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1、译林英语3年级下册 Unit 2A卷: 课堂点拨题 Story time1. (1) -Dont listen to music on the road(马路). -_ A. Thank you. B. Sorry. C. Yes.(2)Dont _ the window. Its cold (冷)in the library. A. open B. close C. run(3)-Open it, please. -_ A.Thank you. B. Goodbye. C. Yes, Mr Green.(4)你在图书馆看书,有同学大声叫你,你会说: A. Dont run here. B.

2、Dont shout here. C. Dont talk here.(5)同学在课堂上吃东西,你提醒他: A. Dont talk. B. Dont drink. C. Dont eat.(6)你在公交车上,准备给老人让座时,你可以说: A.Please dont sit here. B. Sit here,please.2. (1)-Would you like a green egg? -_. A. Yes, I am B. No, Im not. C. Yes, please.(2)Would you like ice cream? A.a B.an C./Cartoon time1.

3、 Dont my hot dog. A. eat B. drink C. talk2.(1) Its English book. A.I B.my C.me(2) Whats this? Its English book. A. an B. a C. /3. (1) Is this your book? , it is. A. Not B. No C. Yes(2) _your English book? A.Is this B. This is(3) -This is my father. -_ A. Nice to meet you. B. Yes, he is. C. Thank you

4、.4. 选出与其他两项不同类的单词( ) 2. A. pie B. stand C. sit( ) 1. A. blue B. ball C. black( ) 3. A. come B. listen C. me( ) 4. A. ball B. book C. look ( ) 7. A.eat B.drink C.sweet( ) 8. A.sleep B.in C.talk( ) 10. A.here B.shout C.open( ) 9. A.robot B.sleep C.run( ) 3. A. am B. up C. capB卷: 课后巩固题 一.选择( )1.上学迟到了,你

5、对老师说:A. Come in, please. B. Im sorry, Miss Li. C. Open the door, please.( )2.天气很冷,妈妈会说: A. Dont close the windows. B. Dont close the door. C. Dont open the windows.( )3.【易错】Dont the window. Its hot(热) in the classroom. A.open B.close( )4.当你妈妈问你是否想要一杯牛奶时,她会说: A. Would you like a glass of milk? B. Id

6、like a glass of milk. C. This is a glass of milk.( )5.你想问这本书是不是你朋友的,应该说: A. Whats this? B. This is your book. C. Is this your book?( )6.Whats this? -_. A. Its a parrot. B. Its parrot. C. No, its a parrot.二填入适当的词1.do not(缩略形式) 2.up(反义词) 3.stand(反义词) 4.open(反义词) 5.your(对应词) 6.window(复数) 三翻译1.打开你的书 2.

7、看我 3.关窗 4.不要吃 5.two big books 6.your rubber 7. would like an egg 8.一本英语书 9.吃我的蛋糕 10.不要坐下 11.up and down 12.吃个鸡蛋 四连词成句,注意句子字母大小写和标点1.eat,dont,and,drink,here (.) 2.sleep,to,I,want (.) 3.to,the,dont,parrot,listen(.) 4.Im,sleep,class,sorry,in,dont(. .) . .5.like,Would,hot dog,a,you (?) 6.your,is,this,bo

8、ok,English (?) 7.【易错】up, down,and,is, Paul,walking(. ) 8.my,English,book, It,is (. ) 五改错(先用铅笔圈出错误的地方,再在后面的横线上改正)1.Open you book. 2.Not open the window, please. 3.please, close the door. 六句型转换1.Open the door, please. (同义句转换) _ open the door.2.Please close your books. (同义句转换) Close your books, _.3.Ope

9、n the door, please. (改为否定句) the door, please.七.从B栏中找出A栏相应的答句,将序号填入题前括号中 (一) A B( )1. Whats this in English? A. Good morning.( )2. May I come in? B. No, thank you.( )3. Its hot. C. Im sorry.( )4. Would you like a glass of milk? D. Its a ball.( )5. Dont run in the library. E. Its nice.( )6. Good morni

10、ng, class. F. Come in, please.( )7. Look at the blackboard. G. Open the window, please.( )8. What about this red skirt? H. OK.(二)( )1、Dont shout in the library. A. OK, Miss Li.( )2、Whats this? B. Good evening, Mr Green.( )3、Is this your book? C. Im sorry.( )4、Would you like a pie? D. How nice!( )5、O

11、pen the window, LiuTao. E. Its a rubber.( )6、Good evening, Mr Black. F. Yes.( )7、Look at my new rubber. G. Goodbye.( )8、Goodbye. H. Yes, please.C卷: 复习提高题 一. 选择( )1.-Look at my shirt. -_. A. Yes, please. B. Its nice.C. Thank you.( ) 2.-_ is your skirt? -Its red. A. What B. What colourC. Whats colour(

12、 )3._ Mr Wang. Hes _ teacher. A. She; I B. Hes; my C. Shes; my( )4.-_? -Brown, please. A. Blue or brown B. Would you like an egg C. What colour( )5.-Please come in. -_. A. Im sorry. B. Thank you. C. No, thank you.( )6.Look the blackboard, please. A. up B. at C. in( )7.看见一顶漂亮的帽子,应该说: A. Im sorry. B.

13、Thank you. C. How nice!( )8.Whats this _? Its a puppet. A. in English B. English二. 给下列句子排序1. No, thank you. 2. Good morning. 3. Nice to meet you, too. 4. Would you like a sweet? 5. Dont eat here, 6. Good morning. This is my friend, Bob. 7. Nice to meet you, too. 8. Im sorry. 1. Blue ,red and yellow.

14、 2.Whats this? 3.Look at the blackboard, please.4.What colour is it? 5.Its a parrot. 三.阅读并了解David在图书馆里的举动,请给他提出些合适的建议或告诫。In the library Hello! Im Tom. Im in our school library now. Our library is very big. Look! I am running in the library. Look! Im shouting in the library. Look at me, I am eating a

15、 hot dog and drink some milk here. Now I am standing and listening to my Walkman(随身听). And Im tired(累),Id like to sleep here. To Tom: a Dont run in the library. b _ c _ d _ e _ f _ 阅读短文,完成填空,每空一词Miss An: Good morning,class.Class: Good morning,Miss An.Miss An: Dont sleep ,Chen Yaxuan.Chen Yaxuan: Yes

16、, Miss An.Miss An: Dont talk ,Gao Jianxiang.Gao Jianxiang: Im sorry,Miss An. This schoolbagis for Yang Ling.Yang Ling: Thank you.1. Miss An is in the _.2. Dont _ ,Chen Yaxuan.3. Gao Jianxiang, dont _.4. This _ is for Yang Ling.听力题一.听录音,选出你所听到的内容( ) 1. A. door B. ball C. dog( ) 2. A. you B. your C. m

17、y( ) 3. A. robot B. parrot C. good( ) 4. A. Mr. B. Miss C. Mrs.( ) 5. A. black B.blackboard C.birthday( ) 6. A. robot B. ruler C. rubber( ) 7. A.shout B.run C.talk( ) 8. A. door B. ball C.doll( ) 9.A.colour B. close C.cake( )10.A.robot B. rubber C.red( )11.A.what B.white C. window( )12.A.the B.that

18、C.and( )13.A.sorry B.orange C. open二、判断你所听到的对话内容是否与图片相符,相符的画笑脸,不相符的画哭脸 1、 2、 3、 4、 5、 6、 三、听录音,选择合适的应答句( ) 1. A. Its a parrot. B. Thats a parrot.( ) 2. A. Its black. B. Its a blackboard.( ) 3. A.Good morning, Mr Green. B. Good afternoon, Mr Green.( ) 4. A. Yes, Miss Li. B. Thanks, Miss Li.( ) 5. A.

19、OK. B. No, its not. ( ) 6.A. Im sorry. B. No, thanks.( ) 7. A. Its nice. B. Its white. C.Yes ,I am. ( ) 8. A. Its great. B. Its green. C.Its a parrot( ) 9. A.Good afternoon,calss. B. Good morning, class. C. Im sorry( ) 10. A. No,Im not. B. Yes, it is. C.yes,please.( ) 11. A. Thank you. B. Hello, Im

20、Mike. C.How nice( ) 12. A. Yes, I am. B. OK C.How nice( ) 13. Goodbye. B.Nice to meet you ,too. C.Thank you.( ) 14.No,thank you. B.Im sorry. C.Its green.听力答案二、判断你所听到的对话内容是否与图片相符,相符的画 ,不相符的画 1.This is my new book.2.Dont shout.3.Look at Mr Green. He is nice.4. Would you like a cake? No, thank you.5. S

21、it down , LiuTao.6.I want to talk.三、听录音,选择合适的应答句1. Whats this?2.What colour is the blackboard?3.Good afternoon, class.4.Open your books, class.5.Come in, Mike.6.Dont stand up, YangLing.7.What colour is my book? 8.Whats that? 9.Good morning, Mr Green. 10.Would you like a rubber? 11.The book is for you,Mike. 12. Helen,please close the window. 13. Nice to meet you. 14.What about a cake?


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