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1、Unit 2 The Etiquette of Behavior in Public Place,Part Lead-in1.Pair work:work with your partners and list some bad manners which annoy you most in public places.,2.Please rank“Top Ten”from the following uncivilized conducts in campus life.And compare them with your partners.1)Spit and litter at will

2、.2)Speak impolitely and scornfully.3)Finish dining without putting a cutlery back.4)Trample lawn,and pick flowers.5)Paste up posters where they shouldnt come into view.6)Leave the blackboard unclean before another class.7)Play truant,absent without asking for a leave.8)Smoke in the teaching area.9)C

3、heat in an examination,and copy homework.,10)Scratch on the desks,walls,etc.11)Damage public properties.12)Waste food,water and electricity.13)Take seats long before arriving.14)Stay in the classroom without switching off mobile phone or turning it into silent mode.15)Talk loudly in the library or c

4、lassroom.16)Read and spread unhealthy books and watch nasty video products17)Show excessive intimacy in public places.18)Behave rudely in public places(such as picking nose,blowing ones nose,digging ones ears,sneezing at others)19)Dress not properly in public places(such as dressing in slippers a pa

5、jama and etc.)20)Cut in lines or jump the queue(e.g lunch time,shopping in supermarket),3.Look at the picture below.Do you think they behave well or not?If not,try to specify them.,“Your manners shows thoughtfulness and consideration for others.”Lois Hearn,Etiquette Consultant,On the road Observe th

6、e public transport etiquettes strictly and conscientiously On the pavement:Dont litter.Dont split.Dont block the way.Dont dwell on talking for long time on the roadside.Driving vehicles:Observe the traffic regulations;Slow down speed;Dont blow horns at will;shift the lights at night,Working places a

7、nd library:keep quiet In the park:keep good manners and be aware to protect the scenic spots and the environment.In the stadium:be just,enthusiastic yet not crazy In the hotel:be quiet and friendly,observe public morals,1.In public places,Part Behavior Etiquette in Public Places,In library:keep quie

8、t for those doing research or studyingOn the street:avoid all loud and boisterous conversation or laughter;give a lady the inner side of the walkOn the subway platform:pay utmost attention to the movements of the other travelers,try to enter without disturbing the flow of human passage,1.In public p

9、laces,Part Behavior Etiquette in Public Places,In the hospital:be quiet and observe the hospital rulesAt the ATM/bank:keep moderate distance from someone who is using the machine or dealing with his business at the counter.Expressions like please,thank you,“Excuse me.still do have a role in todays s

10、ociety.,2.Basic cell phone etiquette rules Switching it Off:Know when to turn it off or vibrate it.E.g.meetings,movies,classes,seminars,etc.Be Brief:When you get a call and youre with friends,keep the call short.Permission:Often,it is correct etiquette to inform others at the beginning of the meetin

11、g that you are expecting an important call and get their permission.,Part Behavior Etiquette in Public Places,Be Polite:Dont scream.Peak in a lower-than-normal voice,you will be heard by the caller,and not others in the room Dont Distract:Avoid talking where you may be distracting to others.Driving:

12、It is not only very dangerous,but also unlawful in most countries to drive&talk on your cell Phone,3.At concert Before you arrive:Dont be late.15 minutes early will be appropriate.Take care of personal needs(drinks of water,or restroom).No food or drink is allowed in the theatre.Try dressing up at a

13、n opening night and youll feel different!,Part Behavior Etiquette in Public Places,During the performance 1)Listen!This is important because you will be hearing actors perform live for you.2)Its important that you listen very well so that you dont miss anything and so that you dont disturb others ar

14、ound you.3)Respond!This is a live performance before a live audience.Your part is to let the actors know that you appreciate the show.Remember to always respond respectfully and appropriately.These are live actors and their performance will be affected by your reactions.,After the performance has en

15、ded:1)Applaud!When the performance is over,its important to show your appreciation by applauding for the performers.But often the audience holds their applause until after the performance has ended.When you do applaud,respond enthusiastically.2)Stay in your seat for the curtain call!At the end of th

16、e performance there is usually a curtain call.This is when the actors come on stage to receive your appreciation.Dont leave during the curtain call.Wait until it is over and then exit with the rest of the audience.,3)Stand and applaud if you really liked the show!Actors are thrilled when they receiv

17、e something called a“Standing Ovation.”If you want to pay them the highest praise,you might stand and applaud.Its reserved for the best performances!Hana Hou!Encore!At some musical performances you might hear audience members shouting“Hana Hou!”or“Encore!”This is another form of high praise and appr

18、eciation.The audience is asking the performer to please go on performing.In many cases,an entertainer will sing or play another song,making it a special performance.,Get to know more,1.Concerto:A composition for an orchestra and one or more solo instruments,typically in three movements.协奏曲:由交响乐队与一个或

19、多个独奏乐器演奏的乐 曲,一般分为三个乐章。2.Symphony:An extended piece in three or more movements for symphony orchestra,essentially a large-scale,complex sonata.交响乐:为交响乐团谱写的含有三个或多个乐章的一段 连续的音乐,尤指大规模的、复杂的奏鸣曲。,Get to know more,3.Dance music:Dance music is music composed specifically to facilitate or accompany dancing.It

20、can be either a whole musical piece or part of a larger musical arrangement.4.Opera:A theatrical presentation in which a dramatic performance is set to music.歌剧:在戏院上演的配有音乐的戏剧表演。,Get to know more,5.Suite:In music,a suite is an ordered set of instrumental or orchestral pieces normally performed in a c

21、oncert setting rather than as accompaniment;they may be extracts from an opera,ballet,or incidental music to a play or film or they may be entirely original movements.组曲是一种套曲形式的器乐曲或交响曲,即各自独立的 不同乐曲的组合,在巴洛克音乐时代为古典组曲/舞曲组 曲,所有套曲都是同一调式,都是从舞曲演变来的。18 世纪以后为现代组曲。,Get to know more,6.Etude:An tude(a French wor

22、d meaning study),or study,is an instrumental musical composition,most commonly of considerable difficulty,usually designed to provide practice material for perfecting a particular technical skill.练习曲:为练习某种特殊演奏技巧的乐曲。,Communicative task,Look at the following pictures.Why dont you think they behave inappropriately?What would you like to say to them?Work with your partners and start the conversations.,Role-play,Look at the following picture.When we see someone breaking the rules of etiquette,what could we do?Work with your group and play the roles.,Sally,Mr.Smith,Uncle Li,Tim,Lily,Sara,


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