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1、词汇练习,*,Module 5 Changes,句型练习,*,阅读理解练习,*,1.,当时,过去那个时候,2.,有礼貌的,3.,浏览,4.,因特网,5.,肥胖的,6.,哭,7.,上网,8.,改变,back then,surf,fat,surf the Internet,back then,Internet,cry,change,词汇练习,一、英汉互译。,词汇练习,9.,以前,10.,村子;村庄,11.,附近,12.,办公室,13.,商店,14.,百货公司,15.,分钟,16.,昂贵的,17.,超市,18.,岛,ago,village,nearby,office,store,department

2、 store,minute,expensive,supermarket,island,二、圈出划线部分发音不同的单词。,词汇练习,1.A.hurry,B.student,C.bus,D.us,2.A.that,B.think,C.mouth D.thing,3.A.guess,B.polite,C.egg,D.bed,4.A.village,B.climb,C.this,D.building,5.A.mother,B.become,C.come,D.ago,词汇练习,6.A.hotel,B.bank,C.country,D.library,7.A.stomachache,B.fever,C.h

3、eadache,D.medicine,8.A.saw,B.sit,C.did,D.met,9.A.polite,B.strong,C.tall,D.thin,10.A.oily,B.sour,C.candy,D.salty,三、给短语选出相对应的图片。,()1.play with toys,()2.eat candy,()3.watch TV()4.often cry,()5.draw cartoons,A B C D E,C,A,E,B,D,词汇练习,1.,那时候我的头发不长,是吗?,2.,当他在英国的时候,本住在农村的一个小村庄里。,3.,学校里有超过,1000,名学生。,4.,那里只有两

4、间商店,大多数人在农场工作。,句型练习,My hair wasnt very long then,was it?,When he was in England,Ben lived in a small village in,the countryside.,It has morn than 1000 pupils.,It has only two shops and most of the people worked on farms.,一、根据汉语意思,说出英语句子。,5.,有很多事情可以做,并且它有许多朋友。,6.,他看见人们走进了现代化的办公大楼和百货商店去上班。,7.,它以鱼和米而闻名

5、。,8.,他家很远,所以他每天坐公交车。,句型练习,There are many things to do and he has lots of friends.,He sees people going to work in modern office buildings and,department store.,Its,famous for its fish and rice.,His home is far away,so every day he takes the bus.,句型练习,二、完成下列反意疑问句。,1.Tom didnt watch TV last night,?,2.

6、There are twenty girl students in your class,?,3.They usually play football after school,?,4.Lucy had a party last Sunday,?,5.Jack hardly goes to the cinema,?,did he,arent there,dont they,didnt she,does he,句型练习,三、根据括号内时间改写句子。,1.Today is Monday.(the day before yesterday),2.There are 23 students in ou

7、r class.(22,yesterday),3.I am in Grade Two this year.(last year),I was in Grade Two last year.,The day before yesterday was Monday.,There were 22 students in our class.,句型练习,4.His father is 44.(ten years ago),5.Mike and his sister are at home today.(yesterday,at work,6.My cousin does housework every

8、 weekend.(last weekend),His father was 44 ten years ago.,Mike and his sister were at work yesterday.,My cousin did housework last weekend.,句型练习,四、单项选择。,()1.He doesnt eat candies _.,A.more than B.any more C.much more,()2.The boy often helps his mother the housework.,A.for,B.to,C.with,()3.The boy was

9、tall and strong,he?,A.wasnt,B.was,C.is,()4.They wont buy this machine,_?,A.wont you B.wont they C.will they,B,C,A,C,阅读理解练习,A:Who is that in the picture?,B:,Thats you.,A:Was I,a good girl back then,?,B:Yes,you were.,A:My hair,wasnt very long then,was it?,B:,Yes,it was,.,读一读下面的对话,与你的伙伴一起创编新对话练一练,演一,演吧

10、!(红色部分可替换为其他词汇哦!),阅读理解练习,一、阅读对话,判断正()误,(,),。,A,Father:Sally,Let me show you some old photos.,Sally:Great!Whos this young man?,Father:Oh,hes your grandpa.,Sally:Wow,he was young and strong.But now,hes old and weak(,虚弱的,).,Father:Yes,he was very healthy at that time.,Sally:He was in a gray uniform.Was

11、 he a,policeman before?,Father:Yes,he worked hard.,()1.Sallys grandpa,is very strong now.,(,)2.Sallys father was,a policeman before.,阅读理解练习,B,Lily:Is this me,Mum?,Mum:Yes,you were just two years old back,then.,Lily:I had very short hair and I was very small.,Mum:You were a beautiful,healthy and love

12、ly,baby with blue eyes and blonde hair,Lily.,Lily:But was I naughty back then?,Mum:Sometimes you were.,()1.Lily is looking at the,new family photos.,()2.Sometimes Lily was,naughty when she was,little.,阅读理解练习,C,Lucy:Look at this picture.Is this Uncle Philip?,Mum:Yes,he was tall and strong when he was

13、,young.But now he is ill.Hes very thin.,Lucy:Did he often take exercise?,Mum:Never.He didnt like sports.,Lucy:Shall we go to see him?,Mum:Im going to see him tomorrow.,()1.Lucy will go to visit,her grandpa.,()2.Uncle Philip liked,sports when he was,young.,阅读理解练习,Many years ago,an old woman had a,cat

14、.The cat was old.It couldnt run,fast,so it couldnt catch mice.When,the old cat saw a mouse,it ran up to,catch it,but the mouse always ran,away.The woman was very angry,with the mouse.Then he bought a,new cat to catch mice.So the old one,could have a good rest.,二、阅读小短文,判断对“,T,”错“,F,”。,()1.The old cat

15、 couldnt see,the mouse now.,()2.The old woman bought a,new cat.,()3.The old man doesnt like,mice in her house.,F,T,T,阅读理解练习,Len was thirty years old,and he had very long hair.He lived in a big city.,Because of his long hair,he did not find any work.One day he met an old,friend,and this man said to h

16、im,“People in this city dont like long hair.,Why dont you go to a barber?,He can cut a lot of it off,and then you can,get some work”At the barbers Len said to the barber,“Please cut most of,my hair off.”,The barber began.He cut and cut for a long time and then he said to Len,“Were you in the army a

17、few years ago?”,“Yes,I was,”Len answered,“Why did you ask that?”,“Because I found a cap in your hair.”,三、读短文,按要求完成下列各题。,阅读理解练习,A,、快速判断正(,T,)误(,F,),()1.Len was old,so he did not,find any work.,()2.Len often wash his long hair.,()3.Lens hair was short.,()4.Len barber found a cap in,Lens hair.,()5.Len was in the army now.,F,F,T,F,F,B,、选择正确答案。,()1.Len met _one day.,A.his father B.an old man,C.his old friend,()2.Len was very _.,A.dirty B.clean C.tidy,()3.The cap was in Lens _.,A.hand B.bag C.hair,()4.People in the city dont like,_.,A.straight hair B.long hair,C.short hair,C,A,C,B,


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