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1、Java的漏洞现象Java的安全问题已经成为近几年最热门的话题。然而,最近出现在Java方面的相关漏洞和攻击显著上升。对于广泛安装Java的大多数企业来说,这种问题也是非常脆弱的,Java的安全问题无疑是当今最紧迫的问题。Java仍然是许多企业所需要的技术,但它的普及与其当前的业务用例似乎不成比例。Bit9公司的Harry Sverdlove检查了关于Java无处不在的存在于企业中的原因,Java的更新和补丁,以及为什么Java是让黑客心爱的问题。他提供了一些指导,以减少与平台相关的风险。据卡巴斯基实验室调查,在2012年超过了Java的Adobe Reader的在现实世界中成为攻击最受剥削端

2、点的软件。具体来说,2012年度卡巴斯基安全公告中指出:“在整个一年中,卡巴斯基实验室的专家们登记了大规模的利用软件的漏洞进行有针对性的攻击的事件,他们发现Oracle Java是最常见的攻击目标(攻击占50)。Adobe Reader的排名第二(28),只有2的份额的Adobe Flash播放器占据第四位,这一结果要归功于Adobe Flash高效的自动更新系统以及及时修复安全漏洞。”对于TRIAM-1M的基于Web的综合数据处理系统在2013年8月,据F-Secure公司的反恶意软件分析师蒂姆赫沃宁报道,他们找到一个在最狂野积极开拓面向Java 6中未打补丁的漏洞。根据漏洞信息提供商Sec





7、归咎于没有删除旧版本的Java不能完全由用户组织的脚本奠定,这个问题的很大一部分是Java安装和更新软件未能删除以前的版本。换句话说,安装Java的新版本将不会删除旧版本的软件,并在安装过程中允许Java在一个给定的端点存在多余的实例。Java在更新时,在另一方面,将尝试删除最近的以前版本从而支持新的版本,而不是软件的其他以前的版本。例如,在运行时版本6更新13时,安装将导致更新过程中Java的更新过程中尝试删除版本6更新13和安装最新版本(Java 7的更新45,为2013年10月)。但它不会删除第5版,如果该版本也已经被以前安装更新至22。只有Java 7的版本,安装商和某些版本的Java

8、 6的安装程序删除内的主要版本和次要版本(第6版安装程序不卸载版本5的安装为例)Oldest Java实例按年龄和部署。黑客在Java的受宠地位Java的最初发布的口号是“一次编写,到处运行”,这是为了强调其跨平台的能力。随着时间的推移,Java已经成为无处不在端点上,所以“随处运行”可以被解释为是指它的无处不在。甚至更少的网站和Web应用程序需要Java才能正常运行,该技术是普遍的,几乎每一个终端用户系统都存在。出于这个原因,Java也已经成为了一个极易受到攻击的平台。一个表明攻击者在Java的受宠地位证据是,它如何频繁地集成到各种攻击,如黑洞,酷派Redkit套件。这些套件代表公众提供脚本



11、s操作系统,但它往往需要企业多年的规划和实施这样的举动。这一事实导致了产品,如开源的Java工具,其唯一目的是帮助用户应对识别并删除旧版本的Java的问题。虽然这些产品将减轻一些攻击的百分比,以及很多用户不会明白的警告,并可以选择允许代码在旧的易受攻击的版本上执行。此外,所谓的“点击旁通”经常被发现在Java中的漏洞,允许攻击防止以往被视为由用户缓解交互式信息。 2013年7月,一个漏洞被发现影响Java的主要版本7更新为21,最新的版本作为故障Bit9的数据收集,以及更早的版本。该漏洞允许攻击者绕过Java的点击-2播放安全警告对话框,而无需用户交互。根据数据包风暴,这意味着攻击者仍然可以针



14、些端点的风险,并有效地开展优先整治力度。展望未来,实时可见性和保护终端的服务器将是至关重要的。From:Harry Sverdlove Network Security 2014-4The Java vulnerability landscapeJava has been a trending security concern for several years. Recently, however, there has been a significant rise in Java-related vulnerabilities and attacks.Not only is Java wi

15、dely installed in most enterprises, it is also highly vulnerable and it is arguably the most pressing security concern today.Java continues to be a required technology for many companies, but its ubiquity seems to be out of proportion with its current business use cases. Harry Sverdlove of Bit9 exam

16、ines the reasons for Javas ubiquitous presence in the enterprise, the issues it has with updating and patching and why it is so beloved by hackers. And he offers some guidance for reducing the risks associated with the platform.According to Kaspersky Lab, in 2012 Java surpassed Adobe Reader as the m

17、ost exploited endpoint software in real-world attacks. Specifically, the 2012 annual Kaspersky Security Bulletin noted that: “Throughout the year Kaspersky Labs experts registered both large-scale and targeted attacks utilising vulnerable software, with Oracle Java being the most frequently targeted

18、 (50% of attacks). Adobe Reader ranked second (28%) and Adobe Flash player occupies the fourth place with only 2% share, thanks to efficient automatic updating system that promptly closes security holes.”A WEB-based integrated data processing system for the TRIAM-1 MIn August 2013, F-Secure anti-mal

19、ware analyst Timo Hirvonen reported finding an in-the-wild exploit actively targeting an unpatched vulnerability in Java 6. According to vulnerability information provider Secunia, the bug could be “exploited by malicious local users to disclose certain sensitive information, manipulate certain data

20、, and gain escalated privileges and by malicious people to conduct spoofing attacks, disclose certain sensitive information, manipulate certain data, cause a DoS (denial of service), bypass certain security restrictions, and compromise a vulnerable system.” No doubt, Java has become a primary gatewa

21、y for hackers to enter todays businesses.In September 2013, F-Secures Threat Report H1 2013 found that Java exploits for about half of the detections reported to its systems, up from one-third in the prior six months. F-Secure notes that its not surprising Java is an appealing target since “next to

22、the Windows operating system (also a popular target for exploits), Java is probably the second-most ubiquitous program in an organisations IT setup.”Whats worse, these attacks are increasingly zero-day exploits, meaning hackers are taking advantage of a security vulnerability on the same day that th

23、e vulnerability becomes generally known, giving developers zero days to address and patch the vulnerability.Most concerning problemJavas vulnerabilities and prevalence combine to make it perhaps the single most concerning security problem today. So it is important to closely explore the breadth and

24、state of its deployment across enterprises. Research from Bit9 uncovered some surprising findings that can result in greater security risks across organisations, including: Most enterprises have multiple versions of Java, the most prevalent versions of which are highly vulnerable. This finding was s

25、upported by Websense research which found that, as of August 2013, 81% of Windows machines were not running the latest version of Java, leaving their users wide open to known exploits.Attackers can often target old, vulnerable Java versions installed on the endpoint. According to Websense, exploits

26、CVE-2013-2473 and CVE-2013-2463 are successfully targeting PCs running outdated versions of Java.Fewer than 1% of organisations have installed the latest version of Java. Clearly, cyber-criminals know there is a Java update problem for many organisations, and they are eager to exploit it.So lets tak

27、e a look at the state of Java in the enterprise and examine the reasons behind Javas new favoured status among attackers and a history of Java-related attacks. Well also offer recommendations for reducing Java-related risks in todays organisations. The hope is that by shedding light on the reasons J

28、ava is so widely targeted, enterprises will have a deeper understanding of the issues involved and be better equipped to make decisions and take actions to remediate this important threat.The current state of JavaIn July 2013, Bit9s research team analysed Java deployment statistics on approximately

29、one million endpoints at hundreds of enterprises worldwide. Highlights of the findings include: The average organisation had more than 50 distinct versions of Java. Some 5% of organisations have more than 100 versions of Java installed. Typically, organisations that have fewer total versions of Java

30、 within their environment are those with more fixed-function devices, which usually do not have any version of Java installed.Most endpoints have numerous iterations of Java installed, in part because the Java installation and update process often does not remove old versions.Attackers can determine

31、 what versions of Java an enterprise is running and target the oldest, most vulnerable versions.The most popular version of Java running on endpoints analysed by Bit9 is version 6 update 20, which is present on 9% of all systems and has 96 known vulnerabilities of the highest severity.Less than 1% o

32、f enterprises are running the latest version of Java.The blame for not removing old versions of Java cannot be laid entirely at the feet of user organisations. A big part of the problem is the failure of Java installation and update software to remove previous versions. In other words, installing a

33、new version of Java will not remove older versions of the software and the installation process allows for redundant instances of Java on a given endpoint.The Java updater, on the other hand, will attempt to remove the most recent previous version in favour of the newer version, but not other prior

34、versions of the software. For example, running the Java update process when version 6 Update 13 is installed will cause the update process to attempt to remove version 6 Update 13 and install the latest version (Java 7 Update 45, as of October 2013), but it will not remove version 5 update 22 if tha

35、t version also had been installed previously. Only Java 7 version installers and some versions of Java 6 installers remove minor versions within that major version (version 6 installers do not uninstall version 5 installations, for example).Oldest Java instances by age and deployment.Javas favoured

36、status among hackersJava was originally released with the slogan “write once, run anywhere,” which was intended to underscore its cross-platform capabilities. Over time, Java has become ubiquitous on endpoints, so run anywhere can be interpreted as referring to its ubiquity. Even as fewer websites a

37、nd web applications require Java in order to operate properly, the technology is pervasive on virtually every end-user system. For this reason, Java also has become a platform that is highly vulnerable to attack.Most enterprises have multiple versions of Java, the most prevalent versions of which ar

38、e highly vulnerable. This finding was supported by Websense research which found that, as of August 2013, 81% of Windows machines were not running the latest version of Java, leaving their users wide open to known exploits. Attackers can often target old, vulnerable Java versions installed on the en

39、dpoint. According to Websense, exploits CVE-2013-2473 n CVE-2013-2463 are successfully targeting PCs running outdated versions of Java. Fewer than 1% of organisations have installed the latest version of Java. Clearly, cyber-criminals know there is a Java update problem for many organisations, and t

40、hey are eager to exploit it.A piece of evidence demonstrating Javas favoured status among attackers is how frequently it is integrated into various exploit kits such as Blackhole, Cool and Redkit. These kits represent the evolution of publicly available scripted attacks into relatively mature, suppo

41、rted products that often are sold on the underground market. Exploit kits are typically used to implement browser-based attacks by deploying them on compromised or attacker-staged web servers, and include a variety of exploits for use against client systems. Because vulnerable versions of Java are s

42、o pervasive and severe, the inclusion of Java exploits in these kits provides a high probability of successful compromise.It is perhaps not well known outside the security research community that malicious Java code can target outdated instances of Java even after the most recent version of Java has

43、 been installed on an endpoint. Sometime during the Java 6 family of updates, the Java updaters began removing some older versions of Java. However, an installer for a major version of Java does not remove versions of Java from older major versions. The fact that older major versions of Java are not

44、 removed during installation of newer versions has led to continued high prevalence of very old and vulnerable versions of Java remaining on a high percentage of endpoints. Essentially, Java represents an extremely large surface area for potential attacks in many organisations.In spite of this, orga

45、nisations continue to be behind the curve on patching Java. Typically, it takes an organisation between three and nine months to apply Java patches due to the extensive quality assurance testing they need to conduct before applying each patch. Were it not for the fact that hackers have been paying c

46、lose attention to Java vulnerabilities, this would be less of an issue. Earlier this year, Java vulnerabilities prompted US-CERT to encourage the public to disable Java unless it is necessary. However, disabling Java is not as easy for some organisations as it sounds. Its similar to the fact that it

47、s easy for home users to upgrade their Windows OS overnight, but it often takes corporations years to plan for and implement such a move.This fact has led to products, such as the open-source JavaRa tool, whose sole purpose is to help users deal with the problem of identifying and removing old versi

48、ons of Java. While these products will mitigate some percentage of attacks, many users will not understand the warning and may choose to allow the code to execute under the old vulnerable version. In addition, so-called click bypass vulnerabilities often are discovered in Java, allowing attackers to

49、 prevent the mitigating interactive messages from ever being seen by the user.In July 2013, a vulnerability was found that affects Java major version 7 update 21, the newest version as of Bit9s data collection, as well as earlier versions. This vulnerability allows for attackers to bypass the Java click-2-play security warning dialogue box without user interaction. According to Packet Storm, this means that


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