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1、秘书英语03电话传真与电子邮件的处理,服从真理,就能征服一切事物,Unit 3 Phones,faxesand E-mailsSecretary English,ObjectivesTo grasp the tips when answering a call in abusiness environmenTo get the students to know how to make atelephone callTo be able to write faxes and E-mailsaccording to the given information,ContentsI.Lead-inII

2、.Language PointsII.Classroom Activities.Practical WritingV.Exercises.Key to Exercises.Assignments,Lead-inA secretary is expected to receive and assisttelephone callers and deal with incomingand outgoing faxes and e-mails.Afterlearning this unit,you are supposed to beable to grasp the basic skills of

3、 daily routines.,II.Language Points1.available-edveilebll形农词a1.可用的,在手边的;可利用的(+for/to)The swimming pool is available only in summer.这个游泳池只在夏天开放。2.可得到的,可买到的Is there water available around hel附近弄TV sets are available in any department stores电视机在任何一家百货公司里都能买到3.有空的,可与之联条的The principal is available now现在校

4、长可以接见你4.有效的This film ticket is no longer available张电影票不再有效,anguage PoInts2.flight flooit名词n飞翔,飞行CU2.(飞机的)班次;(某诳次的)飞机;搭机旅行;飞机的航程CHe completed the flight in 25 hours and 50 minutes五小肘五十分钟飞完了全程Could you tell me what time flight 212 arrives in New YorkCity?芳驾,三一二班机什么肘候到达纽约市3.(飞乌的)群;(飞机的)队C(+OfI saw a fl

5、ight ofheaded south for the winter我看到一群野鹅为越冬南飞。楼梯(或阶梯)的一段Cey live two flight:他们住在两段楼梯上面5.(时间的)飞逝;(云等的)快速移动Uow I wish I could stop the flight of time!,.Language Points3.convenient ken:Evi:njent形容词a1.合宜的;方便的;便利的(+for/to)Please come whenever it is convenient to you方便的肘候,请随肘来2.近而方便的(+for/to)4.Inclusive

6、in Klu:siv包含的形农词1.包合的,包括的(+OfThe rent is$300,inclusive of heating房租三百元,包括暖气费在内。包括一切费用在内的an inclu包括一切费用在内的族游3.首末日(或页码等)包括在内的ARead pages 25 to 50 inclusive,II.Language Points5.discount disk gun折扣名词n.IU1.折扣;打折扣We give a special discount of 10 per cent for cash如用现金购买,我们给予九折优待2.贴现;贴现率3.不全信The authors con

7、clusions must be taken at a discount作者的结论我们不应全信。及物动词t1.将打折扣;将商品打去折扣at store discounts all its slow-selling goods家商店削价出售所有滞销货2.将贴现3.不全相信;怀疑地看待,II.Language Points6 check-o吐t结账,付账离开处名词1.检查;调查2.付款退租;付款处3.下班离开;离去check ou1.结帐离开le has checked out this morning海德夫人今天上午已经结帐走了I have checked out all the figures

8、 and found them to be correct.我核对了所有数字,发现都正确。通过能力测试All the trainees checked out all right所有的受训人员都符合要求You should check out that new movie Its great你应该看那部新电影。很棒的,II.Language Points7.reservatio名词n保留(意见);异议CUThey accepted the proposal without reservation他们无保留地接受2.(公共)专用地;禁猎区;自然保护区;【美】【加】保留(给印第安人居住的)区城CT

9、here are a lot of Indian reservations in Arizona亚利桑那州有许多印第安保留区。Most Indians live on reservations established by the FederalGovernment大部分印第安人生活在联邦政府建立的保留地上3.【英】中央分车带C4.预订;预订的房问(或席座)CWe have made reservations for three rooms at the hotel我们已在这个族馆预订了三个房问,66、节制使快乐增加并使享受加强。德谟克利特67、今天应做的事没有做,明天再早也是耽误了。裴斯泰洛齐68、决定一个人的一生,以及整个命运的,只是一瞬之间。歌德69、懒人无法享受休息之乐。拉布克70、浪费时间是一桩大罪过。卢梭,


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