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1、Learning goals,1.Get the structure of the future passive,voice,2.Try to make it clear how to use the,grammar and learn to use in practice.,周兰兰,Step1:Lead-in,Black Friday,the next day of Thanksgiving,was,given this name because the profit from the,promotion will be recorded in,BLACK.,People in,Americ

2、an will crowd into the shopping malls or,the supermarkets for the preparation for the,Xmas gifts,With the help of the Internet,We Chinese can,also buy some goods at a lower price through,the US websites.Li Hua,a Hi-fi(,高保真,)lover,has placed an order(,订单,)of an earphone,and,he has some questions abou

3、t this order.Here,is a conversation between Li Hua and the,customer service Kate.,Role Play,K:This is Kate.My ID is 12345.What can I do for,you,sir?,L:I placed an order in your website just now.But I,have some questions now.,K,:,Waiting for your questions.,L:Wow,when will this order be charged,(,收费,

4、)?,K:,It will not be charged until delivery,(,递送,).,L:Ok!,How soon will the goods be delivered,?,K:,The delivery will be arranged,(,安排,),in 1 or 2 days,if in stock,(有现货),.,L:Well.Thanks.And what is the way of transport?,K:,It will be transported by air,from California to,Guangzhou and then,be transf

5、erred,(转移,转交),to the local carrier,(当地快递),after Customs,Clearance,(,清关),.Any more questions?,L:The last one.How long will it take to arrive,?,K:In general,it will take 10-20days but,it will be,delayed if it is inspected,(检查),by the Customs.,L:Hum,Ive got it.Thanks very much.,When,will,this order,be

6、charged,(charge),?,It,will not be charged,(charge),until delivery(,递送,How soon,will it be delivered,(deliver),?,The delivery,will be arranged,(,安排,)in 1 or 2,days if in stock,(有现货),.,It,will be transported,by air from California to,Guangzhou and then,be transferred,(转移,转,交),to,the local carrier,(当地快

7、递),It will be delayed(,delay,),if it is inspected,(检,查),by the Customs.,Step 2 Presentation,The structure of the future passive voice,1.Structure:,肯定句:,will/shall(not)be done,一般疑问句:,Will/Shall,主语,be,done,特殊疑问句:疑问词,will/shall,主语,be done,1.,当,不知道,执行者是谁或者,没必要,知道时:,2.,强调,动作的承受者时:,It,will not be charged,

8、until delivery(,递送,).,The goods,will be arranged,(,安排,)in 1 or 2 days,if in stock,(有现货),.,Practice,没有达到项目既定标准的运动员不会被录取为参赛,者。,Translation:,Athletes who havent reached the agreed,standard for their events will not be admitted,as competitors.,2020,年奥运会将在日本东京举行,The 2020 Olympics will be held in Tokyo,Ja

9、pan.,我们的新食堂什么时候完工?(,canteen,),When will our new canteen be completed?,结论:,The other forms of the future passive voice,1.The problem,isnt going to be discussed,at,the meeting tomorrow.,2.Look at the heavy rain!The houses in the,lowland,are going to be drowned,.,3.Obama is,to be replaced,by Trump next

10、 year.,观察探究,be going to be done,:,1.,计划,安排要发生的被动,动作,2.,有迹象表明马上要发生的被动动作,be to be done:,3.,注定要发生的被动动作,Practice,用括号内动,词的正确形,式填空,1.The sports meeting,_,(hold)next month.,2.The machine is to,_,(repair)by us tomorrow.,3.I hear that the coming,training _(last),about a month.,is going to be held,be repaired

11、,will last,1.,在时间,条件状语从句中,常用一般现在时,的被动语态代替一般将来时的被动语态。,Attention:,It will be delayed,if the goods is,inspected,(,检查,)by the Customs.,2.,在被动结构中,切不可丢掉后面的介词或副词,The plan will be given up.,3,不能用于被动语态的及物动词或动词短语有:,have,wish,cost,agree with,shake hands with,suffer from,take part in,belong to,A,C,B,F,E,D,Learn

12、 to use,Use to learn,Step 3 Practice,Do you want to get a ticket to,watch the Olympics Games in 2020?,1.Nobody _(allow),to,enter the stadium without a ticket.,2.Children _(not,allow)to make a noise and upset,the,competitors.If they do,they,_(take away),from,the stadium.,Rules for the audience,will b

13、e allowed,wont be allowed,will be taken away,3.No animals _,(allow),in the stadium.,4.Cheating by athletes,_,_(not,excuse).They,_(tell)to,leave and _ _,(punish).,5.No smoking _,(allow),if you are discovered,you,will be allowed,will not be,will be told,excused,will be,punished,will be allowed,will be

14、 fined,Correct mistakes:,You are the volunteer in the,Olympic Village.Someone has written the,following notice for the guests in the village.You,are asked to check if it is properly written.There,is only one mistake in each of the rest.,1.All competitors will be taking to their,sports events at the

15、correct time.,2.Visitors will not allowed to stay in the,building after 9 pm.,3.Smoking will not been permitted at,all in any of the stadiums.,taken,be,/,be,4.Doctors will be waited 24 hours a day.,5.Competitors deserve a good nights,sleep so lights will have been turned off,at 10pm each night.,6.Co

16、mpetitors to be punished for,cheating.,wait,be,will,Make sentences,The 2022 Winter Olympics will be held in,Beijing and Zhang Jiakou,The emblem of Beijing Winter Olympics is,under collection.,The design to be selected will be awarded,¥,200,000.,Maybe the license plate(,车牌,)of,粤,V99999,_,in Pu Ning,will be seen,Step 4 Summary,1.Structure,2.Tips,1.,Preview the artice on Page 14 and,try to do Exercises 1 and 2.,2.Do Exercisse 1 on Page 50 to,practise the Future Passive Voice,.,Step 5,


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