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1、一般现在时,、概念:经常、反复发生的动作或存在的状态及现在的某种状态。,一、系动词be的一般现在时,1、构成:,主语+be+其他,2、be 包 括 哪 些?,is am are,3、什么时候用is?什么时候用am?什么时候用are?,取决于主语是单数还是复数,The girl is my friend.,主语为单数时主语为复数时主语为“I”时,is,are,am,Exercise,1、Kitty_an English girl.2、We _students.3、I _ from Guangzhou.4、She_ tall.5、Lucy and Lily _ good friends.6、Tho

2、se chairs _broken.7、The bag_ mine.,is,are,am,is,are,are,is,否定句的构成,主语+be+not+其他,is not=am not=are not=,isnt,m not,arent,1、Kitty(not)an English girl.2、We(not)students.3、I(not)from Taizhou.4、She(not)tall.5、Lucy and Lily(not)good friends.6、Those chairs(not)broken.7、The bag(not)mine,isnt,arent,am not,isn

3、t,arent,arent,isnt,Yes,it is.,No,it isnt.,1、Is this your English book?,注意:在回答时,主语要用相应的代词代替,be+主语+其它部分?,肯定回答:Yes,主语+be,否定回答:No,主语+be+not,be,主语,其他,含be一般疑问句的改写,秘诀:一调二改三问号一调:即把句中的be调到主语前;二改:改换主语称谓,即将句中的主语I my mine we our ours等第一人称分别改为相应的第二人称you your yours等;三问号:句末的句号改为问号,行为动词的一般现在时,构成,主语+行为动词+其他,These bo

4、ys like playing football.,The girl reads English every morning.,注意:当主语为第三人称单数时,行为动词要加s或者es,什么时候加s,什么时候加es呢?,1、大多数动词在词尾直接加s,read reads look looks play plays 2、以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,要先将y变为i,再加esfly flies carry carries study studies 3、以“s,x,ch,sh”结尾的,在词尾加“es”,teachteaches iz;watchwatches box-boxes 4、以“o”结尾的动词,加

5、“es”gogoes z dodoes z,Complete the sentences.,My father_(listen)to the radio.Mike_(study)in a middle school.She_(take)Tom for a walk after supper.He_(wash)his hands.Simon _(pass)the ball to me.Miss Li_(teach)Chinese.It _ four legs.,listens,takes,studies,washes,passes,teaches,has,8,否定句的构成,主语+助动词(do/d

6、oes)+not+动词原形+其他,These boys dont(do not)like playing football.,The girl doesnt(does not)read English every morning.,什么时候用助动词do,什么时候用助动词does呢?,取决于主语,The girl reads English every morning.,These boys like playing football.,当主语为复数时,用助动词do构成否定当主语为单数时,用助动词does构成否定,注意:dont 和 doesnt 之后动词一定要用原形,Complete the

7、sentences.Use the proper verb forms in brackets,1.Jordan _(play)basketball.He _(not play)football.2.I _(go)swimming on Sunday.But I_(not go)shopping.3.My cousins _(enjoy)computer games.But they _(not enjoy)ball games.4.You _(like)fish.But he _(not like)fish.,plays,doesnt play,go,dont go,enjoy,dont e

8、njoy,like,doesnt like,12,行为动词一般疑问句的构成,含行为动词(或称为实义动词)一般疑问句的改写,秘诀:一加二改三问号一加:即在句首加助动词Do或Does;二改:1、把谓语动词改为原形;2、改换主语称谓(同第一家组);三问号:句末的句号改为问号。,问句:Do your parents like English?肯答:Yes,they do.否答:No,they dont.,助动词+主语+动词原形+其它?,肯定回答用“Yes,主语+do/does.”否定回答用“No,主语+do not/does not.”助动词也常用缩写形式,主要有dont,doesnt,We read

9、 English every morning.,Do you read English every morning?,Toms father listens to English on the radio every evening.,Does Toms father listen to English on the radio every evening?,1、肯定式 1)主语+be(am/is/are)+表语 I am a student.It/She/He is a teacher.You/They are classmates.2)主语+情态动词(can,must,may,need,s

10、hall)I can speak English.She must go to school.,、构成形式:,3).主语+行为动词(speak,say,call,go,run.)1)I speak English.2)She/He/It speaks English.3)They call me Tom.4)He runs very fast.,注意:在一般现在时态的肯定句中,当主语是第三人称单数(she,he,it),行为动词要加-s或者 es.,2.一般现在时态的否定和疑问式,(1).Be动词肯定句:She is a student.,否定句:She is not a student.,一

11、般疑问句:Is she a student?,肯定回答:Yes,she is.否定回答:No,she isnt.,(2).情态动词e.g.She can speak Chinese.,否定句:She cant speak Chinese.,一般疑问句:Can she speak Chinese?,肯定回答:Yes,she can.否定回答:No,she cant.,(3)行为动词,1.e.g.I run very fast.,否定句:I dont run very fast.,一般疑问句:Do you run very fast?,肯定回答:Yes,I do.否定回答:No,I dont.,2

12、.e.g.She likes Maths.,否定句:She doesnt like Maths.,一般疑问句:Does she like Maths?,肯定回答:Yes,she does.否定回答:No,she doesnt.,注意:在一般现在时态中,当谓语动词是行为动词的时候,变否定和一般疑问句时,要借助助动词do和does帮忙。当主语是第三人称单数(she,he,it)的时候用does,其他人称用do.借助助动词do和does以后,动词要用动词原形。,、一般现在时态的用法:,、表示目前或现在存在的状态或特征.e.g.She is often late.、表示客观存在及普遍真理。e.g.Th

13、e earth is round.、表示现在经常和习惯性发生的动作,常与 sometimes,often,usually,always,everyday 等时间状语连用。、在时间状语从句中表示将来发生的动作。e.g.If it doesnt rain tomorrow,well go to the park.、表示按时间或计划将要发生的动作,常与时 间状语连用,常用动词为:come,begin,go,leave,arrive,stop,start,return,E.g.Our holidays begin in a week.,、就单词的正确形式填空,1.He _(look)tired.2.T

14、he earth_(go)round the sun.3._(may)I have your pen?4.Practice _(make)perfect.5.They usually_(come)to school earlier.6.Class_(begin)at eight every morning.7.When he _(come),well go out to meet him.8.How _(be)your father?9.There _(be)a school there.,looks,goes,May,makes,come,comes,begins,is,is,一、写出下列动

15、词第三人称单数的变化形式,be have comego stay teach,write take study watch fly play,、Homework,二、将下列句子变成否定式和一般疑问句,1Her name is Li Ling.2We go to school at night.3My brother works in a factory.,Her name isnt Li Ling.Is she Li Ling?,We dont go to school at nightDo you go to school at night?,My brother doesnt work i

16、n a radio factory.Does your brother works in a radio factory?,三、单项选择,1.The Browns _ a nice car and Browns brother _ a nice jeep.A.have,have B.has,has C.have,has D.has,have2.If their house _ not like ours,what_ it look like?A.is,is B.is,does C.does,does D.does,is,3.-_ you think he will come?-If it _ tomorrow,he will not come.A.Do,rains B.Are,rains C.Do,will rain D.Are,will rain4.The little child_ not even know that the moon _ around the earth.A.do,move B.do,moves C.does,moves D.did,moved,Thank You Good bye!,


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