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1、概要写作之记叙文概括,2023/3/29,第二节读写任务(共1小题,满分25分)阅读下面短文,然后按要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。A father came home from work late,tired and exhausted.He worked day and night,hoping to earn more money for his only child.His 5-year-old daughter was waiting for him at the door.“Dad,how much do you earn an hour?”asked the daughter.

2、“Why do you ask that?”“I just want to know.Please tell me how much you earn an hour.”“If you really want to know.I earn$20 an hour.”“Oh,”the little girl replied with her head down.Looking up,she said,“Dad,may I borrow$10?”The father became angry.“Go to bed right now!Think about how selfish you are.I

3、 work hard every day,but you just want to buy your silly toy!”The little girl quietly went to her bedroom,feeling sad.After an hour or so,the father calmed down and started to feel sorry because she really didnt ask for money very often.So he went to his daughters room and gave her$10.The little gir

4、l jumped from the bed.“Oh,thank you,Dad!”She was really happy indeed.Then she took out her own savings and said,“Dad,I have$20 now.Can I buy an hour of your time?Please come home earlier tomorrow.I would like to have dinner with you.”,写作内容1.以约30个词概括上文的主要内容。2.以约120个词就“家长的陪伴”的话题谈谈你的想法,内容包括:(1)阅读上文之后的感

5、想;(2)叙述你在家长陪伴下的一次难忘的经历;(3)家长的陪伴对孩子成长的影响。写作要求1.作文中可以使用亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子。2.作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。评分标准概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,语篇连贯。,概括:summary,What is a summary?,Summary is a short passage giving the main points of an original article.,Revision:文体的写作特点和框架。记叙文:5 factors(When/Where/Who/What/How),如何

6、写记叙文的概要?,记叙文:5W(what/who/when/where/how)注意:时态人称,试卷读写任务,Find out five factorsWhen/Where/Who/What/HowWhen:Where:Who:What:How:,-,-,a little girl,her father,“Dad,how much do you earn an hour?”“Dad,may I borrow$10?”So he went to his daughters room and gave her$10.“Dad,I have$20 now.Can I buy an hour of y

7、our time?Please come home earlier tomorrow.I would like to have dinner with you.”,Combine the five factors in your own words,Give a general idea,试卷读写任务,When:Where:Who:What:How:,-,-,a little girl,her father,“Dad,how much do you earn an hour?”“Dad,may I borrow$10?”So he went to his daughters room and

8、gave her$10.“Dad,I have$20 now.Can I buy an hour of your time?Please come home earlier tomorrow.I would like to have dinner with you.”,注意:逻辑顺序(中文思维过程),asked,that,how much he earned an hour,then,she borrowed some money from her father,and,asked him to sell one hour of his time to accompany her.,A pos

9、sible version,A little girl asked her father,who often came home late from hard work,how much he earned an hour.Then she borrowed some money from her father and asked him to sell one hour of his time to accompany her.,Versions from students:1.The passage mainly tells us that a father come home from

10、work late,his daughter ask him how much does he earn an hour and want to borrow$10,and then she can buy an hour time that have dinner with father tomorrow.(7/42)2.According to the passage,we know that the daughter eagar to pay$20 to buy an hour of his father time because she hope his father can come

11、 home earlier to have dinner with her.(7/53)3.The story mainly tell us about a girl who want to borrow$10 from her father and want to buy her fathers an hour in order to have dinner with him.(7/18),Versions from students:1.From the passage,we can know that a daughter asks her father for$10,just want

12、 to buy the time that accompany with her father,who always too busy to accompany with his family.(8/8)2.From the passage,we know that the daughter whose father went home late and asked his father how much he earn.Then she borrowed$10 from his father and took out her own saving to asked his father co

13、me home earlier because she wanted to have dinner with him.(8/58),概括所给短文内容要点写作具体方法和要求1.注意:利用原文中所给的语言材料,用自己的话来写;概括后的文章意思要通顺,行文连贯。2.概括要做到开门见山1)According to the passage,we know2)This article is mainly about3)The writer states that3.概括要抓住要点,语言精练.,考生易犯错误:,1).expressing the wrong ideas(主题大意概括不清)2).quoting

14、 original sentences(抄袭原文)3).including too many details(加入了太多的细节)4).adding judgments of your own(表达了自己的意见),(A)Oct 3,1999,Sunday Rainy It was raining outside when I got up early in the morning.Its too bad,I had to go to school by bus.I said to myself.It was almost seven oclock before I left home.I put

15、 on my raincoat and ran to the bus stop in a hurry,for I thought a lot of people might be waiting there.Hardly had I got there when a bus was coming.I got on the bus immediately,hoping it was possible for me to take a seat.I saw an empty seat and took it.But I found an old lady standing behind me.I

16、stood up at once and was about to ask her to take the seat when a young girl in a modern skirt made a dive for it.I could hardly believe it.I glared at her,thinking,“What bad manners!”She cares for nobody but herself.Wont she grow old in the future?”1、以约30个词概括短文的要点;,Find out five factorsWhen/Where/W

17、ho/What/HowWhen:Where:Who:What:,Combine the five factors in your own words,one rainy morning,on a bus,the author,an old lady,a young lady,go to school,offer the seat,make a dive for,Give a general idea,on,offer his seat to,but,First Possible Draft,(When),(Who).(Where)(What)to(Who)standing behind him

18、,but(Who)_(What).,1.One rainy morning,the author on a bus to school offered his seat to an old lady standing behind him.However,the moment he stood up,a young girl.,2.The passage mainly tells us a story about of young people on a bus.The author was about to offer his seat to an old lady beside him w

19、hen a young girl_.,One rainy morning,the author,on a bus to school,offered his seat to an old lady,a young lady,rushed to take it,The Refined Version,rushed to take it,Give a general idea,bad manners,rushed to take it,2.I was studying in high school when my brother left home for the first time to go

20、 to a residential college.He was excited about going to a new town,a new college,and above all,being on his own.Nobody would tell him about wake-up time.I was fascinated with the rewards and privileges that high school graduation brought to people.About two weeks after my brother left home,his tear-

21、stained(泪痕)letter arrived telling how much he missed all of us.It was evident that he cried writing this letter and thinking about the things he missed which hadnt been a big deal to him just two weeks earlier.I learned that the first year of college did not just involve going away to college,it was

22、 also about leaving home.Now,as a psychologist,I know that leaving home for college is one of the first major steps in separating from the family and becoming independent.,I was studying in high school when my brother left home for the first time to go to a residential college.He was excited about g

23、oing to a new town,a new college,and above all,being on his own.Nobody would tell him about wake-up time.I was fascinated with the rewards and privileges that high school graduation brought to people.About two weeks after my brother left home,his tear-stained(泪痕)letter arrived telling how much he mi

24、ssed all of us.It was evident that he cried writing this letter and thinking about the things he missed which hadnt been a big deal to him just two weeks earlier.,who,the writers brother,what,leaving home for the first time,result,missing the family a lot,The writers brother left home for the first

25、time and missed the family a lot.,I learned that the first year of college did not just involve going away to college,it was also about leaving home.Now,as a psychologist,I know that leaving home for college is one of the first major steps in separating from the family and becoming independent.,What

26、 to learn,Leaving home for college can help us become independent.,The writer learns that leaving home for college can help us become independent.,The writer tells us that his brother left home for the first time and missed the family a lot.The writer learns that leaving home for college can help us become independent.,One possible version:,Thank you,


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