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1、人教课标,高一,必修,1,Unit 1,She said that,her name,was Anne Frank and her family,was Jewish.,My name is Anne Frank,and my family is Jewish.,My family and I are,hiding in Amsterdam.,she and her,family were hiding in Amsterdam.,My only true friend is,Kitty,my diary.,her only true,friend was Kitty,her diary.,A

2、fter hiding here for a,long time,Ive become,crazy about nature.,She said that,after hiding,there for a long time,she had,become crazy about nature.,Anne said:,“My name is Anne Frank and,my family is Jewish.”,(Direct speech),She said that,she and her family were,hiding in Amsterdam.,(Indirect speech)

3、,引述别人的话语一般采用两种方式,:,一是原封,不动地引用原话,把它放在引号内,这叫直接,引语,(Direct speech);,一是用自己的话加以转,述,这叫间接引语,(Indirect speech).,1.,直接引语转变为间接引语时,从句由,that,引导,可省略,;,主句动词为一般将,来时或现在时,从句动词时态不变。,1.She often says,“All men and women are,equal under the law.”,1.She often,says,(that),all men and women,are,equal under the law.,2.“,I,l

4、ike,reading stories,”said John.,John,said,that,he liked,reading stories.,3.“,I,dont,like cars,”Sarah said to him.,Sarah,told,him that,she didnt,like cars.,2.,直接引语转变为间接引语时,人称要,进行相应变化;且主句动词为一般过,去时时,,从句动词时态应为过去时的,相应时态。,直接引语里的第一人称和第二人称,变间,接引语时,人称要做相应调整。,1.She said:“I am hungry.”,She said,she,was hungry.

5、,2.Mum said to me:“You can do it yourself.”,Mum,told me,that,I,could do it,myself.,3.Mr.Smith said,“He is a good worker.,Mr.Smith said that,he,was a good worker.,1.,人称的变化,1.Jack said to me,“,You,look worried today.”,Jack told me that _ looked worried that day.,2.We said to her,“,They,re cleaning the

6、 room.”,We told her that _ were cleaning the room.,3.Mr.Black said,“,I,have walked a long way.”,Mr.Black said that _ had walked a long way.,I,they,he,2.,时态变化,直接引语变间接引语时,间接引语的时态,要与主句的时态一致。,He,says,:“I,treat,you as my son.”,He,says,that,he,treats,me as his son.,1.,主句为一般现在时,现在完成时或一般将,来时的时候,间接引语时态不变。,直接

7、引语,(,变化前,),间接引语,(,变化后,),一般现在时,“,I,know,it,”he said.,一般过去时,He said he,knew,it.,2.,当主句为过去时,从句要跟着相应的变化。,现在进行时,“,I,m,making,coffee for you all,”,she said.,过去进行时,She said she,was,making coffee for us,all.,直接引语,(,变化前,),间接引语,(,变化后,),现在完成时,“,I,have seen,her,before,”said he.,过去完成时,He said he,had seen,her bef

8、ore.,现在完成进行时,He said,“I,have,been,doing,it for,hours.”,过去完成进行时,He said he,had been,doing,it for hours.,直接引语,(,变化前,),间接引语,(,变化后,),一般过去时,“,I,saw,her last,Monday,”he said.,过去完成时,He said he,had seen,her the previous,Monday.,过去进行时,“,I,was waiting,for,Jim,”she said.,过去完成进行时,She said,she had,been waiting,f

9、or Jim.,直接引语,(,变化前,),间接引语,(,变化后,),一般将来时,He said:“We,shall,start tomorrow.”,过去将来时,He said they,would,start the next day.,过去完成时,“,Rick,had been,ill,for many days till he,died.”Jack said.,过去完成时,Jack said Rick,had,been,ill for many,days till he died.,一般现在时,现在完成时,现在进行时,一般将来时,一般过去时,一般,过去,时,过去,完成时,过去,进行时,过

10、去,将来时,过去,完成时,过去完成时,过去进行时,不变,1.“It,is,really cold,”she said to me.,She,told,me that it _ really cold.,was,2.“I,dont,want to go there with Alice,”,said Tom.,Tom said that he _ want to go,there with Alice.,didnt,3.The boy said:“I,will,be,a pilot.”,The boy said that he _ a pilot.”,would be,4.Tom said,“W

11、e,are listening to,music.”,Tom said that they _ music.,were listening to,5.Mike said,“I,have finished,my homework.”,Mike said _ his homework.,he had finished,直接引语,间接引语,时,间,状,语,now,today,this week,yesterday,last week,four days,ago,tomorrow,next month,the day after tomorrow,the day before yesterday,th

12、en,that day,that week,the day before,the week before,four days,before,the next day,the next month,in two days time,two days before,3.,其他变化,直接引语,间接引语,指示代词,地点状语,方向性动词,this,that,these,those,here,there,come,go,bring,take,They asked,“Is it easy to solve the problem?”,They asked,if/whether,it is,easy to s

13、olve,the problem,was,They asked,if,it was,easy to solve the problem.,He asked,“When do you harvest the wheat?”,He asked,when,you harvest,the wheat.,we harvested,They asked,when,we harvested,the wheat.,疑问句变为间接引语时,除了,要把疑问语序改为,陈述语序,由,whether/if,或特殊疑问词引,导外,人称、时态和状语,等也,要作相应地变化,。,1.“I dont know the addres

14、s of my new,home,”said Anne.,Anne,said,that she,didnt know,the,address of,her,new home.,2.“Ive got tired of looking at nature,through dirty curtains and dusty windows,”,Anne said to her father.,Anne,told,her father that,she had got,tired of looking at nature through dirty,curtains and dusty windows.

15、,3.“I need to pack up my things in the,suitcase very quickly,”the girl said.,4.“Why did you choose your diary and old,letters?”her father asked her.,The girl,said,that,she needed,to pack,up,her,things in the suitcase very quickly.,Her father asked her why,had chosen,her,diary and old letters.,5.Moth

16、er asked her if/whether she was,very hot with so many clothes on.,6.Margot asked her what else she had,hidden under her overcoat.,“,Are you,very hot with so many,clothes on?”Mother asked/said to her.,“What else,have you hidden,under,your,overcoat?”Margot asked her.,7.Anne asked her father when they

17、would,go back home.,8.Father asked Anne why she had talked,so much to that boy.,“When,shall we,go back home?”Anne,asked her father.,“Why,did you,talk so much to,that,boy?”,Father asked Anne.,由直接引语转变为间接引语,下列情,况时态不变,:,The teacher said that water,freezes,when the,temperature,falls,below 0,.,The teacher

18、 said:“Water,freezes when the temperature,falls below 0,.”,1.,不变的真理,2.,经常的习惯:,He said to the doctor,“I smoke two packs,every day.”,He told the doctor that he,smokes,two,packs every day.,3.,直接引语为一般过去时并且与具体时间,状语连用:,The teacher said,“I,was born in 1945.”,The teacher said she,was born,in 1945.,4.,部分情态动词

19、,如,must,ought to,used to,had better,等:,She said to me:“You must hurry up.”,She said that I must hurry up.,如果在当地转述,here,不必改为,there,动词,come,不必改为,go,。如果在当天转,述,yesterday/tomorrow,等时间状语也,不必改变。,A:You neednt come here tomorrow.,B:What did she say?,C:She said that you neednt come here,tomorrow.,1.The teache

20、r asked the girl,“Why are,you crying here?”,The teacher asked the girl _ _,_ crying _.,2.“When will the plane take off?”I,wondered.,I wondered _ _ _ _ _,_.,why she,was,there,when the plane would take,off,3.“Have you seen our plane yourself?”,he asked the boy.,He asked the boy _ _ _,_ _ plane _.,whether he had,seen their himself,4.The teacher asked her,“Does the sun,rise in the east?”,The teacher asked her _ the,sun _ in the east.,whether,rises,Review the rules of direct,speech and indirect speech.,


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