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1、Technology Features Research of Japanese Railway Signal SystemThis paper begins with the developing history and technical classification of railway transportation, introduces the railway control system used in Japan, analyzes its technology features respectively from the aspects of electronic, compu

2、ter and communication technology, and at last proposes the technical developing direction of future train control system.1. Introduction In the early days of railways, there was no signaling system. A station attendant showed the signal of go or stop by gestures. But people would make some mistakes

3、which caused accidents.Signaling system prevents the accidents efficiently. Early signal system in Japan was Automatic Traffic Stop (ATS) devices. This device could automatically stop the train when it received the stop signal. Even if the driver ignored the alarm of the train-borne stop device, the

4、 device on the track could stop the train automatically.ATS-P (Automatic Train Stop Protection) was developed to raise efficiency. Using the responder to send a receive data signal, ATS-P system transmits information of the distance about the next stop to the train via the track, and then the system

5、 generates a train speed-checking pattern with these information.ATC (Automatic Train Control) system is developed to resolve problems of ATS-P. In ATC system, safety operation procedure will be activated to guarantee the safe performance of the train when the train operator made mistakes.To meet th

6、e needs of the modern massive high-efficient transportation, new traffic control systems are emerging such as ATACS (Advanced Train Administration Communication System), CBTC (Communication Based Train Control), etc. With the integration of railway signal and communication technology, track structur

7、e of new pattern and additional train-borne functions.This paper proposes the features of the current railway control system in Japan with the development history of the railway signal system as background, and then shows its key technology and developments in future. 2. Railway Signal SystemsThe fi

8、rst railway transportation system began to operate in 1830 between Liverpool and Manchester. Signal system was introduced to improve safety and to cope with the increase of traffic volume.In 1841, the signal technology was used at the two ends of the North Midland tunnel at the first time. The track

9、 circuit for the train detecting was invented in 1872.The following will analyze typical railway signal system developed by Japan National Railways (JNR) and East Japan Railway. For these systems, the level is determined by fixed block or moving block system. Train position locating is taken by the

10、track circuit or onboard train locating device. The information is transmitted through the track circuit or radio. (ATS-S) system (Kera, 2000 is automatic train stop device which was introduced into JNR to prevent train collision. In a block section where a train is present, a track circuit detects

11、the train position information, and the control device turns the signal for the section to Red. This status indicates that no other train can go into this block section. All of the other trains must stop before the section. Signals of other sections, into which a train can go, are Green or Yellow. P

12、ermitted speed is determined according to the distance to the section with the red signal. There is important relationship between the signal status of a section and the train position. The block system used in ATS which is consisted of the track circuit and signal device is based on the fixed block

13、 section. ATS-P improved to correct a weakness of ATS-S. By using digital information from a transponder, ATS-P transmits information about signal aspects and the distance to the next stop signal from the trackside to the train and uses this information to generate the train speed checking pattern.

14、Then the computer compares the actual speed and this pattern. If the actual speed exceeds the pattern speed, the braking system will start. Different from ATS-S, ATS-P won t require the driver verify. When the train speed approaches the danger pattern, it will alarm the driver. The system engages th

15、e service brake at maximum power automatically when the speed pattern approaches the danger pattern.D (Decentralized)-ATC is an intelligent on-board system. Every train calculates its appropriate permitted speed according to the stop position information from the ATC central logic system. In high tr

16、affic density braking on time can be realized by pattern control. The cost of ground devices is reduced by using general information equipment and a decentralized system. The system contains the flexibility of be able to shorten the train headway without changing ground equipment when rolling stock

17、performance is improved. Operability is improved by indicating the train usage on routes to drivers.Along with information technology develops so rapidly, a new railway traffic control system appears. The system can make trains know its own position information and the distance with others. The deve

18、loping system is called ATACS (advanced train administer and communication system).ATACS is a new rail control system based on information technology and ADS technology. 3、Technology Features of Japanese Railway Signal SystemDecentralized Technology Feature At first ATC was used for supporting the s

19、afety supers-peed system of the Japanese Shinkansen, and then was introduced to traditional rail system to shorten the distance between trains. But it cant work effectively because of the ATC technology limit. In this background D-ATC (data decentralized ATC) based on ADS (autonomous and decentraliz

20、ed system) developed as the level 2 system. In D-ATC system every train is allowed to calculate its own speed. JR East developed a kind of Shinkansen D-ATC, in which data communication was used. The D-ATC is officially called DS-ATC. The system is used on Keihin-Tohoku line called D-ATC, while in Sh

21、inkansen called DS-ATC.In the ATC system the speed signal is in the drivers cab, which received permitted speed information from the ground equipment continuously. ATC s central logic system transmits ATC signals to track circuit. ATC signals are about speed information, while they are used as train

22、 detection signals. The logic device can determine the section on which a train is present by monitoring the level of received ATC signal power because the wheels of the train short the track circuits. To set the rack circuit boundary and speed pattern is to sustain train s headway, which is necessa

23、ry for train traffic control. In the ATC system the central logic system undertakes the most train interval control. The on-board system controls the braking system according to the instructions from the central logic system. Distance between trains is an important concept in railway transportation

24、control. In this control method the system recognizes the distance between two consecutive trains firstly. Then the system controls their speed to insure a safe distance. In order to realize this distance control, various new functions are required, such as positioning exactly, high speed communicat

25、ion between trains and ground devices.The major difference between D-ATC and traditional ATC lies on that D-ATC is an intelligent on-board system. Every train calculates its appropriate permitted speed according to the stop position information from the ATC central logic system. Administer and Commu

26、nication Technology Feature There is one point to stop one train before it crashes the preceding train. That is just to control critical stop distance. And the key information is the exact train position and where the train should stop. We know the ATC service purpose so that the basic functions of

27、new ATC are clear. In another word equipment on the ground only transmits the train stop information, and then the train itself confirms its position and calculates the distance between it and the stop position. After that the train takes the radian and gradient into account and brakes at the proper

28、 moment.Ideal distance control model consists of trains which know each others positions. The model realized because of wireless communication technology development.In railway an area is divided into several control areas, in which ground devices and radio base stations are set up. Ground devices i

29、n every control area have many functions, such as train positioning, distance control, switching control, level crossing control and security for maintenance. Radio base stations and on-board equipment exchange information. As the appropriate interval between stations is determined according to the

30、service area covered by radio transmissions, every base station is connected with corresponding ground control devices.The on-board computer controls brakes according to the control information from the ground devices, while it sends out the train position information to the ground equipment through

31、 on-board mobile radio base station. The first step of the control procedure is to determine the accurate train position as measured by the on-board computer. When a train enters or gets out of the boundary of a section, its original position will be recorded. Then on-board computers detect the trai

32、ns speed and deal with the speed information. So the train s position track is obtained. However, when a train passes a position device on the ground, its position information will be corrected.The position detected by the system is structured into the identification numbers of the ground controller

33、 in the relevant control area, the virtual blocks into which the control area is divided, and the position within the relevant track block, and these data are processed both by the wayside and on-board computer.According to the transmitting distance restricts of radio signals, generally two base sta

34、tions are constructed three miles apart. Four different frequencies are used alternately to prevent two neighbor base stations signals from interfering. For on-board system operation the practically used frequency is the most proper one of all ground radio base station in every area. Every base stat

35、ion must connect with trains passing it. Generally we presume that the base station communicates each train in one-second cycle. Accordingly, one-second is divided into several time slots. Because there will be mistakes in communication, space difference system and Reed-Solomon code are adopted. Ree

36、d-Solomon code can correct early errors. ATACS is based on ADS (Autonomous Decentralized System) technology. In ATACS system ground devices are decentralized and connected by a network. According to the information from ground equipment the permitted speed is generated. Every trains on-board equipme

37、nt can control the braking system automatically. Ground system is composed of central control system and train control system. The system is provided to devices autonomously. The advantage is that it reduces disable devices influence to whole system. What s more, it makes it possible to set up a sys

38、tem step by step. If one base station is out of work, an adjacent base station takes charge of its work. So the whole system can go on working.4、Conclusion The results of the research shows that new train control systems will be developed by applying the latest information and control technology in

39、place of the conventional signaling system applied for over 100 years. The future autonomous train control systems will consist of an on-board system only, without a ground system, because of the application of the ADS technology. ADS technology information technology and communication technology is

40、 the key to realize the future train control system. 日本铁路信号系统的技术特点考索本文从铁路运输的历史发展和技术的分类,介绍了日本的铁路控制系统,分别从电子技术、计算机技术和通信技术分析其工艺特点等方面的研究进展,最后提出了技术开发未来方向的列车控制系统。1、介绍在铁路的初期,没有信号系统。车站值班员只能通过手势来指挥列车的通过或停车,但是人们往往会犯一些错误而引起事故。ATS-P(自动停车保护)信号系统有效地防止了事故。日本早期信号的系统自动停车(ATS)装置,当这个设备收到停止信号时可以自动停止火车,即使司机忽视了火车停止装置报警时,这


42、1830年第一个铁路运输系统在利物浦和曼彻斯特之间开始运作。信号系统用于改善安全和应付交通量的增加。下面将分析由日本国家铁路(国铁)和东日本铁路发展的典型的铁路信号系统。对于这些系统,大部分在固定闭塞或移动闭塞的系统阶段,列车位置定位是由轨道电路或板载列车定位设备,这些信息的传播途径是轨道电路或无线通讯。(ATS- S)系统(列车自动停止装置)2000被日本国铁运用以防止列车相撞。在一个闭塞区间一列火车存在,轨道电路检测到列车的位置信息,控制设备转动这个区段的信号为红色。此状态表明没有其他列车可以进入这个闭塞分区。其他区段的信号是绿色或黄色火车则可以进去,而时速限制是根据与红色信号区段确定的距

43、离。在信号状态和列车位置之间有着重要的关系。该闭塞系统被用在ATS就是基于轨道电路和固定闭塞的信号设备。ATS- P改进了ATP-S错误的弱点。通过从一个应答器使用的数字信息,ATS- P来传递信息的信号方面和从下一个停车信号到列车的距离,并利用这些信息来生成列车速度检查模式。然后,用电脑比较实际的速度和这种模式。如果实际速度超过该模式的速度,制动系统将启动,不同于ATS- S,ATS- P不需要司机核实。当列车速度接近危险的模式,它将给司机报警,当列车速度达到它最大功率的危险模式时系统将自动刹车。D(分散)-ATC(2005年)是国外的一个智能系统。允许毎列列车根据从ATC中央逻辑系统获得的


45、于缩短行车间隔。但因为ATC技术的限制它不能有效工作,在此背景下基于ADS(自律分散系统)D-ATC(自律分布数字化列车控制系统)被发明了。在D-ATC每列车系统可以计算出自己的速度,东日本铁路发明了一种采用了数据交流技术的新干线D-ATC,官方称此D-ATC为 DS-ATC。这个系统用于Keihin-Tohoku线称为D-ATC,而在日本新干线则称为DS-ATC。在ATC系统中地面设备持续的将允许的速度信息提供并显示在驾驶室内。ATC中央逻辑系统传递ATC信号到轨道电路,ATC信号是关于速度的信息,因为车轮轨道电路短他们作为培养检测信号这个逻辑器件可以确定轨面上一列火车的位置通过监控水平对收




49、无线电基站,每个基站必须连接列车通过。一般来说,我们能推测出每列火车在通讯基站的周期。因此,周期分为几个时段。因为将有错误的沟通、空间差异和里德所罗门码系统的采用,并且里德所罗门码可以提前改正错误。ATACS是基于ADS (分散自律系统)技术。在ATACS系统地面设备是分散的,通过网络连接,根据从地面设备得到的信息生成允许速度。每列车的车载设备能自动控制制动设备,地面系统是由中央控制系统和列控系统控制。该系统提供的设备,优点是减少了对整个系统禁用设备的影响。更近一步说,它可以使一步一步来建立一个系统成为可能。如果一个基站没有工作,相邻的基站则负责这项工作,所以整个系统可以继续工作。4、结论研究结果显示新的列控系统是通过应用最新的信息和当地使用了超过100年的控制技术发展的。将来自动列车控制系统将只有车载系统而丢掉了地面系统,由于ADS的运用,ADS技术中的信息和交流技术是实现未来列控系统的关键。


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