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1、原创性声明本人呈交的论文,是在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果,所有数据、图片资料真实可靠。尽我所知,除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文的研究成果不包含他人享有著作权的内容。对本论文所涉及的研究工作做出贡献的其他个人和集体,均已在文中以明确的方式标明。本学位论文的知识产权归属于培养单位。本人签名: 日期:二一一年五月九日 摘 要所谓美国黑人,是历史上被欧洲殖民者劫运到美国的非洲黑人奴隶的后裔,又称非洲裔美国人。属尼格罗人种。其中23为黑白混血种人。通用英语。美国黑人在历史上起过重要作用,他们积极参加美国独立战争和反法西斯战争,屡立战功。对发展美国的经济文化也作出了很大贡献,他们一直是


3、语所说的文武双全;反之,要看一个种族,一类群体是否在其所属的领域地位和角色有所提升,是要从各个方面考察的。总之,道路是曲折的,可是,前途却是光明的。关键词: 奴隶制度 美国黑人 角色演变 ABSTRACTAfrican-Americans are persons from America who are members of a race of people who have dark skin, originally from Africa. They were transported to the United States by European colonizers and calle

4、d African, Negro, Colored, and Black in history. The original role of the African Americans in American society is African slaves. Though they lived in poor accommodations and lacked adequate food, they made a very positive contribution to American society in history.(Pollard, 2004)This study is mai

5、nly concerns on the evolution of African-Americans role-play in American society from the following aspects: appellation, politics, economy, Black English, literature, etc; this study is through great information about American history and culture, conspicuous representatives from respective field t

6、o analyzing African-Americans evolutionary roles in detail directly or indirectly.From this paper, some conclusions can be drawn. In the process of slipping slavery, fulfilling racial equality, improving American democratic system, African-Americans play a significant role in American society. They

7、deserve a higher status in American society after all that life-long hard work with terrible cost of the revolution in death and suffering.Through analyzing that, get a deeper conclusion that it need all-round promotion in improving the role of some group of weak race or minority in society though b

8、leeding and difficult it may be. We should respect them. Their experiences prove that process is winding, and future is promising.Key word: Slavery African American Evolutionary Role 目 录1.引言11.1 美国黑人的定义21.2 美国黑人的原始角色及概况21.3 制约美国黑人发展的因素32从称谓变化看美国黑人的角色演变42.1 非洲人42.2 有色人42.3 尼格罗52.4 黑人52.5 非洲裔美国人63从政治和

9、经济角度看美国黑人角色演变83.1 亚伯拉罕林肯的解放黑人奴隶宣言83.2 马丁路德金的我有一个梦想123.3 芭芭拉乔丹的正义之声143.4 贝拉克奥巴马的“是的,我们可以”163.5 美国黑人对经济所做出的贡献204从黑人英语看美国黑人角色演变214.1 黑人英语概述214.2 黑人英语的起源214.3 黑人英语的地位245从文化角度看美国黑人角色演变255.1 音乐255.2 体育275.3 文学27结论29致谢30参考文献30CONTENTS1.Introduction11.1 The Definition of African Americans21.2 The Original R

10、ole of African Americans21.3 The Main Factors that shape African Americans32 The Evolution in Appellation42.1 African42.2 Colored42.3 Negro52.4 Black52.5 African American63 The Evolution of Aframericans Roles in Politics and Economy83.1 Abraham Lincoln and the Emancipation Proclamation83.2 Martin Lu

11、ther King and I Have a Dream123.3 Barbara Jordan and Her Voice for Justice143.4 Barack Obama and Yes We Can173.5 African Americans Contribution to Economy204 Black English224.1 Introduction of Black English224.2 The Historical Origins of Black English224.3 The Role of Black English255 The Evolution

12、of Aframericans Roles in Culture265.1 Music265.2 Sports285.3 Literature28Conclusion30Acknowledgements31Bibliography321. IntroductionThe Main Factors that shape African Americans was their cultural differences from the European Americans excluded them from equal participation in American society thro

13、ugh formal and informal barriers and their historical circumstances.(Robertson,1986) So the original role of African-American was very low. They were not allowed to marry, be educated or work independently. Since they were not allowed to practice their cultural activities or speak their native langu

14、ages, they lost their African culture and language completely. They worked long days, did not have much of a family life, and were lynched for violation of the rules set by their owners. They lived in poor accommodations and lacked adequate food.(Pollard, 2004)Slavery was outlawed in 1780 in the nor

15、thern states. At the end of the US Civil War (1865), slavery was abolished everywhere in the United States. Legal segregation slowly ended, beginning with President Trumans directive (1948) to en segregation in the US military and the US Supreme Court decision (1954) in the case of Brown vs. the Bro

16、ad of Education of Topeka, Kansas. The Civil Rights Movement led by Martin Luther King, Jr. finally desegregated the South in the 1960s. The Civil Rights Act (1964-1965) integrated minorities, women and other disadvantaged people into the work force. In spite of these laws and Affirmative Action whi

17、ch gives preferential treatment to women and minorities, discrimination in employment and housing still exists. By the 1990s more educational and employment opportunities for African Americans and other minorities became available. However, because Affirmative Action has been controversial since its

18、 inception, it has been challenged and eliminated in some states.(Almes,2004)A large segment of the Black African-American population was trapped in ghettoes, areas in a city where minority groups lived, often because of pressure from the majority group. Unemployment, poverty, infant mortality, and

19、a lower status in society were common in ghettoes. As members of an underclass since the days of slavery, only a limited number of educated Blacks enjoyed the moderate economic gains between the 1970s and 1990s.This paper will first concern on the background of the African Americans, and then make a

20、n analysis the changing of the roles from several aspects, such as politics, economy, and appellation, language, etc. Then listing the changing roles during the long process, at last gives a conclusion of the evolution of African Americans roles from analysis and comparison.The African-American is a

21、 particular group in America. Racial discrimination is a particular phenomenon in American society. Slavery is a particular system in American history. It deserves study.This paper gives the specific details that African Americans role-play in America from five aspects, such as appellation, politics

22、, economy, Black English, literature. Maybe there are something that not so thoughtful or accurate. Please give your previous suggestions.1.1 The Definition of African AmericansWhat is the meaning of African-American? Macroscopically speaking, African-American is a person from America who is a membe

23、r of a race of people who have dark skin, originally from Africa. Microcosmically speaking, African-Americans are also called Afro-Americans or Afromericans, which were transported unlawfully to the United States by the European colonizers in history.1.2 The Original Role of African AmericansBeginni

24、ng in 1619 Africans were imported to the United States as slaves to work on the cotton, tobacco and plantations. Gradually, a racist ideology developed. African slaves were called Negro and stereotyped as subhuman, innately irresponsible, stupid, lazy and promiscuous. They were not allowed to marry,

25、 be educated or work independently. Since they were not allowed to practice their cultural activities or speak their native languages, they lost their African culture and language completely. They worked long days, did not have much of a family life, and were lynched for violation of the rules set b

26、y their owners. They lived in poor accommodations and lacked adequate food.A large segment of the Black African-American population was trapped in ghettoes, areas in a city where minority groups lived, often because of pressure from the majority group. Unemployment, poverty, infant mortality, and a

27、lower status in society were common in ghettoes. As members of an underclass since the days of slavery, only a limited number of educated Blacks enjoyed the moderate economic gains between the 1970s and 1990s.In the United States, race is a very important issue. Race guides the behavior, education,

28、opportunities and resources of Americans. Dominant Euro-Americans have traditionally held political and economic power. Since many Euro-Americans consider the United States as their country, psychologically they do not seem to accept minority Americans who constitute the other 20% of the population.

29、 By the end of the twentieth century the American racial/ethnic population was approximately: Table 2.1 the American racial/ethnic populationRace19801990(projected)2000Euro-Americans194,713,000208,710,000225,532,000Black26,683,00030,4486,00035,454,000Native American1,420,0002,065,0002,402,000The Dec

30、laration of Independence proclaimed that all men are created equal and have rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Tomas Jefferson, who wrote the Declaration of Independence, owned slaves. Others who signed the document also had slaves and held negative attitudes toward a large number

31、 of Black African-Americans formerly called Negroes. As a matter of fact, many of the leaders in the colonies who fought for American independence owned slaves. This was true in the Northern colonies as well as the Southern ones. One example is the famous American diplomat, inventor and businessman

32、Benjamin Franklin. He owned slaves for thirty years and sold them at his general store. But his ideas about slavery changed during his long life. Benjamin Franklin started the first schools to teach blacks and later argued for their freedom. (Pollard, 2004)1.3 The Main Factors that shape African Ame

33、ricansAccording to Jan Robertson, two factors have shaped the conditions of non-Europeans in the United States. First, their cultural differences from the European Americans excluded them from equal participation in American society through formal and informal barriers. Second, historical circumstan

34、ces prevented their participation as equal partners in the society. This meant that Black Africans who were imported as slaves were not usually treated as equals by their owners or employers. 2 The Evolution in AppellationThere was an English saying that sticks and stones may break my bones, but wor

35、ds can never hurt me. It is always utilized self-console that one doesnt have to worry about negative things about spoken language. However, as a matter of fact, most people would rather lose money than be slandered. Thats what people attach importance to nowadays. Due to the phenomena and ideas, th

36、e old saying gets several variants. Such as, sticks and stones may break my bones, and names can also hurt me; Sticks and stones may break my bones, and words can also hurt me, etc. Thats the voice against unequal spoken language.African Americans go through a long and bloody way in order to win a s

37、atisfying name in society. Along the way, their names have been changed several times. (Du, 2005)2.1 AfricanIn 1554, an Englishman named William Towerson took five Africans to England, where they were taught English and fostered to be translators of slavery trade so that they could be put to good us

38、e of serving for the Western African colonies. In 1557, three of the five Africans returned to Gold Coast of Africa. It symbolizes the beginning of their use of English. And they were called Africans by English from then on.The appellation of African was used to unitarily call all kinds of Africans.

39、 But Europeans in America titled “free” or “slave” respectively according to the nature and type of Africans. For those who were unidentified, the Europeans in America titled them Nigger or Negro. During the two to three centuries, Africans were considered as comparative single status. Africans were

40、 either “free” or “slave”. So Africans not only a name of Africans in Africa but also a title of Africans in America.2.2 ColoredIn 19th century, “Colored” became the appellation of African American. People cannot clearly distinguish the native place in semantics from the appellation of African, espe

41、cially after the founding of the United States. The slavery trade became less and less, while the African Americans became more and more after multiplying for generations. The appellation of African would confuse people easily.At the beginning, “Colored” referred to several free Africans. Then peopl

42、e considered it as all the African in America. Though the “Colored” showed racial discrimination, the leading persons in the Slavery Abolishing Movement used “Colored” in their speeches or articles. So other people tacitly approved it. In 1909, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored

43、 People” showed that “Colored” was the formal appellation of the Africans in America.2.3 NegroThe appellation of Negro originated in the end of 19th century. The American Negro Academy founded in 1897 and the National Business League founded in 1900 both regarded Negro as the unified appellation of

44、the Africans in America.At the beginning of 20th century, people changed the appellation of the Africans in America from “Colored” into “Negro”. Because “Colored” in America dedicated their valiant spirit and bleeding sacrifice to fighting against fascists. It suddenly struck American politicians th

45、at “Colored” should be treated equally. Though the ideal dream was not fulfilled, American official abolished the old appellation and adopted “Negro” instead in order to establish and safeguard the dignity of African Americans. On March 7, 1930, the New York Times said that “Negro” should be written

46、 with a capital “N” and its the formal appellation of Africans in America.2.4 BlackAs time went on, newspapers and publishing houses accepted the argument that the Negro group of words had indefensible racial overtones. A new name should be substituted for the slavery-imposed name. In 1966, an Ameri

47、can Negro leader Stokeley Carmichael issued a call for Black power. Under the influence of the Black power, many African Americans started to recognize their equal right. They unlocked coloracracy and said to themselves “Im black, and Im proud” instead of “If you are white, you are all right; if you

48、 are brown, stick around; if you are black, git back”.Theres an essay and a great person that showed the origination of the appellation of Black. “Seems to me that the institutions that function in this country are clearly racist, and that theyre built upon racism. And the question, then, is how can black people inside of this country move? And then how can white people who say theyre not a part of those


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