1、,淋巴瘤治疗的疔效评估及 PET-CT的作用美罗华市场部二零一三年八月,目录淋巴瘤疗效评估标准的变IHP淋巴痛疗效评估标准介绍PET(PET/cT)的发展对淋巴瘤疔效评估标准的影响.屐:12进,目录淋巴瘤疗效评估标准的演变IHP淋巴痛疗效评估标准介绍PET(PET/cT)的发展对淋巴瘤疔效评估标准的影响.屐:12进,999年之前没有统一的淋巴瘤疗效评估标准2019年之前,ECOG、CALGB等主要淋巴瘤研究机构没有统一的淋巴瘤疗效评估标准1.Response Criteria for NHL Used by InternaGroupCHnical Trials Group Disappeara
2、nce of all disncrease by 25%in longest lamsterMust last weeks or unconfinEd CRAssessable disease progressionCancer and Leukemia Group Banse e all dses乡M+时 i-30%dccrease in IlMediasinalonrus after50Xpositive.now must be 2 50%,decrease in sPDcrease by 25%in SPD orappearance of all d sease inormal Sple
3、en 5 cm blm must becomeRElapse:new disease aner CR Or PDen5 cm deerease by 50%Normal liver/spleen biopsy if was Must las 2 41egative uri lateral bone marrowCheson BD,e a.Repon of an Intemet onal workshop to standard ee Respense Cr iteria for Nen-Hodekims Lymphomas Journa of Chencai Oneo1244-12,疗效评估标准的不统一带来明显的局限性不符合淋巴瘤的生物学和治疗反应给不同研究结果之间的分析/比较带来困扰,