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1、7A Unit 2 Lets play sports Period 1 Comic strip & Welcome to the unit 教学目标: 1. To understand the key vocabulary and some important expressions.2.To learn how totalk about my favourite sports3. To develop the students abilities of listening and speaking . 教学重点:Learn some new words:(waking/ really/ bo

2、wl/ time/tennis/ volleyball/ enjoy/ go swimming/ player)教学难点: Talk about our daily life freely教具学具:Some pictures,A recorder预习作业检查与交流1.Free talk(与学生进行对话交流,融入英语课堂)T: How are you today?/What do you have for breakfast?/What do you usually do after school?/What do you do at weekends? . (学生回答 小组竞争 利用抢答的方式

3、提高学生的积极性)2.Check out the prepared work(Work in groups and check out the answers together)Part Two展示交流与点拨提高1.Learn some new words2.Learn comic strip示Eddie与Hobo的挂图)T:Do you remember our new friend Eddie?T : Do you want to know what does he like?T : Lets listen to the conversation between Eddie and Hob

4、o , find out what does Eddie likey?(播放录音)2.:Listen to the radio again and answer the questions (1)Does Eddielike sports? (Yes,he does.)(2)What do you think of Eddie? A hardworking dog or a lazy dog? 3.Read the conversation(分角色朗读)4.Role-play(学生分组讨论,进行对话表演)1.Talk about: What do you like doing after sc

5、hool?/ Whats your favourite sport?2.Make a dialogue (Work in pairs) A: I like swimming. Whats your favourite sport? B: I like playing football A:Do you often play football? B: Yes. I often play football after school. What about you? A: I _ 3.Do exercises P19 A Like doing sth./ be good at doing sth /

6、 love doing sth / enjoy doing sth.Part Three 当堂检测 当Part Four家庭作业一、句型转换1、You can borrow my book.(改成一般疑问句)2、You must look after your things.(改成祈使句)3、It is time for English class.(改成同义句)4、He likes Chinese food very much.(对划线部分提问)5、Lilys uncle works in this toy factory.(对划线部分提问 二、背出所学的单词与词组三、做好第二课时的预习作业

7、7A Unit 2 Lets play sports!Period 2 Reading () (教案)Teaching aims:A. Knowledge aims: 掌握生字词,理解相关词组和句型。B. Ability aims: 学会用一般现在时的第三人称介绍人物。C. Emotion aims: 做一个阳光健康喜欢运动的少年Teaching important and difficult point: 掌握重点词句,学会用一般现在时的第三人称介绍人物。Teaching process:Step one 预习交流一、Free talk1.T:Whats your favourite spo

8、rt?S: T:Do you often play ?do you often play ?2.T:Do you play basketball?/What do you play?/what is your deskmates favourite sport?二、猜猜我最喜爱的体育明星(描述,让学生猜出运动员的名字)We know SIMON likes playing football. And who is his favourite football player? Lets listen to the radio and find it.听课文录音,关注生词的发音,并回答下列问题。(

9、分段落听,将听力内容拆分为六个部分,降低难度is Simons favourite football player?2. Is Li Hua in Huanghe Football Club?3. How old is he ?4.what does he look?5. Does he come from Beijing?6. What does he do in his free time?(导学策略:通过提问,使学生熟悉课文相关信息。)三、再听录音,跟读每一句话。(导学策略:强化单词的音形义的结合)四、完成书本练习B1、B2、B3,相互校对。五、请学生分段朗读课文,一起完成B4六、简略交

10、谈你最喜爱的体育明星Step Four 家庭作业1、熟读课文,争取复述。2、完成当堂反馈课时练习。7A Unit 2 Lets play sports!Period 3 Reading (2) (教案)Teaching aims:1) 词汇:掌握本课的四会单词。2) 词组:my favourite football star;a member of;come from;look strong;play football very well; in ones free time;enjoy listening to music; make sb. +adj.;3) 句型:Li Hua wants

11、 to play in the next World Cup. I hope his dream comes true.Teaching important and difficult point: 掌握重点词句,学会用一般现在时的第三人称介绍人物。Teaching process:yearsStep one 预习交流Step two 点拨提高1. Ask four students to read the article2. 校对预习第二部分词组,并讲解有关语言点。my favourite football star 我最喜欢的足球明星,favourite在本短语中是形容词,意思是“最喜爱的

12、”,用作定语。Which is your favourite film? 哪部是你最喜欢的电影favourite还可以用作名词,意思是“最喜欢的人或物”。Music shows are my favourite. 音乐节目是我最喜欢的。我们还可以用likebest来表示“最喜爱的”,常与favourite进行替换。Which is your favourite book?=Which book do you like best?(小试身手)My favourite subject is English.(对划线部分提问) subject you ?(2)a member of Huanghe

13、Football Club黄河足球俱乐部的一名成员a member of 的一名成员,a member of Reading Club阅读俱乐部的一名成员Huanghe Football Club,注意其中的大写字母,类似的短语有:the Swimming Club,The dancing Club,the Drawing Club.表示参加某个兴趣小组用介词in。( )My brother likes .He is the Swimming Club.A. swim; in B. swimming; on C. swimming; in D. swim; on(3). enjoy liste

14、ning to music喜欢听音乐enjoy doing sth.”喜欢做某事,享受做某事的乐趣”,其中”做某事”要用动名词.相当于like/love的用法。I enjoy swimming in summer.在夏季,我喜欢游泳.(小试身手)We know that she enjoys books very much.A. read B. reads C. reading D. to read(4)look strong;看起来强壮的look在此做联系动词,意为“看起来”,后直接加形容词,也可跟名词或介词短语。如: The teacher looks happy. 老师看上去很高兴。He

15、 looks a nice, honest man.他看上去是个诚实的好人。 He looks in good health. 他看来十分健康。 类似词语还有sound,smell,taste,feel等。(小试身手)He is looking at the car . He looks .A. happy; happily B. happily; happilyC. happily; happy D. happy; happy(5) make him happy使他开心此处是make作为及物动词,表示“使(要)某人(事物)做什么(怎么样)”,“make+宾语宾语补足语”结构。可作宾语补足语的

16、词或词组有: 1、动词原形,即不带to的动词不定式,如: He made me stay with him。他让我和他在一起。 2、形容词(词组)如: He tried to make them happy. 他设法使他们高兴。3、名词(词组)如: I would make you king over the earth.我会让你做国cry王统治世界。4、有时可用介词短语。如: He asked us to make ourselves at home. 他要我们不要拘束。 (小试身手)How did Ling Feng make the baby stop crying?Astop cry

17、B. stoping crying C. stop crying D.to stop crying3.Read these phrases together and give them some time to remember.4.Ask some students to say some of them.5.当堂训练用所给短语的适当形式填空Listen to music; be good at; come from;a member of; make him happy1. The tall boy isnt Chinese.He England.2. Li Ming likes .Jay

18、 Chou is his favourite singer.3. Can you ?4. Wendy is a tennis player. She tennis.5. I like reading and Im the Reading Club.Step three 反馈检测当堂检测二、三Homework: 1.完成当堂反馈对应练习。 2.识记本堂课的词组、句子。3. 预习下一个课时,并完成相应的预习作业7A Unit 2 Lets play sports!Period 4 Grammar1(教案)Teaching aims:1. To make positive and negative

19、sentences and ask questions with the verb to do.2. To learn to use the simple present tense to talk about things that are always true, things that are true now and things that we do regularly.Teaching key & difficult points: 1. The Simple Present Tense (Verb form changes for the simple present tense

20、 in the third person singular.)2. Different sentences with the third person singular.Teaching Aids:Students Book 7A, pictures, blackboard Teaching Procedures:Step One: 预习交流 Step Two: 点拨提高一. Warming - up (Task)T: What do you like to do after school?Do you often go fishing in your summer holiday?S: Ye

21、s.T: Do you like fish?S: Yes, we do.T: Who else likes fish too?S: Cats.T: Yes. Cats eat fish. (things that are always true) Where do you live?S: We live in Nantong. (Things that are true now)T: What do you often do after school? S: I often play basketball after school. I often listen to music .(通过这个

22、活动,让学生能运用一些一般现在时的句子进行交流,激发学生学习一般现在时的兴趣)二Grammar learning 1. Learning the simple present tense.(Ask Ss some questions to present the simple present tense.)T: Who likes fish?S: I like fish very much.T: Who else like eating fish? (Now please open your books at page 12 and look at three pictures.)(Ss lo

23、ok at the pictures and read, and then answer the questions.)1)T: Who else like eating fish?S: Cats eat fish.T: Cats eat fish. This is something that is always true. Right?T: Yes.2) T: Is Millies hair short?S: No, her hair is long.T: You are right. This is something that is true now. Right?3)T: What

24、about Simon? What does he do after school?S: Simon plays football after school.T: Is this something that is true now? S: No.: Yes. This is something Simon does regularly. So this is something that we do regularly. Summing up: When we talk about: things that we do regularly. things that are always tr

25、ue. things are true now. we use the simple present tense.+ am / is / are + .总结句型:S (主语) + + V ( 原形 ) + .+ V (e)s / has +.2. to do的具体使用2) Finish the following excises to know how to use “to do”.选用do, does,doesnt, dont完成问句 1. _Do_ you live in Shanghai? Yes, _I do_2. _Does_ he work in a big shop? No, _

26、he doesnt 3. _Does_ she often take her son to school? Yes, _she does_4._ Do_ many people in Beijing speak English? No, _they dont 5. _Do_ David and Emily know Li Hua? Yes, _they do_“to do”用法Summing up:T: 含有行为动词的第三人称单数的疑问句及其肯定,否定回答和否定句句型S:疑问句: Does + S (主语) + V (原形) + .回答:Yes, S + does/ No, S + doesn

27、t否定句: S(主语 ) + doesnt + V (原形) + . T: 含有行为动词原形的疑问句及其肯定,否定回答和否定句句型S: 疑问句: Do + S (主语) + V + . 回答: Yes, S + do/ No, S+ dont.否定句: S (主语 ) + dont + V + . 3) 动词第三人称单数变化形式Pay attention to the content in the table of the page 14 to finish the following excises.4).通过以上的训练,对学生普遍遇到的难点问题进行进一步讲解,分析StepThree: 当堂

28、检测(Finish the exercises by themselves and check them out.10 mins) Homework: 1.以 “my hobbies” 为题写一篇不少于50个单词的短文 2.当堂反馈剩余练习。教学反思:7A Unit 2 Lets play sports!Period 5 Grammar 2 (教案)Teaching aims:1. To revise how the simple present tense is used in positive and negative statements as well as in questions.

29、2.To enable Ss to master the simple present tense through practicing. 3. To learn the phrases and sentences on P14-15.4 To help Ss talk about different people or things and communicate with each other in simple present tense.Teaching key & difficult point: To use the simple present tense to talk abo

30、ut ones profile.Teaching aids:Multimedia & blackboardTeaching procedures: Step One: 预习交流一般现在时be动词和行为动词的形式,要求学生能翻译一些肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句及其肯定与否定回答。校对学案中预习题的翻译部分。(Boys and girls, lets have a revision first. Who can give me some sentences that are used in simple present tense? Can you say these sentences in En

31、glish?Now lets check the translation answers.)Step Two: 点拨提高 1.教师在ppt课件中呈现P14上的B部分,要求学生举手回答这6个问题,并且翻译。随后教师给学生一些时间朗读这几个句子。(Now lets look at these six sentences which are on your books. Please put up your hands to answer them and try to translate them.) 2.教师在ppt课件中呈现P14上的C部分。将学生分成两人一组,给他们一些时间思考,然后教师要求

32、学生分角色作答,如有错误,教师找出存在问题,帮助学生自行修改。(Look at these pictures. First discuss with your partners, and then I will ask you to role-play these questions.) 3.为了帮助学生进一步巩固对一般现在时在一般疑问句中的使用,教师要求学生将下列句子改成一般疑问句,并做出肯定及否定回答。在给学生一些时间思考后,教师要求学生自己举手回答问题,并让其他学生判断该同学的答案对否。如有错误,让其他学生指出,帮助该同学修改。(Will you help me change the s

33、entences into questions and answer them?)1) I like this e-dog.Do you like this e-dog? Yes, I do. / No, I dont.2) Simon works hard at school. Does Simon work hard at school? Yes, he does. / No, he doesnt.lack washes clothes in the evening. Does Mrs. Black wash clothes in the evening? Yes, she does. /

34、 No, she doesnt.4) Amy and Sandy know the story. Do Amy and Sandy know the story? Yes, they do. / No, they dont.5) Hobo has a master. Does Hobo have a master? Yes, he does. / No, he doesnt.6) They often listen to music.Do they often listen to music? Yes, they do. / No, they dont. 4.教师在ppt课件中呈现P15上的D

35、部分。给学生一些时间思考,然后教师请学生举手回答。随后让学生自由朗读,再集体阅读。(Look at the dialogue and think about it. Then I will ask some of you to finish the dialogue.)7A Unit 2 Lets play sports!P 7study skills &Self-assessment教案一、Teaching content: Study Skill &Self-assessment)二、Teaching aims:1.To ask students to remember five soun

36、ds: / / ,/ /,/ /, / /,/ /2. To enable the students to use the sound groups correctly.三、Importance & difficult points:To enable the students to use and pronounce the sounds correctly.四、Teaching procedures: Step One: 预习交流1.Work in groups of four and check out the preparation work,ask some students to

37、write their answers on the blackboard and then check together.练习题目见导学案2Free talk: GreetingsStep Two: 点拨提高1 : Presentation(Self-assessment)Group work: Make a conversation and write down each others result at p29Topic(1: What sport do you like?(2. What do you often do at weekends?2: Practice Ask stude

38、nts to make a dialogue 3:Presentation(study skills) 1.Show some words and ask students to guess what the letter underlined pronounces. Read and sum up. Teach the following sounds: 2. Read and Practice3.Work in pairs and finsh part A and check.4. Listen to the tape and finish part B and CStep three:

39、当堂检测见当堂反馈四、五Homework:1.完成当堂反馈对应练习。3. 预习下一个课时,并完成相应的预习作业。7A Unit 2 Lets play sports!Period 8 Task(教案)Teaching aims:1. According to the outline learn how to write an article 2.Use the knowledge they have learned to introduce their favourite sports3. Master the new words and sentencesTeaching key & dif

40、ficult point: Use the knowledge they have learned to introduce their favourite sportsTeaching aids:Multimedia & blackboardTeaching procedures:Step One: 预习交流1.讨论并校对预习作业当Step Two: 点拨提高1. Free talkDo you like sports?What is your favourite sport?Who is your hero?Where can you watch his/ her matches?Are

41、you good at ?Do you often play after school?When do you often play?Who do you often play with?2. Today we will meet David. He is a student at Sunshine Middle School. Do you want to know more about him? Please listen to the tape and answer some questions1. What team is David in?2. When does David oft

42、en play basketball?3. Who does David often play basketball with?4. What else do David and his friends often do?5. What do they watch on TV?6. Who is Davids hero? And why?3. Read the article again, complete the table.My favourite sportMy favourite sportI often play withI often play on/atI often watch

43、 matchesMy favourite player4. Now, can you introduce your favourite sport in the same way? D o you want to try?Fill in the table in part B .5. Write their own articles6. Work in groups, read and check each others articles.7. Ask some students to read their articles.Step three: 当堂检测见当堂反馈六Homework:1.完

44、成当堂反馈对应练习。3. 预习下一个课时,并完成相应的预习作业。7A Unit 2 Lets play sports!The 6th period Integrated skills 教案Teaching aims:1. To enable the students to learn some important words and phrases. 2. To enable the Ss to get important information by listening and note them down while listening.3. To enable the Ss to wri

45、te a short article after listening.4. To enable the Ss to talk about what they often do after school and try to make their ives colourful.Key points& Difficult Points:1. To enable the Ss to get important information by listening and note them down while listening.2. To enable the Ss to write a short article after listening.3. Talk about what they of


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