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1、高等学校旅游管理专业系列教材,旅游商务英语范广丽 主编韩如冰 袁立辉 副主编,第二单元,Unit 2 Food and Tourism,After studying this unit,you should be able to:know something about American Cuisine;talk about nutritional foods and healthy conditions;get to know about the organization of“Slow Food”Association;learn about wine culture in rural a

2、reas;get familiar with some terms in the field of tourism.,2,Unit 2 Food and Tourism,American Cuisine,Warm-up Tasks,3,Unit 2 Food and Tourism,a string of a series of 一串;一列essential to adv.absolutely necessary 对是必不可少的regionalism n.a feature that is characteristic of a particular region 地方主义;地方色彩diver

3、sity n.variety多样性accent vt.stress,single out as important 强调least adv.the superlative of little 最不inconceivable adj.totally unlikely 不可思议的;难以置信的fritter n.fried pie油炸馅饼legume n.the fruit or seed like pea or bean豆类observance n.a formal event performed on a special occasion 仪式,Words and Expressions,Ter

4、ms,US cuisine美国美食smoking meat 熏肉leafy green vegetables 绿叶蔬菜Christianity,Judaism,Islam,Hinduism and Buddhism 基督教、犹太教、伊斯兰教、印度教和佛教,4,Unit 2 Food and Tourism,Read the following passage carefully.Fill in the blanks with phrases and expressions provided below.Make changes where necessary.,The United State

5、s is a land of delicious food from coast to coast and neighborhood to neighborhood.But it is impossible to make its cultural and culinary mix reflect in a single bite or even a string of them.The two concepts essential to understanding US food are 1,accent on the latter.After all,Italian food differ

6、s from province to province and city to city as well.But 2 run through Italys food from south to north simply because its people have such strong roots in the Italian soil.Not so with the US,a nation of newcomers,its food reflects its origins.Some of the strongest influences on US cuisine came from

7、African slaves,the people who least intended to be there.American food is inconceivable without barbecue 3,all kinds of fritters and a mess of greens.Indeed Africans brought with them 4 including smoking meats,frying grains and legumes into fritters,boiling leafy green vegetables,and making up hot,s

8、picy saucers.Food is also an important part of religious observances and spiritual rituals 5,including Christianity,Judaism,Islam,Hinduism and Buddhism.The role of food in cultural practices and religious beliefs is complex and varies among 6.,important technique,individual and community,for many di

9、fferent faiths,in its many variations,key theme,regionalism and diversity,5,Unit 2 Food and Tourism,The United States is a land of delicious food from coast to coast and neighborhood to neighborhood.But it is impossible to make its cultural and culinary mix reflect in a single bite or even a string

10、of them.The two concepts essential to understanding US food are 1 regionalism and diversity,accent on the latter.After all,Italian food differs from province to province and city to city as well.But 2 key themes run through Italys food from south to north simply because its people have such strong r

11、oots in the Italian soil.Not so with the US,a nation of newcomers,its food reflects its origins.Some of the strongest influences on US cuisine came from African slaves,the people who least intended to be there.American food is inconceivable without barbecue 3 in its many variations,all kinds of frit

12、ters and a mess of greens.Indeed Africans brought with them 4 important techniques including smoking meats,frying grains and legumes into fritters,boiling leafy green vegetables,and making up hot,spicy saucers.Food is also an important part of religious observances and spiritual rituals 5 for many d

13、ifferent faiths,including Christianity,Judaism,Islam,Hinduism and Buddhism.The role of food in cultural practices and religious beliefs is complex and varies among 6 individuals and communities.,Check your answers.And repeat the passage sentence by sentence until you learn the details by heart.,6,Un

14、it 2 Food and Tourism,Answer the following questions according to the passage.,7.What are the two concepts essential to understanding US food?,7,Unit 2 Food and Tourism,Answer the following questions according to the passage.,7.What are the two concepts essential to understanding US food?,They are r

15、egionalism and diversity,8,Unit 2 Food and Tourism,Answer the following questions according to the passage.,8.Where does the strongest influence on US cuisine come from?,9,Unit 2 Food and Tourism,Answer the following questions according to the passage.,8.Where does the strongest influence on US cuis

16、ine come from?,The strongest influence on US cuisine come from African slaves.,10,Unit 2 Food and Tourism,Healthy Food,Speaking Tasks,11,Unit 2 Food and Tourism,nutritional adj.of or relating materials to nourish the body 营养的clinical adj.depending on direct observation of patients 临床的dense adj.close

17、ly crowded together,hard to pass through 密集的;稠密的skimp v.limit in quality or quantity少用;节省entitle vt.give the right to;five a title to 名叫(称);给题名germ n.a minute life form 细菌;微生物bacteria n.(microbiology)single-celled spherical or spiral organisms(复数)细菌,单数为bacterium,Words and Expressions,Terms,gum 牙龈,牙床

18、oatmeal 燕麦片;麦片粥soluble fiber 可溶性纤维blood sugar 血糖insulin level 胰岛素水平,12,Unit 2 Food and Tourism,Work in pairs.Practice the dialogue with your partner.,Healthy FoodMelanie and Rebecca are talking about eating an apple for strong bones and good dental health.Melanie:Hi,Rebecca.I read an article about N

19、utritional Foods and Healthy Conditions in yesterdays newspaper.Rebecca:Its a popular topic.What did the article say?Melanie:Its about apples and bones.Rebecca:Tell me more.Im interested in this topic.Melanie:According to a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition,researchers found that e

20、ating lots of fruits and vegetables strengthens your bones,especially in women.Rebecca:What does the article say about women?Melanie:Women who ate the most fruits and vegetables had denser bones than those who skimped on them.Rebecca:Oh,a long time ago I read a short article entitled“The Apple and D

21、ental Health”.Melanie:Did you?Are apples good for your teeth?,13,Unit 2 Food and Tourism,Rebecca:Yes,absolutely.The article said apple juice not only strengthens bones,but also helps kill germs inside the mouth.Melanie:Do you believe it?Rebecca:Yes.Apple juice can reduce bacteria inside the gums by

22、over 60%.Anyway,apples are good for you in many ways.Do you know theres an old saying?Melanie:Whats that?Rebecca:An apple a day keeps the doctor away.Melanie:Yes.I got it.Thanks.Rebecca:Youre welcome.Melanie:And do you know other healthy foods and happy foods?Rebecca:Therere many kinds of healthy fo

23、ods,like oatmeal.Melanie:What makes oatmeal a healthy food?Rebecca:Oat products are a fantastic source of soluble fiber,which helps control blood sugar and insulin levels.After eating oatmeal,your stomach empties more slowly,and that lowers the amount of sugar in your blood.Oatmeal also benefits you

24、r heart.Melanie:I see.I learn quite a lot about healthy food from you.,14,Unit 2 Food and Tourism,Repeat the dialogue and decide whether the statements are true or false.If it is true,put“T”in the space provided or“F”if it is false._ 9.The article“Nutritional Foods and Healthy Conditions”in todays n

25、ewspaper is about apples and bones._10.Apples are not only good for teeth,but can also reduce bacteria inside the gums by more than 60%._11.Oatmeal is a healthy food,because oat products are a fantastic source of soluble fiber,which helps control blood pressure and insulin levels.,15,Unit 2 Food and

26、 Tourism,Repeat the dialogue and decide whether the statements are true or false.If it is true,put“T”in the space provided or“F”if it is false._F_ 9.The article“Nutritional Foods and Healthy Conditions”in todays newspaper is about apples and bones._10.Apples are not only good for teeth,but can also

27、reduce bacteria inside the gums by more than 60%._11.Oatmeal is a healthy food,because oat products are a fantastic source of soluble fiber,which helps control blood pressure and insulin levels.,16,Unit 2 Food and Tourism,Repeat the dialogue and decide whether the statements are true or false.If it

28、is true,put“T”in the space provided or“F”if it is false._F_ 9.The article“Nutritional Foods and Healthy Conditions”in todays newspaper is about apples and bones._T_10.Apples are not only good for teeth,but can also reduce bacteria inside the gums by more than 60%._11.Oatmeal is a healthy food,becaus

29、e oat products are a fantastic source of soluble fiber,which helps control blood pressure and insulin levels.,17,Unit 2 Food and Tourism,Repeat the dialogue and decide whether the statements are true or false.If it is true,put“T”in the space provided or“F”if it is false._F_ 9.The article“Nutritional

30、 Foods and Healthy Conditions”in todays newspaper is about apples and bones._T_10.Apples are not only good for teeth,but can also reduce bacteria inside the gums by more than 60%._F_11.Oatmeal is a healthy food,because oat products are a fantastic source of soluble fiber,which helps control blood pr

31、essure and insulin levels.,18,Unit 2 Food and Tourism,Work with your partner to create your own dialogue.,19,Unit 2 Food and Tourism,“Slow Food1”Association,Reading Passage A,20,Unit 2 Food and Tourism,1 slow food 慢食运动也称Slow Food Movement,由意大利人卡尔洛佩特里尼提出,是一项号召人们反对按标准化、规格化生产汉堡等单调的快餐食品,提倡有个性、营养均衡的传统美食,

32、目的是“通过保护美味佳肴来维护人类不可剥夺的享受快乐的权利,同时抵制快餐文化、超级市场对生活的冲击”。Slow Food Association 慢食协会,21,Unit 2 Food and Tourism,1 Slow Food is a non-profit,member-supported organization founded in 1989 to counteract fast food and fast life,the disappearance of local food traditions and peoples lack of interest in the food

33、 they eat,where it comes from,how it testes and how our food choices can affect the economy of the rest of the world.2 Slow Food began in Italy with the foundation of its forerunner organization,Arcigola2,in 1986 to resist the opening of a McDonalds near the Spanish Steps3 in Rome.The Slow Food orga

34、nization spawned by the movement has expanded to include over 1000,000 members with chapters in over 132 countries.In total there are about 800 local convivia chapters.There are 360 convivia in Italy(know as condotta)comprising 35,000 members,along with 450 other regional chapters around the world.T

35、he organizational structure is decentralized:each convivium has a leader who is responsible for promoting local artisans,local farmers,and local flavors through regional events such as taste workshops,wine and food tastings,and farmers markets.Opposed to the culture of fast food,the Slow Food associ

36、ation wants to encourage the enjoyment of regional products and traditional foods.,22,Unit 2 Food and Tourism,counteract v.act in opposition to 抵制;对抗forerunner n.a person who goes before or announces the coming of another先驱;开路人2 Arcigola 美食协会名 佩特里尼1986年在意大利创建的美食协会,是Slow Food Association 的前身。3 Spanis

37、h Steps 西班牙台阶位于意大利罗马的一座户外阶梯,与西班牙广场相联接,而西班牙阶梯的顶端是天主圣三一教堂。西班牙阶梯无疑是全欧洲最长与最宽的阶梯,总共有138阶,是法国波旁王朝在17231725年间建造完成的。spawn vi.call forth,result in 引发,导致chapter n.a branch of a society or club分会convive n.people having meals at the same table 共桌用餐的人decentralize v.make less central(使)权力下放;(使)分散artisan n.a skill

38、ed worker who practices some trade or handicraft 工匠;技工taste workshop 原味家作,品尝作坊,23,Unit 2 Food and Tourism,From the pleasure of food to food tourism3 Food is a common language and,above all,a universal right.As any language,it is spoken to communicate,to share emotion,feelings,sensations.The pleasure

39、 of food is not only based on the taste but on the sharing of it with others.Nobody can really enjoy their food without considering that this is a universal right and that each kind of food,even the most common and“simple”,represents many histories that could be told,history of a region,history of a

40、n identity,history of a population,history of a village,history of a family,history of a religion,in a word,history of a culture.4 Sharing food means talking about the pleasures of the table and this,in turn means talking about hospitality.In many languages which have their root in ancient Latin,the

41、 word“hospes”has a double meaning.The same word designates both the person who welcomes and the one who is welcomed,host and guest.The anthropological and sociological meaning of that might be that the guest has the same rights and duties of the host and this goes beyond the old(think of the pilgrim

42、s during the middle ages)and“asymmetrical”idea of the relationship between an authoritative active role(the host)and a fatally and inevitably passive one(the guest).Only bearing in mind this concept it is possible to talk of high quality and modern tourism.,24,Unit 2 Food and Tourism,universal right

43、 普遍权力identity n.the individual characteristics by which a thing is recognized or known 个性,特性,特征hospitality n.kindness in welcoming guests or strangers 款待,殷勤好客designate vt.assign a name or title to 标明;把定名为anthropological adj.of or concerned with the science of origins and social relationships of huma

44、n beings 人类学的pilgrim n.a person who travels to a holy place as an act of religious respect 朝圣者asymmetrical adj.irregular in shape or outline 不对称的;不均匀的authoritative adj.demanding or deserving respect and obedience 权威性的;命令式的,25,Unit 2 Food and Tourism,5 How can a territory,a region,a village and their

45、 food specialties,be linked to tourism?Food is an important aspect of a travellers experience.Most potential visitors to Italy want to taste traditional dishes,regional specialties,and fresh local produce,possibly organically grown.Food is an important economic and cultural resource offering tangibl

46、e benefits for tourism.However it is essential that people involved in this activity are effective in delivering an authentic food experience to an increasingly aware and health-conscious group of visitors.In the definition of food tourism it is necessary to differentiate between the tourist who con

47、sumes food as a part of the travel experience and the tourist whose interests,behaviours,and even destination choices are influenced and determined by a specific interest in food.Food is obviously an integral part of any travel experience but its importance and significance has been ignored for diff

48、erent reasons:for some travelers it is just a kind of“fuel”,for others,who are a growing minority,it is a significant,at times the most important,reason or motivation to travel.Somewhere in between we can find all potential consumers/tourists who might become the driving force of food tourism.,26,Un

49、it 2 Food and Tourism,regional specialty 地方特产tangible adj.that can be felt by touch 可触摸的;有形的authentic adj.known to be true 真正的;真实的differentiate vi.treat as different区别,区别对待,27,Unit 2 Food and Tourism,6 The crowd of potential food tourists are becoming increasingly interested in this topic,and severa

50、l indicators can conform this:Of course a tourist is,first of all,a consumer,and from the consumer perspective the concern about the quality and safety of food he/she can find on shelves and in restaurants becomes stronger every day,especially after the BSE(Bovine Spongiform Encephalophathy)4 crisis


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