.One morning I s 2 out to visit a famous museum,but I didnt know w 3 way to go,so I stopped a stranger and asked,“Excuse

39、 me,does this street lead(通向)to the Grand Museum?”“Yes,”he answered.“Go along this street and turn left at the second crossing.You cant m 4 it”.So I w 5 two blocks(街区(ji q)and turned to my left,but the museum w 6 there.Then I asked a second stranger.He said,“Go along this street and turn left at the

40、 second crossing.”But a 7 I couldnt find the museum.I asked a third stranger and he said the same thing.This time I found the Grand Museum.Just then s 8 walked up and said.“Excuse me.Wheres the 9 bookstore?”I answered q 10,“Go along this street and turn left at the second crossing!”,quickly,somebody/someone,again,wasnt,walked,miss,which,started,first,nearest,第三十七页,共39页。,Thank you!,第三十八页,共39页。,内容(nirng)总结,8A Unit 6。词组巩固1 填上合适的词组。词组巩固3,填上合适的词组。3.没有闪电(shndin)就没有植物的生命。-5-0 oC。当延续性动作进行的同时也有别的动作发生,。过去进行时而短暂性动作用过去时.。Thank you,第三十九页,共39页。,


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