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1、Grammar 2 The definite article and zero article,冠词的定义,冠词是置于名词之前、说明名词所表示的人或事物的一种辅助词,以限定名词的含义。,冠词有三个:即定冠词(definite article)、不定冠词(indefinite article)和零冠词(zero article)。,不定冠词有两个形式,一个是a,另一个是an。a用在辅音(指的是音标不是指字母)开头的词前,an用在以元音开头的词前。,a university,an umbrella,a European,an example,an hour,Mrs.Taylor has _ 8-y

2、ear-old daughter who has _ gift for painting-she has won two national prizes.A.a;a B.an;theC.an;a D.the;a,a/an的用法,表示某一类人或事物,或者某一人,某一事物。A cat is an animal.猫是一种动物。Hes a Frenchman.他是个法国人。2.第一次提到某物,用于首次提到的人或物的单数名词前面。I looked up and saw a plane.我抬头看见了一架飞机.A Mr.Smith is waiting to see you.一位史密斯先生正等着要见您。,3

3、.表示数量,同one或every,但概念上没有它们那么强烈。Every elephant has a long nose.每头大象都有一个长鼻子。Take this medicine three times a day.一天三次服这种药。4.可以表示单位,相当于each,per或every,常用在指时间,速度,价格,重量等的名词前。40 km an/per hour 每小时40公里 twice a/per day 每天两次 Ten yuan a kilo.每公斤十元。,5.与可数名词连用位于what,such之后,表示感叹,或强调程度.what/such+a(an)+(adj)+单数nWhat

4、 a surprise!真是让人吃惊。My boss is such a fool!我的老板这么蠢。so/how+adj+a(an)+单数n How beautiful a girl she is.What a beautiful girl she is.这女孩真漂亮。Its such a fine day.=Its so fine a day.6.用在序数词前面表示“再一次,又一次”。Ten years after the death of her husband,she got married for a second time.在她丈夫去世十年后,她再次结婚了。,7.用在抽象名词之前表示

5、具体介绍,是什么样的人,是什么样的事物。,He is a success.It is a pleasure to work with you.和你一块共事很愉快。,8.用于某些物质名词前,表示风雨的一场,一阵She was caught in a heavy rain.她碰上了一场大雨。There is a cold wind this morning.今天早上刮冷风。a/an+物质名词表示一种,一类,一份,一块等。Its a very good wine.这是一种很好的酒。Id like a beer,please.我想来份啤酒。,9.用于某些固定的词组 a lot of 很多 a few

6、有些 a little 一些 a piece of 一张 have a rest 休息一下 as a matter of fact事实上,定冠词的用法,定冠词的基本用法:,1.特指某个或某些人或事物,或指谈话 双方都知道的人或事物,或重复上文 提到的人或事物。例如:,How do you like the film?,There was a chair by the window.On the chair sat a young woman with a baby in her arms.The baby is very fat.,2.指世界上独一无二的事物。,The earth is big

7、ger than the moon,but smaller than the sun.the sky;the universe;the sun;the moon;the earth,3.用在单数可数名词之前,表示某一类 人或事物。the dollar 美元;the fox 狐狸;或与形容词或分词连用,表示一类人:the rich 富人;the living 生者。,4.与复数名词连用,指整个群体.They are the teachers of this school.(指全体教师)They are teachers of this school.(指部分教师)5.用在序数词,形容词最高级,对

8、两个人或物进行比较时起特定作用的比较级前。the second story第二个故事 the largest room最大的房间He is the taller of the two children in his family.他是他家的两个孩子中较高的一个。,6.常用在乐器的名称之前。如:,play the piano,7.用在普通名词构成的专有名词(短语)前;用于表示国家,江河湖海,山脉岛屿,建筑物,海峡的名词前。the Peoples Republic of China中华人民共和国the United States美国;the Yellow River黄河,the Pacific O

9、cean太平洋,the West Lake西湖;the Himalayas喜马拉雅山,the Japanese Islands日本群岛;the Great Wall长城,the Palace Museum故宫,the White House白宫;the English Channel英吉利海峡,8.在姓氏的复数形式前,表示夫妇俩或全家人。the Smiths 史密斯一家人the Greens 格林一家人(或格林夫妇),9.指某个世纪的某个年代in the1870s,在19世纪70年代10.用在方位名词前 the east,the south,the right,the left11.和表示数量

10、的名词连用,表示“以为单位”Eggs are sold by the dozen.鸡蛋按打来卖。He is paid by the hour/the day/week/month.他按小时/天/周/月来付酬。,12.用在惯用语中.in the day,in the morning(afternoon,evening),the day after tomorrow the day before yesterday,the next morning,in the sky,in the dark,in the middle(of),in the end,by the way,零冠词的用法,不加冠词的

11、情况:,在大多数专有名词、泛指的抽象名 词和物质名词前:,We love science.She is fond of music.,在星期、月份、季节或节假日等名 词前:,National Day;New Years Day;Womens Day,在称呼语、表示头衔或职务的名词前,Whats wrong with you,Uncle?,He reported this to Mr.Black headmaster of the school.,在三餐饭和球类运动、棋类运动的名词前:,I like rice for supper.,Lets go and watch them play che

12、ss.,由单个词表示的地名、国名、人名前面,一般不加定冠词。China,Japan,England,Mary,Henry等。但有的国名例外,如:the United States,the Peoples Republic of China。,Finish activity 1 on students books.,Because they are all uniquethere is only one of them.,We usually use the definite article(the)with them.Why do you think this is necessary?,Th

13、e Internet/the World Wide Web/the head teacher/the universethe world/the sun/the official language/the moon/the president the capital,Finish activity 2.,Continents:,Asia,Europe,Oceania;America,Antarctica,Countries:,China,Argentina,Australia,India,France(exceptions:The Netherlands,The Netherlands,The

14、 Lebanon),Cities:,Beijing,London,New York,Sydney,Shanghai(exceptions:The Hague),Plural and uncountable nouns in general statements:,Snow is cold.Guns are dangerous.,Is there(a/the)computer at your school?Do you have(a/the)lesson in the computer room?,_,_,Finish activity 3.Choose the correct article

15、to complete each question.,3.Can you access(an/the)Internet at school?4.Have you got(a/the)phone at home?5.Have you got(a/the)computer at home?,_,_,_,1.Does _ headmaster know how to use a computer?2.Are_ computers important?3.Can you access _ Internet at school?,the,/,the,Complete the sentences with

16、 the definite article if necessary.,4.You need _ software to use a computer?5._ World Wide Web is full of _ websites.,/,The,/,EXX.,1.In Hangzhou Mr Green was so struck by_ beauty of _ nature that he stayed or another night.A./;/B./;the C.the;/D.the;the 2.Many people are still in _habit of writing si

17、lly things in _ public places.A.the;the B./;/C.the;/D./;the,3.Five years ago her brother was _ university student of _physics.A.a;the B.an;the C.an;/D.a;/,4.-Have you seen _ pen?I left it here this morning.-Is it _ black one?I think I saw it somewhere.A.a;the B.the;the C.the;a D.a;a,5.I love _ histo

18、ry because it give us _ knowledge of past events.A.the,a B./;a C./;/D.a;the 6.Most animals have little connection with_ animals of _ different kind unless they kill them for food.A.the;a B./;a C.the;the D./;the,7.Many people agree that _ knowledge of English is a must in _ international trade today.

19、A.a;/B.the;an C.the;the D./;the8._ is the largest of the continents of the world.A.Asia B.An Asia C.A Asia D.The Asia,9.I go to _ school on foot because my home is near_ school.A.the;the B.the;/C./;the D./;/10.We elected him _ head of the workshop.A./B.one C.the D.a,饭卡打开巴士风格反对广泛的,的非官是大苏打 发的发非官方共和国符合

20、国家和国际撒的方大哥 给飞得更高是个搜狗是归属感是搞后呵呵敢死队敢死队敢死队好地方 个地方豆腐花 哈哈动画的发挥和家具风格就 国防军广泛几个房间房管局房管局法国加工费交付给交付给交付给警方根据高房价法国警方交付给,饭卡打开巴士风格反对广泛的,的非官是大苏打 发的发非官方共和国符合国家和国际撒的方大哥 给飞得更高是个搜狗是归属感是搞后呵呵敢死队敢死队敢死队好地方 个地方豆腐花 哈哈动画的发挥和家具风格就 国防军广泛几个房间房管局房管局法国加工费交付给交付给交付给警方根据高房价法国警方交付给,饭卡打开巴士风格反对广泛的,的非官是大苏打 发的发非官方共和国符合国家和国际撒的方大哥 给飞得更高是个搜狗

21、是归属感是搞后呵呵敢死队敢死队敢死队好地方 个地方豆腐花 哈哈动画的发挥和家具风格就 国防军广泛几个房间房管局房管局法国加工费交付给交付给交付给警方根据高房价法国警方交付给,饭卡打开巴士风格反对广泛的,的非官是大苏打 发的发非官方共和国符合国家和国际撒的方大哥 给飞得更高是个搜狗是归属感是搞后呵呵敢死队敢死队敢死队好地方 个地方豆腐花 哈哈动画的发挥和家具风格就 国防军广泛几个房间房管局房管局法国加工费交付给交付给交付给警方根据高房价法国警方交付给,饭卡打开巴士风格反对广泛的,的非官是大苏打 发的发非官方共和国符合国家和国际撒的方大哥 给飞得更高是个搜狗是归属感是搞后呵呵敢死队敢死队敢死队好地

22、方 个地方豆腐花 哈哈动画的发挥和家具风格就 国防军广泛几个房间房管局房管局法国加工费交付给交付给交付给警方根据高房价法国警方交付给,饭卡打开巴士风格反对广泛的,的非官是大苏打 发的发非官方共和国符合国家和国际撒的方大哥 给飞得更高是个搜狗是归属感是搞后呵呵敢死队敢死队敢死队好地方 个地方豆腐花 哈哈动画的发挥和家具风格就 国防军广泛几个房间房管局房管局法国加工费交付给交付给交付给警方根据高房价法国警方交付给,饭卡打开巴士风格反对广泛的,的非官是大苏打 发的发非官方共和国符合国家和国际撒的方大哥 给飞得更高是个搜狗是归属感是搞后呵呵敢死队敢死队敢死队好地方 个地方豆腐花 哈哈动画的发挥和家具风

23、格就 国防军广泛几个房间房管局房管局法国加工费交付给交付给交付给警方根据高房价法国警方交付给,饭卡打开巴士风格反对广泛的,的非官是大苏打 发的发非官方共和国符合国家和国际撒的方大哥 给飞得更高是个搜狗是归属感是搞后呵呵敢死队敢死队敢死队好地方 个地方豆腐花 哈哈动画的发挥和家具风格就 国防军广泛几个房间房管局房管局法国加工费交付给交付给交付给警方根据高房价法国警方交付给,饭卡打开巴士风格反对广泛的,的非官是大苏打 发的发非官方共和国符合国家和国际撒的方大哥 给飞得更高是个搜狗是归属感是搞后呵呵敢死队敢死队敢死队好地方 个地方豆腐花 哈哈动画的发挥和家具风格就 国防军广泛几个房间房管局房管局法国加工费交付给交付给交付给警方根据高房价法国警方交付给,饭卡打开巴士风格反对广泛的,的非官是大苏打 发的发非官方共和国符合国家和国际撒的方大哥 给飞得更高是个搜狗是归属感是搞后呵呵敢死队敢死队敢死队好地方 个地方豆腐花 哈哈动画的发挥和家具风格就 国防军广泛几个房间房管局房管局法国加工费交付给交付给交付给警方根据高房价法国警方交付给,


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