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1、新视野大学英语读写教程(第三版)第二册 Unit 4 section A,3/29/2023,The modern types of dating,Lead-in,Look at the pictures and discuss,Formal dating,Lead-in,Look at the pictures and discuss,Speed dating,Lead-in,Look at the pictures and discuss,Online dating,Look at the following pictures and discuss what are the modern

2、 dating practices.,Casual dating,An interaction between two people who are looking to get to know one another better,without commitments or promises.,Its primary purpose is to determine what kind,if any,relationship will blossom.,1.If you were dating,which dating variety would you prefer?Why?,2.Do y

3、ou think its a good idea to date someone at college?Why or why not?If yes,should they date seriously or just for fun?,discuss,Pre-reading activities,No,because students need to concentrate on study,not to waste time dating.,Yes,because:its an ideal place to find someone who has the same aspirations.

4、through years of studying together,students get to know each other well.college has more choices than the workplace.love starting on campus is romantic and pure.,And as returns of such dating,you can seize the opportunity to decide on what kind of boy/girl is ideal for your lifelong companion.,Most

5、students break up once they graduate.It hurts and breaks the heart.,3.What kind of person is ideal to date?4.Who should pay for the date?5.Should girls initiate and invite boys out for a date?,Skills:,Knowledge:,Knowledge:to understand the college love;Skills:to learn to focus on a narrative essay;C

6、ritical thinking:to think critically about the theme.,10,Teaching Objectives,11,11,Read for the Theme,Read between the Lines,Critical Appreciation,Teaching Procedures,New words,Hercharmrests in her happy smile.,charm,v.迷住,吸引,New Words,n.魅力,Shecharmedus all when she came into the room.,Prince charmin

7、g,I was charmed his low,attractive voice.,with,白马王子,The warm weathertemptedus into going for a swim.,tempt,vt.怂恿,利诱,诱惑,Your offer doesnttemptme at all.,New Words,a.诱人的,吸引人的,The SerpenttemptedEve to pick the forbidden fruit.,Your tempting offer doesnt work on me.,tempting,tempt,vt.怂恿,利诱,诱惑,New Words,

8、a.诱人的,吸引人的,tempting,a.,describing an effect that sth has on your feelings and ideas,热情的微笑/诱人的蛋糕,1.a verysuperioryoung woman,superior,a.更好的,更强的,3.The army wassuperiorin number to its enemies.,New Words,a.较差的;次的;比不上的,2.a woman greatlysuperiorto her husband in education and sensitivity.,inferiority com

9、plex,inferior,3.部队在数量上超过了敌人。,superiority complex,Adults are often immune to smallpox.,immune,a.不受影响的,免疫的;,Youll eventually become immune to criticism.,New Words,Being the only son in the family,the young man was immune from military service.,成人往往对天花有免疫力。,你终究会不用在乎批评了。,由于是独子,那个年轻人免于服兵役。,免除,Lets procee

10、d with our work.,proceed,vi.继续做(或从事、进行),Having said she wasnt hungry,she then proceeded to order a three-course meal.,New Words,The marchers proceeded slowly along the street.,我们接着干吧。,她先说不饿,接着却要了一份三道菜的大餐。,游行者沿着街道缓缓行进。,vi.前进,移动,They lodged a compensation claim against the factory.,lodge,vt.正式提出,Portu

11、gal has lodged a complaint with the International Court of Justice.,New Words,He lodged with Mrs Brown when he arrived in the city.,他们向工厂提出了赔偿要求。,葡萄牙向国际法院提出了申诉。,他初到这座城市时租房住在布朗太太的家里。,v.(付款)寄住,借宿;租住,(sth)(with sb)(against sb/sth),The bank finally granted a$5000 loan to me.,grant,vt.给予,准予,The bank fina

12、lly granted me a$5000 loan.,New Words,1.银行终于同意给我贷款5000美元。,2.我获准参观宫殿。,sth(to sb/sth)|(sb)sth,I was granted permission to visit the palace.,The bank finally granted a 500 loan to me.,grant,vt.给予,准予,The bank finally granted me a 500 loan.,New Words,student grants,He has been awarded a research grant.,n

13、.补助金,拨款,sth(to sb/sth)|(sb)sth,I was granted permission to visit the palace.,研究经费,学生助学金,You deserve a rest after all that hard work.,deserve,vt.值得;应受,He deserves(lock up)for ever for what he did.,New Words,Emily:You gonna dump me?John:No,honey,its not dumping.Its just you deserve much better than me

14、.,(not used in the progressive tenses)if sb/sth deserves sth,it is right that they should have it,because of the way they have behaved or because of what they are,哪有,宝贝,是我配不上你。,to be locked up,你要甩了我?,palm,n.棕榈树,手掌,掌心,New Words,从一粒沙看世界,从一朵花看天堂,把永恒纳进一个时辰,把无限握在自己手心。-王佐良,To see a world in a grain of san

15、d,And a heaven in a wild flower,Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,And eternity in an hour.,-William Blake,一花一世界,一沙一天国;君掌盛无边,刹那含永劫。-弘一法师,一花一世界,一叶一菩提;-华严经,She proposed to him!,propose,vt.求婚,He was afraid that if she proposed he might refuse.,New Words,She proposed that the book(ban).,她向他求婚了。,to p

16、ropose marriage,He proposed(change)the name of the company.,v.提议,建议,(sth)(to sb),(should)be banned,changing,The meeting is scheduled to.,commence,v.开始,着手,The day a welcome from the principal.,New Words,1.会议定于午间召开。,3.她于1956年开始行医。,(with sth),commence at noon,commenced with,2.那天由校长致欢迎词开始。,She her medic

17、al career in 1956.,commenced,4.我们下周破土动工.,We next week.,commence building,Regardless of how it is expressed,_ is truthful and timeless because of its novelty.2.Through ever-greater progress to make in your work,you will definitely get a _ position in your career.3.Find your dreams,_ them among your c

18、ommitments and savor them every chance you get,even if just for a moment.4.With more of my love added to English,it will become my _ servant and lifelong friend.5.If youre slimming,resisting _ goodies becomes a measure of your“being decisive”.,romance,superior,weave,faithful,tempting,B.Topic-centere

19、d Study of New Words and Their Use,Climate change is one of the challenges to the whole world,from which no country is _.He is so _ that he tends to think twice before taking any action.Beyond her expectation,the boy even went so far as to _ to her in front of all her friends and relatives.I felt th

20、e seed of love that God planted in my family beginning to _ once again in me.It is a matter of time before you get what you _ for your actions.,bloom,immune,cautious,propose,deserve,B.Topic-centered Study of New Words and Their Use,古典浪漫,有活力的,谨慎的,诱人的,名誉,有抱负的,可爱的,蜜月,跪下(v.),求婚(v.),魅力,更好的,卓越的,免疫的,赞成(v.)

21、,协调(v.),忠诚的,显示(v.),给予(v.),继续进行,甜蜜情侣,Classic Romance,同心结,B.Topic-centered Study of New Words and Their Use,Topic?,Love on Campus,开始(v.),cute,ambitious,dynamic,cautious,tempting,reputation,commence,superb,immune,proceed,Steadies,approve,grant,coordinate,应得(v.),deserve,编织(v.),weave,开花(v.),Love Knot,dis

22、play,faithful,superior,charm,kneel,propose,honeymoon,bloom,College sweethearts,Section A,Suppose you would like to share with your friends one of your most precious memories,what mode of writing would you employ?,Read for the Theme,College Sweethearts,narration,narrative,This text is a _ that tells

23、_ about the author herself.,a romantic story,narrative,narrator,darling,lover,beloved,dear,honey,30,a long journey of love,an echo of the beginning,30,preparation for the topic of love,College Sweethearts,Read for the Theme,introduction(para.1),body(para.2-10),conclusion(para.11),The authors two dau

24、ghters are at the age of _.(Para.1),dating,What do they think of their parents love story?(Para.1),They believe it was a classic fairytale romance heading for marriage from the outset.,Does the author hold the same opinion as her daughters?Why?(Para.1),Does the author hold the same opinion as her da

25、ughters?Why?(Para.1),33,33,College Sweethearts,Read for the Theme,The narrator now has two daughters who are at the age of _.,They believe that their parents had a romantic story _ from the very beginning.,heading for marriage,However,Its not completely true.She started dating Butch not _ but for fu

26、n because she wanted to get away from her boring college life,for love,dating,34,They believe it was a classic fairytale romance heading for marriage from the outset.(para.1),Read between the lines,aim at,from the very beginning,classic,admired by many people,and having a value that has continued fo

27、r a long time,The Coca-cola bottle is one of the classic designs of the last century.,Chinese classics as A Dream in Red Mansions,她们认为她们的父亲和我有着一段经典的、童话般的浪漫史,从一开始就直奔婚姻的殿堂。,a.n.经典的,经典作品,classical music V.S.classic music,translate,35,In a way,love just happens when you least expect it.(para.1),Read bet

28、ween the lines,爱神恰恰在你最没准备的时候来临。,translate,Here is the suspense of the storythe author gives a broad hint that she will tell us how she and her husband got married.,meaning beyond words,Love comes your way when you dont really expect it.,This part is the introduction which prepares for the topic of l

29、ove.The narrator now has two daughters who are_.They believe that their parents had a romantic story _ from the very beginning.However,Its not completely true.She started dating Butch not _ but for fun because she wanted to get away from her boring college life.,Part I(Para.1),heading for marriage,f

30、or love,at the age of dating,Read for the Theme,37,37,Read for the Theme,7 years,beautiful eyes,staring at,love at first sight,curious,a wild boy,weird,Butchs feeling about the author,The authors attitude toward Butch,Their romance was not heading for marriage from the start,wasnt,that interested,39

31、,“You have beautiful eyes,”he said as he gazed at my face.He kept staring at me all night long.,Read between the lines,gaze at,look at sb.or sth.with ones eyes fixed at sth.often without knowing,(无意识地)凝视,盯着看,He was standing on the bridge gazing down at the river beneath.,stare at,look at sb.or sth.w

32、ith eyes widely open for a long time without moving,凝视,盯着看,In many cultures,its rude to stare at people.,ride his bicycle past the dorm“”;pretend to be to see her.,be about his wild personality;_ came over her when she started to fall in love.,fall in love,cautious,Fear,by accident,surprised,little

33、trick:try to see her by making excuses,For what?,For what did the author fall in love with Butch?(Para.3),What was her real reason to find a boyfriend?(Para.3),42,He had a charming way with words which would charm any girl.(para.3),Read between the lines,他很会说话,这会迷倒任何女孩。,translate,He knew how to plea

34、se and attract girls because what he said was always pleasant to their ears.,meaning beyond words,charm,attract sb.And make them like you,v.迷住,吸引,a special quality sb.has that makes people like them,feel attracted to them or be easily influenced by them,n.魅力,魔力,Almost all of the young woman in China

35、 were charmed by his handsome manner.,Song Joong Ki has a charm you couldnt find in other men.,What was her real reason to find a boyfriend?(Para.3),For what did the author fall in love with Butch?(Para.3),an excellent reputation,superior grades,great learning,a great education,stale,boringNo fun,an

36、nounced,promised,went along with,rebel,fun,Why did the author feel worried?(Para.4),Whats the shift?,sexual intercourse,VS.,prior to marriage?,after marriage?,modern?,traditional?,kiss in public,&,What is the main feature of American society in 1960s?,A period of profound societal change;The urge to

37、“find oneself”,the activism,the quest for autonomy were characterized by changes toward sexual attitudes and practices,particularly among the young.,激进主义,自主权,3.What was the real situation on American college campus at that time?,Even in the“liberal”1960s,conservative and traditionalist views were wi

38、dely held;Quite many college students were actually following a more traditional pattern of dating,romantic but conservative,a clear stream on campus in the 1960s.,48,Butch looked superb!But I wasnot immune to his personality.,Read between the lines,extremely good,influenced by,immune,1.not influenc

39、ed or affected by,Few women were immune to his charm.,1.不受影响的,很少有女性对他的魅力无动于衷。,Most people whove had chickenpox once are immune to it for the rest of their life.,2.safe from disease,because you cannot be infected by it,2.免疫的,49,a long journey of love,an echo of the beginning,49,preparation for the to

40、pic of love,College Sweethearts,Read for the Theme,introduction(para.1),body(para.2-10),conclusion(para.11),50,50,Read for the Theme,beautiful eyes,staring at,love at first sight,curious,a wild boy,weird,Butchs feeling about the author,The authors attitude toward Butch,wasnt,that interested,ride his

41、 bicycle past the dorm“”;pretend to be to see her.,be about his wild personality;_ came over her when she started to fall in love.,fall in love,cautious,Fear,by accident,surprised,announced,promised,went along with,rebel,fun,be expelled from,resigned,officially force sb.to eave,accept,lodged,Their r

42、elationship had come to a new stage,granted,coordinated,eventually,a turning point of the relationship,balanced,became steadies,What did the author realize?,perfect gentleman,pure and responsible,Sometimes:,display his loveplant a kiss on my lips,58,Sitting by the palm trees,hand in hand,we would li

43、sten to romantic songs,watch the sunset,and weave dreams of being together with children of our own,forever.(para.8),Read between the lines,我们坐在棕榈树下,手牵着手,听着浪漫的歌曲,观赏着日落,编织着和我们自己的孩子在一起的美梦,一直到永远。,translate,Butch _ marriage to her;She _ her love for him;She was still _ about their future for they had no

44、t yet graduated from college.,What happened one day?,They Got Married!,proposed,confessed,pessimistic,60,Two years passed in a blur.(para.9),Read between the lines,blur,1.sth.that you cannot remember clearly,n.模糊的记忆,become difficult to see,or make sth.difficult to see,because the edge are not clear,

45、v.使模糊,看不清,I was hurt badly,and the day after the accident went by in a blur.,The street lights were blurred by the fog.,我受了重伤,出事的那天只剩下一片模糊的记忆。,街灯在迷雾的笼罩中变得昏暗了。,61,Two years passed in a blur.(para.9),Read between the lines,两年很快就过去了,只剩下一片模糊的记忆。,translate,blur,n.模糊的记忆,v.使模糊,看不清,Two years passed so quick

46、ly that I didnt really remember everything clearly.,62,we are too young to tie the knot.(para.9),Read between the lines,knot,n./v.结,打结,a tight uncomfortable feeling in your stomach,ect.caused by a strong emotion such as fear or anger,n.紧张感,1.He made aknotin the rope.(tie/loosen)2.The girlknotsher ha

47、ir with a ribbon.,Her stomach was in knots.,她的心揪得紧紧的。,get married,63,knot,n./v.结,打结,n.紧张感,Mathilda:Leon,I think Im kind falling in love with you.(Leon chokes on his milk)Its the first time for me,you know?Lon:(wiping himself off)How do you know its love if youve never been in love before?Mathilda:Ca

48、use I feel it.Lon:Where?Mathilda:(stoking her stomach)In my stomach.Its all warm.I always had a knot there and now.its gone.Lon:Mathilda,Im glad you dont have a stomach ache any more.I dont think it means anything.,Part II Paras.2-10,This is the major part of the narrative.It is interspersed with fl

49、ashbacks of the narrators dating experiences.The story records the long journey of love in a time sequence and describes in detail how she felt about Butch and how they together went through ups and downs for seven years before they finally got married.,(文学和电影中)闪回,倒叙,65,cutecharmingexcitingtemptings

50、uperba perfect gentlemandeserve credit,wilddangerousweirddynamicrebel,Critical Appreciation,Words for personality,66,curiouscautiousfearambitiousboredworriedscareddisgustpessimistic,love at first sightgaze atstare at“by accident”pretend to be surprisedannounced to the worldwhisper sweet wordsdisplay


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