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1、Section A(1a-2d),Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.,九年级英语(RJ上)教学课件,2023/3/24,Key words&phrases:humorous,silent,helpful,from time to time,score Key sentences:1.Did Mario used to be short?Yes,he did.He used to be really short.2.Whats he like now?Hes tall now.3.Paula used to be really quiet.,Learn

2、ing Targets,2023/3/24,Wang Fei used to have long hair,but now she has short hair.,Do you know her?How has she changed?,Lead-in,2023/3/24,Zhang Yishan used to be short,but he is tall now.,Do you know him?How has he changed?,2023/3/24,tall/shortmedium heightstraight/curly hairlong/short hairheavy/thin

3、young/old,Fill in the chart with words to describe people.,Appearance,Personality,outgoingfunny helpfulcute kindfriendlyconfident,1a,Presentation,2023/3/24,1.Mario used to be _.He used to wear _.2.Amy used to be _.She used to have _ hair.3.Tina used to have _ and _ hair.,short,glasses,tall,short,red

4、,curly,Listening,2023/3/24,Look at the picture in 1a and make conversations.,Practice,Did Mario use to be short?,Yes,he did.He used to be really short.,Whats he like now?,Hes tall now.,1c,2023/3/24,Did Amy use to have short hair?,Whats she like now?,She has long hair now.,Yes,she did.She used to hav

5、e short hair.,2023/3/24,Yes,she did.She used to have red and curly hair.,Did Tina use to have red hair?,2023/3/24,Look at these words and remember them.,_ friendly _ outgoing _ serious _ humorous _ silent _ active_ brave _ quiet _ helpful,2023/3/24,1.humorous adj.有幽默感的;滑稽有趣的,例:He was quite humorous,

6、and I liked that about him.他很幽默,我喜欢他这一点。,humor(幽默)+ous 有幽默感的,2023/3/24,例:Trish was silent because she didnt want to put her thoughts into words.特里西一直不说话,因为她不愿意吐 露内心的想法。,2.silent adj.不说话的;沉默的,silent adj.silence n.沉默,2023/3/24,help n.(帮助)+ful helpful adj.有帮助的,3.helpful adj.有帮助的,例:Role-play is helpful

7、in developing communication skills.角色扮演有助于提高沟通技巧。,2023/3/24,_ friendly _ outgoing _ serious _ humorous _ silent _ active_ brave _ quiet _ helpful,Listening,2023/3/24,Listening,In the past1.Paula used to be really _.She was always silent in class.She wasnt very _.She was never brave enough to ask que

8、stions.2.She got good grade in _.She was also good in _.She used to play the _.,quiet,outgoing,science,music,piano,2023/3/24,1.Now shes more interested in _.She plays _ almost every day.Shes also on a _ team.2.She still plays the _ from time to time.,soccer,sports,swim,piano,Now,2023/3/24,1.What cla

9、ss were they in?_2.What was Paula never brave enough to do in class?_ _3.What subjects were Paula good at?_4.What is Paula more interested in now?_,Listen again and answer the questions.,They were in science class.,She was never brave enough to ask the teachers any questions.,Listening,Science and m

10、usic.,Paula is more interested in sports now.,2023/3/24,Pair work,Paula used to be really quiet.,I know.She was always silent in class.,2023/3/24,She wasnt very outgoing.She was never brave enough to ask the teachers any questions.,But she was always friendly.She got good grades in science.And she w

11、as really good in music class,too.She used to play the piano.,2023/3/24,But now she is more interested in sports.She plays soccer almost every day.She still plays the piano from time to time.,Shes so active now.,2023/3/24,Read the conversation and complete the blanks.,Billy has changed so much!He us

12、ed to be _ and _.His face always _ _ when he talked to girls!He studied hard and got good _ on his exams.He used to be _,but now he is _ and _.,shy,quiet,turned,red,scores,thin,big,strong,2d,Role-play the conversation.,2023/3/24,Role-play,This party is such a great idea!,I agree.Its been three years

13、 since we last saw our primary school classmates.,2023/3/24,Its interesting to see how people have changed.,Billy has changed so much!He used to be so shy and quiet.,2023/3/24,Yeah,his face always turned red when he talked to girls!,I used to see him reading in the library every day.,2023/3/24,Thats

14、 because he was a really good student.He studied hard and got good scores on his exams.,Did he use to wear glasses?,2023/3/24,Yes,and he used to be thin,too.But look how big and strong he is now!,Hes so popular now.Look at all the girls around him!,2023/3/24,1.used to do sth.过去常常做某事,用于表示过去经常性或习惯性的动作

15、或状态,暗指现在已经不做或不存在了,强调过去与现在的对比。,*used to的否定形式有两种:didnt use to或usednt to,2023/3/24,例:Toms father used to read books after lunch.汤姆的爸爸过去常常在午饭后阅读。(暗示现在不做了)Mrs.Brown didnt use to/usednt to travel in summer.布朗夫人过去在夏天不旅游。Did you use to/Used you to play the guitar?你过去弹吉他吗?,*used to用于疑问句时,可借助助动词 did,也可以将used提

16、到主语前。,2023/3/24,根据汉语意思完成句子。1.欧文过去常常在拼写“发音”这个单词时出错。Owen _ make a mistake in spelling the word“pronunciation”.2.约翰过去说英语时很害羞。John _ be very shy when he spoke English.,used to,used to,学以致用,2023/3/24,2.from time to time是一个固定短语,意为“时常;有时”,相当于sometimes,常在句中作状语。例:Her daughters visited him from time to time w

17、hen he was ill.他生病的时候她的女儿们时常去探望他。,2023/3/24,3.score n.得分;进球例:Our team beat theirs by the score 3:1 in the final football match.我们队在足球比赛决赛中以3:1的得分打败了他们队。,2023/3/24,4.辨析such与so,2023/3/24,【拓展】(1)当名词前有many、much、few或little等词修饰时,要用so而不用such。,例:Its careless of him to make so many mistakes.他真是粗心,犯了那么多错误。The

18、 problem is where to get so much money.问题是去哪儿找到那么多钱。,2023/3/24,(2)“such+a/an+形容词+可数名词单数”相当于“so+形容词+a/an+可数名词单数”,表示“如此的一个”,例:She is such a lovely girl.=She is so lovely a girl.她是一个如此可爱的女孩。,2023/3/24,用such或so填空。1.This is _ a difficult problem that few students can work it out.2.I am _ frightened that

19、I cant say anything.3.Its impossible for them to do _ much work in _ a short time.4.It is _ an interesting book.We all like it.,such,so,so,such,such,学以致用,2023/3/24,一、根据句意及汉语提示写出单词。,1.James is so _(幽默的)that he often makes the people around him laugh loudly.2.When the teacher asks him,he always keeps

20、_(沉默的).3.I think good friends should be _(有用的).4.In order to get a higher _(得分),he studies very hard.,humorous,silent,helpful,score,Exercise,2023/3/24,二、单项选择。1._ Li Lei _ play computer games?No,he _.A.Did;use to;didnt B.Did;used to;didnt C.Does;use to;doesnt D.Does;used to;doesnt2.Our school talent

21、show was _ success that we enjoyed ourselves very much.A.such a great B.a such great C.so a great D.a so great,A,A,2023/3/24,3.There are no more birds flying around the lake.But I still think of them from time to time.Here the underlined part means _.A.sometimes B.at all times C.always D.usually,A,2

22、023/3/24,Summary,1.Talked about peoples changes.,2.Learned the phrase“used to do”.,2023/3/24,Homework,1.Practice the conversation of 2d on Page 26.2.Preview the passage in 3a.3.Do the exercises in students book.,2023/3/24,Thank you,2023/3/24,Section A(3a-4c),Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.,九

23、年级英语(RJ上)教学课件,2023/3/24,Key words&phrases:background,interview,Asian,deal with,dare,private,guard,require,European,African,British,speech,public,in public Key sentences:1.I used to be short.I didnt used to be popular in school.2.You used to be short,didnt you?Yes,I did/No,I didnt.,Learning Targets,2

24、023/3/24,Translate the sentences into English.,1.马里奥过去很矮,且戴眼镜。_ 2.他现在长什么样子?_,Mario used to be short and wear glasses.,Whats he like now?,Review,2023/3/24,3.葆拉以前很安静,她在班上总是很沉默。_ _4.她总是不够勇敢去问问题。_,Paula used to be really quiet.She was always silent in class.,She was never brave enough to ask questions.,

25、2023/3/24,Can you guess what she was like in the past?,Do you know the beautiful and outgoing girl?,Yeah.Shes the famous singer Candy Wang.,She used to be a shy girl.,Lead-in,2023/3/24,She took up singing to deal with her shyness.,As she got better,she was not shy anymore and loved singing in front

26、of crowds.Now shes an Asian pop star.,Do you want to know her story?,2023/3/24,_ how Candys life has changed_ Candys advice to young people_ Candys background,1,Read the article and identify the paragraphs 1-3 in which the following information appears.,2,3,3a,Presentation,2023/3/24,For this months

27、Young World magazine,I interviewed 19-year-old Asian pop star Candy Wang.Candy told me that she used to be really shy and took up singing to deal with her shyness.As she got better,she dared to sing in front of her class,and then for the whole school.Now shes notshy anymore and loves singing in fron

28、t of crowds.I asked Candy how life was different after she became famous.She explained,From Shy Girl to Pop Star,2023/3/24,that there are many good things,like being able to travel and meet new people all the time.“I didnt use to be popular in school,but now I get tons of attention everywhere I go.”

29、However,too much attention can also be a bad thing.“I always have to worry about how I appear to others and I have to be very careful about what I say or do.And I dont have much private time anymore.Hanging out with friends is almost impossible for me now because there are always guards around me.”,

30、2023/3/24,What does Candy have to say to all those young people who want to become famous?“Well,”she begins slowly,“you have to be prepared to give up your normal life.You can never imagine how difficult the road to success is.Many times I thought about giving up,but I fought on.You really require a

31、 lot of talent and hard work to succeed.Only a very small number of people make it to the top.”,2023/3/24,Read the first paragraph and answer the questions.,1.How old is Candy Wang?,2.What was she like?,She used to be really shy.,Shes 19 years old.,3.Why did she take up singing?,4.Whats she like now

32、?,To deal with her shyness.,Shes not shy anymore and loves singing in front of crowds.,2023/3/24,Read the second paragraph and fill in the chart.,1.Being able to travel and meet new people all the time.,2.Get tons of attention everywhere she goes.,1.Always have to worry about how she appears to othe

33、rs.,2.Have to be careful about what she says or does.,3.Dont have much private time anymore.,4.There are always guards around her.,2023/3/24,Read the third paragraph and fill in the blanks.,Candys advice to young people who want to become famous:1.You have to be _ to _ your _ life.2.You can never _

34、how difficult the road to _ is.,give up,prepared,normal,success,imagine,2023/3/24,3.You really require a lot of _ and _ to succeed.4.Only a very small _ of people make it to the _.,number,hard work,talent,top,2023/3/24,Read the article again and complete the sentences about Candy.,She used to be shy

35、,but now shes not shy _.She didnt use to be _ in school,but now she gets lots of attention.She used to _ with friends,but it is almost impossible now.She didnt use to _ how she appears to others,but now she does.,popular,anymore,worry about,hang out,3b,2023/3/24,Suppose you are the interviewer and y

36、our partner is Candy.Ask and answer questions.,1.What were you like?Why did you take up singing?,I used to be really shy.I took up singing to deal with my shyness.,3c,2023/3/24,2.How was your life different after you became famous?,There are many good things.I am able to travel and meet new people a

37、ll the time.I get tons of attention everywhere I go.Too much attention can also be a bad thing.I have to be very careful about what I say or do.And I dont have much private time anymore.Hanging out with friends is almost impossible.,2023/3/24,3.Whats your advice to all those young people who want to

38、 become famous?,You have to be prepared to give up your normal life.You can never imagine how difficult the road to success is.You really require a lot of talent and hard work to succeed.Only a very small number of people make it to the top.,2023/3/24,interviewer n.采访者;面试者,例:I feel very nervous beca

39、use I have a job interview tomorrow.我感到很紧张,因为我明天有一个工作面试。,1.interview v.采访;面试 n.面试;访谈,Language Points,2023/3/24,2.take up 开始;从事;接纳;占据;继续 做,例:These waste boxes take up too much space in the kitchen.厨房里的废盒子占了太多的空间了。,2023/3/24,拓展:take的相关词组take off 起飞;脱下take on 承担;呈现take over 接收;接管;接任take down 记下;取下take

40、place 发生;举行take a look 看一下 take a walk 散步take away 带走,拿走,取走take care of 照顾take charge 掌管,负责,2023/3/24,学以致用,Why not join a football club?Id love to,but Im afraid it will _ too much of my time.A.take up B.open up C.close up D.climb up,A,2023/3/24,例:Talking to people is the best way to deal with stress

41、.与人交流是处理压力的最好方式。,3.deal v.对待;处理(dealt,dealt)deal with 应对;处理,2023/3/24,中考链接,每个人应该竭尽所能处理这个问题。(2017湖北黄冈)Everyone is supposed to do what they can _ the problem.,to deal with,2023/3/24,例:The little girl dares not to answer the teachers questions.这个小女孩不敢回答老师的问题。,5.dare v.敢于;胆敢 dare(not)to do sth.(不)敢于做某事,

42、4.shyness n.害羞 shy+-ness,2023/3/24,学以致用,Because Im afraid of Mr.Wold in the class,I _ not anwer any questions.Take it easy.A.will B.dare C.could D.should,B,2023/3/24,例:The child didnt cry anymore when she saw her mother.当这个孩子见到她妈妈的时候,她就不哭了。,6.not anymore 不再,相当于no more。,2023/3/24,例:If you always comp

43、are yourself with others,you may get tons of pressure.如果你总是把自己与别人相比,你会有巨大的压力。,7.get tons of attention 被众人所关注 tons of 很多;极多,2023/3/24,例:Many American parents prefer to send their children to private schools.许多美国父母宁愿让孩子去私立学校读书。,8.private adj.私人的;私密的,2023/3/24,中考链接,Are you alone?I just want a _ word wi

44、th you.(湖北武汉中考)A.single B.new C.private D.certain,C,解析 single单一的;new新的;private私人的;certain必然的。根据前面问句Are you alone?可推测后面一句话的句意是“我只是想和你进行私下交流”,故答案为C。,2023/3/24,9.fight(fought,fought)v.努力去做,尝试;战斗,搏斗;争取,fight on 奋力坚持,例:Many times I thought about giving up,but I fought on.有许多次我都想到放弃,但我奋力坚持了下来。,2023/3/24,例

45、:The floor requires washing.=The floor requires to be washed.地板需要冲洗了。,10.require v.需要;要求 sth.require to be done=sth.require doing 某事需要被做,2023/3/24,学以致用,How can I pass the exams,Mr.Right?Well,you _ a lot of hard work first.A.offer B.spend C.waste D.require,D,2023/3/24,根据课本内容,完成下列句子。,1.我以前是矮个子。I _ be

46、short.2.我以前在学校不受欢迎。I _ to be popular in school.3.葆拉以前的确不爱说话。Paula _ be really quiet.4.她以前不喜欢考试。She _ like tests.,Grammar Focus,didnt use,used to,used to,didnt use to,2023/3/24,5.你以前很矮,不是吗?You used to be short,_?是的,我是。/不,不是。Yes,I _./No,I _.6.他以前戴眼镜吗?_ he _ wear glasses?是的,他戴。/不,他不戴。Yes,he _./No,he _.

47、,didnt you,Did use to,did didnt,did didnt,2023/3/24,Grammar,used to意为“过去常常”,用于表示过去习惯性的动作或存在的状态(强调与现在的对比,暗示现在不做了)。其中to为不定式符号,后跟动词原形。used to只用于一般过去时态,没有人称和数的变化。,一、used to的用法,2023/3/24,例:Mothers used to stay at home and take care of their children in the past,but now not anymore.在过去,妈妈们常常在家照顾孩子,但现在不再是这

48、样了。,2023/3/24,二、used to的句式变化,例:My mother used not to spend time cooking in the kitchen.=My mother didnt use to spend time cooking in the kitchen.我妈妈过去不常花时间做饭。,2023/3/24,2.一般疑问句 Did+主语+use+to do?答语:Yes,主语+did./No,主语+didnt.,例:Did you use to swim in the river?你过去 常常去河里游泳吗?Yes,I did.是的,我常常去。,2023/3/24,3

49、.反意疑问句含有used to结构的肯定句变为反意疑问句时,其疑问部分为“didnt/usednt+人称代词?”,例:Your grandparents used to live in the countryside,didnt/usednt they?你祖父母过去常常住在乡下,不是吗?,2023/3/24,三、辨析,例:He used to stay up late to watch TV on weekends.他过去常常在周末熬夜看电视。,1.used to do sth.表示过去习惯性的动作或存在的状态。to后跟动词原形,只用于一般过去时态。,2023/3/24,2.be used t

50、o+n./pron./doing 意为“习惯于”,to是介词,后接名词、代词或动名词。可用于各种时态。例:Hes quite used to working hard.他颇习惯于艰苦工作。3.be used to do 意为“被用来做”,是被动结构,to后跟动词原形。例:This word is used to express a kind of animal.这个单词是用来表达一种动物的。,2023/3/24,根据汉语意思完成句子。1.他已不是旧日的他了。He is not what he _.2.这种木头是被用来做纸的。This kind of wood _ paper.3.她过去文静而且


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