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5、一部分分配给模式和企业生态位重叠动作。在初步设计圆形的助燃机,三分之一的机器周期被认为是sucient为针的运动。这使得三分之二的针织周期来执行120和重叠互相矛盾。假设的最大速度是1000转数,这台机器单一针织循环发生在60岁的女士。这样只剩下20 ms履行重叠和20的旋转。机械解决办法其专利模式机制2、5都是机械控制模式,使用两个凸轮控制的开放,面对环模式和有最大长度的12机周期。人数限制周期是由于空间限制。较大数量的机器周期模式里需要一个更大的凸轮的空间,但在凸轮的大小是有限的。主要的进步达到与机械方法解决建设作为本研究之部分:(1)使用封闭模式凸轮凸轮追随者,减少冲击和振使用开放,面对




9、服控制的模式机制而已。但是,主要机制,即针织负责针运动也可以通过伺服系统给予更多的控制之间的同步针和纱线。6提出一种提高动态特性,通过控制的凸轮机构从动件凸轮的使用伺服电机的速度。基于直线电机的经编机横移控制系统设计摘要 本文以三相永磁无刷直流直线电机及驱动控制系统为主要研究对象,采用数字信号处理器(DsP)为控制核心对经编机横移机构进行实用设计。文中给出了系统的总体设计方案,阐述了该系统的基本结构、工作原理、运行特性及其设计方法。另外,文中还对各硬件模块(直线电机驱动电路、位置检测电路、电流检测等)电路设计以及各软件模块进行了详细的分析。关键词:经编机;横移运动;直线电机;DsP;PwM;P

10、ID1 引言经编丁业是纺织工业的一个重要组成部分,经编产业的快速发展推动了经编机设备制造技术的不断更新。开发和研制出技术含量高、生产效率高、可靠性高的高档智能化经编机,核心技术是需要经编机梳栉横移精度高,因为高精度的横移机构在回复运动过程中,可以保证织针回摆过相应的导纱针时,一个横移时间就完成。因此开发和研制出智能化的高精度经编机意义深远。2 当前的经编机横移机构控制系统21机械式经编机横移机构 机械式多梳栉提花经编机是由高低尺寸不一的链块纵横排列成链带,编织花型时该链带循环走动,按照花型的要求控制着梳栉的行程以达到编织花型的目的。这种横移机构的缺点是一种花型就要一种凸轮(或花纹链条),凸轮(

11、或花纹链条)加工成本高,花型变化品种有限,且代价昂贵。另外,由于人们对花型要求越来越高,梳栉数进一步增加,生产和改变花型已经变得越来越困难。在多品种、小批量的买方市场下,用链条来进行花型生产非常费事、费时,且成本很高。22新型电子横移机构新型的EL(electronic guide baf control system)横移机构、su(summe blech)横移机构、钢丝花梳横移机构、地梳和贾卡梳横移机构均采用伺服电机控制。EL适用于连续的、快速的花型变换。机器速度受到限制。Su横移机构借助滑动组件来控制花梳,通过电磁元件来控制滑动组件,从而可按照确定的路径来形成横移路径距离。但是它的极限是

12、最大47针的横移距离和每分钟450转的最大转速。新型的钢丝花梳、地梳和贾卡梳横移机构都采用了伺服电机控制。每个钢丝花梳连接一个伺服电机,由伺服电机执行横移运动,钢丝梳通过空气压缩机进行回复。另一端的反向平衡装置(气动张力调整器)保证钢丝梳在整个横移区间的张力均匀一致。导纱针按照花型进行运动,一个方向借助压缩空气,另一个方向通过机械动力,大小由伺服电机控制(如图2)。另外,Karl Mayer公司新近研制出了匹艾州压电式贾卡装置。它是由压电陶瓷及贾卡导纱针组成。压电式贾卡导纱技术彻底改变了贾卡装置,无需通丝、移位针等繁杂部件,使贾卡经编机提花部分的机构大大简化,有助提高速度。但是横移距离较小。3

13、 系统总体结构设计31系统方案的选取针对上面所阐述的当前几种经编机横移机构,本文采用基于直线电机的横移控制系统,利用直线电机取代花纹链块直接驱动导纱梳(如图3)。由直线电机驱动的传动装置,不需要任何转换装置而直接产生推力,因此,它可以省去中间转换机构,简化了整个装置或系统,保证了运行的可靠性,提高了传递效率,降低了制造成本。另外,由DsP构成的电机控制系统相对于单片机或微机具有更高的精度和速度,而且存储量大,具有逻辑控制功能和各种中断处理能力,丰富的数输入输出口、通信口、专用电机控制PwM输出口,各种硬件集成在同一芯片中,从而简化硬件设计,提高软件编程的灵活性。整个系统结构简单、体积小、可靠性




17、时,莫尔条纹将沿着刻线方向移动。光栅移动一个栅距,莫尔条纹也移动一个间距B,同时;在指示光栅上的光敏元件接收到一次光脉冲的照射,并相应输出1个电脉冲。通过计数电脉冲的数目,就可以测量标尺光栅的位移x,即: x=iw (2)43电流检测电路采用wBl414电流传感器作为电流检测装置,由于三相绕组采用的是星形连接,中点悬空,也就是说,电流的3个变量不完全独立,只要知道其中两个,设为Ia和Ib,另一个变量Ic就可以算出:因而实现电动机相电流的精确检测,只需两路检测电路,将Ia和Ib的电流值经转换后分别送往DsP的ADcINO和ADCINl。电流检测原理图如图6所示。位置检测不但用于换向控制,而且还用

18、于产生速度控制量。每个周期内有6次换相,电机的动子每走过一块磁铁都有一次换相(每块磁铁的长度15mm),这样测得两次换相的时间间隔为t,就可以根据式(31)计算出两次换相间隔期间的平均角速度。两次换相的时间间隔t可以通过捕捉中断发生时读出定时器2的值来获得。图6 电流检测电路图5 DSP控制系统软件实现主程序的主要功能足完成系统的初始化,如系统RAM的映射(存储空间的分配)、看门狗初始化、中断初始化、I0引脚功能初始化、事件管理器EvA的PwM,ADc初始化、事件管理器EVB的CAP初始化、异步串行口初始化等。初始化完成后,主程序在RAM中建立基准正弦函数表,该正弦酾数表是对幅值为l正弦函数正

19、半周期采样900个点得到的。图7主程序流程框图6 结论本文以TMs320LF2407A作为控制器。对纺织机械电子横移系统的电子凸轮机构进行了实用设计。系统充分利用直线电机的优点,采用电流环、速度环的双闭环控制电极的位置和速度,PID算法对参数进行反复优化,使系统达到预期的位移控制精度和频率响应,并且在经编机电子横移系统上运行可靠。Patterning servo-mechanism for a circular warp knitting machineAbstractWarp knitting is always performed on flat (linear) knitting mac

20、hines. A circular warp-knitting machine is recently made possible by using a novel concept of a conical needle bed and patterning cams with enclosed cam followers to drive the patterning rings. This also requires a mechanical linkage to transmit the motion from the patterning cam to the patterning r

21、ings, which is prone to vibration at undesirable levels. A new generation design replaces the mechanical cam and linkage with high-speed AC brushless servomotors enabling limitless precision patterning possibilities. A method of selecting servomotors based on minimising the power required to perform

22、 the fastest motion required for a given application is reported. This method ensures cost minimising by selecting the smallest servomotor suitable for a given application. A circular warp-knitting machine using servomotor to drives selected using the method reported is designed, built and successfu

23、lly tested.2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.Introduction: patterning mechanism overviewFlat warp knitting machines employ three main mechanisms to produce stitches.Namely, a knitting mechanism that reciprocates the needles vertically, a swingingmechanism to move the yarns from the fron

24、t to the back of the needles and ashogging mechanism to produce the overlaps and underlaps parallel to the plane on which the needles are laid.A pattern consists of a chain of dierent length underlaps and hence theexibilityof the machine patterning depends on the ease of modifying the movements per-

25、formed by its shogging mechanism and the length of the pattern chain.The warp knitting needle cycle for a at knitting machine can be described ascomprising six stages (see Fig. 1). Starting with the needles at their highest position and having the previous loops round their stem, in stage (1) the ya

26、rns are swung from the back to the front of the needles. At stage (2), the overlap, a thread is laid under the hook of the needle by performing a sideways shog from one needle space to the next. The yarns are then swung to the back of the needle in stage (3). The needles then start to move downwards

27、, the old loops are caught under each needle latch and cause the latches to close. The needles continue moving down until the old loops reach the top of the needle, are cast-o (stage (4) and pulled by fabric tension. At stage (5), theunderlap, the threads are shogged again, this time behind the need

28、les.As the needles rise again (stage (6), the threads in the hooks open the latches and become the next loops.On a circular machine, the yarns are threaded through radially perforated rings.The shogging movement becomes a rotation of these rings and a pattern chain comprises a number of rotational m

29、ovements of the rings in synchronisation with the main mechanism responsible for reciprocating the needles vertically (see Fig. 2).The rings must perform two distinct rotations and two dwells during a machine cycle. The direction and amplitude of the rotations will depend upon the fabric structure b

30、eing created. However, an overlap will always be carried out over one needle only, while an underlap can be under several needles and could therefore require a larger rotation of the ring.The larger the number of rings, the greater the patterning possibilities. However,the amount of space to place t

31、hem and the complexity of the yarn paths generally restricts the number of patterning rings present in a machine.System requirementsThe first design prototype was used as an industrial knitting machine to produce packaging fabrics, stockings bandage materials and other technical textiles. A product

32、design specification for a machine to cover all these markets was carried out in order to establish the end products requirements. It was found that most applications would not require more than a 4-needle underlap. In addition, the minimum gauge (number of needles per inch) in the relevant applicat

33、ions was 4. The cylinder diameter is not critical for the netting applications; this varies in the range of 75100mm for the stockings application and it varies widely for medical applications. For the first prototype, a 75-mm diameter cylinder was used. For this size cylinder, four needle spaces at

34、four needles per inch are equivalent to 38 of the cylinder. A 4-needle underlap will probably require a rotation of 8 needle spaces, which is equivalent to 76.It was therefore decided to set as system requirement that the patterning mechanism must be able to perform a rotation of up to 80 in a singl

35、e underlap.The fabric designer can alter the portion of the knitting cycle allocated to the patterning ring movements (underlap and overlap). In the initial design of the circular warp-knitting machine, one-third of the machine cycle was deemed to be sucient for the needles movement. This leaves two

36、 thirds of the knitting cycle to perform the underlap and overlap; 120 each.Assuming that the maximum speed of the machine is 1000 rpm, a single knitting cycle takes place in 60 ms. This leaves only 20 ms to perform the underlap and 20 ms for the overlap rotation.Mechanical solutionThe patented patt

37、erning mechanisms 2,5 are all mechanically controlled, use two patterning rings controlled by open face cams and have a maximum pattern length of 12 machine cycles. The restriction on the number of cycles is due to space limitation.A larger number of machine cycles in a pattern would require a large

38、r cam, but the space in which the cam ts in is limited.The main progress achieved with the mechanical solution built as part of this research was: (1) the use of enclosed cam followers in the patterning cams, reducing shock and vibration eects created when using open face cams, (2) improvements of t

39、he manufacturing process of the patterning cams by developing a tailor-made tool to create the milling programs of the patterning cam, and (3) enhancement of the cam performance by using cycloidal proles for each segment. Cycloidal profiles are known to give the best results for high-speed applicati

40、ons 3when compared to other basic displacement curves, because they provide three finite derivatives of displacement. The cycloidal displacement is given by:The only drawback to using this type of prole for the current application is the non-continuous jerk curve at the end points of each motion. Th

41、at is, at the point where the rise (or return) period ends and the dwell period begins. This is because the third derivative of the displacement is not zero at the end point, whereas that of a dwell is. If necessary, the motion curves could be further optimised by using poly-nomial profiles to ensur

42、e that the displacement and its three derivatives are continuous throughout.A tailor-made computer application was developed to create the cam profile program, which is then downloaded into a NC milling machine. Once on the knitting machine, the cam in motion was lmed using a high-speed video record

43、er (200 frames per second). There was no excessive vibration of the follower in the cam-track; even when viewed frame by frame it was seen that the follower did not leave the side of the track on which it was rolling.The mechanical system converts a translational motion created by the patterning cam

44、 into a rotation of the patterning ring by means of a number of pivots and mechanical linkages (see Fig. 2). The conguration and length of the linkage components depend on the physical space available and the dimensions of the machine elements. For example, in order to create a longer pattern by cir

45、cular motion of the ring, while maintaining appropriate pressure angles in the cam, the baseline radius of the cam must increase.Although the cam-follower mechanism ran smoothly, the high-speed video showed excessive vibration of the patterning rings. The contrast between the smooth running of the c

46、am follower and irregular motion of the rings suggests that the latter is created by the elasticity of the mechanical linkages. The speed of the machine would therefore always be constrained by the mechanical properties and the dimensions of the linkages.This mechanical design proved the circular wa

47、rp knitting mechanism concept to be feasible (see Fig. 3). However, a design that allowed for more patterning exibility and ultimately higher operational speed was required in order to manufacture the more complex fabric designs used in the medical and stockings industries.Servo-controlledsolutionAn

48、 entirely new approach to the patterning mechanism problem was to control the rings using servomotors. Although a more costly solution, it has the potential of creating pattern chains that are only restricted by the size of the memory of the hardware used (i.e.hundreds of machines cycles rather than 12) and reducing the time and parts required to change from one pattern to another.In addition, a servomotor would produce a rotational motion, when coupled viatiming belts and pulleys could drive the patterning rings direct


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