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1、Unit 3 Online tours,Welcome to the unit,Guess,Who am I?,I can sing.,I can show you pictures and nice stories.,I can also show you wonderful movies.,I can help people a lot in daily life.,However,most parents and teachers think I,am bad for,childrens,study.,Playing with me too much is,bad for your,ey

2、es and health.,computer,Expand,desktop,laptop,iPad,computer,E,g,o,mail,ames,nline,usic,Brainstorm,How much do you know about a computer?,Name the words you know about a computer?,Learn,a computer,scr,ee,n,/i:/,keyb,oar,d,/?:/,main unit,mouse,Pl:mice,/mouses,CD,ROM,speaker,printer,menu,Expand,What el

3、se?,Test,A good memory?,keyboard,mouse,main unit,Test,A good memory?,Test,A good memory?,Test,A good memory?,screen,menu,speaker,Predict,Do you think Eddie and Hobo know the,computer well?,Listen and answer,1.What do Eddie and Hobo think the computer looks like?,2.Do they know the computer well?Why?

4、,They think it looks like a TV,.,And they think they can use it to change the ch,a,nnel,and watch a new pr,o,gr,a,mme.,/?/,频道,/,?,/?/,节目,No.Because they mistake(,弄错,)a mouse for a,r,e,m,o,te c,o,ntr,o,l.,Childrens Channel,Movie Channel,Sports Channel,Music Channel,/?/?/?/,/,?,/,Read,在这里,Practice,Edd

5、ie and Hobo know _ about computers.,Hobo thinks the computer _ _ a,television.Eddie _ with Hobo and he thinks,the mouse is the_ _.They want to,use the mouse to _ _ _ because,the programme,_ an hour,ago and its boring.,nothing,looks like,agrees,remote control,change,the channel,began,do word,pr,o,ces

6、sing,/,?,/,How do you do!,chat with friends,learn,-,What do you,use,your computer,for/,to do,?,-,I,use,it,to(do),/,for(doing),watch video,s,search for information,learn,-,What do you,use,your computer,for/,to do,?,-,I,use,it,to(do),/,for(doing),play games,send and,r,e,c,ei,ve,emails,learn,/?/,i:/,re

7、ceive=accept,-,What do you,use,your computer,for/,to do,?,-,I,use,it,to(do),/,for(doing),Would you please see the film with,me tonight,Kate?,Id love to,but Ive _ Lindas,invitation to dinner.,A.received B.accepted,chat with friends,play games,watch videos,send and receive emails,do word processing,se

8、arch for information,-,What do you use your computer for/to do?,-,I use it to(do,)./,for(doing),.,Practise,Listen and fill,Whatfor,Why,How often,To search for information,Fast and easy,Almost every day,Read,Make a dialogue,A:What do you usually use your computer for?,B:I usually use it to,.,A:Why?,B

9、:Because,its,(fast,easy,interesting,.),A:How often do you use your computer,for this?,B:,.,Think,What,else,can you,use a computer for?,For fun,For study,For life,chat with friends,watch videos,play games,do word processing,search for information,send and receive emails,listen to music,look up the wo

10、rd,learn English,travel online,shop online,book the ticket,enjoy pictures,store files,learn to cook,Make a report,Introduction to the,computers,Good use of computers,Different parts of computers,Discuss,Is spending too much time on computers good for us?Why?,spending,too much,time on,computers,eyes,

11、study,health,family,Share,Its bad for eyes and itll lead to poor,eyesight.,Itll take up our study time and well,show no interest in study.,Well,exercise less and have less,communication with family members,so its bad for health and family.,spending,too much,time on,computers,Hope,Homework,1.Read the text book and learn the new,words and phrases by heart.,2.Think about how to use computers better.,


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