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1、Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation一单选( )1. Where did Mr. Green go _ vacation? A. in B. for C. on D. at( )2. Did the child have fun _ storybooks? A. read B. reading C. to read D. reads( )3. _ do you think of sitcoms(情景喜剧)? A. How B. What C. Where( )4.Dont worry about me. Im old enough to think for _

2、. A. himself B. herself C. yourself D. myself( )5.Would you like to go out for a walk? - Good idea, and the TV programs are too _. A. bored B. interesting C. boring D. interested( )6.You have justread the newspaper. Did you find _ in it? A. interesting anything B. anything interesting C. interesting

3、 something( )7.The man has _ friends in this city, so he often stays at home. A. a few B. few C. little D. a little( )8.Did you enjoy your job? -_. I just make it for a living. A. It was fun B. Not really C. Sounds good D. Thats for sure( )9.How was your summer vacation in Qingdao? - Terrible. It ra

4、ined a lot and I spent _of the time in the hotel. A. many B. little C. most D. few( )10._ they didnt know the news. A. It seems to be B. It seemed C. They seemed D. They seems that( )11. I feed the grapes _ my daughter. A. to B. on C. with D. for( )12. I cant find _ to sit on the crowded bus.A. nowh

5、ere B. somewhere C. anywhere D. everywhere( )13. There is _ with the watch. It works very well.A. Anything well B. nothing wrong C. Something wrong D. wrong something( )14. It seems that Peter has nothing to do at the moment. -Let me give him _ to read.A. anything B. something C. everything D. nothi

6、ng( )15 . Only father worked in our family, so we could save _ money each year. A. little B. a little C. few D. a few( )16 . These books are nice. You can take _ of them.A. someone B. everyone C. anyone D. any one( )17 . This is _ interesting story. Everyone likes it.A. a most B. the most C. most of

7、 D. more much( )18. Bob, its getting cold outside. _ take a jacket? -All right, Mum. A. Why do you B. Why not C. Why did you D. Why dont( )19. I like reading. -Great! It can _ your mind.A. read B. lose C. feed D. feel( )20. Hes a famous cook. This dish tastes _.A. very well B. good C. well D. badly(

8、 )21. Dont worry(担心). Everything _ OK. A. be B. is C. are D. am( ) 22You can do nothing but _. A. to wait B. waiting C. wait D. waited( )23. Are you _ a bus? A. wait B. waiting C. wait for D. waiting for( ) 24. I have quite _ friends. I feel very happy.A. few B. a few C. little D. a little二词汇运用1. My

9、 family lives in the _(center) park of the city.2. Today I visited the museum and it was really _(精彩的)3. I lost my pen yesterday and I cant find it _(在任何地方)4. Lucys mother is _(wait) for Lucy at the bus station.5. Do you have fun at Toms party? Yes, _ (everyone) has a great time.6. I _(想知道) what the

10、y did yesterday evening.7. My uncle is a _(商人). He sells clothes.8. These _(build) are in the center of the city. They are very old.三用所给词的适当形式填空。1. I enjoyed _ (I) at the party yesterday.2. As everyone _ (know), China is a beautiful country with a long history.3. Shes _ (boring) with her present job

11、.4. I urge all of your readers to visit our _ (wonder) zoo soon.5. More and more foreign _ (visit) come to visit China these days.6. The Greens have two months free time. Theyre on _ (vacation) in Beijing.7. Im going to go _ (shop) for clothes at the Fashion Parade Store today.四根据汉语完成句子1. 好久不见。 _.2.

12、 大多数学生骑自行车去上学。_ _ the students go to school by bike.3. 你每天写日记吗? Do you _ _ _ every day?4. 汤姆看起来是一个非常聪明的男孩Tom seems _ _ a very smart boy.5. The only problem was that there was _ _ _ _ in the evening _ read.(除了阅读没事可做)6. How do you like the soccer match ?(同义句转换)_ do you _ _ the soccer match?7. He seems

13、 to know everything. (同义句转换) _ _ that he _ everything.五:用不定代词或不定副词填空:1. I cant hear anything = I can hear _.2. There is _ on the floor. Please pick it up.3. Did _ go to play basketball with you ?4. I phoned you last night, but _ answered it.5. I dont think _ telephoned.6. Why dont you ask _ to help

14、you ?7. If you want _ , please let me know.8. Shall we get _ to drink ?9. Dont worry. Theres _ wrong with your ears.10. Theres _ in the box. Its empty.11. Maybe _ put my pencil _. I cant find it _.Unit 1 Section A 知识点练习 2一单选。( ) 1. Therere _ interesting places in China.Aquite a fewBquite a little Cf

15、ewDlittle( ) 2. _ dont like their children to play computer games too much.Amost parentsBmost of the parents CMost parentsDMost of the parent( ) 3. Who helped you repair your bike? _!I repaired it all by myself.AAnybodyBEverybody CSomebody DNobody( ) 4. What else do you want? _else. I think I have g

16、ot everything now.ASomething BEverything CNothing DAnything( ) 5. The books are so nice,which one can I take?Oh,you can take _ of them. Ill keep none.Aboth BallCneither Deither( ) 6. My sister has two skirts. One is yellow,_is black.AotherBanotherCothers Dthe other( ) 7. Would you like some bread or

17、 cookies?_,thanks. I dont have any food before going to bed.ANone BEither CNeither Dboth( ) 8. How many people are there in the hall? _.They all go home.ANo one BNone CNobody DEverybody( ) 9. A smile costs nothing,but gives so _.Alittle Bfew Cmany Dmuch ( ) 10. Last Sunday we went to the beach . We

18、had great fun _ in the water.A. playing B. plays C. play D. to play( ) 11.What did the foreigners _ their vacation?A. think of B. think for C. think over D. think of as( )12. My mother and I _ at my home _ that snowy night.A. were, at B. was, at C. were, on D. was , on( ) 13. Id like _ bananas and p

19、ears. Oh, I only need _ orange juice.A. some; a few B. a few; a little C. a little; a few D. a little; a few( )14.Who teaches _ singing? Nobody, I learn it by _.A. your; mine B. your; myself C. you; myself D. you; me二 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。1. Id like to do something s_ on your birthday. 2. This story s_ bo

20、ring, so I dont like it. 3. In my free time, I like to keep d_.4. -Lisa, did you go a _ last weekend?-Yes, I went to Hangzhou with my sister.5. I bought something for my friends, but n_ for myself.6. The movie isnt interesting at all, so I feel b_ about it.7. There are f_ students in the classroom.

21、They are all having a P.E. class on the playground.三 完成句子。1. Everyone _ _ _(在度假) then.2. I _ something _ my father last month.(为买)3. Everything _(尝起来) really _(good/well).4. What did you think of it? (同义句) _ did you _ it?5. Still no one seemed _ _ _.(没有人感到无聊)6.Did you meet _ _(友好的人) in that city?7.T

22、here are _ _ _(相当多) wonderful places to visit in China.8.Did you buy _ _(一些特别的东西)?9. I bought something for my farther. (改为否定句)I _ _ _ for my farther.10. Did you go out with anyone?(改为肯定句) I _ out with _.11. I bought nothing.(同义句转换) I _ _ _.Unit 1 Section B 知识点练习 1一. 单选 ( )1. Mary decided _ pop musi

23、c the next day. A. to listen B. listen to C. to listen to D. listening to( )2. Shes trying _ an elephant there. A. draw B. to draw C. to drawing D. draws( )3. -Would you like _ shopping with me? -Sorry, I feel like _ this book. A. to go; read B. to go, reading C. going, to read D. going, reading( )4

24、. There is no _ between the twins. A. difference B. different C. differently D. differences( )5. Are you _ a bus? A. wait B. waiting C. wait for D. waiting for( ) 6. Is there _ milk for me? A. many B. a few C. enough D. few( )7. There _ a football match on TV yesterday evening. A. have B. had C. is

25、D. was ( )8. There was _ rain in the south of China last summer. A. too many B. too much C. much too D. many too( )9. He was tired , so he_. A. stops to relaxes B. stopped to relaxed C. stopped to relax D. stops relaxing ( )10 .Oh, I forgot _my ruler with me. Can I use yours? A. bringB. broughtC. to

26、 bringD. bringing( )11. When you take a vacation,you must take enough money _ youA. in B. from C. for D. with( )12. Its hot outside. Please_ a sunhat _ you. A. take; toB. bring; toC. bring; withD. take; with ( ) 13. We have to stay at home _ the heavy rain. A. because B. because of C. but D. so ( )

27、14. We dont have _ to buy this sweater, though (虽然) the sweater is _.A. enough money, good enough B. enough money, enough good C. money enough, well enough D. enough money, well enough ( )15. Ann likes going to school by bike but dislikes _ to school on foot. A. to go B. go C. going D. goes ( ) 16.

28、The cookies _ good. Can I have some more? A. taste B. smell C. feel D. sound ( )17. Yesterday Jim did his homework _ day.A. all B. the all C. whole the D. some( )18. Did your father arrive _ Hangzhou yesterday? -Yes, he did.A. in B. at C. to D. around( ) 19. Im happy that I can play basketball _ the

29、 fine weather. A. because B. because of C. as D. so( )20. The box is _ heavy _ I cant carry it.A. too; to B. such; that C. so; that D. enough; to( )21. What is the boy doing? -Hes jumping up and down in _.A. excited B. exciting C. excite D. excitement( )22. After _ so much homework, I was _ and didn

30、t want to do anything.A. doing; tired B. do; tired C. doing; happy D. to do; glad( )23.The news made me _ .A. feel excited B. feel exciting C. to feel excited D. to feel exciting二词汇1. Its very interesting to f_ cows in the farm. 2. I like the picture, but my sister d_ it. 3.We must w_ when the traff

31、ic light is red. 4.I want to go on vacation but I cant d_ when to go. 5.I d_ the sweater because it is out of the style(过时).6.Can you find some d_ between the twin brothers? 7.She ate n_ but some bread at the party.三 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. I had a _ (enjoy) weekend. 2. Can you tell me the _ (different) betw

32、een the twins? 3. The little girl goes to the movie in _ (excite). 4. We took quite a few _ (photo) in the countryside. 5. The holiday is _ (real) exciting. 6. The children _ (play) soccer there. Lets go and have a look.7. _ (be) everyone at school yesterday morning8. Would you like _ (visit) the mu

33、seum with me?9.What about _(dance)? Good idea.10. Its very interesting _ ( feed) the pets.11.Do you feel like_ (drink) some orange?12.Our teacher often keeps us _(read) English in the morning. 四 句型转换1.I did my homework yesterday.(改为否定句) I_ _my homework yesterday.2.She went to New York on vacation.(就

34、划线部分提问) _did she _on vacation?3.Vera visited the Great Wall last Sunday.(改为一般疑问句) _ Vera_ the Great Wall last Sunday?4. The students had great fun in the park.(改为同义句) The students_ _ _ _ in the park.5. He was there at this time yesterday. (改为一般疑问句) _ he_ at this time yesterday?6. What do you think o

35、f the TV play?(同义句) _do you _the TV play? 7 .Why dont you come to join us?(同义句) _ _come to join us? Unit 1 section B 知识点练习2I 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词1. There are many d_ between English names and Chinese names.2. The radio says it will rain later, and you should take an u_ with you.3. I dont have e_ money. Ca

36、n you lend me some?4. We should t_ to help people in trouble.5. I w_ if you can give me a hand.6. They have to stay at home b_ of the bad weather.7. Mary often help her mother do h_ on weekends.8. We saw many tall b_ in the town.9. Dont let him w_ for us too long.10. Because of the bad weather, we c

37、ouldnt see anything b_.II 用所给词的适当形式填空1. Tony decided _ (visit) the Great Wall.2. I dont feel like _ (walk) very much today.3. We should try _ (learn) English well because it is very useful.4. -:Did you have fun in the park? -: Yes, we enjoyed _(we).5. Dont be worried. Come on and have a _(try).6. Th

38、ere are lots of _(activity) in our school.7. Frank tries his best _ (drink) milk every day.8. There _(be not) many buildings here in the past.9. Its raining _ (hard). However, I still want to go there.10. Thats all for the text. Now lets go on _ (learn ) the grammar.III 单项选择1. Tom is _ to go to school.A. big enough B. old enough C. enough old D. enough old2. I am tired. I dont feel like _ today.A. to walk B. walking C. walk D. walks3. The best way to learn English is to enjoy _ to it. A. listen B. to listen C. listening D. talk4. T


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