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1、交通与汽车工程学院 本科生毕业设计(论文)英文翻译学生姓名: 学 号: 专 业: 年 级: 指导教师: 日 期: 交通与汽车工程学院制库存控制的编制角度分析:理论和案例研究 作者:Leonieke G. Zomerdijk*, Jan de Vries 摘 要库存控制在物流领域得到了深入讨论。现今,许多观念和技术都可以有效地控制库存。例如许多随机模型被用来确定订购数量、技术预测需求还有不同的ABC分析法。显而易见,这些观念和技术的理论背景都显示出了大量的相似之处:他们都源于运营管理学和运筹学。尽管这些观念有着可用价值,但是这种片面的方法在实践中有着他自身的局限性。在这篇文章中,我认为在处理实际



4、这种方法建立的库存控制已被证明在确定库存参数和规划资源上是很有价值的,而其价值就在于能够质疑在处理实际库存控制时出现的问题。例如:普罗素(Plossl)和韦尔奇(Welch)认为许多企业利用库存控制技术来工作但库存并没减少。另一方面,许多企业即使没有利用这些观念和技术也可以在管理总库存投资方面做得很好(Plossl and Welch, 1797, p.26)。此外,如今许多学者认为许多定量方法领域的运营管理学和运筹学不足以应付今天编制的复杂性(如:Hayes, 1998; Lovejoy, 1998; Machuca,1998)。这些学者在运营管理问题上支持一个更为广泛的范围,包括定性方面和



7、点,需求量和更换规模的过程是非常重要的。最后,第三个方面就是库存管理系统。然而,一般常见与系统控制有关的主题就是ABC分类和信息系统。这三个方面代表了传统的库存情况,此外,这三个方面还被认为是提高库存控制的起点。过去的二十年间,随着运营管理学的发展和成熟,一些新观念已经被添加到库存控制的主题中。这些管理主题包括MRP,即JIT和ERP(Hayes, 1998; Leschke, 1998)。尽管近期的这些观点有着更多的定性性质,但是他们与以前的观点一样在库存控制当面都有着片面性。事实上,大多数观点对大多数库存处在同一个环境中这一事实关注很少或者根本不关注。从实用的观点来看,不能忽视库存的环境设


9、据洛夫乔伊(1998)所说,这个维度应该是运营管理问题上的部分问题,而在这方面的相关特征是负责库存管理人员数量、他们的作用及其在企业中的职位。另一个相关特征就是责任与当局之间的分配。这些特点中的每一个特点都有可能会影响库存控制的有效性。其次,编制理论表明:决策过程会形成一个重要的编制维度(如,Daft, 1998)。就像其他编制领域,许多库存管理的决策是从年度战略到日常活动的运营决策产生的。因此,这些决策就会影响最终的库存控制。此外,库存控制的有效性取决于库存决策方式之间的相互关系。例如,很明显,由于错误信息而形成的矛盾的决定或者决策会影响库存控制的有效性。然后,沟通过程代表编制库存环境的另一



12、多库存控制的不同方面得到了讨论,而且不同维度之间的相关性也得到了广泛关注。这是至关重要的一个方面。因为就是这个相关性最终决定着实际情况中库存控制的有效性。例如,适当的补货策略可以抵消不恰当的责任分配带来的弊端。同样,不良的行为也可能阻碍决策和沟通过程。相关性的缺乏很容易导致利益冲突。因为众所周知,编制人员参与销售、生产和财务等不同的库存控制。(Plossl, 1985; Silver et al, 1998)。因此,需要注意几个维度在库存控制方面的相互反应,而不是各自的传统方面或者交流过程。本文的下一部分将呈现一个框架图,而这个框架图可应用于编制视角来解决实际的库存控制问题。3.集成框架图事实



15、量因素都包含在这个描述之中。因此,第一个应用于实际库存控制的编制视角的指南通过关注任意一个已经确定了参与库存控制的维度就能描述出这样一个库存系统。对描述这样一个库存系统是非常有用的。此表呈现了一个传统方面的详细阐述、任务分配、决策过程、交流过程和库存控制的行为。每个维度分为相关方面和特点方面。虽然列出的这些特点不是面面俱到的,但是它是由一个将在库存情况方面形成相当完整的洞察力而组成的。An organizational perspective on inventory control: Theory and a case studyAbstract Inventory control is a

16、 well-covered area in literature. Nowadays, many concepts and techniques are available for effectively controlling inventories. Eminent examples are stochastic models to determine order quantities, techniques for forecasting demand and different kinds of ABC analysis. Remarkably enough, the theoreti

17、cal backgrounds of these concepts and techniques show a great deal of similarity: they all stem from the field of operations management and operations research. Despite the value of the available concepts, such a one-sided approach has its limitations in practice. In this article it is argued that i

18、t is important to take a broader view when dealing with practical inventory control problems. First of all, an organizational perspective on inventory control is developed. The main idea behind this perspective is the importance of the organizational context of inventories. This means that in additi

19、on to the traditional points for attention, such as order quantities and replenishment strategies, other aspects need attention as well. They are, for example, the allocation of responsibilities and authorities regarding inventory management, the quality of inventory information and the relevant dec

20、ision-making processes. These contextual factors as well as the traditional factors are mapped out and integrated into a framework to be used in solving practical inventory control problems. One of the main features of the framework is that it is useful in both analyzing and redesigning an inventory

21、 situation. Secondly, this article describes the results of a case study regarding the application of the organizational perspective to a practical inventory control problem. The in Africa. The case study shows that the organizational perspective on inventory control is very helpful in dealing with

22、inventory control problems. It is illustrated that taking into account the organizational context of inventories, especially the responsibilities and authorities of the persons concerned, is a necessity to accurately understand inventory control problems. In addition, it is illustrated that the orga

23、nizational perspective leads to a more appropriate redesign.1. Introduction During the last few decades inventory control has been the topic of many publications. It may fairly be called one of the classics in operations literature. As a result, a large collection of concepts and techniques is avail

24、able for effectively controlling inventories. There are for example stochastic models to determine order quantities,techniques for forecasting demand and different kinds of ABC analysis. Recently management systems such as manufacturing resource planning(MRP) and enterprise resource planning (ERP)ha

25、ve been added. However, most of these contribution shave similar theoretical background: the field of operations management and operations research. This means the concepts and techniques are mainly based on mathematical assumptions and modeling inventory situations. Although this established approa

26、ch to inventory control has proved to be very valuable in determining inventory parameters and planning resources, its value can be questioned in dealing with practical inventory control problems. Plossl and Welch for instance state that many firms have inventory control techniques working but they

27、are not reducing inventories. On the other hand, some others are doing a fine job of managing the total inventory investment even without these tools (Plossl and Welch, 1979, p. 26). In addition,nowadays authors realize that many of the quantitative methods from the field of operations management an

28、d operations research are insufficient to cope with todays organizational complexity(e.g.Hayes,1998;Lovejoy, 1998; Machuca,1998). These authors favor a broader scope on operations management issues, including qualitative aspects and linkages with other functionalareas in an organization. Therefore,

29、there seems to be a need for an extended view on inventory control. In this article we argue that it is highly important to take the organizational context of inventories into account when dealing with inventory control problems. This means that in addition to the traditional points for attention, s

30、uch as order quantities and replenishment strategies,contextual aspects need attention as well.They are for example the allocation of responsibilities and authorities regarding inventory management,the quality of inventory information and the relevant decision-making processes. These contextual fact

31、ors as well as the traditional factors can be integrated into an organizational perspective on inventory control. The development and practical application of this organizational perspective are the main topics of this article. The article is organized as follows. First, the organizational perspecti

32、ve on inventory control is developed. To that end, the organizational context of inventories is investigated to determine aspects that play a part in inventory control. Second, a framework is presented to facilitate the application of the organizational perspective to practical inventory control pro

33、blems. The third section of this article describes the research methodology of a performed case study in which the organizational perspective has been applied. The case study regards the spare parts inventory of a missionary aviation organization in Africa. Fourth, the results following from the cas

34、e study are presented. It can be concluded that taking the organizational context of inventories into account leads to a better understanding of the problem and to a more appropriate redesign of the inventory situation. The final section of this article summarizes the conclusions.2. An organizationa

35、l perspective on inventory control待添加的隐藏文字内容2Within the area of operations management and operations research many contributions regarding inventory control can be found. Traditionally they focus on three topics that are widely recognized to play an important part in inventory control: order quantit

36、ies, order intervals and inventory control systems. See, for example, Plossl (1985) and Silveret al. (1998). The first topic regards order quantities or how much to order. In order to determine economic order quantities, several costs associated with inventories play a part, such as ordering costs a

37、nd inventory carrying costs. The second topic regards the order interval or when to order. In this respect demand and lead-time processes are important. Finally, the third topic regards the inventory control system. Common subjects concerning systems for controlling inventories are ABC classificatio

38、ns and information systems. These three aspects represent the traditional characteristics of an inventory situation. In addition, they are considered to be starting points for improving inventory control. Over the past two decades, as the field of operations management has developed and matured, sev

39、eral new concepts have been added to the list of relevant inventory control topics. These more management-oriented topics include MRP, just-in-time (JIT) and ERP (Hayes,1998; Leschke, 1998). Although these recent contributions have a more qualitative nature, they show the same one-sided scope on inv

40、entory control as the previous contributions. In fact,most contributions pay little or no attention to the fact that the majority of inventories are situated in an organizational context. From a practical point of view it seems that the organizational setting of inventories should not be disregarded

41、. Being situated within an organizational context several other factors play a part in inventory control. In general these factors lie outside the field of operations management and operations research but should nevertheless be taken into consideration. Most factors regard the organizational incorp

42、oration of inventories and the associated information flows. A significant example concerning inventory management is the allocation of responsibilities and authorities. Inventory control problems can easily arise when for instance nobody in the organization is responsible for the inventory or the r

43、esponsible person has insufficient authorities to carry out the task.Likewise, high inventory values indicating a lack of control may just be the result of inaccurate inventory records or of a reporting system that does not function well. Thus, the organizational context of inventories also contains

44、 several aspects that can affect inventory control.In order to identify significant aspects in the organizational context of inventories four dimensions can be distinguished. They are the allocation of tasks, decision-making processes, communication processes and behavior of the parties involved,as

45、displayed in Fig. 1. First, the allocation of tasks is an important dimension in the organizational context of inventories. According to Lovejoy (1998) this dimension should be part of the foundations of an integrated view on operations management issues. Relevant characteristics in this respect are

46、 the number of people that are responsible for inventory management, their functional positions and their hierarchical positions in the organization. Another relevant characteristic is the fit between allocated responsibilities and authorities. Each one of these characteristics might influence the e

47、ffectiveness of inventory control. Second, organizational theory shows that decision-making processes form a significant organizational dimension (e.g. Daft, 1998). Like in other organizational areas, many decisions are made in inventory management, varying from annual strategic decisions to operati

48、onal decisions concerning day-to-day activities. The resulting inventory control is influenced by how these decisions are made. Furthermore, the effectiveness of inventory control depends on the ways in which inventory decisions relate to each other and to other decisions in the organization. It is

49、evident that, for instance, contradicting decisions or decisions that are based on wrong information can influence the effectiveness of inventory control. Third, communication processes represent another dimension in the organizational context of inventories. As stressed by organizational behaviorists,communication is a key process underly


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