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1、Lesson 2,Selected Readings on International Business&Economics from Western Journals西方报刊经贸文章选读,一、中国企业跨国经营的国际与国内经济背景 为什么要走出去,全球跨国公司及分支机构数量(万家):,经济全球化是企业跨国经营的国际背景,中国经济现实使企业国际化成为必要和可能 中国经济发展的现状使企业走出去跨国经营成为必要选择 要想真正成为经济强国,必须有一批具有国际竞争力的跨国公司 中国企业的海外投资和跨国经营,有助于解决中国经济面临的宏观 难题(消化过剩产能转移成熟产业;化解外汇过度储备提高使用效 率;打破

2、贸易壁垒开拓海外市场;获取海外资源保障稳定来源)中国企业具备了大规模开展跨国经营的条件与可能 企业具备了一定的竞争力和相对优势;国家经济发展和资本积累达到了大规模对外投资的水平;政府政策支持与大国效应/优势;充足的外汇储备;积累了一定的跨国经营经验,中国企业海外投资与跨国经营的发展与类型 1990年以来全部对外投资情况,2002年以来非金融对外直接投资(亿美元,2010为半年数据),2008年对外投资的行业分布(亿美元),中国企业跨国经营的三种主要类型,以获取海外资源(油气、矿产、木材、土地等)为目的的投 资:三大石油公司,中铝、中国五矿等等 以利用相对优势扩张海外市场、转移过剩产能为目的的投

3、资:主要投向发展中国家,绿地投资与跨国并购兼有,投资主体 既有行业龙头企业,也有民营企业 以获取垄断优势与核心竞争力为目的投资与并购:主要投向发 达国家,以并购为主,投资主体多是行业龙头企业或有实力 的民营企业,The Spread of China Inc.,What is the theme of this article?How is this article organized?,The Spread of China Inc.,Lead-in:one example of Chinese Multinational-Haier in U.S.,The China boom,Press

4、ure Chinas putting on the regional economy,Multinationals staring to make a mark on the world,2ways:Exports&overseas investment,Challenges&opportunities Chinese firms faced and how they coped with them,Conclusion:China Inc.are becoming international players,but still have a long way to go,Part 1,1.W

5、hat is Haier well known for and has placed it among the world leaders in appliance sales?(Read Paragraph 1&2.)Haier is well known for its innovative goods and such products have placed it among the world leaders in appliance sales.,The U.S.Headquarters of Hair Inc.,Corinthian column,Manhattan,曼哈顿是纽约

6、市中央商务区所在地,世界上摩天大楼最集中的地区,汇集了世界500强中绝大部分公司的总部,南端的华尔街是许多大银行、交易所和垄断组织聚集中心。曼哈顿是纽约市中心部位的岛屿,介于哈得孙河和东河之间,濒临大西洋,为纽约市五个区中最小的曼哈顿区。联合国总部、百老汇、华尔街、帝国大厦、纽约证券交易所、格林威治村、中央公园、大都会艺术博物馆、大都会歌剧院等闻名遐迩的建筑都集中在曼哈顿,使它成为了纽约以致全美国的经济、金融、文化、贸易和会展中心。,Food freezer,Wine cooler,compact refrigerator,BROOKINGS INSTITUTION,布鲁金斯学会,美国著名智库

7、之一,是华盛顿学术界的主流思想库之一,其规模之大、历史之久远、研究之深入,被称为美国“最有影响力的思想库”并不为过。,Part two(Para.5Para.8),1.In what way are the big Chinese electronics,appliance and high-tech firms now seeking new outlets for their production?(Read Para.5.)They are seeking new outlets for their production through exports and by building C

8、hinese factories abroad.,PART TWO(PARA.5PARA.8),2.Which countries or regions are mentioned in this part?What kind of impact is China having on them respectively?(Read Para.6Para.8),Part three(Para.9-Para 17),1.What are the problems with the Chinese firms in their further development,according to the

9、 author?(Read Paragraph 9.)They lack managerial and operational expertise of Western and Japanese multinationals,and have a shortage of managerial talent and little notion of marketing and brand-building.The companies are also handicapped by the countrys long tradition of central planning,inefficien

10、t use of capital and antiquated distribution system.,2.How does China help its firms to introduce advanced technology from foreign sources in absorbing(吸收)FDI(foreign direct investment)?(Read Para.10)The authorities insist that foreign firms share technology with their Chinese partners.3.What are Ch

11、inese firms learning from their foreign partners?(Read Para.10)Chinese firms are learning how to make some fairly sophisticated products.They can learn how to build and promote a local brand.,4.What is the topic sentence of Para.11-13?Which companies are cited as examples to illustrate it?How compet

12、itive are they both at home and abroad?5.Who has got upper hand(won an advantage)in competition for Chinas household goods market?(Read Paragraph 12.),6.Have the Chinese firms made progress in technology in the recent years?Which company is cited(举出)as an instance in the article?(Read Paragraph 14.)

13、Yes,the Chinese firms are gaining ground in technology.Huawei is given for an example.,Alcatel,阿尔卡特公司创建于1898年,总部设在法国巴黎。阿尔卡特是电信系统和设备以及相关的电缆和部件领域的世界领导者。,Lucent,朗讯科技公司总部位于美国新泽西州的茉莉山。是全球领先的通信网络设备提供商,在面向服务提供商的互联网基础设施、光网络、无线网络和通信网络支持及服务领域牢牢占据领先地位。朗讯已与法国阿尔卡特公司合并为阿尔卡特朗讯。,7.For what reason did TCL decide to

14、enter the Vietnams TV market and make FDI there?(Read Paragraph 15&16.)For they saw that Vietnam had 80 million people and the TV market there was still underdeveloped as the foreign multinationals gouged consumers and held back TV sales.,Part Four(Para.18),1.Why is it said that“Chinese companies st

15、ill have a long way to go”in the international trade?(Read Paragraph 18.)While many Chinese products could pass for leading international brands,others are clearly not up to current standards in industrial design or quality.,Matsushita和 Panasonic,Matsushita即松下真正的公司名松下名称源自已故创始人松下幸之助姓氏,自1918年成立沿用至今。此间

16、,松下旗下拥有“National”、“Panasonic”两个品牌。松下1955年启用“Panasonic”,目前海外所有商品几乎统一使用该名称。在日本国内,影音产品使用“Panasonic”品牌,而白色家电与灯具产品则使用“National”品牌。Panasonic品牌自1961年面向北美洲使用以来,品牌价值在海外得到了很大的提高。由于Panasonic的认知度比National高,因此,松下决定将Panasonic作为全球统一品牌,以提高松下整体竞争力。,Problems&Solutions,Brazenly copying foreign products and dumping the

17、m in Asian countriesHas had more of a trading than an overseas-investment mentalityLack of managerial and operational expertiseA shortage of managerial talent and little notion of marketing and brandbuilding.Long tradition of central planning,inefficient use of capital and antiquated distribution sy

18、stemHigh technology remains the ace in the hole of foreign companies.,-Building Chinese factories abroad-joint venture with top Western and Japanese manufacturersInsist that foreign firms share technology with their mainland partnersThe Chinese are gaining ground in high technology,Lesson 2 Text,现场o

19、n the spot样品间show room创新产品innovative goods增长销售额 to boost the sales研究和开发research and development智囊团think tank劳动密集型的labor-intensive品牌 brand,倾销to dump猛增to soar便携式电脑laptop(computer)出口才干export prowess管理和经营的专门知识技能 managerial and operational expertise生产能力production capacity亚洲金融危机the Asian Financial Crisis,

20、规模效益economies of scale逐步停止生产to phase out production王牌the ace in the hole调查 to survey相当多的利润 a decent profit放松贸易限制 to loosen trade restrictions最高管理层top management达到设计和质量的标准 to be up to the standards in design and quality,Supplementary Reading,黑洞 black hole世界工厂the“worlds workshop”扩大生产to expand producti

21、on增加产量 to boost the output给予享用的权利机会 to give somebody access to something收购 acquisition合并 consolidation,使并入to merge.into.大宗的收入 revenue咨询公司consultancy向海外转移生产 to shift production overseas高端产品high-end product加入世贸组织 the accession to the WTO服饰产品apparel采办 to procure,跨境并购已成为投资的主要方式 2008年发展中国家10起最大的跨境收购案(百万美


23、:中国铝业收购加拿大秘鲁铜业公司;中国移动购买巴基斯坦移动运营商的巴科泰尔公司;民营企业林德集团购买了德国帕希姆机场100的股权。2008/2009年:中国五矿集团100%收购澳大利亚OZ公司主要资产;吉利收购全球第二大自动变速器制造企业澳大利亚DSI公司;中石油完成对新加坡石油公司45.51%股份收购;中石化收购加拿大Addax石油公司;苏宁电器注资控股日本电器连锁企业Laox公司;四川民营企业腾中收购美国悍马品牌;广州健升贸易有限公司收购法国皮尔卡丹公司在华成衣业务。2010年:北汽集团收购瑞典汽车厂商SAAB的品牌和技术;吉利收购VOLVO 汽车;,Global Manufacturer

24、s Aim to Make It Big in China,Theme?More and more foreign companies have been coming to China to expand their business.Structure?,1.World FDIs are increasingly concentrating in China.2.Those investors are expanding their business in China,focusing on basic industries only,such as textile,transportat

25、ion and clothes.3.Alcatel owns 10%stake in Alcatel Shanghai Bell.,(T),(F),(F),Supplementary ReadingTrue or False,4.Japanese government supported Hitachis investment in China.5.The only attraction for Torays investment in China is its increasingly growing market.,(F),(F),Supplementary ReadingTrue or

26、False,阿尔卡特收购上海贝尔,整个收购过程通过两个协议完成:首先是跟中国信息产业部签订协议,从中方机构手中收购上海贝尔10%加1股的股份;然后与比利时政府签订协议,阿尔卡特付出3.12 亿 美元现金全部买断其拥有的上海贝尔8.35%的股份。再加上阿尔卡特原先持有的上海贝尔31.65%的股份,阿尔卡特实现控股上海贝尔。,人有了知识,就会具备各种分析能力,明辨是非的能力。所以我们要勤恳读书,广泛阅读,古人说“书中自有黄金屋。”通过阅读科技书籍,我们能丰富知识,培养逻辑思维能力;通过阅读文学作品,我们能提高文学鉴赏水平,培养文学情趣;通过阅读报刊,我们能增长见识,扩大自己的知识面。有许多书籍还能培养我们的道德情操,给我们巨大的精神力量,鼓舞我们前进。,


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