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1、Lesson 101,A card from Jimmy,card,n.,卡,纸牌;,明信片,play cards,postcard,n.,明信片,send sb.a postcard,打牌,寄给某人明信,New,words,Scotland,n.,苏格兰,youth,n.,In my,youth,my dream is to be a,scientist.,年轻时,我的梦想是成为一名科学家。,The fight was started by a gang of,youth,s.,这次斗殴是由一伙小青年引挑起的。,hostel,a,hostel,for the homeless,无家可归者的收

2、容所,hotel,association,n.,协会,联盟,CFA=,C,hina,F,ootball,A,ssociation,中,国,足,球,协,会,NBA=,C,hina,B,asketball,A,ssociation,中,国,篮,球,协,会,write,v.,写,写字;写作,He,wrote,some very famous books.,他写了几本很有名的书。,write-,wrote,-,written,?,Where did Jimmy stay in Scotland?,?,Which association does Jimmy belong to,?,Did Jimmy

3、say much?Why?,Answer,the questions,else,adv.,其他,另外,1.else,是个副词,与不定代词或副词(以,-one,-,body,-thing,-where,结尾的词)连用,表示,“,另外,”,、,“,其它,”,的意思,用于这些词后面。,eg:Would you like something else to drink?,你还要,喝点别的什么吗?,We went to the park and nowhere else.,我们到,公园去了,其它什么地方也没去。,2.else,还可用在疑问代词或副词(如:,who,what,where,等)后面表示强调。

4、,eg:Who else will go to the meeting?,还有谁要去参加会,议?,What else,does he says?,他还说了些什么?,3.else,还常用于固定结构,or else,意为“否则”、,“要不然”。,eg:Run,or else well be late.,快跑,不然我们就迟到了。,Do what I say,or else!,照我的话去做,否则后果自负。,speak,up,stand,up,站起来,turn,up,the TV,调大电视音量,get,up,起床,put,up,your hands,举起手,look,up,at the sky,仰视天空

5、,up adv.,向上,起来,上升,往上,I hope you are all well.,I hope(that)you are all well.,宾语从句的关系连词,that,常可以省略。,I believe(that)the heart does go on.,-,from,Titanic,反义疑问句,?,表示询问、惊讶、愤怒等感情。,?,结构:,陈述句,+,简略疑问句,?,使用规则:,A.,陈述部分与疑问部分的动词时态和动词性,质应保持一致,;,B.,陈述部分与疑问部分,“肯定”,和”否定”,形式彼此相反,。,He,likes,books,doesnt,he?,The dinner,

6、isnt,ready,is,it?,?,The doctor,comes,at once,?,?,They,stay,in a Youth Hostel,?,?,Jimmy,didnt write,much,?,?,Jimmy,has arrived,in Scotland,?,?,He,will write,a letter soon,?,doesnt he,dont they,did he,hasnt he,wont he,Direct speech,直接引语,和间接引语,&indirect speech,)人称的变化,一,随,主,二,随,宾,三,不,变,引号内的第一人,称变间引后与主,句

7、主语的人称保,持一致,引号内的第二人,称变间引后与主,句宾语的人称保,持一致,引号内的第三人,称在变间引后去人,称不变,She said,“I,like t,ennis.”,She said that,she,liked tennis,He said to Lily,“you must get,up early”,He told Lily,that she must,get up,early,She said to me,“,they want to,help him”,She told me,that they,wanted,help him,一随主,二随宾,三不变,引述别人的话语一般采用两

8、种方式,:,一.原封不动地引用原话,把它放在括,号内,这叫直接引语,(,Direct speech,);,二,.,用自己的话加以转述,这叫间接引,语,(,Indirect speech,).,由直接引语转变为间接引语,有时会引,时,态,的变化,注意以下几个方面,:,从句动词时态不变,She often,says,that,all men and,women,are,equal,under the law.,一般现在时,“,I,know,it,”,he said.,一般过去时,He said that,he,knew,it.,现在进行时,“,I,m,making,coffee for,you a

9、ll,”she,said.,过去进行时,She said she,was,making,coffee for us,all.,现在完成时,“,I,have,seen,her,before,”said,he.,过去完成时,He said he,had,seen,her,before.,现在完成时,“,I,have,seen,her,before,”said,he.,过去完成时,He said he,had,seen,her,before.,一般过去时,“,I,saw,her,last,Monday,”,he said.,过去完成时,He said he,had,seen,her the,prev

10、ious,Monday.,过去完成时,“,Do you,know Rick,had,been,ill in bed,for many days,till he died?”,Jack asked.,过去完成时,Jack asked if I,knew Rick,had,been,ill in bed,for many days,till he died.,一般将来时,He said:,“We,shall,start,tomorrow.”,过去将来时,He said they,would,start,the next day.,直接引语变间接引语时,时态要发生变化,:,一般现在时,现在完成时,现

11、在进行时,一般将来时,一般过去时,过去完成时,一般过去时,过去完成时,过去进行时,过去将来时,过去完成时,由直接引语转变为间接引语,下列情况,时态不变,:,1.,不变的真理,The teacher said to the students,“Water,freezes when the temperature falls below,0,.”,The teacher told the students that,water freezes when the temperature falls,below 0,.,2.,经常的习惯:,He said to the doctor,“I smoke

12、two,packs every day.”,He told the doctor that he smokes,two packs every day.,3.,历史事件:,The teacher said,“World War,ended in 1945.”,The teacher said that World War,ended in 1945.,4.,部分情态动词,如,must,ought to,used to,had better,等:,She said to me:“You must hurry up.”,She said that I must hurry up.,由直接引语转变为

13、间接引语,下列代词、,形容词、副词、动词等可能要变化,that,those,then,Before/earlier,that day,the next/following day,in two days time,the day before,the night before,two days,before/earlier,go,there,1.Jack said to me,“You look worried,today.”,Jack told me that _ worried _.,A.he lookstoday,B.you looktoday,C.we lookedthat day,D

14、.I lookedthat day,Exercise II,2.We said to her,“Theyre walking,through the street now.”,We told her that _ through the,street _.,A.we were walkingthen,B.you are walkingnow,C.they were walkingthen,D.they walkingnow,3.Mr Black said,“I have walked a long,way this week.”,Mr Black said that _ a long way

15、_.,A.I had walkedlast week,B.he had walkedthat week,C.I walkedlast week,D.he has walkedthis week,4.The man thought,“I shall take it,back tomorrow.”,The man thought that _ take it back,_.,A.I shalltomorrow,B.I shallthe next day,C.he shouldtomorrow,D.he would the next day,5.They said to us,“Are you af

16、raid to,leave this house?”,They asked us _ afraid to leave,_ house.,A.that were wethis,B.that we werethat,C.if were we this,D.if we werethat,6.Jane said,“What did he hear about a,week ago?”,Jane asked _ about _.,A.that he hearda week ago,B.what he had heardthe week before,C.what he had herd a week a

17、go,D.if he heardthe week ago,7.She asked,“Whose house will he,break into next time?”,She asked whose house _ break,into _.,A.will henext time,B.would hethe next time,C.he wouldthe next time,D.he willnext time,8.Jack said to her,“Where do you spend,your holidays?”,Jack asked her where _ holidays.,A.s

18、he spent her B.you spend your,C.she spend her D.you spent your,9.Black asked me,“Why havent you,left here yet?”,Black asked me why _ yet.,A.I hadnt left there,B.I havent left here,C.hadnt I left there,D.havent I left here,10.The teacher asked her,“Does the,sun rise in the east?”,The teacher asked he

19、r _ the sun,_ in the east.,A.ifrise,B.ifrises,C.whetherrose,D.whether did rise,将下列直接引语改为间接引语,1.,He says:”I have got a cold.”,2.,Jim says:“I am staying at a hostel.”,3.,Grandmother says:“I cant hear you.”,4.,Penny says:“I passed my driving test.”,He says(that)he has got a cold.,Jim says(that)he is staying at a hostel.,Grandmother says(that)she cant hear you.,Penny says(that)she passed my driving test.,


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