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1、KINGDOM:FUNGIABBOTTS COLLEGE,KINGDOM FUNGI,ABBOTTS,TOPICS,StructureCharacteristicsDiseases,Neither plants nor animalsE.g.mushrooms,moulds and yeastEstimated about 1 million species,GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS,Fungi are found everywhere invisible to the naked eyeMostly free-living(live in soil,air and de

2、ad organic matter)Are heterotrophs-lack chlorophyllSaprotrophic feed on dead organismsParasitic get nourishment from a living host and cause diseases as a result,FORM SYMBIOTIC RELATIONSHIPS,Some fungi live in symbiotic relationships with plants and animalsThe term symbiosis commonly describes close

3、 and often long-term interactions between different biological species.,LICHEN,An association of a fungi and algaeThe fungus supplies the alga with water and mineralsThe alga makes glucose that is absorbed by the fungus,Lichen thallus(cross-section)X 200.The algal cells are a lighter colour.They are

4、 surrounded by and held in place by fungal hyphae.,MYCORRHIZAE,Hyphae of a fungus which associate with the roots of many types of plantsFungus gets food from the plantPlant gets an increased surface area for water absorption,MOST FUNGI ARE USEFUL,They are primary decomposers of dead organic matter C

5、lean the environmentNutrients are re-cycled and returned to the soil,FUNGI:REPRODUCTION,Asexually by means of sporesSexually when conditions are unfavourable by means of zygosporesBy budding or binary fission(yeast),ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION BY SPORES,Spores are the units of asexual reproduction,because

6、a single spore develops into a new organism.By contrast,gametes are the units of sexual reproduction,as two gametes need to fuse to create a new organism.,Sexual reproduction by zygospores,A large multinucleate spore formed by union of similar gametes,as in algae or fungi.,budding,BINARY FISSION IN

7、YEAST,STRUCTURE OF FUNGI,Most are multicellular eukaryotesSome are unicellular examples(yeast)Cells walls contain chitin and glucanMulticellular fungi consist of fine branched threads called hyphae,HYPHAE,HYPHA,Is a multi branched tubular cell filled with cytoplasmThe tube can be continuous(aseptate

8、)or septate(divided into compartments),MYCELIUM,Hyphae branch repeatedly to form a network called the myceliumWhich makes up the thallus(vegetative part of the fungus),SPORANGIA,When a fungus reproduces asexually it forms sporangia(spore producing bodies),HARMFUL FUNGI,Pathogenic fungi are parasites

9、 causing ill health in plants and animalsGet their nourishment from a living hostE.g.thrush and athletes foot in manE.g.rust in plants,FUNGAL DISEASES,ThrushRustsRingwormAthletes foot,CANDIDIASIS/THRUSH,Also called a candida infection or yeast infectionCaused by Candida albicans(a yeast/fungus)Affec

10、ts the mucous membranesCan occur harmlessly in the bodyHealthy immune system:friendly bacteria keep them in check in the intestineUnder certain conditions they grow too fast and cause an infectionCommon in the mouth,vagina or GI tract in babies,FACTORS WHICH ENCOURAGE GROWTH,Taking antibiotics reduc

11、es the number of friendly bacteriaAIDS and cancer weakens the immune systemStress,poor diet,lack of sleepTight clothing promotes moisture build up in genital areas,MANAGEMENT OF THRUSH,Oral thrush antifungal mouthwashVaginal yeast infections antifungal medication e.g.creams,ATHLETES FOOT,Caused by a fungus called TineaGrows in damp placesQuite commonSkin flakes and cracks between the toesFungus feeds on keratin protein found in skin cellsTreated with antifungal powder,PAGE 23,THE END,


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