毕业论文(设计)基于PDA 的猪肉质量溯源信息采集方案.doc

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1、基于PDA的猪肉质量溯源信息采集方案罗清尧,熊本海,杨亮(中国农业科学院北京畜牧兽医研究所,动物营养学国家重点实验室,北京 100094)摘要:【目的】建立健全猪肉质量溯源体系,需要具有操作性好的溯源信息采集方案,【方法】本研究以天津市商品猪散养农户模式为研究对象,深入分析猪重大疾病防控及生产过程中与安全溯源有关的投入品使用情况,包括疫苗、饲料、兽药及监督检测,提出了猪肉质量溯源系统的投入品元数据、事件集成、数据传输接口规范,采用动物标识技术、PDA智能识读技术、GPRS技术、数据库技术等,【结果】开发完成了PDA猪肉质量溯源信息采集系统,实现了包括猪溯源标识识别、佩戴及注销,疫苗、饲料及兽药



4、逐步制定了一些相关的标准和指南,如中国物品编码中心的产品溯源通用规范、牛肉制品溯源指南2,7,农业部2007年6月1日颁布的畜禽标识和养殖档案管理办法(以下简称“管理办法”)等15。农业部“动物溯源系统”已经在北京、上海、四川、重庆等省市示范运行,主要依托的技术是二维码识读技术,采用二维码作为动物身份标识,以IC卡作为动物检疫防疫流转数据载体,采用GPRS通讯作为机读设备与数据库信息通讯的网络,对动物产品从养殖场到屠宰场、从屠宰场到超市等销售终端进行监管2,3。1材料与方法1.1 研究对象本研究以天津市商品猪散养户为研究模型,以猪及猪产品(中间及终端产品)为研究对象,以“管理办法”中有关建立养

5、殖档案的内容作为信息采集的基本要求,研究猪肉质量安全溯源系统的信息采集及处理方案。1.2猪溯源标识耳标 基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(59637050);“八五”国家科技攻关项目(85-20-74)作者简介:罗清尧(1964 -),男,湖北江陵人,副研究员,主要从事畜牧信息技术研究。为了与农业部动物溯源系统保持一致,本研究使用的是猪二维耳标,它的基本功能是能够对猪及产品进行跟踪识别。耳标采用塑料材料,选用的塑料符合我国食品接触安全标准,不会对猪及产品产生接触污染。猪二维耳标佩戴在猪的左耳或右耳上。如图1所示,在耳标上印刻有可肉眼识别的耳标标识数字和二维编码。图1 猪溯源标识耳标Fig.1

6、 the special 2-D bar code label耳标的统一编码规则是重要的基础性工作,有利于实现在溯源系统各个环节的通查通识。根据农业部“管理办法”提出的畜禽标识编码规则,猪标识编码由15位数字组成,第一位数字代表家畜的类别(“1”代表猪);接着的6位数字(第2至第7位)代表猪所在县(市)区域的行政区划代码且服从 GB T2260-1999(2006年12月31日更新);8位数字(第8位到15位)为顺序号,即在同一行政区域内猪的个体顺序号。例如,编码为“1 120115 00006306” 的标识号表示家畜类型为猪,猪的饲养地为天津市宝坻区(行政区划码为120115), 该标识代

7、表的猪为在天津市宝坻区的第6306号猪。1.3 猪溯源耳标识读设备为了加强猪标识的安全管理和提高设备识别效率,农业部动物溯源办公室根据“管理办法”提出了我国猪溯源专用二维耳标规范。耳标生产时先将耳标标识编码转换为二维图像,再通过激光把二维图像雕刻在耳标正面。耳标上含有肉眼可以识别的15位数字及相应的二维图像, 装有专用二维条码解码库的识读设备可通过扫描二维图像实现猪耳标标识的自动识别。针对猪耳标码制的特殊性和降低成本的需要,农业部动物溯源办公室经过公开招标选择了两款可以自动识读猪二维耳标的智能移动PDA(如图2)。图2左边所示PDA是基于windows mobile 5.0技术开发的识读器,右

8、边是基于Linux操作系统运行的智能PDA识读器。图2智能PDA耳标识读器Fig.2 Intelligent PDA eartag reader1.4 溯源信息的采集及处理 1.4.1溯源标识耳标识读 本方案研究基于windows mobile 5.0的PDA设备识别溯源标识耳标,通过平台调用(或简称为P/Invoke)引用的库函数主要包括coredll.dll、Mobile5DLL.dll中的API函数,PDA摄像头需要的扫描函数库HWCamera.dll、猪标识二维耳标解码库等。为了防止和减少扫描头无效扫描,系统只在需要识别猪耳标标识的模块中加载了扫描识别功能。本采集方案可通过摄像头拍摄并

9、识别符合标准规范的一维或二维条码,以及猪专用标识二维耳标。系统在每次完成耳标识读后,在耳标信息框中显示耳标号。如果发现耳标号重复,系统发出警告提示,并且不显示重复的当前耳标号。1.4.2 溯源投入品信息采集 在猪养殖过程中涉及的溯源投入品主要包括疫苗、饲料、兽药,是猪产品质量溯源体系的重要溯源信息。在一般情况下,按批次登记猪疫苗和饲料使用信息,针对单头猪登记兽药使用信息,但是,在特殊情况下也可以记录每头猪的疫苗和饲料使用信息,记录成批猪使用兽药的信息。为了减少PDA操作员的工作强度,在进行饲料和(或)兽药使用信息登记时采用两种方式进行记录:一是在防疫登记之后马上进行饲料和(或)兽药使用情况登记

10、,此时系统默认加载畜主身份信息(畜主,畜种,乡镇,耳标数,耳标号(多个),不能进行修改;第二种方式是单独进行饲料和(或)兽药的使用情况登记,需要先读取猪耳标号,填写畜主、畜种信息。监督检测是为了监督和杜绝瘦肉精等违禁药品的使用。兽医主管部门在养殖、运输和宰前进行不定期的抽检工作。本方案中检测项目包括瘦肉精、莱克多巴胺、磺胺类药物,检测方法为快速试纸条、ELISA、气质联用三种。检测结果呈阳性说明所检测猪的检测项没有通过抽检,为不合格,检测结果按头记录并传输到数据中心。如果一头猪抽检不合格则标识所在圈为不合格。查询的时候以这个圈的最后一次抽检结果为准。一次可以针对多个项目进行检测。1.4.3 溯

11、源信息的处理及传输 在智能PDA识读器完成对溯源标识耳标及投入品信息采集后,需要快速、安全地上传到溯源数据中心,才能真正完成溯源信息的采集工作。在没有网络或网络不能正常工作的较偏远地区,可以把溯源数据保存到本地的SQL Server CE数据库或文本文件或XML文件中,也可以保存到相连的溯源智能IC中,一旦网络正常工作后,及时通过GPRS接入Internet,把溯源信息上传到溯源数据中心。研究提出了投入品的元数据规范、事件集成规范和传输接口规范,实现了基于WEB SERVICE方式的PDA中数据与服务器数据库的数据上传/下载传输方案16,17。1.5 系统开发工具 系统开发是在Windows

12、2003 企业版上进行,设备是智信ZX-6000,主要工具软件包括Microsoft Visual Studio .NET、Pocket PC SDK、Microsoft ActiveSync 4.5、Microsoft SQL Server2005等。2 结果与分析2.1 溯源耳标佩戴及注销根据“管理办法”要求,猪必须获得全国唯一身份标识,在首次疫病免疫时佩戴标识耳标。如图3,先通过耳标识别设备识读耳标(最多连续识读耳标15个),然后输入畜主和圈栏号(或分组号)等信息。系统默认畜种为猪,用途为饲养肥育,地址默认为设备所在乡镇。在猪因某种原因死亡或屠宰时,需要对耳标进行注销,避免耳标再次使用(

13、如图3所示)。 图3溯源耳标佩戴与注销Fig.3 Setting and Invalidation of Pig Eartag 2.2 溯源投入品信息采集 投入品信息采集是对疫苗、饲料和兽药使用信息的采集。一般防疫登记时需要按每圈或分组读取至少一个耳标,系统将对同圈或同组猪进行同一事件处理。备注为非必填项,其它为必填信息。在数据上传过程中,自动加载PDA设备ID号和操作时间(图4)。 图4投入品事件信息采集 Fig4. Information collection of Input Events在完成防疫登记后,可以进行饲料和兽药使用信息登记。饲料登记主要是登记猪使用饲料的种类及来源,以便在需

14、要的时候可以实现正反向溯源监管。备注项为非必填,但饲料中含有规定的需要停药期的饲料添加剂时要求填写,保证在出栏前达到无药物残留。兽药登记主要是记录猪发生疾病后使用药物的情况,一般官方兽医在出栏检查或产地检疫时参考,保障猪出栏时无药物残留,仅备注项为非必填。溯源数据中心在接受到上传的信息后,分别自动合成为防疫事件、饲料事件和兽药事件信息。2.3 监督检测信息采集 为了保障溯源信息的有效性,官方的监督检测是必须的。系统提供了官方兽医在监测过程中产生信息的采集(如图5)。为了简化操作,避免人为错误,各信息项均为选择输入。数据上传过程中,同时将PDA设备ID信息上传,这样自动记录了检测信息的责任信息。

15、溯源数据中心将接受到的信息合成为监测事件信息。官方兽医在进行监测过程时,可以通过PDA设备查询被检对象的溯源信息。 图5监督检测信息采集及查询Fig5. Information collectio and Search of Superveision Event3讨论我国经过多年的农业信息采集系统建设,目前已在农业、畜牧等领域形成了多条比较稳定的信息采集渠道,但大多数信息属于事后统计类信息,缺乏农业经营活动过程中的即时信息,而且采集频度低;绝大多数系统都是垂直部署的采集系统,部署层级多,维护费用较高,系统更新慢;我国农村地区基础条件则相对较差,目前全国性的农业信息采集系统基本上只能部署到县级及


17、需要,是一条切实可行的移动通讯信息采集解决方案。溯源系统建设除需要购置硬件设备、进行软件开发并实现各个环节的数据信息能够相互联系、互联互通外,一个重要的工作是需要完善在各个环节完成溯源信息的采集与传输制度,由谁负责包括耳标佩带及注销、投入品(疫苗、饲料、兽药)、监督检测等关键溯源信息的采集与上传。考虑到农业部推行的官方兽医制度即每头畜禽,不论是来自养殖场,还是散养户,均由代表政府的官方兽医负责免疫与治疗等,并监督养殖档案的建立,本方案使用的PDA均由官方兽医负责管理使用。溯源信息必须由官方兽医检查正确后,方可上传,并对提交的分管区域溯源数据的真实性负责。参考文献1 王昕. 移动通讯技术在农业即

18、时信息采集和服务中的应用初探J.农业网络信息.2007,(12):14-17.2 陈红华,田志宏. 国内外农产品可追溯系统比较研究.商场现代化J,2007,(21):5-6.3 张晶声.各国建设动物标识溯源系统的做法J.中国牧业通讯,2006,(7):60-62.4 程浩. 畜产品安全控制与溯源技术研究的探讨J.现代农业科技,2007,(1):169-170.5 努尔甫拉提,周南, 邱小彬. 基于WEB的可定制数据采集系统的设计与实现J.农业网络信息.2007,(5):28-30.6 王立方,陆昌华,谢菊芳等.家畜和畜产品可追溯系统研究进展J.农业工程学报, 2005,21(7):168-17

19、4.7 张国庆. 林产品标识溯源系统框架设计. 8 Xiong ben hai et al. A practical web-based tracking and traceability information system for the pork products supply chainJ. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research ,2007,50:725733.9 Ammendrup S, Fussel A-E. Legislative requirements for the identification and traceabil

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21、1334.11 M. Thompson, G. Sylvia, and M.T. Morrissey. Seafood Traceability in the United States:Current Trends, System Design, and Potential Applications.Comprehensive reviews in food science and food safety.2005.Vol(1).12 Jill E. Hobbs,Deevon bailey,et al.Traceability in the Canadian red meta sector:

22、 do consumers care?.Canadian Journal of Agrcultural Economics , 2005,53: 47-65.13 N schembti, Ja toribio.Review of identification and traceability legislation for pigs in AustraliaJ.Australian Veterinary Journal , 2007,85(7):255-260.14 Caja G, Hernandez M, Conill C et al. Use of ear tags and injecti

23、ble transponders for the identification and traceability of pigs from birth to the end of the slaughter lineJ.J Anim Sci,2005,83:22152224.15 中华人民共和国第67号令.畜禽标识及养殖档案管理办法. ,June 26,2006.16 刘彦博,胡砚,马骐.Windows Mobile 平台应用与开发M.2006.17 傅曦,齐宁,徐俊. Windows Mobile 手机应用开发M.2005.Collection Scheme for Tracing Info

24、rmation of Pig Safety Production Luo Qingyao, Xiong Benhai, Yang Liang(Institute of Animal Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science, State Key Laboratory of Animal Nutrition, Beijing 100094 ,China)Abstract: 【Aim】To establish tracing system for pig safety production, it needs a set of informa

25、tion collection scheme with good practicality and operability, 【Method】 this study takes one main production pattern of smallhold pig farming in Tianjin as study prototype, analyze prevention of pig diseases and use of inputs related to security tracing in pig production process, including vaccines,

26、 feed, veterinary drugs and supervision test, raises inputs metadata, criterion for integration of input events and data transfer interface, by the use of animal identification technologies, Intelligent readers PDA technologies, GPRS technologies, database technologies and etc., 【Result】 develops an

27、d completes collection system for tracing information of pig safety production based on PDA, implement to read, set and invalidate pig tracing identification, collect inputs information for vaccines, veterinary drugs and feed, and collect supervision information of hydrochloride Telunteluo and sulfa

28、 drugs in pigs, upload these data to tracing database center through GPRS, and complete integration of input events on the database server.【Conclusion】The PDA information collection system has been applied for demonstration in Tianjin, the collection is simple, convenient, practical, the collection

29、system works normally. It could meet with requirements of tracing system for pig safety production.Key words:Pig; PDA; Quality Security; Traceability; Information CollectionEditors note: Judson Jones is a meteorologist, journalist and photographer. He has freelanced with CNN for four years, covering

30、 severe weather from tornadoes to typhoons. Follow him on Twitter: jnjonesjr (CNN) - I will always wonder what it was like to huddle around a shortwave radio and through the crackling static from space hear the faint beeps of the worlds first satellite - Sputnik. I also missed watching Neil Armstron

31、g step foot on the moon and the first space shuttle take off for the stars. Those events were way before my time.As a kid, I was fascinated with what goes on in the sky, and when NASA pulled the plug on the shuttle program I was heartbroken. Yet the privatized space race has renewed my childhood dre

32、ams to reach for the stars.As a meteorologist, Ive still seen many important weather and space events, but right now, if you were sitting next to me, youd hear my foot tapping rapidly under my desk. Im anxious for the next one: a space capsule hanging from a crane in the New Mexico desert.Its like t

33、he set for a George Lucas movie floating to the edge of space.You and I will have the chance to watch a man take a leap into an unimaginable free fall from the edge of space - live.The (lack of) air up there Watch man jump from 96,000 feet Tuesday, I sat at work glued to the live stream of the Red B

34、ull Stratos Mission. I watched the balloons positioned at different altitudes in the sky to test the winds, knowing that if they would just line up in a vertical straight line we would be go for launch.I feel this mission was created for me because I am also a journalist and a photographer, but abov

35、e all I live for taking a leap of faith - the feeling of pushing the envelope into uncharted territory.The guy who is going to do this, Felix Baumgartner, must have that same feeling, at a level I will never reach. However, it did not stop me from feeling his pain when a gust of swirling wind kicked

36、 up and twisted the partially filled balloon that would take him to the upper end of our atmosphere. As soon as the 40-acre balloon, with skin no thicker than a dry cleaning bag, scraped the ground I knew it was over.How claustrophobia almost grounded supersonic skydiverWith each twist, you could se

37、e the wrinkles of disappointment on the face of the current record holder and capcom (capsule communications), Col. Joe Kittinger. He hung his head low in mission control as he told Baumgartner the disappointing news: Mission aborted.The supersonic descent could happen as early as Sunday.The weather

38、 plays an important role in this mission. Starting at the ground, conditions have to be very calm - winds less than 2 mph, with no precipitation or humidity and limited cloud cover. The balloon, with capsule attached, will move through the lower level of the atmosphere (the troposphere) where our da

39、y-to-day weather lives. It will climb higher than the tip of Mount Everest (5.5 miles/8.85 kilometers), drifting even higher than the cruising altitude of commercial airliners (5.6 miles/9.17 kilometers) and into the stratosphere. As he crosses the boundary layer (called the tropopause), he can expe

40、ct a lot of turbulence.The balloon will slowly drift to the edge of space at 120,000 feet (22.7 miles/36.53 kilometers). Here, Fearless Felix will unclip. He will roll back the door.Then, I would assume, he will slowly step out onto something resembling an Olympic diving platform.Below, the Earth be

41、comes the concrete bottom of a swimming pool that he wants to land on, but not too hard. Still, hell be traveling fast, so despite the distance, it will not be like diving into the deep end of a pool. It will be like he is diving into the shallow end.Skydiver preps for the big jumpWhen he jumps, he

42、is expected to reach the speed of sound - 690 mph (1,110 kph) - in less than 40 seconds. Like hitting the top of the water, he will begin to slow as he approaches the more dense air closer to Earth. But this will not be enough to stop him completely.If he goes too fast or spins out of control, he ha

43、s a stabilization parachute that can be deployed to slow him down. His team hopes its not needed. Instead, he plans to deploy his 270-square-foot (25-square-meter) main chute at an altitude of around 5,000 feet (1,524 meters).In order to deploy this chute successfully, he will have to slow to 172 mp

44、h (277 kph). He will have a reserve parachute that will open automatically if he loses consciousness at mach speeds.Even if everything goes as planned, it wont. Baumgartner still will free fall at a speed that would cause you and me to pass out, and no parachute is guaranteed to work higher than 25,

45、000 feet (7,620 meters).It might not be the moon, but Kittinger free fell from 102,800 feet in 1960 - at the dawn of an infamous space race that captured the hearts of many. Baumgartner will attempt to break that record, a feat that boggles the mind. This is one of those monumental moments I will always remember, because there is no way Id miss this.


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