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1、,十四个常用动词固定搭配自我检测练习题,Put 的短语put away 收拾;放妥;放弃 put off 推迟;延期 put on 上演;穿上 put into 表达;翻译 put down 放下;写下;镇压,put out 扑灭;生产;出版 put up 举起;竖起;张贴 put up with 容忍 put()up for 供以食宿;留宿 put through 接通电话 put to bed 使上床睡觉 put to the trouble of doing 使陷入做的困境,1.The teacher asked the class to put _ their books.A.away

2、B.byC.on D.up2.The sports meet will be put _ till next week because of the bad weather.A.off B.upC.onD.down3.A new play will be put _ at the theater.A.off B.up C.on D.out4.He was too excited to put the idea _ words.A.with B.in C.to D.into5.By the time the fire-engine arrived,the fire had been put _

3、by the people there.A.down B.out C.off D.away,6.No sooner had he put _ the receiver than the bell rang again.A.outB.down C.away D.off7.A list of the new League members was _ and the pupils looked at it and discussed.A.put away B.put upC.turned up D.turned on8.Is that you,Mr Brown?Please put me _ to

4、your manager.A.up B.up with C.through D.over9.Its a pity!You put me _ the trouble of doing up the room again.A.in B.into C.with D.to,10.Get out!I can no longer put _ your remarks.A.up B.downC.down with D.up with11.We must find a place where we can put _ the night.A.up forB.up C.down D.down for,look

5、through 浏览;翻阅;透过看 look up(vt.)查出;找出;(vi.)上涨;好转;抬头look up to 尊敬 look out(for)当心;注意 look out(of)向望 look(up)on as 认为 是,look down upon 轻视;看不起 look into 调查 look in on 顺便拜访look back(over/to)回顾 look after 照看;看管 look forward to 盼望 look sb.up and down 上下打量,12.Look _ this book and tell me what you think of.A.

6、through B.onC.intoD.up13.Look _!Theres a train coming.A.out B.aroundC.forward D.into 14.Many foreigners look _ the Great Wall as the Seventh Worlds Wonderat B.forC.around D.on,15.Five of the students took part in the game;the rest of them just looked _.A.at B.on C.out D.up16.The baby is crying.Will

7、you please _ him while I prepare the milk?A.care B.look atC.look forD.look after17.Ive been looking _ very much to coming to Beijing for a long time.A.over B.up C.on D.forward,18.He _ me up and down and noticed that I was almost in rags.A.watched B.looked C.looked at D.fixed upon19.Mr.Smith has taug

8、ht for many years and all the students looked _ him.A.up B.up to C.up on D.down upon20.He has promised to look _ the matter.A.through B.inC.upD.into,get in 叫进;收集;收进 get in a word 插话 get in ones way 挡路;妨碍 get along/on 进行;进展;相处 get along/on with 在方面进展;与相处/,get up 起床;站起 get out(of)出去(来);取出;避开;摆脱 get th

9、rough 做完;结束;通过;抵达 get away(from)(从)逃脱;摆脱;走开;(使)离开 get into 进入;(使)陷入状态,21.I really dont want to go to the party,but I dont see how I can get _ it.A.back from B.out of C.away D.off22.Readers can get _quite well without knowing the exact meaning of each word.A.over B.in C.along D.through,23.As the crow

10、d got _ our way,we had to turn around.A.on B.intoC.throughD.in24.He got _ the car when it reached the school.out ofB.off C.fromD.down from25.They didnt get _ quite well as small boys.A.up B.togetherC.outD.on,26.When they two began to talk about politics,no one else could get _ a word.A.into B.throug

11、h C.in with D.in27.He failed for the first time but _ for second.A.got out B.went out C.got through D.went through,28.He missed home and yesterday he returned to his hometown _ which he really didnt want to get _.A.of;rid B.with;along C.from;out D.from;away,turn to 向 求助;翻到;转到turn in 上交 turn up 出现;卷起

12、;竖起;开大点(收音机等)turn over 移交;考虑;翻过;翻倒;打翻 turn on(off)开(关),turn down 驳回;拒绝;拒不采纳;拧小点(声音)turn back 折回;回转过来 turn against 背叛;转而反对 turn out 结果(是);生产;制造,29.In the dark street,there wasnt a single person _ she would turn for help.A.that B.whom C.from D.to whom30.Would you mind turning _ the radio a little?Im w

13、orking now.A.up B.down C.off D.on31.He promised to come,but he didnt turn _.A.upB.outC.over D.in,D,B,A,32.He _ the coat collar up because of the wind.turned B.putC.took D.held33.He wanted to join the army but was turned _,because he wasnt old enough.A.down B.in C.off D.back34.The weather forecast wa

14、s good so it turned _ fine after all.A.into B.out C.up D.over,A,A,B,35.I began turning _ in my mind all that I had learned from the experiment.A.upB.onC.over D.about36.Its nothing but your words make me turn _ you.A.back B.on C.for D.against,C,D,give away 背弃;出卖;泄露;散掉 give off 散发出 give out(vt.)分发;公布;

15、(vi.)用完;疲惫 give in 让步;屈服 give up 放弃;戒掉;交出;让出,37.Cheap coal gives _ a lot of smoke.up B.in C.away D.off38.Please help me give _ these apples to everyone here.A.outB.up C.away D.over39.No mother wants to give _ her children to someone elses care.A.up B.out C.away D.off40.The hero would rather die than

16、 give _.A.in B.up C.down D.out,D,A,A,A,41.We heard a shot.The smoke had given us _.upB.overC.away D.out42.Our supply of vegetables will soon _.A.give up B.give outC.go outD.run out of,C,B,take away 拿走 take back 收回(话等)take ones time 从容行事 take it easy 别急 take off 脱掉(衣帽);起飞;去掉 take in 听进去;领会;接受;接待;(在家)

17、承接(活干);吸收(会员等),take care 当心 take care of 照顾;负责 take for 错认为;误以为是 take after 长得象 take on 雇佣;具有(面貌、颜色)take over 接管;接收;接办;接任take up 从事(某工作);开始(某活动或爱好)占去(时间或空间);接着做(唱、喊等),43.The boss was asked to take _ Bob as an office boy.A.up B.overC.inD.on46.Within two hours,his face took _ colour and his body becam

18、e warm.A.out B.overC.on D.around45.The battle hero we _an ordinary soldier at first gave us an inspiring speech.A.took on B.looked on C.looked up on D.took for,46.The plane took _ and headed north.A.awayB.offC.up D.high47.Did they take _ much after listening to my lecture?in B.hold of C.over D.up48.

19、Cars _ up a great deal of valuable space on the roads.A.catchB.take C.holdD.cover,49.May I take _what I promised you?Very sorry,I cant buy you a bicycle on time.A.down B.over C.back D.away50.All the other students in the class took _ the song before the teacher came in.A.inB.up C.over D.up with,51.T

20、he first seaman took _ the ship when the captain suffered a heart attack.A.overB.upC.in D.on,come across 碰到 come by 得到 come for 来取 come down 下降;下落;传下来come on(风、雨)来临;进行;进展 come out 出版;出来;有结果;开花 come over 来访;(感觉)突然掠过,come to 来到;碰到;苏醒;谈到;说到;合计 come up 走近、走上前来;出现;发芽 come along 一道去;赶快 come of 出身(家庭);有结果,

21、52.His name has come _ in song and story to this day.A.on B.along C.up D.down53.Im sorry to trouble you again.I return to come _ my book.A.back for B.over forC.for D.across54.The truth will sooner or later come _.A.upB.aboutC.outD.around,D,C,C,55.Winter came and the old man felt a cold coming _.onB.

22、downC.alongD.up56.If you are free tonight,come _ and have dinner with me.A.inB.up C.over D.on57.Listen to me.Ill come next _ Chapter Three.A.acrossB.to C.up toD.on to,A,C,B,58.She passed out but would come _ in a little while.A.back B.over C.toD.up59.My little son asked me why the seeds he had sowed

23、 didnt come _.A.over B.up C.aroundD.on60.Tom came _third in the last examination.A.up B.overC.down D.out,B,C,D,break out 爆炸 break in 插话 break into 强行进入;突然开始 break down(机器)坏;(汽车)抛锚;(计划)失败 break up(vt.)分开;使解散;(vi.)(会议)结束;(学校等)放假 break away from 摆脱;脱离,61.The fire broke _ after they had gone home.A.in B

24、.outC.off D.down62.The prison was broken _ and all the prisoners were set free.A.intoB.inC.upD.down63.I would tell the story much more easily if you didnt break _ so often.A.into B.through C.in D.up,B,A,C,64.Well have to get out and walk.The cars _down.A.broken B.fallenC.goneD.run65.He has broken _

25、the bad habits.A.out of B.offC.away D.away from,A,D,call for 叫去;要;索取;要求 call in 请(医生等)来 call off 取消;不举行 call(up)on 拜访、看望(某人)call at 拜访(某地)call on sb.to do 号召(某人)做(某事)call up 给打电话 call out 大声叫,66.Ill call _ you at seven if youd like to go to see the film this evening.on B.up C.for D.out67.They didnt

26、stop talking until the teacher called _ silence.A.in B.outC.downD.for68.The headmaster called _ the football match because of the rain.A.backB.upC.outD.off,69.When we called _ Mr.Whites,he had gone to the countryside to call _ his cook.A.up;upon B.on;upon C.at;on D.upon;on,bring about 引起;使产生 bring u

27、p 呕吐;养育;提出 bring out 阐明;引出;出版 bring down 使下降;击落,70.I felt something was wrong with me.I _ most of what I had taken.brought up B.brought outC.took up D.took out71.His parents died when he was young,so he was _by his uncle.A.taken up B.brought up C.brought out D.grown up72.She does morning exercises e

28、very day in order to bring _ her weight.A.up B.offC.about D.down,make out 理解;认出;看清楚;书写;起草;开列 make into 制成(成品)make up 构成;编写;编造;和解 make up for 弥补;补偿,73.The world is made _ seven continents and four oceans.A.up of B.out ofC.from D.in74.Glass can be made _bottles and other things.fromB.intoC.of D.out of

29、75.They were so far away that I couldnt _ their faces.A.see through B.make upC.make out D.pick out,76.The good service at the hotel _ the poor food to some extent.A.makes up for B.makes use of C.keeps up with D.makes up,go down 下落;减弱 go in for 爱好;从事(某活动)go on 发生;进行 go on with 继续 go out 熄灭 go through

30、 仔细检查;审查;经历(苦难等)go over 复习;检查;审阅;研究,D.dropped,77.Please go _ your written exercises before you turn it in.A.on with B.over C.back with D.down to78.We had to feel our way toward the door because the light had suddenly gone _.A.off B.down C.on D.out,79.The police _ through every part of the car and fo

31、und nothing wrong.A.went B.got C.looked D.searched80.Lucy plays a lot of golf and goes _ all competitions.A.into B.for C.on with D.in for81.When they reached the Summer Palace,the sun had _ down.A.fallen B.setC.gone,set up 建立;成立;搭起;支起 set out 动身;出发 set out to do sth.开始做(某事)set about doing sth.开始做(某事

32、)set off 动身;装饰,82.A new school was _ up in the village last year.A.held B.set C.sent D.brought83.Its necessary that we set _ at once.A.up B.offC.downD.about84.I _ to make the dress myself,but in the end I had to ask for help.A.set out B.set up C.set down D.started out,keep on doing 坚持做;继续做 keep out

33、遮挡;使不进入 keep up 保持、继续(某活动)keep up with 跟上;及时了解(情况)keep off 避开;挡住 keep back 扣下;隐瞒;忍住(眼泪)keep away(from)远离 keep to sth.遵循;坚持,85.He _ working until he was 70 years old.kept up B.kept on C.kept to D.followed86.The villagers are trying to keep _ their records and get another good harvest.A.upB.backC.outD

34、.on87.The trees can keep _ part of the heat from the sun.A.backB.upC.downD.out,88.We had to think of a way to keep _ the rain.A.away B.offC.out ofD.from89.Theres a board in front of the building,which reads“Keep _ without permission”.A.offB.outC.awayD.up90.We read the newspapers every day to _ the c

35、urrent affairs.keep up withB.catch up with C.keep up D.keep touch with,(15)综合练习91.Take it _.Everything will be fine in a day or two.A.quiet B.calmC.easyD.light92.It has been ten years since the Labour Party came to _ in that country.A.powerB.controlC.force D.charge93.The captain _ an apology to the

36、passengers for the delay caused by bad weather.A.made B.said C.put D.passed,94.Heres my card.Lets keep in _.A.relation B.connection C.friendship D.touch95.The dustman couldnt see which _ the truck went.A.sideB.roadC.way D.turn96.The measures are just beginning to take _.A.workB.effectC.useD.help,97.

37、It makes no _ whether you go today or tomorrow.A.change B.matter C.care D.difference98.The police finally found out who _ fire to the building.A.setB.startedC.caught D.made99.Such people _ an example which Id like to _.follow;do B.make;end C.give;do D.set;follow,100._ and tell me what you see.A.Look for B.Look after C.Look at D.Look around,


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