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1、 中英文翻译资料(2005届)学 号: 200104060317姓 名: 指导教师: 辅导教师: 专业名称: 计算机科学与技术 河北理工大学计算机与自动控制学院计算机病毒计算机病毒的发展历史悠久,从80年代中后期广泛传播开来.时至今日,据统计世界上已存在的计算机病毒有上万余种,并且每天以平均几十种的速度增加.计算机病毒的发展一定程度上影响了反病毒产品的发展,原有的反病毒技术在新型病毒面前显得陈旧而无能为力.病毒检测产品是以病毒的特征码为基础的针对具体病毒的判断技术,因此,病毒的变种以及未知病毒给检测软件带来较大的困难.病毒的清除是建立在病毒检测的基础上,目前病毒的清除实际上是针对已知病毒.这种

2、被动式的方法使反病毒技术总是落后于病毒技术,虽然这类反病毒产品对病毒的抑制是不容忽视的,但它所暴露出来的漏洞却越来越多.新一代的开放式反病毒技术应运而生,这种开放式反病毒技术将病毒的结构用一个统一的数据结构加以描述,用户可以根据自身对病毒进行分析,并具有更加灵活的升级优势,对于新一代具有反跟踪,加密技术的多维变异病毒,这种方法显示出其灵活及高效的特色,这种广谱型的查毒杀毒系统将逐渐成为反病毒产品的发展趋势. “计算机病毒”一词最早是由美国计算机病毒研究专家F-Cohen博士提出的。 “病毒”一词是借用生物学中的病毒。通过分析、研究计算机病毒,人们发现它在很多方面与生物病毒有着相似之处。要做反计

3、算机病毒技术的研究,首先应搞清楚计算机病毒的特点和行为机理,为防范和清除计算机病毒提供充实可靠的依据。 再生机制是生物病毒的一个重要特征。通过传染,病毒从一个生物体扩散到另一个生物体。在适宜的条件下,它得到大量繁殖,并进而使被感染的生物体表现出病症甚至死亡。同样地,计算机病毒也会通过各种渠道从已被感染的计算机扩散到未被感染的计算机,在某些情况下造成被感染的计算机工作失常甚至瘫痪。这就是计算机病毒最重要的特征传染和破坏。与生物病毒不同的是,计算机病毒是一段人为编制的计算机程序代码,这段程序代码一旦进入计算机并得以执行,就与系统中的程序连接在一起,并不断地去传染(或连接、或覆盖)其它未被感染的程序




7、具有传染性和破坏性。 计算机病毒的另一个特点是只有当它在计算机内得以运行时,才具有传染性和破坏性等活性。也就是说计算机CPU的控制权是关键问题。若计算机在正常程序控制下运行,而不运行带病毒的程序,则这台计算机总是可靠的。在这台计算机上可以查看病毒文件的名字,查看计算机病毒的代码,打印病毒的代码,甚至拷贝病毒程序,却都不会感染上病毒。反病毒技术人员整天就是在这样的环境下工作。他们的计算机虽也存有各种计算机病毒的代码,但已置这些病毒于控制之下,计算机不会运行病毒程序,整个系统是安全的。相反,计算机病毒一经在计算机上运行,绝大多数病毒首先要做初始化工作,在内存中找一片安身之处,随后将自身与系统软件挂


9、传染和破坏系统的行动。而低性能的抗病毒系统只能完成对抗已知病毒的任务,对未知病毒则束手无策,任其在系统内扩散与破坏。所谓未知病毒是指新出现的,以前未曾分析过的计算机病毒。在1992年初,DIR病毒对我国广大PC机用户来说就是一种未知病毒。与未曾相识的敌手对阵不是件容易的事。DIR病毒采用嵌入DOS系统的设备驱动程序链的方法攻击IBMPC及其兼容机,是一种与以往病毒工作机制不同的新型计算机病毒。由于其夺取PC机系统控制权的方法很特别,在它的攻势下,大批抗病毒系统败下阵来。从这个例子可以看到,对付计算机病毒,目前尚无完满通用的解决方案,反病毒技术需要不断发展,以对抗各种新病毒。 不经过程序代码分析




13、,病毒代码附于其上而得以存活,得以不断地得到运行的机会,去传染出更多的复制体,与正常程序争夺系统的控制权和磁盘空间,不断地破坏系统,导致整个系统的瘫痪。病毒的代码设计得非常精巧而又短小。典型的是Tiny家族。这个家族的病毒都很短小,最小的病毒代码长度只有133字节。一般PC机对DOS文件的存取速度可达每秒100KB以上,所以病毒将这短短的几百字节感染到正常程序之中所花的时间只是转瞬之间,非常不易被察觉。 与隐蔽性相关联的是计算机病毒的潜伏性。潜伏性的第一种表现是指,病毒程序不用专用检测程序是检查不出来的,因此病毒可以静静地躲在磁盘或磁带里呆上几天,甚至几年,一旦时机成熟,得到运行机会,就又要四






19、多病毒采用加密处理技术,使得被感染的程序恢复原形的工作,即杀毒工作很困难。目前还没有通用的、能可靠自动清病毒的方法。很多研究人员在这方面作了很多努力,一些国外商品软件也具有免疫功能(Immunize),但都存在缺陷,不尽如人意。某些病毒对系统的感染所造成的损失是不可挽回的,要修复被感染的文件是不可能的。当被新病毒感染后,要清除这些病毒,不仅需要耗费大量时间和精力去仔细地分析病毒代码,而且还需要对病毒和计算机系统有全面的了解。因此抗计算机病毒工作最重要的就是防御病毒,不让病毒侵入系统。一旦遭到破坏,做修复工作就很麻烦了,甚至是不可能的。 Computer virusComputer virus

20、development history is glorious,Widely disseminates from the 80s mid and late partsAt this point,According to the statistical world in the computer virus which exists had the up to ten thousand -odd kinds,And every day by average several dozens kind of speeds increase.In computer virus development c

21、ertain degree has affected the counter- viral product development,The original counter- viral technology appears obsoletely in front of the new virus but is helpless.The viral examination product is take viruss condition code as the foundation in view of the concrete viruss judgment technology,There

22、fore,Viruss variety as well as the unknown virus for examine the software to bring the major difficulty.Viruss elimination is the establishment in the viral examination foundation,At present viruss elimination is in fact aims at the known virus.This passive form method causes the counter- viral tech

23、nology always to fall behind the viral technology,Although this kind of counter- viral product to viruss suppression is not allow to neglect,But it exposes the loophole more and more. are actually manyThe new generation of open style counter- viral technology arises at the historic moment,This kind

24、of open style counter- viral technology performs viruss structure with a unified construction of data to describe,The user may act according to oneself to carry on the analysis to the virus,And has the more nimble promotion superiority,Has the counter- track regarding the new generation,Encryption t

25、echnology multi-dimensional variation virus,This method demonstrates its nimble and the highly effective characteristic,This kind of Guang Puxing will look up kills by poison the poisonous system gradually to become the counter- viral product the development tendency.The computer virus a word is mos

26、t early studies expert Dr. F-Cohen by the US computer virus to propose.The virus a word is borrows in the biology the virus. Through analysis, research computer virus,The people discovered it has similarly in very many aspects and the biological virus place.Must make the counter- computer virus tech

27、nology the research,First should make clear computer virus characteristic and the behavior mechanism,In order to guard against and the elimination computer virus provides the enrichment reliable basis.The regeneration mechanism is a biological viruss important characteristic. Through infection,The v

28、irus proliferates from an organism to another organism.In is suitable under condition,It obtains the massive reproductions,And then causes the biological body surface which infects to appear illness even to die.Similarly,The computer virus also can from the computer which infects proliferate through

29、 each kind of channel to not the computer which infects,Creates abnormally the computer work which infects in certain situations is even been paralysed. This is the computer virus most important characteristic infection and the destruction.Is different what with the biological virus,The computer vir

30、us are section of artificial establishments computer program codes,This section of procedure code once enters the computer and can carry out,On with the system in procedure connects in together,And infects (or connection unceasingly, or cover) other not the procedure which infects. Has this kind of

31、special function the procedure code to be called the computer virus.Carries has this kind of procedure code the computer program to be called the computer virus carrier or is infected the procedure.Whether has the infection distinguishes a procedure whether for computer virus most important conditio

32、n.The normal computer program is cannot connect forcefully own code to other procedures above.For instance the DOS FORMAT procedure can connect in no way its procedure code to other procedure in.Some systems the installation procedure in the system production process to be able to revise the correla

33、tion procedure the parameter disposition,Like MSWindows system.Some procedures through own establishment function,Can revise own according to the user request parameter establishment,Like Borland Corporations SideKick.Also has a procedure to guard against the copy or certain other goals stemming fro

34、m the encryption,When movement dynamic change own procedure code,Like Xcom signal procedure.In these kind of situations,These the procedure interior which revised has been indeed occurred the change,But these changes only limits to respective application system in,Cannot occur own code connects to a

35、bove the procedure situation which has nothing to do with. Computer virus regeneration mechanism,Namely its infection mechanism is actually causes the viral code to infect forcefully to all has not received the infection above the procedure,Rapidly in a computer,Even carries on the infection, the pr

36、oliferation between crowd of computers. Each was infected computer virus computer,Itself not only is a victim,Also is a new computer virus origin of infection. The computer which infects in the certain degree has been often lost the normal work ability,The running rate reduces,The function is abnorm

37、al,Document and data missing,At the same time the computer virus pass each kind of possibility the channel,Like the floppy disk, the computer network infects other computers. When you have discovered the virus when a machine,Often once has used on this computer the floppy disk infected on the virus;

38、But already is perhaps invaded with this machine neighboring other several computers by this virus catches. Through data sharing way,The computer virus can extremely rapidly spread open,If does not control,Can disseminate in the short time to world each quoin in.Obviously the counter- computer virus

39、 question is a global scope question.The first example computer virus discovered which in our country are overseas are called the Italian virus the pellet virus.Traveller virus first discovered which in our country along with international contact,Also proliferates to overseas,Its given name appears

40、 overseas in kills the viral software in the viral blacklist. Is different with the biological virus,All computer virus all are the artificial compilation computer program code,Is artificial makes but is not inborn.These planned compiles computer program code,Its primitive form may be the C language

41、,May be the BASIC procedure,May be the assembly language procedure,Also may approves the order procedure,Also may be the machine instruction procedure. Its common characteristic is has the infection and destructiveness.Computer virus another characteristic is only then when it can move when the comp

42、uter,Only then has activeness and so on infection and destructiveness.In other words the computer CPU domination is the key question.If the computer moves under the normal procedure control,But does not move the belt viruss procedure,Then this computer always reliable.May examine the viral document

43、on this computer the name,Examines the computer virus the code,Printing viruss code,Even copy virus procedure,All cannot infect the virus actually. The counter- virus technical personnel is all day works under such environment.Their computer although also has each kind of computer virus the code,But

44、 has set at these virus under the control,The computer cannot move the viral procedure,The overall system is safe. On the contrary,The computer virus as soon as pass through on the computer move,The overwhelming majority virus first must do the initialization work,Looks for a piece in the memory to

45、find a place to live place,Afterwards hangs up oneself with the system software the hook to come,Then carries out again is infected originally the procedure.In this a series of operations,Most importantly the virus and the system software hang up the hook to come,So long as the system is not paralys

46、ed,The system carries out a time of operation every time,The virus has the opportunity to be able to move,Harms these not the procedure which infects. Viral procedure and normal system program,Or some kind of viral and other viral procedures,Temporarily captures the systems control in the identical

47、Taiwan computer often to be able to create the system collapse,Causes the computer paralysis.The counter- viral technology also is needs to obtain the computer system ahead of time the domination,Distinguishes the computer virus the code and the behavior,Prevents it to obtain the system domination.T

48、he counter- viral technology fit and unfit quality are manifest on this. A good anti- viral system should not only be able reliably to distinguish the known computer virus the code,Prevents its movement or the bypass falls it (to realize safety belt poisonous movement to the system domination to inf

49、ect procedure),Also should distinguish the unknown computer virus in system behavior,Prevents its infection and the destruction system motion.But the low performance anti- viral system only can complete the resistance known virus the duty,To unknown virus then is at a loss,No matter what it in system proliferation and destruction.The so-called unknown virus is refers appears newly,Before not has analyzed co


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