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1、Module 12,Module 12 Help,Unit 2,Stay away from windows and heavy furniture.,Whats happening?,Look at the pictures and answer the questions.,An earthquake.,Lead-in,What do you think of the earthquake?,Its terrible.,Do you have an earthquake drill?,Yes,we do.,earthquake,warn,inside,window,keep,比一比,看谁能

2、快速说出下面的单词。,brave,calm,power,under,earthquakewarninsideunder,n.地震v.警告;告诫n.内部;里面adv.在里面;向室内prep.在里面adj.里面的;内部的prep 在正下方;在下 面,Words and expressions,Words and expressions,windowkeep(kept)clearkeep clear ofcalmbravehelpfulpower,n.窗;窗户 v.保持;留在adj.不和接触的;不挨太近的;v.清除;清理;移走adj.镇静的;沉着的adj.勇敢的;无畏的adj.有用的;提供帮助的n.

3、电;电力,1根据音标自学课本P142Module 12Unit 2(98)的单词,并根据首字母和中文意思,写出正确的单词。(1).A big e_ happened in Yaan in 2013.(2).The police w_ us not to play in the street.(3).Look!The children are playing happily u_ the tree.(4).The boy is very _(勇敢的)to save the girl.(5).You mustnt stand under _(电)lines.(6).Listen carefully

4、,and dont look out of the _(窗户).,arthquake,arned,nder,brave,power,window,Work in pairs.Look at the pictures and ask and answer the questions.,Where are the people?2.What are they doing?Why?,Look at the title of the passage and think about what to do in an earthquake.,What to do in an earthquake,Is i

5、t difficult to warn people about an earthquake?Yes,it is.,Fast reading,Skim the passage and answer the questions.,Careful reading,(1).Read Para.1 and fill in the blanks.Earthquake always _ suddenly,so it is difficult _warn people _ them.Usually people _ little or no idea about what to do about_ eart

6、hquake,so here is some _.,happen,to,about,have,an,advice,(2).Read Para.2 and check the sentences.When the earthquakes start,you are inside1).Jump out of high buildings.()2).Hide under a table away from windows and heavy furniture.()3).Use the lift to leave the building quickly.()4).When you are with

7、 other people,be brave and be helpful.(),Dont,Dont,(3).Read Para.3,4 and answer the questions.When the earthquakes start,you are outside 1).Why do you move away from buildings?_2).Do you stand near streets lights or under power lines?_3).What should you do when you are in bus or car?_4).What should

8、you do if you are on a beach?_,Because parts of a building may fall on you.,No,we dont.,We should stay in it.,We should run away from the sea and move quickly_,to higher ground.,1.Lets look at the video.,3.Pk in small groups.(小组读课文比赛),2.Read in groups loudly.(六人一小组读),Lets read!,Homework,1.熟读对话,并找出难点

9、与语言点.2.背诵本单元的单词.3.完成导学案的语言点.,Unit 2,Stay away from windows and heavy furniture.,(第二课时),Read the passage together and find out some key phrases.,(1)have little/no idea_关于没有主意(2)jump _ 从.跳出(3)keep clear_ 不和接触(4)stop _ 停止摇晃(5)_ calm 保持冷静(6)_ lights 街灯;路灯(7)power _ 电源线(8)be careful _ 小心(9)stay/move/run

10、away _ 远离(10)in _ 简而言之,总之,比一比,看谁能快速说出下面短语的含义,about,out of,of,shaking,keep,street,lines,of,from,short,原句:Earthquakes always happen suddenly,so it is difficult to warn people about them.翻译句子:_(1)点拨:It is difficult to do sth.做某事是困难的。属于句型:It is+形容语+(for sb.)+to do sth 对某人来说,做某事是怎样的.练习:It is very importa

11、nt for people _ food and water every day.A.have B.has C.to have D.had,Language points,C,地震总是突然发生,所以很难向人们发出预警。,(2)点拨:warn sb.about/of sth.意为“提醒/警告.注意”。warn sb.not to do sth.意为“警告某人不要做某事”练习:(1)The police warn us _ out at night.A.go B.to go C.not go D.not to go(2).The sign warns people _danger in the s

12、ea.A.to B.in C.about D.not to,D,C,2.原句:Do not jump out of high buildings.翻译句子:_点拨:jump out of 表示“从.跳出”。类似的词还有:run out of 表示“从.跑出”;climb out of 表示“从.爬出”。练习:请别从窗子往外跳.Please dont _the window.,不要从很高的建筑物上往下跳。,jump out of,3.原句:Keep calm,especially when you are with other people.点拨:(1).keep 表示“保持”,calm 表示“

13、冷静,沉着”。keep calm 是系动词+形容词构成的动词短语。其他的行为动词还能做系动词的有:become,feel,look,sound 等练习:You should keep the window _ because the room is too hot.A.open B.opening C.opens D.opened,A,(2)keep 还可以意为”保鲜”;“保留;借”;“饲养”等.练习:May I borrow you dictionary?Yes,you can _ it for two days.A.keep B.borrow C.lend D.get,A,4.原句:In

14、short,follow what you learnt in school.点拨:in short 的意思是“总之,简言之”。练习:总之,我对所有的运动感兴趣._,I am interested in all of the sports.,总而言之,按你在学校学到的方法做.,In short,Read the sentences.Decide if the following actions are right()or wrong().,1.What is difficult to do before an earthquake?It is difficult to warn people

15、before an earthquake.,Answer the questions.Use the words and expressions in the box.,brave inside keep calm power lines street lights warn,brave inside keep calm power lines street lights warn,2.Where should you stay before the ground stops shaking?We should stay inside.,3.What should you do when yo

16、u are with other people?We should keep calm and be brave.4.What shouldnt you stand near or under in the street?We shouldnt stand near street lights or under power lines in the street.,brave inside keep calm power lines street lights warn,Inside 1.jump out of 2.Hide under,stay away from 3.Leave quick

17、ly,.use lift4.Keep calm,brave and helpful,Retell the passage in groups.,Outside1.Move away from 2.street lights power lines 3.bridges and trees a bus or a car 4.falling rocks5.run away from higher ground,Look at the pictures and say what they are doing in the earthquake.,Learning to learn,When you r

18、ead instructions,make sure of what they tell you to do,and also focus on the steps of activities.,Work in pairs.Do the following research.,Inside your school Make a list of safe places and dangerous places at your school if an earthquake happens.Note where the nearest stairs and doors to the outside

19、 of the school buildings are.,Outside your school Make a list of places near your school.Note if they are safe or dangerous.Note where the streets go,and where street lights and power lines are.,Write some instructions about what to do in an earthquake.,Go out and meet on the playground.Do not use t

20、he lift.,Now work in pairs.Check and share your instructions.,情态动词表示推测1.can 可以表示对现在或将来的推测,意为“会,可能”。通常用于肯定句和疑问句。用于否定句时,cant 表示“不可能”;用于否定句时,can 比 could 表示的“可能性”更大。例如:Who sent the present?Can it be your brother?It cant be my brother.He is still in France.,Grammar,2.could 也表示对现在或将来的推测,意为“会,可能”。could 可以用

21、于肯定句、否定句和疑问句,表示某事有可能发生或可能是事实。例如:He could be in pain.That could be harmful.,3.must 也表示猜测,意为“一定,准是”。通常用于肯定句。例如:Betty,you must know!It must be your brother.,情态动词 must/can/could 表示推测的用法重点短语 warn sb.about sth.jump out of keep calm stay away from be careful of run away,本课小结,四.、练一练:1.Lets walk fast in orde

22、r to keep _.A.warming B.warmly C.warm D.to warm2._ is wrong to copy other students homework.A.This B.That C.It D.There3._ get off the bus before it stops.A.Dont B.Doesnt C.Not D.Didnt4.Is that girl under the tree Mary?No,that _ be Mary.She is in New York.A.can B.mustnt C.cant D.neednt,C,C,A,C,5.Must

23、 I clean the room now?No,you _.You can do it tomorrow.A.mustnt B.must C.neednt D.may not6.We should stop _ computer games.A.playing B.play C.to play D.plays7.May I stop my car here?No,you _.cant B.mustnt C.neednt D.dont have to,C,A,A,1.熟读本文章和背诵本单元的单词.2.完成本单元的的练习题.3.近几年地震频频发生,导致无数人失去家园。请阐述一下如何对这一自然灾害进行防范。,Homework,Thank you!,


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