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1、Unit 1 Li Ming Goes to CanadaLesson 1 At the Airport、英汉互译1. what time3. 回家 5. half past two2. 旅途愉快 4. arrive in6. 坐下 、看图选择正确时间( )1. What time is it now? ItsA. nineB. four oclockC. eleven)2. I want to learn English atam.A. sixB. twelveC.one)3. How does he arrive here? He arrives here at _A. half past

2、 twelve B. half past six C. half past one按照所给时间将时针和分针在图上标出1. a quarter to seven 2. half past seven3. eight oclock4. twenty past two四、翻译下列句子。1. What time is it now? 2. Look at the clock. 3. His planewill arrive at five oclock. 4. Its two oclock in the afternoon in Shanghai.5. Did you have a good trip

3、? 6. Here he is.答案一、1. 几点 2. have a good trip 3. go home 4. 到达 5. 两点半 6. sit down二、1. B 2. A 3. C三、1. 6:45 2. 7:30 3. 8:00 4. 2:20四、1. 现在几点了? 2. 看看表。 3. 他的飞机将在五点到。 4. 现在是上海 下午两点。 5. 你的旅途愉快吗? 6. 他在这儿。Lesson 2 Jennys House、看图,选一选1. Heres(Judys, Judy) house.2. My friend will show(your, you) his house.3

4、. This is my bedroom. That is(she, her) bedroom.4. A bathroom is on the(second, two) floor.5. There(is, are) five rooms in my house.三、我会选。()1. There a toilet in my house.A. isB. areC. be()2. Whatsthe bathroom?A. inB. ofC. to()3. Illyou.A. showB. showsC. to show()4. I watch TV in theA. bathroomB. liv

5、ing roomC. kitchen()5. 一 Where is the bed?一 ItsA. in the bedroomB. in the kitchenC. in the bathroom四、阅读短文,圈出正确答案。I am Jenny. Look! This is my house. Whats in the house? Let me show you the rooms. This is the kitchen. Here is the bathroom.That is the living room. Here is my bedroom. That is Dannys be

6、droom. His bedroom is very nice.1. This is (Li Mings/Jennys) house.2. There are (five /four) rooms in the house.3. There is (a/two) kitchen in Jennys house.4. There are (three /two) bedrooms in Jennys house.5. (Dannys/Jennys) bedroom is very nice.答案、1. A 2. B 3. D 4. C、 1. Judys 2. you、1. A 2. A 3.

7、A3. her 4. second4. B 5. A5. are四、1. Jennys 2. five3. a 4. two 5.DannysLesson 3 Making breakfast、看图片,把单词补充完整。1. b2. c3. t4. h、我会选。( )1. My grandmother iseggs now.A. cookB. cooksC. cooking()2. Its timelunch.A. forB. toC. at( )3. Letssome knives on the table.A. putsB. to putC. put( )4. Those are some.

8、A. dishB. dishsC. dishes三、排一排。()Its half past twelve. Time for lunch.()What would you like?()OK! Lets make some. Can you help me?()What time is it?( )I would like some dumplings.( )Sure. 四、按要求完成下列各题。1. Its half past seven. 对( 面线部分提问 ) 2. The dishes are on the table.改 ( 为一般疑问句 ) 3. The juice is in th

9、e fridge. (对画线部分提问 ) 4. Mum is cooking eggs in the kitchen. (改为否定句 )5. I would like some juice and eggs for breakfast. 对( 画线部分提问 )答案 一、1. breakfast 2. cook 3. table 4. half二、1. C 2. A 3. C 4. C三、2 3 5 1 4 6四、1. What time is it ? 2. Are the dishes on the table? 3. Where is the juice?4. Mum is not coo

10、king eggs in the kitchen. 5. What would you like for breakfast?Lesson 4 Making Dinner、组合单词,补全句子。1. She is making(i, d, n, e, r, n).2. He washes the(r, d, t , i, y ) clothes.3. Time for(u, l, c.h, n).4. Now my hands are(1, c.e.a, n).5. I can help my father (d, y, r) the dishes.二、我会选。( )1. Whats break

11、fast?A. on B. for C. of ( )2. Theare on the table.A. potatoesB. potatosC. potato( )3. Lets her mum clean the floor.A. help B. helps C. helping ( )4. This lunchso good.A. looksB. lookC. looking( )5. Danny some juice.A. needB. needsC. to need三、完形填空。Its six oclock in the afternoon. Its time for 1 ! Jen

12、ny and Li Ming are 2Jennys mother is 3 in the kitchen. Jenny and Li Ming help Mrs. Smith4 thevegetables. After dinner, Mrs.Smith washes the 5 dishes. Li Ming dries the dishes.()1. A.breakfastB.lunchC. dinner()2. A.arriveB.meetC. hungry()3. A.cooksB.cookC. cooking()4. A. washingB.washesC. wash()5. A.

13、cleanB. dirtyC. dry答案5. dry一、1. dinner 2. dirty 3. lunch 4. clean二、1. B 2. A 3. A 4. A 5. B三、1. C 2. C 3. C 4. C 5. B、给图片选择正确的短语解释Lesson 5 In the Living RoomA. watch TVB. read news papershim, you, me, We, themC. on the floorD. in the living roomE. play cardsF. sit in a chair1. Areready? 一 Yes, I am.

14、2. are in the living room.3. Mum tellsa story.4. Lets helpwater the flowers.5. Mr.and Mrs.Smith are reading newspapers. Lynn is in front of三、根据我们一家人的照片,照例子回答问题。例如:一 What is my brother doing? He is eating ice cream.l. What is my mother doing?2. What is my sister doing?、1. F 2. E 3. D 4. C 5. B 6. A、

15、1. you 2. We 3. me 4. you 5. them、 1. She is washing clothes(in the bathroom). 2. She is sitting in a chair.3. What is my grandfather doing? He is reading news papers.Lesson 6 Baby Becky at Home、看图,补写单词描述图片4. TV3. newspapers、按要求改写句子1. Is this your house? (做否定回答 )2. These are dishes. (改为单数句子 )3. Mum

16、is cooking eggs. ( 对画线部分提问 )4. Li Ming is in the corner. (对画线部分提问 )5. What time is it? (用现在是“七点钟”回答)、阅读短文,根据短文内容判断正 (T)误(F)Today is Sunday. Its my mothers birthday. I make dinner for my mother. I wash my hands in the bathroom. Then I go to the kitchen. I wash potatoes tomatoes and other vegetables.

17、And I cook them. Oh, dont forget rice! Finally, I put them on the table. How delicious they are! We are very happy!()1. Today is my mothers birthday.( )2. My mother makes dinner today.()3. I wash my hands in the kitchen.()4. The food are delicious.()5. We are not happy!一、1. cards 2. letter 3. read 4

18、. watch二、1. No, it isnt. 2. This is a dish. 3. What is mum doing?4. Where is Li Ming? 5. Its 7:00.三、1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. FUnit 2 School in CanadaLesson 7 On the School Bus一、根据汉语提示填空。1. Jenny常( 常 ) eats a sandwich for lunch.2. (有时) she eats soup.3. Does Jenny 总( 是) take the bus?4. She从( 不) wears dr

19、esses.二、选择题。()1. Itstoday.A. rainsB. rainC.rainy()2. This is me with my dress_a sunny day .A. inB. onC.at()3. This isumbrella.A. aB. anC.me()4. Its rainy today. Dont forget yourA. bootsB. booksC.boot()5. I always go to schoolbus.A. onB. byC.in三、连词成句。1. I live far too from my school (.)2.Sometimesbik

20、eherrides she (.)3.to schoolTheywalk(.)4.He alwaysto goes school bus by(.)5.Jane Doesneverbusby school goto (?)一、1. often 2. Sometimes 3. always 4. never二、1. C 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. B三、1. I live too far from my school. 2. Sometimes she rides her bike.3. They walk to school.4. He always goes to school by

21、 bus.5. Does Jane never go to school by bus?、给学科选图片A.B.C.( )1. English)2. music( )3. math、连词成句。1. you from are where (?)2.He Chinais from (.)3.have Welunchschoolat (.)4.do you Whatsubjectsin yourschoolhave (?)5.have Howdayclassesdo youeachmany school (?)三、看课程表,简略回答问题1. How many classes do you have o

22、n Wednesday?2. How many classes do you have on Friday?3. What subjects do you have on Monday?4. What subjects do you have on Wednesday?5. What subjects do you have on Thursday?、1. B 2. C 3. D 4. A、 1. Where are you from? 2. He is from China. 3. We have lunch at school.4. What subjects do you have in

23、 your school?5. How many classes do you have each school day?、 1. 5. 2. 6. 3. We have math, Chinese, art, P.E. and Chinese.4. We have math, Chinese, P.E,. music and English.5. We have math, Chinese, P.E. , Chinese and music.一、根据汉语意思或图片提示写单词 , 补全句子。1. He is(病).2. Its(下雨) and(凉) today.3. He teaches us

24、 math(课).4. (它的) leg is short.5. How is the(天气 ) today?二、用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。1. Its 41.5(degree).2. It is(health).3. Today is(cloud).4. Whats the (chicken) temperature?5. He(teach) us science.三、按要求写句子。1. Its 21 degrees today.对( 画线部分提问 )2. Im ill.(变否定句 )3. Its cool today.(画线提问 )4. Mr.Wood teaches English

25、.对( 画线部分提问 )四、连词成句。1. How the is weather today (?)2.is What the temperature (?)3. That a is healthy temperature (.)4. and It cloudy cool is (.) 5. teaches Mr. Wood a Lesson science (.)答案一、1. ill 2. rainy; cool 3. Lesson 4. Its 5. weather二、1. degrees 2. healthy 3. cloudy 4. chickens 5. teaches三、1. Wh

26、atsthe temperature today? 2. Im not ill. 3. How is the weather today? 4. Who teaches English?四、1. Hows the weather today? 2. Whats the temperature?3. Thats a healthy temperature. 4. Its cloudy and cool.5. Mr. Wood teaches a science Lesson .4. 1. bus3. potato5. child7. box9. teacher11. foot三、我会选。2. w

27、atch4. zoo6. man8. woman10. boy12. sheep一、看图片,写出对应的单词形式。1. 2. 3. 二、写出下列单词的复数形式。( ) 1. These are many.A. birdsB. birdC. book( )2. Thesemany chairs.A.isB. areC. be( )3. This a photo.A. areB. isC. many( )4. This is a.A. potatoes B. tomatoes C. book四、根据汉语提示完成句子。1.(_ 几只绵羊) do you have2. Tom and Lim (_ 有一

28、些照片)3. There are 四( 辆公共汽车 ) coming here.4. These 是.(许多土豆。 )5. There are (4个妇女 ) in this (照片 )。答案 一、1. shoes 2. dumplings 3. chair 4. tomatoes二、1. buses 2. watches 3. potatoes 4. zoos 5. children 6. men 7. boxes8. women 9. teachers 10. boys 11. feet 12. sheep三、1. A 2. B 3. B 4. C四、1. How many sheep 2

29、. have some photos 3. four buses 4. are many tomatoes 5. four women; photo、看图选择合适的词语1. ( ) 2. ( )A. sometimesB. often二、英汉互译。3. ( )4. ( )C. alwaysD. never1. ride a bike2. do homework3. 经常看书4. never wear dresses5. play computer games6. 有时看电视三、按要求完成下列句子。1. you do your Do homework(?) (连词成句 )2. Lets an S

30、 for put sometimes( .) (连词成句 )3. Sometimes I ride my bike. (该为一般疑问句 )4. He often plays computer games. (He改为 I)5. I always wear shorts. (改为一般疑问句,并做肯定回答 )答案 、1. D 2. B 3. A 4. C、 1. 骑自行车 2. 做作业 3. often read books 4. 从不穿裙子 5. 玩电脑 游戏 6. sometimes watch TV、 1. Do you do your homework? 2. Lets put an S

31、for sometimes.3. Do you sometimes ride your bike? 4. I often play computer games.5. Do you always wear shorts? Yes, I do.Lesson 12 Be Safe on the Way一、英汉互译。1. wear seat belt2. be safe3. watch for cars and bikes4. be careful5. 开学第一天 6. 离街道太近 二、连词成句。l. from I this am city (.)2. is first of Today the s

32、chool day (.)3. safe to want They be (. )4. doesnt to talk Neva like (. )5. always play from street You far the (. )三、用所给单词的适当形式填空。driver, learn, come, ride, first1. Here the No.2 bus.2. The day of school is always a happy day.3. Mrs. Zoom is our bus.4. Tim sometimes a bike to school.5. Everyone wan

33、ts to English.四、根据实际情况回答问题。1. How is the weather today?2. Do you always eat lunch at school?3. Do you always learn English at home?答案一、1. 系安全带 2. 保持安全 3. 当心汽车和自行车 4. 小心 5. the first day of school 6. too close to the street二、1. I am from this city.2. Today is the first day of school.3. They want to b

34、e safe.4. Neva doesnt like to talk.5. You always play far from the street.三、1. comes 2. first 3. driver 4. rides 5. learn四、示例: 1. Its rainy/cool/hot. 2. Yes, I do./No, I dont. 3. Yes, I do./No, I dont.Unit 3 Winter in CanadaLesson 13 Seasons、看图片,写出对应的季节3.1. 2. 、选出每组中不同类的一项。4. ()1. A. seasonB. winter

35、C. summer()2. A. dayB. redC. yellow()3. A. hatB. scarfC. weather()4. A. leavesB. haveC. put()5. A. turnB. takeC. trousers三、我会选。()1. Sweaters, shorts and T shirtsclothes.A. amB. isC. are()2. Winter is cold and_.A. snowB. snowyC. snows()3. In autumn, he his shorts and Tshirt.A. put upB. take offC. tak

36、es off()4. The leave_ yellow.A. getB. turnsC. turn()5. a fine day!A. HowB. WhatC.Who四、连词成句。1. a There four year in are seasons (.)2. is ice There winter in (.)3. day hot What sunny a (, !)4. leaves andTherenewareflowers (.)5. summer Ion myinputshorts (.)答案、 1. summer 2. autumn 3. winter 4. spring、1.

37、 A 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. C、1. C 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. B四、1. There are four seasons in a year. 2. There is ice in winter.3. What a hot, sunny day. 4. There are new leaves and flowers.5. I put on my shorts in summer.Lesson 14 Snow!Its Winter!一、选出与图片相对应的选项。A. snow B. gloves C. coat D. winter hat E. scarf.1. (

38、) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( )二、我会选。()1. Today is Monday, October the.A. eight B. eighth C. eighth( )2. What a day!A. snowB. snowyC. snowing()3. Jenny and Li Ming take off socks.A. hisB. herC. their()4. Put on the coat me.A. forB. toC. on()5. I am put on my winter hat again.A. go toB. going toC. goin

39、g三、完形填空。Today 1 Friday, November 9.Jenny and Li Ming are 2 ready for school. It is 3 this morning. Jenny and Li Ming 4 on the winter jackets. Li Ming puts on his scarf, hat and gloves, 5 _ .()1. A.areB.isC.be()2. A.getB.getsC.getting()3. A.hotB.coolC.cold()4. A.putB.putsC.putting()5. A.toB.twoC.too答

40、案一、1. scarf 2. winter hat 3. snow 4. coat 5. gloves二、1. C 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. B三、1. B 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. CLesson 15 Winter Fun、看图,写出身体部位名称二、用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空。1. We can see some(snowman) in winter.2. (one), I brush my teeth.3. I have two sticks for his(arm).4. Can you(put) it on the chair?5. He is(clean)

41、the room.三、我会选。( )1. It is cold and snowy in.A. springB. summerC. winter( )2. We snowmen in the park.A. makeB. makesC. making()3. Lets make a face the snowman.A.inB. withC. on( )4. It have a mouth.A. dontB. doesntC. isnt( )5. a beautiful girl!A. WhatB. Why C. Where四、画出你最喜欢的一个雪人,并把堆雪人需要的东西写下来。I need

42、some snow, a winter hat,答案 一、 ear eye mouth arm head nose leg二、1. snowmen 2. first 3. arms 4. put 5. cleaning三、1. C 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. A四、I need many snow, a winter hat, a scarf , a big snowball, a carrot, two stones, a banana, two potatoes, two sticks .Lesson 16 A Skating Lesson、给图片选择合适的词语解释A. swim

43、B. play table tennis C. run fastD. ride a bike E. stand on the ice F. fly a kite二、我会选。()1. My sister is a good runner. She can run.A.slowB.quickC.fast()2. Danny is going to Jenny to play games.A.teachB.teachesC.teaching( )3. She comes the library.A.onB.toC.with( )4. 一 did I do? Very well.A.WhatB.WhereC.HowA. Can you fly a kite?B. How does Tom do?C. Whats your brother going to do?D. What happened to your sister?E. Is Peter early or late?三、根据答语,迭择合适的问句。 ( )1. He is going to walk in the park. ()2. She fell down from the bike.


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