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1、,熟词生义,第一部分七年级(上册),英 语,2021,内容索引,第1课时Unit 1Unit 4,第2课时Unit 5Unit 9,第1课时Unit 1Unit 4,1.fineA.(adj.)健康的;美好的B.(adj.)晴朗的C.(n.)罚款(1)Firefighters got the girl outside,where she was examined by doctors and found to be fine.(2020潍坊阅读B)A(2)Those who fail to sort their trash correctly may face fines of up to 2

2、00 yuan,Xinhua reported.(2020广元阅读E)C(3)It was a fine day.People at the railway station were waiting for the train to arrive.(2020毕节阅读B)B,2.keyA.(n.)钥匙B.(n.)答案C.(n.)关键;要诀D.(adj.)关键性的;非常重要的E.(n.)调(音乐上)(1)There are painters who were never able to learn math,and engineers who cant sing on key.(2017温州完形)

3、E(2)Youll make mistakes along the way,but the key is to learn from your mistakes and never give up.【九(全)Unit 14 P110】C(3)I also realized I could get the meaning by listening for just the key words.【九(全)Unit 1 P3】D(4)Check your answers in the key at the back of the book.B(5)To enter,she needed a spec

4、ial key made from a chicken bone,which she did not have.【2020宁波阅读E】A,3.pleaseA.(interj.)(用于客气地请求吩咐)请B.(v.)使满意;使愉快(1)It is impossible to please everyone.(2011昆明46题)B(2)Please reply in writing to this invitation by Friday,December 20th.【八(上)Unit 9 P71】A,4.see(v.)A.理解;明白B.看见C.观看D.拜访;探望(1)His family is

5、going to the town to see his grandparents.(2018安徽题)D(2)Why cant they see Im suffering a lot?Dont they understand I am in fear and almost scared to death?(2020营口阅读B)A(3)Its interesting to see how people have changed.【九(全)Unit 4 P26】B(4)Most of us have seen Mickey Mouse,Donald Duck and other famous Di

6、sney characters in cartoons before.【八(下)Unit 9 P68】C,5.nameA.(n.)名字;名称B.(v.)给取名;给命名(1)In 1987,a small company named Huawei was started in Shenzhen.(2019烟台阅读B)B(2)When we are born,we are given names that stay with us for our whole lives.(2020宜宾阅读C)A,6.nice(adj.)A.令人愉快的;宜人的B.友好的;亲切的(1)However,we had a

7、 really nice campsite.(2020桂林阅读D)A(2)The family Im staying with,for example,were nice at first.(2020南京阅读D)B,7.lastA.(adj.)最后的;末尾的B.(adj.)(星期、月份等)最近过去的,紧接现在前面的C.(v.)持续(1)They are directly connected with the wind speed and the time that wind lasts.(2020青岛阅读C)C(2)Last weekend was interesting but scary.

8、【七(下)Unit 12 P71】B(3)You shouldnt wait until the last minute to study for a test.【八(下)Unit 4 P28】A,8.have(v.)A.经受;经历B.有C.吃,喝(1)They have lunch at a famous Korean restaurant in the city centre.(2020聊城阅读A)C(2)I have a clock.Its on the desk.【七(上)Unit 4 P23】B(3)If you go to the party,youll have a great

9、time!【八(上)Unit 10 P73】A,9.bookA.(n.)书B.(v.)预订,订(房间、车票等)(1)The hardcore fan traveled hundreds of miles from Poland to Brazil,and booked tickets for all matches of the Chinese Womens Volleyball this time.(2019绵阳阅读A)B(2)In our room,my books and tapes are in the bookcase.【七(上)Unit 4 P23】A,10.watchA.(n.)

10、表;手表B.(v.)注视;观看(1)I love sports,but I dont play themI only watch them on TV!【七(上)Unit 5 P29】B(2)Last week,his mother bought him a new watch.A,11.callA.(v.)(给)打电话B.(n.)电话;呼叫C.(v.)把叫作;称为(1)Some people would have handed her some money,wished her lunch or maybe allowed her to make a call.(2020襄阳阅读B)B(2)

11、This type of coronavirus is often called 2019-nCoV,novel coronavirus,or COVID-19.(2020常德阅读A)C(3)I want to call you but your phone isnt working,so Im writing to you.【九(全)Unit 5 P33】A,12.tidyA.(adj.)整洁的;井井有条的;B.(v.)收拾妥;整理好(1)It could be a girls room because its very tidy.【九(全)Unit 8 P60】A(2)Mom,I prom

12、ise Im going to tidy my room when I get back from school.【八(上)Unit 6 P45】B,第2课时Unit 5Unit 9,1.lateA.(adj.)迟到B.(adj.)晚期的;后期的C.(adv.)晚,迟(1)If she asks you to change,tell her youll be late for school.(2020孝感阅读B)A(2)He used to bring some work back and work till late night.(2020宜昌阅读A)B(3)In our group,Li

13、Fei usually gets up late on weekends.【七(下)Unit 2 P9】C,2.playA.(v.)参加(比赛或运动);玩耍B.(n.)游戏;玩耍;娱乐C.(v.)演奏;弹奏D.(v.)播放E.(v.)扮演F.(n.)剧本;戏剧(1)After class,I play Ping-Pong with my classmates.【七(上)Unit 5 P29】A(2)I loved silent discos:everyone had a set of headphones with two channels and music was played throu

14、gh the headphones.(2020桂林阅读D)D(3)Tea is good for peoples health and plays an important role in Chinese social life.(2020吉林阅读B)E,(4)As an orchestra(管弦乐队)plays,performers dressed in colorful costumes move across the stage(舞台).(2020威海阅读A)C(5)Also,to improve his performance,Li attended a training course

15、 at Communication University of China to learn dubbing(配音)and how to write a play in 2018.(2020德州阅读A)F(6)All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.(2013安徽阅读A)B,3.soundA.(v.)听起来好像B.(n.)声音(1)That sounds great.(2020湖州阅读D)A(2)sound of a door opening and closing(2020湖州阅读D)B4.sureA.(adv.)当然;肯定;一定B.(adj.)

16、确信的;有把握的(1)Many people work hard to make sure we always have clean water in our homes.(2020抚顺Passage 3)A(2)I am sure she lay awake at night thinking up mean things to do to us.(2020乐山阅读B)B,5.fruitA.(n.)水果B.(n.)成果;结果(1)Encourage themselves to eat healthy food such as fresh fruit and vegetables.(2020百

17、色阅读D)A(2)Im sure you will enjoy the fruits of your hard work soon.(2009安徽99题)B,6.rightA.(adj.)正确的;适当的B.(adv.)向右边C.(n.)右边D.(adj.)右边的E.(n.)权利F.(adv.)正好;恰好(1)I turned my head quickly and saw James,who sat right behind me.(2020济宁阅读C)F(2)I just knew I had to do what I felt was right,even if it made James

18、 mad.(2020济宁阅读C)A(3)At the age of five,Zhang lost his right arm in an accident at an oil mill.(2020自贡阅读B)D,(4)To get there,I usually walk out and turn right on Bridge Street.【七(下)Unit 8 P47】B(5)Water is a human right and everyone should have their share.(2019安徽阅读D)E(6)Its on the right,next to a hote

19、l.【七(下)Unit 8 P48】C,7.wellA.(interj.)嗯;好吧B.(adv.)好,令人满意地C.(adj.)健康的(1)Pet owners are happy when their pets are well.(2020河北阅读A)C(2)Good accountants are well paid,and I want to manage my own money,of course.(2020河北阅读A)B(3)Well,what youre saying is surprising,Bertha.(2020南京阅读D)A,8.timeA.(n.)时间B.(n.)次数

20、C.(pl.)倍数D.(n.)时代(1)Some new electric vehicles can travel almost three times as far as older ones did.(2020盐城阅读C)C(2)It will take me some time to find out how to make more.(2020盐城阅读D)A(3)The color red is mentioned four times in the text.(2020呼和浩特阅读B)B(4)Education should make changes with the times.(

21、2015北京阅读D)D,9.freeA.(adj.)空闲的B.(adj.)免费的C.(adj.)自由的,不受束缚的D.(v.)使自由;解放;释放(1)Now,50%of adults spend at least an hour of their free time on a computer each day.(2020呼和浩特阅读D)A(2)We each worked 3 shiftseach shift was 8 hours longin exchange for a free ticket to the festival.(2020桂林阅读D)B(3)If they are tir

22、ed,they are free to take a rest at the 3 stops that were built for breaks.(2020深圳阅读E)C(4)Because he could not free his arm,he stayed there for five days and hoped that someone would find him.【八(下)Unit 1 P 6】D,10.lessonA.(n.)课;一节课B.(n.)教训(1)My dear,the gold is mine,but now the gold is yours,because y

23、ou are the only person who has learnt the lesson I want to teach my people.(2020泰州阅读B)B(2)In another research,students who didnt test during a lesson took down a lot more notes than those who were texting.(2020金华阅读D)A,熟词生义,第二部分七年级(下册),英 语,2021,内容索引,第3课时Unit 1Unit 4,第4课时Unit 5Unit 8,第5课时Unit 9Unit 12

24、,第3课时Unit 1Unit 4,1.drawA.(v.)画B.(v.)拖;拉C.(v.)吸引(1)Now is the time to draw your child close and take care of her,because she needs it.(2020通辽阅读C)B(2)Tom tried to draw his attention“You have any kids?”(2020黔西南阅读B)C(3)I once did not like art lessons because I could not draw very well.(2020武威完形)A,2.tel

25、lA.(v.)讲述;告诉B.(v.)辨别(1)One study that was done on middle school students showed that more than 80 percent of them couldnt tell the difference between real stories and ads that looked like news.(2020山西阅读B)B(2)One Chinese story tells how soldiers put noise makers on kites and flew them at night over t

26、he enemy camp.(2020广州阅读B)A,3.showA.(n.)演出;节目B.(v.)给看;展示C.(v.)表明;证明D.(v.)引领;带领(1)Studies show that it is bad for the quality(质量)of your sleep.(2020百色阅读A)C(2)Diana,take Anne out into the garden and show her your flowers.(2020扬州完形)B(3)She says she wants to have an art show in Beijing.(2020德阳完形)A(4)The

27、farmer showed Carol around the farm.【七(下)Unit 11 P62】D,4.homeA.(n.)家;活动本部B.(adv.)到家;在家C.(n.)家乡;故乡D.(n.)栖息地;原产地(1)He advised people to stay at home and not to go to crowded places.(2020岳阳阅读A)A(2)People cut down many trees so elephants are losing their homes.【七(下)Unit 5 P29】D(3)After school,everybody

28、left the school and went home except Wang Yong.(2020德阳完形)B(4)Although I cant live here all the time,I want to make it my second home.(2020安徽信息卷A)C,5.showerA.(v.)淋浴B.(n.)淋浴C.(n.)阵雨(1)Then she usually takes a shower and eats a good breakfast.【七(下)Unit 2 P11】B(2)After she showered,she dressed up and we

29、nt down stairs.A(3)We were caught in a heavy shower.C,6.workA.(v.)工作B.(n.)工作C.(n.)(音乐、艺术)作品(1)On this day,after a year of hard work,people are happy to have a rest and spend time with family.(2020云南判断正误阅读)B(2)My parents have always told me how important it is to work hard at school and enter univers

30、ity.(2020绥化完形)A(3)About 35,000 works of art from different centuries are on show,of which the Mona Lisa is the best-known.(2020大庆阅读B)C,7.stopA.(v.)停止B.(v.)阻止C.(n.)车站(1)They stop working at night and on rainy days.(2020长沙阅读B)A(2)They hoped the kites would drive away the clouds and stop the rain.(2020

31、广州阅读B)B(3)Before I got to the bus stop,the bus had already left.【九(全)Unit 12 P90】C,8.runA.(v.)跑;奔B.(v.)管理;经营C.(v.)行驶;移动D.(v.)流动(1)More water runs out to sea than from the Nile.(2020临沂阅读B)D(2)This is the fastest EMU train running for long distance in China,the top speed of which could reach 350km/h.(

32、2020广元阅读D)C(3)For example,pet dogs often run away with a slipper(拖鞋)and then stop,inviting their owners to run after them.(2020湘潭阅读E)A(4)After that,you can start and run your own summer business,and you have a chance of winning awards of up to$1000.(2020呼和浩特阅读A)B,9.leaveA.(v.)离开B.(v.)留下;丢下;遗忘C.(n.)假

33、期(1)Teenagers can deliver newspapersusually you ride a bike around a neighborhood and leave the newspaper at each house.(2020呼和浩特阅读A)B(2)Lets go and ask our head teacher for a leave.C(3)All the Pacific Islanders may leave their homelands by 2050.(2020台州阅读D)A,10.keepA.(v.)保留B.(v.)保持C.(v.)饲养;养D.(v.)继续

34、;重复(1)If you keep a pet,you should take good care of it.(2017辽阳63题)C(2)Why not keep on doing this for every day of the year?(2020舟山阅读E)D(3)In the future,they hope birds will live in the birdhouse and the heat of its green light will be used to keep birds warm in winter.(2020菏泽阅读C)B(4)You can keep ea

35、ch borrowed thing for more than 60 days.(2020乐山阅读A)A,第4课时Unit 5Unit 8,1.kindA.(n.)种类B.(adj.)善良的;宽容的(1)The ship is full of all kinds of meat.(2020海南阅读C)A(2)One day,a kind man gave Fred a large bowl of rice.(2020随州阅读B)B,2.saveA.(v.)救;救助B.(v.)储存;节省(1)When they are racing time to save lives,every second

36、 matters.(2020泸州阅读B)A(2)The idea came to Sosa in Nopalimex when he was looking for ways to save money for his food factory.(2020淄博阅读B)B,3.placeA.(n.)位置;地点B.(v.)放置(1)Zhong advised people to wear masks,wash hands frequently(频繁地),stay at home and not to go to crowded places.(2020怀化阅读B)A(2)Then I was pl

37、aced on a rolling wheel and suddenly I went around and around.(2020孝感阅读C)B,4.downA.(adv.)(坐、躺、倒)下B.(prep.)向下;沿着C.(adj.)悲哀;沮丧(1)To sit down and have somebody look at me and talk to me like a person and not just an illness,it helped me feel cared about and less alone.(2020扬州阅读C)A(2)They all have large

38、 soft robes(袍子),with sleeves that hang down to the knees,so the hands cant be seen.(2020遵义阅读C)B(3)When I am down or tired,I prefer movies that can cheer me up.【九Unit 9 P 67】C,5.useA.(v.)使用;运用B.(n.)用途;使用(1)Chemistry helps to make products for use.(2020遵义阅读D)B(2)AI was used to create the music based o

39、n the protein(蛋白质)structure of COVID-19.(2020泰安阅读D)A,6.studyA.(v.)学习;研究B.(n.)学习研究(1)A new study has found that fish have much better memories than we used to think.(2020宜宾阅读B)B(2)I hope you studied for this test!(2020济宁阅读C)A7.wishA.(v.)希望B.(n.)希望;祝福(1)You might wish that you could read faster.(2020枣

40、庄阅读B)A(2)Some names include good wishes and hopes from parents.(2020宜宾阅读C)B,8.parkA.(n.)公园B.(v.)停车(1)Robert likes to take a walk in the park after work.(2020常德阅读D)A(2)From them,visitors can gain information on parking,tour guide services and more.(2020深圳阅读E)B9.dryA.(v.)使干;弄干;擦干B.(adj.)干燥的(1)If the s

41、oil is dry,the potato will fail to grow.(2020安顺阅读一)B(2)After drying,they are fired at a very high heat.【九Unit 5 P38】A,10.coldA.(adj.)寒冷的B.(n.)寒冷C.(n.)感冒(1)They wont grow in cold weather.(2020衢州阅读B)A(2)Besides the darkness,the plants cant stand the cold(it can drop to-170 on the moon at night).(2020福

42、建阅读D)B(3)In his first diary,he mentioned,“news is going around about a bad cold virus in Wuhan,but I feel worlds away from me and few people wear masks in public.(2020绵阳阅读C)C,第5课时Unit 9Unit 12,1.straightA.(adj.)直的B.(adv.)径直地(1)Fortunately,both our sons are doing well and grandchildren are growing up

43、 straight and tall.(2020青海阅读C)A(2)After hearing the teachers words,all the students sat up straight and waited for the test to begin.(2020遂宁完形)B,2.faceA.(n.)脸B.(v.)面对;面临(1)However,the most important way of making a good first impression is your face.(2020甘孜阅读E)A(2)People traveling this kind of dista

44、nce could face many health problems.(2020湖州阅读C)B,3.endA.(n.)结尾;尽头B.(v.)结束;终止(1)It wasnt easy,but I ended it.(2020通辽阅读C)B(2)By the end of my year,we were asked to talk about our years.(2020黔南完形)A,4.orderA.(n.)点菜B.(v.)点菜C.(n.)命令D.(v.)命令E.(n.)顺序F.(n.)订单G.(v.)订购;预定(1)Local people like to order several b

45、est-known dishes and some bottles of beer and spend their evening time with friends there.(2020重庆A卷阅读B)B(2)After that the words were chosen and put in right order in a box according to the text.(2020黄冈阅读3)E(3)For example,if you order toothpaste or cooking oil,it will usually take at least one day to

46、 arrive.(2020眉山完形)G,(4)May I take your order?【七(下)Unit 10 P56】A(5)His order that we should start the work at once was given.C(6)Before we had finished our meal he ordered us back to work.D(7)If you accept our price,we will place an order with you.F,5.answerA.(n.)答案B.(v.)回答C.(v.)回应(1)Scientists canno

47、t answer this question for now,according to the WHO.(2020鄂州阅读B)B(2)In math class he could hold up fingers if the answer was less than 10,but that wasnt fun.(2020河南阅读B)A(3)To his surprise,no one answered the door.(2020德阳完形)C,6.willA.(v.)将要;会B.(n.)意志;决心(1)Third,using screens too much will affect your

48、sleep.(2020云南阅读B)A(2)I think its the will that decides what you can and cannot do,and the disability doesnt matter!(2020贵州黔南完形)B,7.guideA.(n.)导游;向导B.(n.)指南;手册C.(v.)引导;带领(1)In China,the 24 solar terms were created thousands of years ago to guide agricultural(农业的)production.(2020海南阅读C)C(2)Our guide wi

49、ll meet you at Incheon International Airport(仁川国际机场)in the morning.(2020聊城阅读A)A(3)The passage above is probably a shopping guide.(2015河北阅读B)B,8.campA.(v.)扎营;搭帐篷B.(n.)(夏令)营;营地;帐篷(1)We camped for five nights and it was freezing every night!(2020桂林阅读D)A(2)I imagined having a job at a store or at a summ

50、er camp where I could play games with children.(2020北京完形)B,9.giftA.(n.)礼物;赠品B.(n.)天赋;才能C.(v.)将赠给(1)A little gift is a nice way to show your friend that you are excited to be at his or her house.(2020德阳阅读C)A(2)So why not gift your kids a family recipe book when they are starting a new life?(2020北京阅读C


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