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1、,成长教育教学课件,讲课人:优质老师,呵护儿童健康成长,1,课件在线,八年级下1-3单元复习课件,2,课件在线,Will people have robots?,意义:一般将来时表示将要发生的动作或情况:,I will arrive tomorrow.我明天到.Will you be busy today?你今晚忙吗?,形式:will/shall+V原 缩写形式:Ill theyll shell itll will be+N.或Adj.否定形式:will not=wont,Ill think it over.我想一想.Well only stay for two weeks.我们只待两个星期.

2、He wont be a successful player in the future.,一般将来时,构成:一般将来时由助动词shall或will加动词原形构成,标志性的词或词组:in+一段时间,tomorrow,in the future next year,3,课件在线,Will people have robots?,1)be going+不定式(表示打算、准备做的事或即将发生和肯定要发生的事):,How are you going to spend your holidays?假期你准备怎样过?I think it is going to snow.我看要下雪了.,2)现在进行时(表

3、示按计划安排要发生的事):,Were having an English party tonight.我们今晚将有个英语晚会.How are you going by boat or by train?你们怎么去,坐车去还是坐火车去?,但这只限于少量动词,如:go,come,leave,start,arrive,lunch,return,work,sleep,stay,play,do,have,wear 等,4,课件在线,Will people have robots?,词语对对碰,in vs after,相同点:这两个词后都可接时间,表示“在 以后”不同点:“in+一段时间”表示以现在为起点

4、的将来一段时间以后,常与将来时连用.“after+一段时间”表示以过去某一时间点开始的一段时间以后,常于一般过去时连用.当after后接某一时间点时,仍可用于将来时.,Itll be finished _ five minutes.He rang you up _supper.Ill be free _ nine oclock.Its two oclock.Ill come _ an hour.,in,after,after,in,5,课件在线,Will people have robots?,词语对对碰,can vs be able to,相同点:两者都表示能力不同点:can只有现在式和过去

5、式.be able to可用于现在时、过去时和将来时,但它没有进行时.表示经过努力而成功的某一次动作,只能用be able to.,试做以下试题:He _ drive a car.He _climb over the mountain before.,can,was able to,6,课件在线,Will people have robots?,词语对对碰,fewer vs less,相同点:这两个词后都是比较级,均可表示“较少的”不同点:fewer是few的比较级,只能修饰可数名词的复数.less是little的比较级,只能修饰不可数名词的复数.,试做以下试题:I earn _ money

6、than my sister.There are _ cars parked outside than yesterday.We have _ students this year than last year.You ought to smoke _ cigarettes and drink _ beer.,fewer,fewer,fewer,less,less,7,课件在线,Will people have robots?,词语对对碰,as vs like,as 表示作为like 表示像,试做以下试题:,_ a basketball player,he wants to be a succ

7、essful player _ YaoMing.,C.,A.Like like B.As as C.As like D.Like as,8,课件在线,Will people have robots?,考题点津:()1.I think kids will study at home on computers _ ten years.A.at B.for C.after D.in()2.Do you think _ a football match tomorrow?A.there will be B.will there be C.there will have D.there are goin

8、g to be A.came truth B.came truly C.came true D.was coming to true()3.Im good at ball games.Ill be _ in the future.A.a football player B.a movie star C.a reporter D.an engineer,9,课件在线,()4.A dog robot could help _ the room.A.cleaning B.getting C.clean D.get()5.You can read all kinds of books _ comput

9、ers in 10 years.A.in B.on C.from D.of()6.They _ to work.Theyll work at home instead.A.will go B.wont go C.didnt go D.went,10,课件在线,活到 live to be 成为现实 come true有能力去 be able to 将来 in the future程序员 computer programmer多数人 most of people空闲时间 free time 度假 on vacation/holiday太空站 space station 在家学习 study at

10、home更多污染 more pollution 世界杯 the world cup居住 live in/on 滑冰 go skating五年之后 in five years 获奖 win award放飞 flyto 作为一名记者 as a reporter,11,课件在线,爱上 fall in love with 预测未来 predict the future养宠物 keep a pet 最之一 one of the+最高级+名复工作日期间 during the week 电影公司 movie company穿套装 wear a suit 科幻 science fiction成百上千 hund

11、reds of 试图 try to看起来像 look like 寻找 look for 醒来 wake up 一遍又一遍 over and over again变得厌烦 get bored 穿过 go through寻找 look for,12,课件在线,help sb.do/with sth 帮助做 eg:我帮妈妈打扫房间 I help mother clean the house.我帮助妹妹做作业 I help sister with homework.make sb do sth 使某人做 make sb+adj 使某人怎么样了 eg:这部电影让我们哭了。This movie makes

12、 us cry.这个好消息令我们很激动。This good news makes us exciting.,重点句型,13,课件在线,it is(for sb)to do sth 对某人来说做 怎么样 eg:对他来说学习数学太难了。It is difficult for him to study English.看电影太有趣了。It is very interesting to watch movies.the same as 和 一样 eg:他的衣服和我的衣服是一样的。His clothes is the same as me/mine.我的好朋友总是和我看一样的电影。My good fri

13、end always watches the same movies as I do.,14,课件在线,Unit 2 What should I do?,询问Whats up?Whats the matter?Whats the problem?Whats the trouble?Whats wrong?What should I do?-You look unhappy!_?-Oh,I failed my test again.Whats the up B.Whats matter C.Whats the matter D.Whats the wrong,C.,15,课件在线,给出建议You

14、 should/could+V原I think youd better+V原Why not do sth/Why dont you do sth?Lets do sth,-I argued with my parents last night.I dont know what to do?-I think youd better_ about it with them.And you should _ sorry to them.A.Talking say B.talked saying C.talk say D.talks says,C.,16,课件在线,同意别人的意见Good idea!I

15、 agree with you.I think so.That sounds good.Sounds like a good idea.Maybe you are right!不同意别人的意见I dont think so.I disagree with you.I dont agree with you.,17,课件在线,词语辨析,足够的 enoughadj+enough 形容词放在前面enough+n.名词放在后面,-Do you think we have _?-Yes,but I think the room is not _ to store it.enough food,enoug

16、h big B.food enough,big enoughC.enough food,big enough D.enough food,enough big,C.,18,课件在线,1)sb.pay for sth.某人为某物花了钱。2)sb.spend on sth.某人花了(时间、金钱)在某事上。3)sth.cost sb.某物花了某人钱(in)doing sth.某人花了(时间、金钱)做某事。4)It takes/took sb.to do sth.花了某人(时间、金钱)做某事。,pay for,cost,spend,take,afford,What a beautiful sweate

17、r!How much did you _for it?Atake B.cost C.pay D.spend,C.,19,课件在线,借 lend borrow keep,Lend to 借出去 borrowfrom 从借进来 keep 借一段时间,Could you please _me your bike?Sorry,Amy _it an hour ago.Lend,borrow B.Lend,borrowed C.borrow;lent D.borrow;lend-Linda lent her book to me,but I only can _ it for three daysA.Bo

18、rrow B.have C.lend D.keep,C.,D.,20,课件在线,穿 dress wear put ondress 装扮 dress sb 给某人穿衣服 dress up 化妆,打扮wear 穿着,戴着 强调状态put on 穿上,强调动作,My brother is too small,he cant _ himself.Oh,its raining outside,you should _ your raincoat.Today is NewYear Day,people all _ their beautiful clothes.,dress,put on,wear,21,

19、课件在线,忘记 forget leave,忘记去做什么事情 forget to do sth忘记做过什么事情 forget doing sth把什么东西忘记了,落下了 leave sth somewhere,1.I need to go back to school,I _ my English book in my desk.forget B.forgot C.left D leave2.-Why you look worried?-Oh,I forgot _ my homework.Teacher will be angry with me.A.to finish B.finishing

20、C.finished D.finishes,C.,A.,22,课件在线,建议 advice 不可数名词 suggestion 可数名词a piece of advice 一条建议 some advice a suggestion some suggestions,lonely alonelonely 寂寞,强调内心alone孤独,一般做表语 放在系动词的后面He lives _.I am a _ kid,I have no friends.,lonely,alone,23,课件在线,except 除了什么之外的,不包括在内besides 除了,但是包括在内的,1.Everyone passed

21、 the test,_ Linda.2.We went to the beach last weekeng _ Lily,because she was ill.,except,besides,24,课件在线,重点词组待在家里 stay at home 播放CD play CD 太大声 too loud 足够的钱 enough money 对说对不起 say sorry to 球赛的票 a ticket to ball game 在电话里谈 talk on the phone 使某人吃惊支付 surprise sb/to ones surpise 支付 pay for 夏令营 summer c

22、amp,25,课件在线,兼职工作 part-time job 卖自制的考面包 have a bake sale 想起 think of 考虑 think over 请家教 get a tutor 过时 out of style 时尚 in style给打电话 call up 写一封信 write a letter 找出,发现find out,26,课件在线,孤独的小孩 lonely kid 与相处 get on/along with 返回 teturn/get back 与争吵 agrue with/have an argument with 从到 fromto 把带去taketo 承担太多压

23、力 under too much pressure 抱怨complain that/complain about doing,27,课件在线,参加take part in 固执的父母 pushy parents 送去 send to 各种各样的all kinds of 与比较 compare with 为计划 plan for 一方面另一方面 on one handon the other hand 找到时间做fit into 青少年论坛 teen talk 向借进来 borrowfrom,28,课件在线,重点句型,1.asas possible 尽可能的 as和as 中间放形容词或副词的原型

24、。eg.The old man fell down,we sent him to hospital as quick as possible.2.notuntil 没有直到(直到才)Mother didnt go home until it was 12 oclock.3.its time for+名词或动名词Its time for homework.Or Its time for doing homework.,29,课件在线,3单元词句复习,in front of 在的前面(外部)in the front of 在的前面(内部)in the library 在图书馆get out of/

25、get into 出之外/进入sleep late 睡懒觉 sleep well 睡得好 get to sleep 睡着,30,课件在线,walk down/along 沿走take off(飞机)起飞;脱下(衣帽)on Sunday evening 在星期日晚上注意:(特指某日如星期、假日、某月某日或某个特定的上、下午、晚上用on)in the tree 在树上take photos 照相at the train station在火车站,31,课件在线,run away跑开,逃跑as+adj原形 as 和一样例如:She is(not)as beautiful as her sister.I

26、 can run as fast as he(him)buy/draw/make sth.for sb.为某人买/画/制作walk home 走回家in history 在历史上for example例如in the city of在市,32,课件在线,on the playground在操场上ten minutes ago 十分钟前take place 发生(强调必然性)happen to sth./sb.发生(强调偶然性)例如:What has happened to you?=Whats the matter with you?=Whats wrong with you?of cours

27、e=sure=certainly当然all over the world=around the world遍及全世界outside/inside the station在车站外/内,33,课件在线,next to 相邻,紧贴close to接近于;在附近be ill in hospital/bed 生病住院/在床hear about/of听说(间接听到)in silence 沉默不语,34,课件在线,本单元目标句型:1.I was doing sth.When+一般过去时的时间状语从句.2.How about./What about.?3.While sth./sb.was doing sth

28、.,I was doing sth.4.当不明飞行物着陆时,你正在干啥?What were you doing when the 5.当妈妈正在做饭时,我在看电视。While my mother was cooking,I was watching TV.,35,课件在线,本单元语法讲解,过去进行时(Past Progressive Tense)句型 S+was/were+V-ing例A:She was doing her homework at 8:30 yesterday evening.(昨天傍晚八点半她正在做家庭作业。)例B:We were having supper at that time.(那个时候我们正在吃晚饭。),36,课件在线,


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