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1、Unit 3 Language in use,Translate the phrases,将来 _结果 _3)山地自行车运动 _4)出版 _5)例如 _,in the future,as a result,mountain biking,come out,such as,6)试图做某事_7)整理 _8)同.一样_9)空闲时间 _10)照顾 _,try to do sth.,tidy up,as well as,free time,look after,1.组成句子的成分叫句子成分。2.在句子中,词与词之间有一定的组合关系,按照不同的关系,可以把句子分为不同的组成成分。3.句子成分由词或词组充当

2、。4.英语的基本成分有六种:主语(subject)、谓语(predicate)、表语(predicative)、宾语(object)、定语(attribute)和状语(adverbial)。,句子成分,主语 1.主语是一个句子的主题,也是句子的主体,表示句子主要说明的人或事物。2.它的位置一般在句首。一般由名词、代词或相当于名词或代词的词、短语或句子等充当。The meeting will begin at 9:00.(名词)We study in No.1 Middle School.(代词)Smoking is bad for you.(动名词),谓语 1.谓语是说明主语的动作或状态。一般

3、放在主语之后。2.谓语一般是由动词或连系动词+表语担当。3.谓语必须和主语在“人称”和“数”上保持一致。,We work hard.(动词)Mike likes his new book.His parents are teachers.(连系动词+表语)She is reading.,表语 1.表语是表述主语的特征、状态或身份等。2.表语位于连系动词之后,二者构成系表结构,即合成谓语 3.表语由名词、形容词或相当于名词或形容词的词、短语或句子等充当。,Her brother is a driver.(名词)Are you ready?(形容词)We were at home last nig

4、ht.(介词短语)This book is mine,not yours.(代词)The film is exciting.(现在分词),宾语 1.宾语表示动作、行为的对象。2.只有及物动词可带宾语,有些不及物动词加上介词或副词也可带宾语。3.由名词、代词或相当于名词的词、短语或句子担当。,He often helps me.(代词)We study English at school.(名词)If you add 5 to 5,you get 10.(数词)Remember to buy some stamps.(动词不定式)He likes making you laugh.(动名词)He

5、 said,You are wrong.(句子)Do you understand what I mean?(从句),宾语补足语:位于宾语之后对宾语作出说明的成分。宾语与其补足语有逻辑上的主谓关系,它们一起构成复合宾语。1.名词/代词宾格+名词:The war made him a soldier.2.名词/代词宾格+形容词:Please keep the room clean.3.名词/代词宾格+介词短语:I often find him at work.,4.名词/代词宾格+动词不定式:The teacher ask the students to close the windows.5.

6、名词/代词宾格+分词:I saw a cat running across the road.,状语 状语修饰动词、形容词、副词或全句,说明方式、因果、条件、时间、地点、让步、方向、程度、目的等。用作状语的通常是副词。1)副词(短语)作状语:The boy needs a pen very much.(程 度状语)The boy,now,needs a pen.(时间状语),2)介词短语作状语:In the classroom,the boy needs a pen.(地点状语)Before his mother,Tom is always a boy.(条件状语)On Sundays,the

7、re is no student in the classroom.(时间状语),3)不定式作状语:The boy needs a pen to do his homework.(目的状语)4)名词作状语:Come this way!(方向状语),定语 1.定语是用来修饰名词;代词或句子的成分2.定语有前置定语,后置定语3.充当定语的词有:形容词;名词;代词;数词;名词所有格.方位副词;不定式;动词的-ing形式;过去分词;从句等例如:,Tom is a handsome boy.(形容词作定语)His name is Tom.(代词作定语)The boy in blue is Tom.(介词

8、短语作定语)There is nothing to do today.(不定式作定语),英语五种基本句型列式如下:,基本句型一:(主谓)基本句型二:(主系表)基本句型三:(主谓宾)基本句型四:O(主谓间宾直宾)基本句型五:(主谓宾宾补),Complete Sentence b with the same meaning as a.a)I saw him.He was playing the violin.b)I saw him playing the violin.,1.a)When I hear that song,I feel happy.b)That music always makes

9、 _2.a)He found a wallet.The wallet was lying on the road.b)He found _.,me happy.,a wallet lying on the road,3.a)When my mother has too much housework,I often help her.b)I often help _ _.4)a)Parents often say:“Children should be polite.”b)Parents often ask _,my mother do housework,children to be poli

10、te.,6.My father wanted me to be a musician.7.I heard her sing.8.There are lots of fans in the museum.9.Im playing the piano.,1.We can do many interesting things in life.2.John gave his father a very old book.3.He reads in the evening.4.John likes making things.5.Last year,he made a bicycle for his b

11、rother.,Activity 2,6.Johns mother isnt interested in his hobby.7.Johns room isnt clean.8.She feeds vegetables.9.Her hobbies can help her save money.,1.Id like to learn another language,_ I want to travel around the world one day.2.The Harry Potter stories were very popular and _ more teenagers began

12、 to enjoy reading than ever before.,because,as a result,Activity 3,3.Jane is good at singing _ dancing.4.At our school you can try lots of new activities,_ creative writing and playing the piano.5.We made a delicious cake this morning.Now we need to _ the kitchen.,as well as,such as,tidy up,6.I aske

13、d my parents to buy me a dog.I would _ it.7.Shall we _ some time _ playing table tennis on Saturday?8.I buy the magazines when they _each month.,look after,spend in,come out,Activity 7Listen and choose the best answer.,1 Which hobby is the most popular with girls?a)playing chess b)singing and dancin

14、g c)playing football2 Which hobby is the most popular with boys?a)playing football b)playing computer games c)watching films,3 Which hobby do boys and girls both enjoy?a)playing chess b)collecting things c)playing table tennis 4 Which hobby helps develop new skills?a)growing vegetables b)climbing c)

15、collecting stamps 5 Which hobby helps other people?a)growing vegetables b)collecting stamps c)playing chess,Tapescript,Girl:We have some interesting results from our survey on teenage hobbies.Boy:Whats the most popular hobby?Girl:Well,boys and girls have different hobbies.The girls like singing and

16、dancing,but the boys prefer playing football,and they like watching it,too.Boy:Oh,I see.Is there anything that boys and girls like doing?,Girl:Yes,both girls and boys enjoy playing table tennis.Boy:Why do teenagers like their hobbies?Girl:They like to learn about new things,and to develop new skills

17、.For example,collecting stamps,and playing chess develops thinking skills.Boy:I see.My hobby is growing vegetables.Is that a popular hobby?Girl:Yes,it is.This hobby helps the whole family.,Lets read!,Now if you want to make a survey about others hobbies,what questions do you want to ask?Discuss in g

18、roups and try to make a questionnaire.,See activity 7 in Page 3,activity 4 in page 5 and activity 4 in page 7 for ideas.,Make a questionnaire!,Choose the best one!,Questionnaire show!,Work in groups of four.Ask questions about the experiences.,Module task,Task 1.,Yes.,Write a short passage about one

19、 of your fantastic experiences.You may choose one topic from the above discussion,such as sport,book/film,food,technology,etc.You should tell us WHAT,WHERE,WHEN,HOW,WHY and HOW you do it.You may begin like this:,Task 2.,I have had a fantastic experience.This afternoon,when I was on my way home,I saw

20、 a blind man(盲人)waiting at the bus stop.I,课堂练习,II.Multiple choice.,()1.I am going to this weekend with my parents.A.spending B.take C.do D.spend,+动词原形,D,度过,做,()2.English is also used a foreign language in many countries.A.of B.as C.for D.by,被用做,B,()3.Why do you become so in such a film?I dont think

21、it is.A.interesting;interesting B.interested;interesting C.interesting;interested D.interested;interested,固定词组,B,()4.There is going a football match this Friday.A.to have B.have C.to be D.be,有,将要,C,()5.Its my first time to spend the weekend like this.A.a B.the C./D.an,序数词前用the,前面有定语时不用the,C,()6.Tom

22、likes cars.He enjoys model cars of all kinds.A.collects B.collecting C.to collect D.collected,doing sth.,B,()7.Please give me to eat.A.anything delicious B.delicious nothing C.delicious anything D.something delicious,不定代词的修饰语要后置,否定,肯定,D,()8.-What a nice MP3!Is it yours?-Of course.I 300 yuan on it.A.

23、cost B.spent C.paid D.take,it 做主语,人做主语,人做主语,it 做主语,for,B,()9.Our teacher makes us in class.A.discuss B.discussing C.discusses D.to discuss,sb.do sth.,A,()10.Jack likes playing football while Tom likes playing violin.A.a;a B.the;the C.a;the D./the,球类词不前加the,乐器类词前加the,D,()11.When did the plane?-At 2 o

24、clock.A.take off B.take up C.take away D.take place,起飞,开始从事,拿走,发生,A,.Complete the sentences.,1.很抱歉,有点不整洁,我将收拾一下桌子和椅子.,Sorry,its a bit untidy,Ill the table and chairs.,tidy,up,2.本学期末,在人民大会堂将有一个音乐会。,this term,theres a concert at Peoples Hall.,At,the,end,of,3.在高中,大卫写了一个有关青少年的故事,于2003年 作为一本书出版。,In senio

25、r high school,David wrote a story about teenage life,and it as a book in 2003.,come,out,4.作为这样的一个结果,大卫已经成为一名成功的年轻作家。,David has become a successful young writer.,As,a,result,5.许多学生有爱好,例如阅读,画画,在花园里种蔬菜。,Many students have hobbies,reading,painting,growing vegetables in their gardens.,such,as,6.吉姆擅长唱歌,跳舞,还有表演。,Jim is good at singing and dancing acting.,as,well,as,7.他们不仅享受周末,而且了解到了很多过去的生活。,They enjoy the weekend,learn a lot about life in the past.,not,only,but,also,


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