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1、Unit 2,Section A 2d;4a 4c,I think that mooncakes are delicious!,What is the festival?,Water Festival.,How much do you know about it?,In which country?,In Thailand.,It is from April 13th to 15th.It is the beginning of Thai new year.This is the time for Thais to play homage(尊敬)to Buddha(佛像)images,clea

2、n their houses and sprinklewater on their elders in a show of respect.Anyone whoventures out on the street is likely to get a dousing of water all in good fun,but also quite welcome at the peak of the hot season!,Ben,Clara,Clara is happy,why?,Ask&Answer,Why is Clara happy?What does the conversation

3、talk about?,She is going to Chiang Mai in two weeks.,Water Festival in Thailand.,1.Ben is going to Chiang Mai in two weeks.()2.Clara believes that April is the hottest month of the year there.()3.The water Festival in Thailand is from April 13th to 15th.()4.The Thai new year is a time for cleaning a

4、nd washing bad things.(),F,F,T,T,Read the conversation and tell“True”or“False”.,Find the object clauses.,(,),(,),你知道吗?/“想不到吧”/“你猜怎么着?,It sounds like fun.,sound likefromtobe similar tothrow at wash awayhave good luckin the new year,听起来像从到与相似朝扔洗掉有好运气在新的一年里,phrases,There are two festivals for our paren

5、ts.What are they?,Fathers Day,Mothers Day,Read 4b and fill in the table.,Festivals,Mothers Day,Fathers Day,Date,Activities,on the secondSunday of May,on the thirdSunday of June,Give gifts to parents.,Take them out for Lunch or dinner.,Eg.flowers and cards for mothers;shirts or ties for fathers;,Read

6、 the passage below and underline the objective clauses.,Dear Xia Yu,Do you know that there are two special days for parents in America?One is Mothers Day on the second Sunday of May,and the other is Fathers Day on the third Sunday of June.On these two days,American children often give gifts to their

7、 parents or take them out for lunch of dinner.,4b,Common gifts are flowers and cards for mothers and shirts or ties for fathers.I heard that it is becoming more and more popular to celebrate Mothers Day and Fathers Day in China.I wonder if children over there also give similar gifts to their parents

8、.I believe that there are many ways to show our love.Actually,we dont have to spend a lot of money.It is also a good idea to help parents to do something instead.June,4b,Grammar Focus(一),我知道泼水节非常有趣我想知道他们明年是否还会有比赛。我想知道六月份是否是到香港旅游做好的时间。我相信四月份是泰国最热的月份。,I know that the Water Festival is really fun.,I wo

9、nder if theyll have the races again nextyear.,I wonder whether June is a good time to visit Hong Kong.,I believe that April is the hottest month in Thailand.,(一),I know that the Water Festival is really fun.,Mary thinks that the teams were fantastic.,I wonder if they will have the races again next y

10、ear.,I wonder whether June is a good time to visit Hong Kong.,I believe that April is the hottest month in Thailand.,主语,谓语,从句,宾语从句(objective clauses),在复合句中,由一个句子充当宾语,这个句子叫做宾语从句。引导宾语从句的常见关联词有that,if,whether,what,where,why,how等。宾语从句用陈述语序。,宾语,主句使用现在时,从句可使用任何时态;主句使用一般过去时,从句除表示“真理”可使用现在时态外,一律使用过去时态。,I th

11、ink that you are right.,Lin Tao thought the TV play was very boring.,My brother told me that the earth is round.,宾语从句的时态取决于主句的时态,.把下列句子改为宾语从句的复合句。1.He said,“I have been toAmerica”.He said _ _ _ _ toAmerica.2.Is there a hotel near here?Do you know?Do you know _ _ _ a hotel near here?,that he had been

12、,if/whether there is,3.What sport do you like best?Could you please tell me?Could you please tell me _ _ _ _ _?4.“The earth moves around the sun”,our English teacher told us.Our English teacher told us that the earth _ _ the sun.,what sport,moves around,you like best,.根据汉语意思完成句子。1.我想知道你昨晚是怎么回家的。I wa

13、nt to know _ _.2.王红告诉我昨天早上六点她正在做饭。Wang Hong told me _ _.,how you got home last,night,(that)she was,cooking at 6:00 yesterday morning,3.我想知道我能否从你那里得到一些建议。I wonder _ _.4.我们地理老师说地球围绕太阳转。Our geography teacher said _ _.,if/whether I can getsome,advice from you,(that)the,earth goes around the sun,What a g

14、reat day!,What fun the Water Festival is!,How pretty the dragon boats were!,How delicious the food is in Hong Kong!,感叹句,通常由what,how引导,表示赞美、惊叹、喜悦等感情。,Exclamatory statements,Grammar Focus(一),(二),Look at these sentences,由“what”引导的感叹句:修饰名词(被强调部分),单数可数名词前要加不定冠词a/an,复数可数名词或不可数名词前不用冠词。句子的结构是:what+(a/an)+ad

15、j.+n.+主语+谓语.由 what 引导的感叹句,其句子结构可分为以下三种:1.“What+a/an 形容词可数名词单数主语谓语!”。What a nice present it is!它是一件多么好的礼物啊!What an interesting book it is!它是一本多么有趣的书啊!2.“What 形容词可数名词复数主语谓语!”。What beautiful flowers they are!多么漂亮的花啊!What good children they are!他们是多么好的孩子啊!3:“What 形容词不可数名词主语谓语!”。What fine weather it is t

16、oday!今天天气多好啊!What important news it is!多重要的新闻啊!,由“how”引导的感叹句:How+adj.(adv.)+主语+谓语.1.How 形容词/副词主语谓语!”。How careful she is!她多么细心啊!How fast he runs!他跑得多快啊!2.“How 形容词 a/an 可数名词单数主语谓语!”。How beautiful a girl she is!她是个多么漂亮的姑娘啊!3.“How 主语谓语!”。How time flies!光阴似箭!How beautiful a girl she is!What a beautiful g

17、irl she is!What delicious cakes these are!How delicious these cakes are!,填入适当的词完成下列感叹句。1)._ difficult homework we had yesterday!2)._cute dog it is!3)._ interesting the story is!4)._ bad the weather in England is!5)._ honest boy Tom is!6)._ tasty smell the cake gave off!7)._ good time we had on the b

18、each yesterday!8)._ exciting news youve brought us!9)._cool your new car is!10)._ scary these tigers are!,How,How,How,How,What,What a,What an,What,What a,What,What 与How 大转换,1.What a pretty girl she is!_ _ the girl is!2.How difficult the questions are!_ _ _ they are.3.How big the factory is!_ _ big f

19、actory _ _!,How pretty,What difficult questions,What a,it is,4.What a clever boy!_ _ the boy _!5.How tall the trees are!_ tall trees _ _!6.What interesting books they are!_ _ the books _!7.How funny the girl is!_ _ funny girl _ _!,How clever,are,What a,she is,How interesting,What,they are,is,8.How o

20、ld the man is!_ _ old man _ _!9.What nice books they are!_ _ the books _!10.How amazing the building is!_ _ amazing building _ _!,What an,he is,How nice,are,What an,it is,I dont know whether he will come home for the festival.,I believe Water Festival is the most fun.,I wonder if the mooncakes are d

21、elicious.,How exciting the races are!,What interesting cities they are!,Read 2d and 4b for 15 minutes.Master Objective clause and Exclamatory Sentence.Write your own sentences about Mothers Day and Fathers Day using objective clauses.,Homework,我从来不认为半小时是微不足道的很小的一段时间。达尔文 我的成就,当归功于精力的思索。牛顿 我的人生哲学是工作,我

22、要揭示大自然的奥秘,并以此为人类服务。我们在世的短暂的一生中,我不知道还有什么比这种服务更好的了。爱迪生 我平生从来没有做过一次偶然的发明。我的一切发明都是经过深思熟虑,严格试验的结果。爱迪生 我认为再没有比那些只顾自己鼻子尖底下一点事情的人更可悲的了。卢瑟福 我所学到的任何有价值的知识都是由自学中得来的。达尔文 我喜欢离开人们通行的小路,而走荆棘丛生的崎岖山路。伦琴 我要扼住命运的咽喉,它休想使我屈服。贝多芬 我一贯力求思想不受束缚。达尔文 信仰,是人们所必须的。什么也不信的人不会有幸福。雨果 幸福永远存在于人类不安的追求中,而不存在于和谐与稳定之中。鲁迅 幸运并非没有许多的恐惧与烦恼;厄运

23、也并非没有许多的安慰与希望。培根 许多伟大的真理开始的时候都被认为是亵渎的行为。肖伯纳 学而不思则惘,思而不学则殆。孔子学习永远不晚。高尔基 要是没有独立思考和独立判断的有创造能力的个人,社会的向上发展就不可想象。爱因斯坦 要想一下子全知道,就意味着什么也不会知道。巴甫洛夫 要迎着晨光实干,不要面对晚霞幻想。卡莱尔 一个不注意小事情的人,永远不会成功大事业。卡耐基 一个能思考的人,才真是一个力量无边的人。巴尔扎克 一个人的价值,应当看他贡献了什么,而不应当看他取得了什么。爱因斯坦 一个人的价值在于他的才华,而不在他的衣饰。雨果一个人对社会的价值首先取决于他的感情、思想和行动对增进人类利益有多大

24、的作用。爱因斯坦 一个人就好象是一个分数,他的实际才能好比分子,而他对自己的估价好比分母。分母愈大则分数的值愈小。托尔斯泰一个人要先经过困难,然后踏入顺境,才觉得受用,舒服。爱迪生 一个人追求的目标越高,他的才力就发展得越快,对社会就越有益。高尔基 一切假知识比无知更危险。肖伯纳 一切真正的和伟大的东西,都是纯朴而谦逊的。别林斯基 应该让别人的生活因为有了你的生存而更加美好。茨巴尔 勇于探索真理是人的天职。哥白尼 有很多人是用青春的幸福作成功代价的。莫扎特 越学习,越发现自己的无知。笛卡尔 在观察的领域中,机遇只偏爱那种有准备的头脑。巴斯德 在天才和勤奋两者之间,我毫不迟疑地选择勤奋,她是几乎世界上一切成就的催产婆。爱因斯坦 在知识的山峰上登得越高,眼前展现的景色就越壮观。拉吉舍夫 正确的道路是这样:吸取你的前辈所做的一切,然后再往前走。托尔斯泰 知识就是力量。培根,


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