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1、Module 5 ProblemsUnit 1 If she goes to a different school,I wont see my best friend,If I get up late,I will be late for school.If I dont finish my homework,I wont go to bed.,由if引导的从句叫条件状语从句,if意为“如果”若主句是一般将来时,从句要用一般现在时。,If you join the band,you will be famous.,=You will be famous if you join the band

2、.,Grammar,条件状语从句,If the telephone rings,I will answer it.,If you get up late,you will be late for school.,Look and say,If you feel hungry,you should eat something.,If you feel tired,you must have a rest.,If you are ill,you must go to see a doctor.,If you are riding a bike in the street,you must be v

3、ery careful.,Pair work,If it is fine tomorrow,we will have a school trip.,If I have enough money,I will travel around the world.,1.Listen and decide what the problem is.A)Tonys dad doesnt like guitar playing and doesnt want Tony to learn to play well.B)Tonys mum is proud of Tonys guitar playing and

4、wants to pay for guitar lessons.C)Tony is spending too much time in playing his guitar.,Activity 1,Listen and answer the questions.,1.What is Tony doing?2.Does he enjoy playing the guitar?3.Whats the problem?,He is playing the guitar.,Yes,he does.,Tony is spending more time practising his guitar tha

5、n doing his schoolwork.,Activity 2,Answer the questions.use the words in the box to help you.,able alone beat keep shame pity refuse problem send warn,1.What does Tonys mother suggest to Tonys Dad?2.Why does Tonys dad think Tony will refuse to go to classes?3.What does Tony want to do?,She suggests

6、that they pay for his guitar lessons.,Because he thinks that Tony likes to play alone.,He wants to be better than others.,she will play the solo on Starsearch,Kylie will play the solo on Starsearch,her parents will punish her and send her to a different school,Sally wont see her best friend,maybe sh

7、e will become a star,the teacher will choose Kylie,not her,5.Answer the question.,What have her parents warned her not to do?Why does Lingling think its a shame if Kylie goes to another school?,Her parents have warned her not to spend too much time with the orchestra,Because Sally will lose her best

8、 friend,3.What does Sally refuse to do?4.Why will Sally keep her best friend if she doesnt play?,Sally refuses to play during their final practice.,Because if she doesnt play,Kylie will play the solo on Starsearch and may become a star.If she becomes a star,her parents will be proud of her,an will n

9、ot send her to another school.,Phrases:1.Tell me about the concert2.all together3.one of us4.play a solo5.at the end of6.You mean7.in the background8.choose the best player,给我讲讲音乐会的情况,一起,我们中的一个,独奏,在结束时,你的意思是,在后面,选择最好的演奏者,9.during our final practice10.refuse to do sth11.Thats such a pity12.warn her a

10、bout her schoolwork13.too much time14.send her to a different school15.Thats a shame16.be proud of17.send away,在最后的练习期间,拒绝干某事,那多可惜呀,告诫她注意她的功课,太多的时间,送她去一个不同的学校,那太遗憾了,为感到骄傲,送走,1.refuse to do sth,拒绝干某事,1)My father refused to take me to the zoo last Sunday.,2)My parents refused to buy a computer for me.

11、,3)如果你拒绝演奏,老师将选择托尼._ you _ _ _,the teacher _ Tony.4)我希望你不要拒绝和我们一起吃野餐.I hope you _ _ _ _ a picnic with us.,If refuse to play will,choose,wont refuse to have,2.want sb to do sth,想让某人干某事,1)But actually,I want Kylie to win.,2)The teacher wanted us to answer some questions.,3)妈妈不想让我太累了。My mother doesnt_

12、_ _ _ tired.4)王叔叔想让我们参观一下他的公司.Uncle Wang wants _ _ _ his company.,want me to be,us to visit,3.warn sb.of/about sth,告诫,提醒某人某事,warn sb.(not)to do sth,警告某人(别)干某事,1)Doctors have warned people about the danger of water pollution.,2)The weatherman warned of possible storms.,3)I warned you not to walk home

13、 alone.,老师提醒我们不要往窗外看.The teacher _ _ _ _ _ out of the window.妈妈提醒我把书带到学校.My mother _ _ _ _ my books to school.,warned us not to look,warned me to bring,4.be proud of,为感到自豪,1)Her parents are very proud of her.2)You should be proud of yourself.3)Many students have worked hard,and Im proud of them.,4)我

14、为妈妈感到自豪.I _ _ _ my mother.5)你为作为一个中国人而自豪吗?_ you _ _ being a Chinese?,am proud of,Are proud of,If 引导的条件状语从句,主句(一般将来时)+if从句(一般现在时),1)If I play well,I will play the solo during the Starsearch concert.2)If Kylie beats you,shell play the solo and become the star on Starsearch.3)If she spends too much tim

15、e with the orchestra,theyll punish her and send her to a different school.4)If our teacher chooses Kylie,shell play the dance music.,5)If she becomes a star,her parents will be proud of her.6)If I refuse to play,our teacher wont choose me.,7)如果明天我忙,我将不去看你.I _ _ _ _you _ I _ _ tomorrow.8)如果我努力学习,我将取得

16、好成绩._ I _ hard,I _ _ good marks.9)如果你喜欢它,我将把它送给你._ you _ it,I _ _ it _ you.,wont go to see if am busy,If study will get,If like will send to,5.rather than 宁可,是而不是He ran rather than walked.他跑步而不是步行。He would die rather than give in.他宁死不屈。prefer to do sth.rather than do sth.宁愿做而不愿做I prefer to mend the

17、old car rather than buy a new one.我宁愿修这辆旧车也不愿买新的,Module5,unit2,If you tell him the truth,youll prove how honest you are.,Activity2.1.Has Steve told his father the truth?2.Why does Steve feel terrible?3.Does Steve want to mend the computer himself?,No,he hasnt.,Because he knows he has done something

18、wrong.,No,he doesnt.,4.How can Steve prove hes honest?5.Where does Steves pocket money come from?6.How will Steves father realise Steve is truly sorry?,By telling the truth to his father.,His parents.,If Steve offers to do some jobs,or help his father with his work.,Activity3.1.If he tells his fathe

19、r about the computer,_.2.If he offers to pay,_3.If he tells his father the truth,_.,he will prove that he is honest.,hell show that he is truly sorry.,his father will be angry but pleased he is honest.,4.If he doesnt use his pocket money,_.5.If he offers to do some jobs or help his father,_.,He can

20、pay by doing jobs around the home,his father will realise he is truly sorry.,1.tell him the truth2.How honest you are!3.use his computer for playing games4.use it for my homework5.go wrong6.take off7.make sure/be sure+句子8.feel terrible,告诉他事实,你是多么诚实呀!,用他的电脑玩游戏,用它做我的作业,出毛病,出错,删除,确定,确信,感到可怕,感到害怕,10.Off

21、er to pay11.make mistakes12.tell sb not to do sth13.be angry with14.at least15.pocket money16.after all17.help sb with sth18.offer to do some jobs around the home,主动付钱,犯错误,告诉某人别做某事,和生气,至少,零花钱,毕竟,帮助某人做某事,1.be angry with sb/sth,与生气,1).If you tell him the truth,hell be angry with you.,2).I shall be ang

22、ry with you if you break the cup.,3)昨天我妈妈生我的气了。My mother _ yesterday.4)如果你迟到了,老师会生你的气。If you are be late for school,your teacher_.,was angry with me,will be angry with you.,2.offer to do sth,提出做某事,愿意做某事,1).If you offer to do some jobs around the home,hell realise that youre truly sorry.,2).last Sund

23、ay,my father offered to take me to the Great Wall.,3).Can I offer you something to drink?,4).杰克已经提出帮我学数学。Jack _5)李丽提出周日去野餐。Lili_.,has offered to help me with my maths.,offered to have picnic on Sunday.,3.tell sb about sth.,告诉某人某事,1)Can you tell me about your secret?,2).Should I tell him about the co

24、mputer game?,4.help sb with sth,帮助某人做某事,1).I often help my mother with the housework at home.,2).Who can help me with my heavy bag?,请告诉他关于帮助穷孩子的事。Please _,tell him about helping the poor Children.,1别生气妈妈,我会努力学习的.Dont_mum,Illstudy hard.2老师提出要带我们参加音乐会.The teacher_ join the concert.3奶奶经常给我们讲她小时侯的事.My grandma often_ of her childhood.4谁经常帮你学英语?Who often_?,be angry with me,offered to take us to,tells us about the story,helps you with your English,


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