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1、Unit one,Internet+and Times,Section 1,网络医疗服务 移动网络 网络金融 电子商业 云计算 在线教育,Section 2Task 3,1、puter and software fair2、Smile to Pay 3、Scanned his face4、forgetting ones password5、will be rolled out,Section 2Task 3,1、fix my machine2、keeps crashing3、surf online4、check my e-mails5、meet new people online,Sectio

2、n 3,New words,domestic dmestk a、家庭的,国内的adoption dpn n、采纳,收养;accelerate kselret vt、vi、加速integrate ntgret vt、使整合 vi、合并significant sgnfknt a、有重大意义的;modernize mdnaz vt、使现代化upgrade pgred vt、提升,升级,Text Learning,1、reveal rvi:l vt、揭露 泄露 显露过去式:revealed 过去分词:revealed 现在分词:revealing 第三人称单数:reveals eg:Experts r

3、eveal only as much as they care to、专家们只透露了他们想透露的那些。A survey has revealed that a growing number of people are overweight、,2、focus fks 过去式:focused 过去分词:focused 现在分词:focusing 第三人称单数:focusesn、焦点;影象的清楚度;(活动、注意力、兴趣等的)中心;eg:His focus switched to the little while ball、他的关注点转移到了小白球上。,vt、焦距;注视;集中注意eg:He must

4、be very tired today,he doesnt seem to focus at all、他今天一定特别累,他好像无法专心考虑。,3、adoption n、采纳,收养;eg:She put the baby up for adoption、她提出要让人收养那个婴儿。The word is now English by adoption、这个词现在已被采纳为英语、adopt vt、采纳,采纳,收养,4、accelerate kselret vt、(使)加快,(使)增速;加速,过去式:accelerated 过去分词:accelerated 现在分词:accelerating 第三人称

5、单数:accelerates,eg:Our country should accelerate the economic growth、我国应加快经济增长、Suddenly the car accelerated、汽车突然加速。,5、deliver dlv(r)vt、提出,发表;递送;交付;分娩过去式:delivered 过去分词:delivered 现在分词:delivering 第三人称单数:delivers eg:The president will deliver a speech about schools、总 统将就学校问题发表讲话。Her husband has to deliv

6、er the baby himself、她丈夫不得不自己接生小孩。,6、integrate ntgret v、合并过去式:integrated 过去分词:integrated 现在分词:integrating 第三人称单数:integrateseg:Do you really want to integrate with us?您们确实想与我们联合 不?We must integrate theory with practice、我们必须把理论与实际结合起来、,7、Its widely held that 人们普遍认为,eg:Its widely held that men are super

7、ior than women、人们普遍认为,男士地位高于女士。,8、accordance with 与、一致,依照,eg:This is not in accordance with the fact、这与事实不符。A fine will be imposed in accordance with the regulations、照章罚款,9、signal sgnl n、信号,暗号;,eg:As soon as it was dark,Mrs Evans gave the signal、天一黑,埃文斯夫人就发出了信号。You mustnt fire without my signal、没我的信

8、号不许开枪。,9、signal sgnl n、信号,暗号;,vt、向发信号;用动作(手势)示意;以信号告知;eg:She signaled a passing taxi and ordered him to take her to the Chengde Nursing Vocational college、,10、keen ki:n adj、厉害的,强烈的;敏锐的,敏捷的;锐利的;热心的;,keen on 喜爱,热衷eg:I am quite keen on stamp collecting、我特别热衷集邮,11、upgrade pgred vt、提升;使(机器、计算机系统等)升级;eg:W

9、e need to upgrade the status of teachers、我们需要提升老师的地位。I have to upright my puter,it is outof date、我要还给我的电脑升级,它太过时了。,12、push forward 推进,提出,eg:Will it take new steps to push forward reform?是否会在推进改革方面迈出新步伐?Nevertheless its important to push forward and plete the project、尽管如此,依然应当将项目向前推进并完成它。,13、suggest

10、sdest vt、建议,提议;暗示;使想起;启发eg:I suggest trying once more 我建议再试一次。,1、Suggest表示建议,用法如下:suggest+doing stheg:He suggested going out for a walk、,3)suggest+(that)+主语+(should)do+sth 其中的should 能够省略eg:He suggested that you should go there tomorrow、=He suggested you go there tomorrow、4)it is suggested that+主语+(s

11、hould)do sth eg:It is suggested that the work(should)be finished at once、,After ReadingTask 31、accelerate2、adopt3、integrate4、domestic5、upgrade,After ReadingTask 4 A1、中国政府总理李克强提出了“互联网+”政策。2、我们要发展“互联网+”行动计划,推出移动互联网、云计算、大数据、物联网等与现代制造业结合。3、人们普遍认为,上文所提的内容与马化腾的看法一致。4、新的政府工作报告中,政府承诺要加大力度着力于将中国的制造业达到从量到质的升级

12、。5、在科技世界里,中国有雄心担任更加重要的角色。,After ReadingTask 4 B1、This years Boao Forum for Asia(BFA)will focus on development、2、Does your software integrate with the operating system?3、Its widely held that the country is developing rapidly、,After ReadingTask 4 B4、He is very keen to do things all by himself、5、Some s

13、uggestions about how to push foorward tha plan were proposed yesterday、,Unit one,Internet+and times Section 5,New words,master m:st(r)vt、精通schedule英 edju:l 美 skeduln、时间表,进度表featurefi:t(r)vt、以、为特色assessment sesmnt n、评估submitsbmtvt、提交insight nsat n、见识via 英 va美 va,vi prep、经、通过,New words,syllabusslbs n、

14、教学大纲,课程提纲;objective bdektv n、目标assignmentsanmnt n、工作,(课外)作业;criteria kratr n、(批评、判断等的)标准,准则accesskses n、入口,出口;,一套课程结构评估与评价大学的学习氛围在线学生支持,distance education 远程教育,eg:Streaming media technique will be a good tool for modern distance education、流媒体技术为现代远程教育的实现提供了更好的技术支持、Self-regulated Learning has bee the

15、 most and effective way on Distance Education、自主学习差不多成为远程教育最主要也是最有效的学习方式、,master 过去式:mastered 过去分词:mastered 现在分词:mastering 第三人称单数:masters eg:Students are expected to master a second language、学生应该掌握一门第二语言。,online learning munities 网络学习共同体;在线学习社区eg:In the earlier online learning munities,we have techn

16、ology facilitating、在早期的学习共同体里,技术为我们提供便利、,scheduleeg:The election was held six months ahead of schedule、选举提早了6个月举行。He had been unable to keep to his schedule、他没能遵循自己的计划。,feature vt、以、为特色过去式:featured 过去分词:featured 现在分词:featuring 第三人称单数:features eg:More plex sentence types featured advanced-level dialo

17、gues、高年级课程中的对话以句子类型更为复杂为特点。n、特征,特点;容貌,面貌;eg:The islands chief feature was its beauty、这个岛的主要特色是风景秀丽。,learning objectives 学习目标grading criteria kratr 评分标准,assessment n、评估,复数:assessmentseg:There is little assessment of the damage to the natural environment、几乎未对自然环境破坏程度作出评估The assessment for the course i

18、nvolves written assignments and practical tests、这门功课的考核包括书面作业与实际操作考试。,evaluation vljen n、估价;医学诊断;submit vt、提交过去式:submitted 过去分词:submitted 现在分词:submitting 第三人称单:submitseg:I had asked everyone to submit questions in advance of the meeting、我已请每个人在会议之前提交问题。、,access kses n、接近,进入;接近,获取have access to 能够使用,

19、能够到达,能够接近eg:Students must have access to good books、学生必须使用好书。written feedback 书面反馈,learning environment 学习环境,学习氛围eg:The entire learning environment will be enriched、整个学习环境会显得丰富多彩、The best universities all provide a petative learning environment、最优秀的大学能够营造最有竞争氛围的学习环境、,insight eg:a writer of great insight 有深刻洞察力的作家 eg:He is a man of great insight、他是个特别有见识的人。,faculty fklti n、全体教职员student Readiness Orientation 学生准备指南collaborate klbret 合作,协作;协调,


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