1、开学第一课(英语课),INTRODUCTIONxxxWenlyQQ:xxxTEL:xxx,E-mail:,Its your turn to market yourselves!,YES,I AM READY!,1、My name is/Im 2、I come from/I am from3、I like/Im fond of 4、My dream is,Game,1、Everyone should have a blank card2、Write down your characteristics of your look or clothers on your card.3、Put all
2、cards into a box and mix them,send them to every student.4、10 minutes to find the exact student,write the name on the back of card.5、You should read the card to the whole class and tell them your answer.,Game failures should guess what it is in the picture!,Lets start our travelling from the Great W
3、all of China.,Sydney Opera House Australia,The Statue of LibertyU.S.A.,Eiffel Tower France,The Fuji Mountain Japan,The Pyramids Egypt,Taj Mahal India,Forbidden City China,Now we come back to our homelandChina.,Do you want to go abroad for furthereducation?,Oxford University,Princeton University,Cambridge University,Harvard University,Yale University,学期计划,1、4-14周 新超越大学英语综合教程及练习册2、15-18周 高等学校英语应用能力B级试卷3、学习任务:B级考试4、学习必备:1个练习本(班级统一)1本英语词典,1、全勤,允许特殊情况请假2、课堂纪律 三忌:睡觉,玩手机,垂头丧气3、按时保质完成作业,清规戒律,Thank you.,此课件下载可自行编辑修改,仅供参考!感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!谢谢!,