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1、句型专项复习卷 时间:30分钟满分:100分题号一二三四五六七总分得分一、给下列图片选择正确的句子。(10分)A. Its a dog. B. In winter, it is cold. C. Clean the classroom. D. He is fat. E. This is my pen. 二、情景选择。(10分)()1. 向别人介绍你的妹妹,你可以说:_A. This is my sister. B. This is my brother. ()2. 你想知道那个女孩是谁,你可以说:_A. Who is he? B. Who is she?()3. 你想请别人关上门,你可以说:_

2、A. Close the door, please. B. Open the door, please. ()4. 你想知道它的价钱,你可以说:_A. How much is it? B. How much are they?()5. 你受到老师的表扬,你可以说:_A. I am fine. B. Thank you. 三、选择合适的应答语。(10分)()1. Open the door. A. Good morning. ()2. Good morning. B. Yes, it is. ()3. How much is it? C. Thank you. ()4. Is this a ba

3、g? D. Yes, Miss Fang. ()5. Your book is nice. E. Eight yuan. 四、判断下列对话是否匹配,用“”或“”表示。(10分)()1. How are you? Im fine, thank you. ()2. Is this Kitty? Shes thin. ()3. Who is he? She is my mother. ()4. This is a book. Its for you. Thank you. ()5. What is it? They are rabbits. 五、英译汉。(20分)1. Are you a sheep

4、?_2. This is my hair. _3. Is this your room?_4. How much are they?_5. Look at its nose. _六、连词成句。(20分)1. dogLookatthe(. )2. snowmanmyThisis(. )3. Samshortis(. )4. youHoware(?)5. notYouarebrothermy(. )七、仿照例子写句子。(20分)1. 例:Are you Mr Li?Yes,I am. _2. 例:What is it?It is a mouse. _3. 例:Are these your rule

5、rs?No, they arent. _4. 例:How many girls?Five girls. _5. 例:How much are the bananas?They are six yuan. _句型专项复习卷一、1. B2. E3. A4. D5. C二、1. A点拨:此小题的关键词是“妹妹”,故选A。2. B点拨:此小题的关键词是“女孩”,she意为“她”,表示女生,故选B。3. A点拨:此小题的关键词是“关”,“关”是close,故选A。4. A点拨:此小题的关键词是“它”,故选A。5. B点拨:别人表扬你,你要说“谢谢”,故选B。三、1. D2. A3. E4. B5. C四

6、、1. 2. 点拨:问的是“这是凯蒂吗”,应该答 “是的”或者“不是”,故这组对话是错误的。3. 点拨:问的是“他是谁”,答语答的是“她是我的妈妈”,性别不符,故这组对话是错误的。4. 5. 点拨:问的是“它是什么”,答语答的是“它们是兔子”,故这组对话是错误的。五、1. 你是一只绵羊吗?2. 这是我的头发。3. 这是你的房间吗?4. 它们多少钱?5. 看它的鼻子。六、七、1. Are you Miss Fang?Yes, I am. 2. What is it?It is a dog. 3. Are these your books?Yes, they are. 4. How many pe

7、ars?Three pears. 5. How much are the apples?They are ten yuan. (此题只要句子正确即可)听力专项复习卷 时间:30分钟满分:100分题号一二三四五六七八九总分得分一、听录音,给下列图片排序。(10分)二、听录音,给所听到的单词的意思排序。(10分)三、听录音,判断所听内容与图片是否相符,相符的打“”,不符的打“”。(10分)四、听录音,把句子补充完整。(10分)()1. Hello, I am_. A. AliceB. JoeC. Peter()2. I am_. A. small B. short C. sorry()3. How

8、 many_?A. boys B. girls C. windows()4. My_ is big. A. mouth B. mouse C. desk()5. _ is it?A. Who B. What C. How much五、听录音,选出你听到的句子。(10分)()1. A. Good morning. B. Good afternoon. ()2. A. This is my desk. B. These are my pens. ()3. A. Two yuan, please. B. Three apples, please. ()4. A. Its warm in spring

9、. B. In autumn, its cool. ()5. A. Are you a boy? B. Are you a girl?六、听录音,判断句子正(T)误(F)。(10分)()1. I am thin. ()2. Close the window, please. ()3. This is my bed. ()4. Its a rabbit. ()5. Three apples, please. 七、听录音,选择合适的答语。(10分)()1. A. Yes, he is.B. Yes, it is. C. Yes, I am. ()2. A. Im fine. B. Hes my f

10、ather. C. Four yuan, please. ()3. A. He is Joe. B. She is my sister. C. She is tall. ()4. A. No, they arent. B. No, it isnt. C. No, she isnt. ()5. A. Two pears. B. Its a cat.C. My hair is long. 八、听录音,根据所听内容将句子补充完整。(10分)1. Is this your_?2. How much are_?3. Its ears are_. 4. Open the_, please. 5. He i

11、s my_. 九、听录音,判断正(T)误(F)。(20分)()1. This is Lindas home(家). ()2. These are Lindas mothers books. ()3. These are Lindas brothers pens. ()4. This is Lindas room. ()5. Lindas home is small and clean.听力专项复习卷听力材料:一、1. cat2. apple3. pen4. thin5. door二、1. are2. late3. please4. this5. who三、1. In summer, its h

12、ot. 2. These are my books. 3. Its a mouse. 4. This is my hair. 5. Eight apples, please. 四、1. Hello, I am Peter. 2. I am sorry. 3. How many girls?4. My mouth is big. 5. What is it?五、1. Good afternoon. 2. This is my desk. 3. Three apples, please. 4. In autumn, its cool. 5. Are you a boy?六、1. I am shor

13、t. 2. Close the window, please. 3. This is my bed. 4. Its a dog. 5. Seven apples, please. 七、1. Is he Joe?2. How much is it?3. Who is she?4. Are these your books?5. What is it?八、1. Is this your ruler?2. How much are they?3. Its ears are small. 4. Open the door, please. 5. He is my brother. 九、Linda: H

14、i,Mary!Welcome!Mary: Hi,Linda!Your home is big and nice. Linda: Thank you. Mary: Are these your books?Linda: No. These are my fathers books. Mary: Are these your pens?Linda: No. These are my brothers pens. Mary: Is this your room?Linda: Yes,it is. Mary: Its small,but its very clean. Linda: Thank you

15、!答案:一、21534二、53241三、1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 四、1. C2. C3. B4. A5. B五、1. B2. A3. B4. B5. A六、1. F2. T3. T4. F5. F七、1. A2. C3. B4. A5. B八、1. ruler2. they3. small4. door5. brother九、1. T2. F3. T4. T5. F常考易错突破卷 时间:30分钟满分:100分题号一二三四五六总分得分一、用am/is/are填空。(10分)1. My mother _ tall and thin. 2. This _ my father. 3. _ she

16、 fat?No, she _ thin. 4. How _ you?I _ fine, thank you. 5. Who _ she?She _ my friend. 二、单项选择。(10分)()1. Well done, Kitty. _A. Thank you. B. OK. C. Im sorry. ()2. Its_. Please close the window. A. cold B. cool C. hot()3. This is my sister. _ is tall and thin. A. He B. She C. It()4. _ boys?Nine boys. A.

17、 How many B. What C. How much()5. This is_ apple. Its big. A. a B. an C. /三、情景交际。(20分)()1. 当你想告诉对方你是一个男孩时,你会说:_A. Im a boy. B. Im a dog. C. Im Miss Wang. ()2. 当你想介绍自己时,你会说:_A. Im not Peter. B. You are Peter. C. Hello! Im Peter. ()3. 当你上午见了Joe时,你应该说:_A. Hi, Joe. B. Goodbye, Joe. C. Good morning, Joe.

18、 ()4. 当你想告诉对方自己有一个书包时,你应该说:_A. I have a schoolbag. B. Its a schoolbag. C. You have a schoolbag. ()5. 当你想知道对方是不是Kitty时,你会说:_ A. Im Kitty. B. You are Kitty. C. Are you Kitty?四、选词填空。(20分)A. thisB. AreC. blackboardD. HowE. door()1. Close the_, please. Yes, Miss Fang. ()2. Is_ your desk?No, it isnt. ()3.

19、 _ much is it?Four yuan, please. ()4. _ these your pencils?Yes, they are. ()5. Look at the_, please. 五、判断下列对话是否正确,正确的打“”,不正确的打“”。(20分)()1. Good morning. Good afternoon. ()2. Youre late. Im sorry. ()3. Please look at the blackboard. Well done. ()4. How much is it?Yes,it is. ()5. Here you are. Thank y

20、ou. 六、按要求选择正确的选项。(20分)()1. It is a blackboard. (对画线部分提问)A. Is it a blackboard?B. What is it?C. No,it isnt. ()2. Nine yellow dogs. (对画线部分提问)A. How many dogs? B. How much dogs?C. How many yellow dogs?()3. This is a mouse. (改为复数句)A. These are mice. B. This are mice. C. These are mouse. ()4. In winter,_

21、. (选出正确的句子填空)A. its warm B. Its cold C. its cold()5. shoes,your,on,please,put (. )(连词成句)A. Put shoes on your,please. B. Please put your on shoes. C. Please put on your shoes.常考易错突破卷一、1. is2. is3. Is; is4. are; am5. is; is点拨:可以根据be动词的用法口诀完成此题:我用am,你用are;is用于他/她/它。二、1. A点拨:上文是表扬Kitty的,下文应该表示“谢谢”,故选A。2

22、. A点拨:由后一句句意“请关窗”,可知前一句说的应该是天气冷,故选A。3. B点拨:由前一句“ sister. ”,可知是女性,故选B。4. A点拨:根据答语可知问句是询问男孩的数量,故选A。5. B点拨:apple以元音音素开头,故选B。三、1. A点拨:此小题的关键词是“男孩”,故选A。2. C点拨:此小题的关键是“介绍自己”,故选C。3. C点拨:此小题的关键词是“上午”,故选C。4. A点拨:此小题的关键是“自己有”,故选A。5. C点拨:此小题的关键是“是不是”,是在询问,故选C。四、1. E2. A3. D4. B5. C五、1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 六、1. B2. C3.

23、 A4. C5. C新型题突破卷 时间:30分钟满分:100分题号一二三四五总分得分一、仔细观察下图的小朋友变成了哪个大写字母,选出正确的答案,填到括号里。(填序号)(20分)1. X 2. R3. V4. Q 5. P二、小红帽去看望外婆,她走哪条路才不会遇到大灰狼?她在路上看到哪些动物?找出来并将相应的单词写在下面的四线三格中。(20分)三、洋娃娃被小淘气弄得七零八落了,请你根据提示把洋娃娃组装好。(20分)A. earsB. hairC. mouthD. eyesE. face1. 洋娃娃不能看东西了,我们为她装上_。2. 洋娃娃脏兮兮的,我们为她洗洗_。3. 洋娃娃不能吃饭了,我们为她

24、装上_。4. 洋娃娃听不见声音了,我们为她装上_。5. 洋娃娃的头上光秃秃的,我们为她装上_。四、我是计算小能手。森林公园里有许多小动物出生了,请帮助动物管理员计算动物的数量。选择正确答案填在横线上。(填序号)(20分)A. sixB. sevenC. eightD. nineE. ten1. three five_2. two four_3. five five_4. seven two_5. six one_五、免费抽大奖了!100%中奖!小朋友们,快行动起来吧。动手做一个如下图所示的抽奖牌,然后转动奖牌,看你抽到了什么?并用抽到物品的单词仿照例子完成句子。(20分)例:What is i

25、t? It is an apple. 1. What is it? _ 2. What is it? _ 3. What is it? _ 4. What is it? _ 5. What is it? _新型题突破卷一、24513二、三、1. D点拨:看东西是用眼睛,故选D。2. E点拨:题干中说洋娃娃脏兮兮的,选项中只有洗脸较为合适,故选E。3. C点拨:吃饭是用嘴,故选C。4. A点拨:听声音是用耳朵,故选A。5. B点拨:能往头上装的是头发,故选B。四、1. C2. A3. E4. D5. B点拨:先将每个单词翻译成阿拉伯数字,通过计算得出答案,在所给单词中匹配相应的选项。五、1. I

26、t is a pencil. 2. It is a pen. 3. It is a schoolbag. 4. It is a pear. 5. It is an orange. 点拨:看抽奖牌箭头指向哪里,仿照例句将箭头指向的单词代入句子中即可。词汇专项复习卷 时间:30分钟满分:100分题号一二三四五六总分得分一、选择正确的选项补全单词。(20分)()1. h_ lloA. iB. e()2. g_ d A. oo B. ou()3. m_ning A. ro B. or()4. s_mmer A. u B. a()5. e_e A. y B. a()6. mou_ A. th B. ht

27、()7. w_m A. ar B. ir()8. e_ A. cr B. ar()9. mu_ A. ah B. ch()10. yo_ A. un B. ur二、选出与图片相符的单词。(20分)()1. A. pencilB. ruler()2. A. orange B. pear()3. A. eyes B. ears()4. A. eight B. six()5. A. boy B. girl()6. A. winter B. spring()7. A. desk B. table()8. A. bed B. bag()9. A. cat B. fish()10. A. mouse B.

28、 mouth三、判断所给图片与单词是()否()一致。(10分)()1. pen ()2. summer ()3. egg ()4. mouth ()5. seven 四、选出不同类的单词。(10分)()1. A. wolfB. sheepC. girl()2. A. apple B. cat C. dog()3. A. Alice B. hi C. hello()4. A. no B. you C. yes()5. A. Miss B. Mr C. Mike五、用所给字母组单词。(20分)六、写出下列单词的反义词。(20分)1. small _2. thin_3. cold_ 4. long_

29、5. open_词汇专项复习卷一、1. B2. A3. B4. A5. A6. A7. A8. B9. B10. B二、1. B2. B3. A4. B5. A6. B7. A8. A9. B10. A三、1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 四、1. C2. A3. A4. B5. C五、1. fine2. how3. friend4. this5. face六、1. big2. fat3. hot4. short5. close阅读专项复习卷 时间:30分钟满分:100分题号一二三四五总分得分一、阅读对话,将人物与相应的物品连线。(20分)建议用时:6分钟Kitty: Hello, my name

30、s Kitty. I have(有) a schoolbag. Joe :Hi, Im Joe. I have a ruler. Alice: Im Alice. This is my pencil. Peter: Im Peter. Look at my pen. Ben : Hi, Im Ben. This is my book. 二、阅读对话,完成下列各题。(20分)建议用时:6分钟Teacher: Close the door, please. Kitty: Yes, Miss Fang. Teacher: Look at the blackboard, please. Kitty:

31、Yes, Miss Fang. Teacher: Please clean the blackboard, Kitty. Kitty: OK. Teacher: Open the window, please. Kitty: Yes, Miss Fang. Teacher: Thank you, Kitty. (一)判断正(T)误(F)。(12分)()1. Miss Fang is a teacher. ()2. Kitty is a teacher, too. ()3. Miss Fang cleans the blackboard. (二)选择正确的答案。(8分)()4. Who clos

32、es the door?A. Miss Fang. B. Kitty. ()5. Who opens the window?A. Miss Fang. B. Kitty. 三、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(20分)建议用时:6分钟Im Bill. Im a boy. Im in the classroom. My classroom is big and clean. There are(有) two small doors and four big windows in the classroom. I like my classroom. ()1. Bill is a girl. ()

33、2. Bill is in the classroom. ()3. The classroom is small and clean. ()4. There are three doors in the classroom. ()5. Bill likes the classroom. 四、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(20分)建议用时:6分钟Hello, Im Cat. The fish is for me. Hi, Im Pig. The eggs are for me. My name is Lion. This is my ice cream. Im Dog. This is my

34、 juice. My names Rabbit. These are my oranges. ()1. The fish is for Cat. ()2. The eggs are for Rabbit. ()3. The ice cream is for Lion. ()4. This is Dogs juice. ()5. These are Pigs oranges. 五、阅读短文,选择正确的答案。(20分)建议用时:6分钟In spring, it is warm. In summer, it is hot. In autumn, it is cool. In winter, it i

35、s cold. It is winter now. It is snowing. Look at the snow. Peter, Alice and Joe are making a snowman(堆雪人). Look at its nose. Its funny. ()1. In_, it is warm. A. springB. summerC. autumn()2. In winter, it is_. A. hot B. cool C. cold()3. It is_ now. A. spring B. summer C. winter()4. _ are(is) making a

36、 snowman. A. Peter B. Alice C. Peter, Alice and Joe()5. Look at its_. It is funny. A. mouth B. nose C. face阅读专项复习卷一、1. B2. D3. C4. E5. A二、(一)1. T2. F点拨:从对话中知道Miss Fang是老师,Kitty是学生,故填“F”。3. F点拨:从对话五、六句知道,是老师叫Kitty擦黑板,不是老师擦黑板,故填“F”。(二)4. B点拨:从对话中知道是Miss Fang安排Kitty做一些事情,所以是Kitty关的门,故选B。5. B点拨:从对话中知道是M

37、iss Fang安排Kitty做一些事情,所以是Kitty开的窗,故选B。三、1. F点拨:短文的第二句意为“我是一个男孩。”故填“F”。2. T3. F点拨:短文的第四句意为“我的教室又大又干净。”故填“F”。4. F点拨:短文的第五句意为“教室里有两个小门和四扇大窗户。”故填“F”。5. T四、1. T2. F点拨:从短文第三和第四句可知鸡蛋是给猪的,不是给兔子的,故填“F”。3. T4. T5. F点拨:从短文第九和第十句可知橘子是兔子的,不是猪的,故填“F”。五、1. A点拨:从短文第一句可知选A。2. C点拨:从短文第四句可知选C。3. C点拨:从短文第五句可知选C。4. C点拨:从短文第八句可知选C。5. B点拨:从短文第九和第十句可知选B。


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