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1、1,一,.,定义,:,用来修饰,名词或代词,表示人或事物的性质,特征或状,态,.,形容词,2,1.An underground train doesnt run as _ as a maglev(,磁悬浮列,车,).,A.faster B.fast C.fastest D.much faster,2.James Watt was one of,_ scientists at that time.,A.great B.greater C.greatest D.the greatest,3.Of,the two pairs of,jeans,I chose _ one because I hadn

2、t,enough money on me.,A.expensive,B.more expensive,C.less expensive D.the most expensive,4.The Mars,(火星),is far _ to us than the Pluto(,冥王星,).We,wish we could live on it one day.,A.close B.closer C.closest D.the closest,5.Mr.Smith thought the Century Park was the second _ in,Shanghai.,A.large,B.larg

3、er,C.largest,D.very large,3,副词,Adverb,4,一、定义,用来说明事情发生的,时间、地点、原因、,方式,等含义或,说明其它形容词或副词程度的,词,叫做副词。,5,二、作用,在句子修饰,动词,,,形容词,其他副词,或,整个句子,。,6,三、构成,(,1,)一般是在形容词之后直接加,-ly:,real_;,sad_;,quick_;,(2),形容词以辅音字母结尾加,y,结尾的变,y,为,i,再加,-ly:,h,ungry_,;,angry_;,easy_,real,ly,sad,ly,quick,ly,hungr,ily,angr,ily,eas,ily,7,(3)

4、,以,e,结尾的直接加,-ly:,wide_;,safe_,(truly,除外,*),(4),以,e,结尾的去,e,加,y:,possible_;,gentle_;,(5),形容词和副词同形的,:,快的,/,地,_;,早的,/,地,_;,晚的,/,地,_,(6),面目全非,好的,/,地,good,_,widely safely,possibly,gently,fast,early,late,well,8,三、分类,1,时间副词,soon,now,early,finally,today,recently,2,地点副词,here,outside,there,home,3,方式副词,hard,wel

5、l,fast,slowly,really,4,程度副词,almost,nearly,very,quite,rather,9,三、分类,5,频度副词,always,often,frequently,seldom,never,6,疑问副词,how,where,when,why,7,连接副词,how,when,where,why,whether,however,8,关系副词,when,where,why,10,?祬,副词的用法,1.Please listen,to me,carefully,.,副词用来,修饰动词,。,2.She is a,very,good,girl.,在这里,very,是副词,放

6、在形容词,good,前面,,修饰形容,词,.,(,副词修饰形容词,放形容词前,),3.She listens to me very,carefully.,这里,very,放在副词,carefully,前,起到,修饰副词的,作用。,11,“,hard,”到底是,形容词,还是,副词,?,一,.,hard,是形容词。,1.,困难的,(相当于,difficult,),That question is very,hard,/,difficult,I don,t know how,to answer it.,(,那道题很,难,,我不知道怎么解答,),2.,坚硬的。,The stone is very ha

7、rd.,这块石头很,硬,。,二,.,hard,是副词。修饰动作。(努力地,勤奋地),The students all,study hard,.(,努力地学习,),My parents both,work hard,.(,努力地工作,),12,hardly,与,hard,有什么关系?,hardly,几乎不(表示否定),Peter is very lazy,he hardly gets up early in the,morning.,Peter,很懒,,他早上,几乎从不,早起。,13,1.good,只能用作形容词,.,He is a,good,student,.,I,am good,at,Eng

8、lish.,2.well,副词,形容词都可以。,well,副词:,He,did,his homework,well,.,well,形容词,:,人的,身体健康状况,良好,good,和,well,的区别:,14,15,1.Helping others makes us very _,A.lonely B.proud C.lazy D.harmful,2.I havent seen her for a long time.I can _,remember her name.,A.nearly B.almost C.hardly D.quite,3.The light music sounds ver

9、y _.I enjoy it very much,A.beautiful B.well C.boring D.wonderfully,4.It was late.She opened the door _ because she didnt,want to wake up her grandma.,A.,angrily,B.quietly,C.loudly,D.heavily,5.Tom fell off his bike,and his hand was hurt,_,.,A.quietly B.carefully,C.,slowly,D.badly,16,17,1.Dogs can hel

10、p blind people walk across the street,_.(safe),2.The girl was so _ that she hid herself,behind the,door.(frighten),3._,we werent caught in the heavy rain last night.,(luck),4.The doctor is used to speaking to his patients,_.(gentle),5.The sick man is getting_.Wed better send him,to the hospital at o

11、nce.(ill),6.-,What a _ day!Lets go for a picnic,shall we?,-,Good idea!(please),7.You must read _ so as to learn more.(wide),safely,frightened,Luckily,gently,worse,widely,pleasant,18,7.All of,us are proud of,the great changes in Shanghai.Were sure,Shanghai will be even _ tomorrow.,A.good,B.better,C.b

12、est,D.the best,8.Which is _,cotton,wood or iron?,A.heavier,B.heaviest,C.the heaviest,D.the most heavily,9.In my opinion,Tim doesnt write English _ his sister.,A.as clear as,B.so clear as C.more clearly as D.as clearly as,10.Remember,_ you work,_ result you will get.,A.the better/the harder,B.the har

13、der/the better,C.the more/the better,D.the harder/the more good,11.We are too tired and hungry.So our steps are getting _.,A.slow and slower,B.slower and slowest,C.slower and slower,D.more and more slowly,12.We must finish cleaning the office _.,A.as soon as possible B.as quickly as soon,C.as possib

14、le as soon D.as soon as possibly,19,1.Jane says that music isnt as interesting as art.,Jane says that music is _ interesting _,rt.,2.Sam is taller than any other student in his class.,Sam is _ _ student in his class.,3.Robert is so short that he cant yet reach the pears on,the table.,Robert is _ _ t

15、o reach the pears on the table.,4.Mr.Black is so strong that he can move this heavy box.,Mr.Black is _ _ to move this heavy box.,20,四、构成,(,1,)一般是在形容词之直接加,-ly:,real_;,sad_;,certain_;,(2),形容词以辅音字母结尾加,y,结尾的变,y,为,i,再加,-ly:,h,ungry_,;,angry_;,easy_,really sadly,certainly,hungrily angrily easily,21,(3),以,e,结尾的直接加,-ly:,wide_;,safe_,(truly,除外,*),(4),以,e,结尾的去,e,加,y:,possible_;,gentle_;,(5),形容词和副词同形的,:,快的,/,地,_;,早的,/,地,_;,晚的,/,地,_,widely safely,possibly,gently,fast,early,late,


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